Ingress: An Alaska Iconoclast Mystery
Written in Her Flesh. The Legend of Valtera. Catch A Winner and the Mystery Horse. The Never Ending Curse. How to write a great review. The review must be at least 50 characters long. The title should be at least 4 characters long. Your display name should be at least 2 characters long.
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Mary Ann Poll is the author of Ravens Cove: An Alaska Iconoclast Mystery. Ingress is the second in the Iconoclast series. Mary Ann moved to Alaska in and spent 25 years working in administration. Writing in a technical capacity became an integral part of her profession. When a severe injury impeded her ability to work, she turned to creative writing. From an early age, the supernatural intrigued Mary Ann. Steve Levi sent us a list of words with the question, what do each of the words have in common with each other? If you think you know the answer kindly send us what you think.
We have attached a PDF file to this update titled: This bundle is primarily for authors who have the will, wisdom, and resources to advance their writing career and promote their works. Read it as many times as it takes until you have a grasp of how important the Bundle can be to establish you as an author. There are eight independent book stores in Alaska with websites and storefronts who are members of American Booksellers Association. The Homer Book Store in Homer: Plus, there are hundreds of other ABA booksellers with websites and storefronts.
ABA also has an affiliate program http: We announce a major change in the way books are distributed and the effect it will have on book signings at Fred Meyer and SafeWay. TNG, our major book distribution and book signing partner in Alaska has sold their book business to ReaderLink, effective June 2, In preparation for the change of ownership, both TNG and ReaderLink have asked that we not schedule any book signings after April 30, This will also effect placing new titles in distribution.
We have visited with the folks at ReaderLink and are enthused about new possibilities for expanded distribution of our books and increased venues for book signings. We also know that all change comes with a bit of stress and usually takes longer than expected.
Kindly bear with us as we go forward working with ReaderLink. There will be no change in our relationship with other national distributors, Barnes and Noble, and independent booksellers. ReaderLink is the largest full-service distributor of hardcover, trade and paperback books to non-trade channel booksellers in North America, including the biggest names in retail across multiple retail channels.
This broad customer base is unique in the industry and highlights our unmatched ability to service many different types of retailers: If you have an eBook, the Fussy Librarian may be a way to promote you as an author and let more people know about your books. If you need our help in anyway kindly contact us.
Getting books into the hands of reviewers nationally and internationally is now a little easier. We have found Net Galley, a fast and simple way for a reviewer or media person to find your book and read it for review, or to plan an interview, have you write an article or send them approval to publish an excerpt; whatever they would like. Back in the old days, postage and personnel were cheap, so sending out a flock of books to the best reviewers was easy. And that was partly because only about 50, books a year were published.
Now, more than a million are published in the United States alone, every year. On the plus side, there are many more media, with many more reviewers, editors, and interviewers who need material each and every day, and often around the clock. When you agree to make your books available to such media professionals, you fulfill a need of theirs.
You become their book supplier, someone they can depend upon. Electronic means through the Net Galley site just makes it easier for them to review each of your new books. We announce the availability, and those reviewers or TV and radio people can request a copy for a limited amount of time, usually about a month. In June of Dr. The thing that we usually remember about this story is that Rip Van Winkle slept 20 years.
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But there is another point in that story that is almost always completely overlooked: When he came down, years later, the sign had a picture of George Washington, the first president of the United States. When Rip looked up at the picture of George Washington, he was completely lost; he knew not who he was. This reveals to us that the most striking fact about the story of Rip Van Winkle is not that he slept 20 years, but that he slept through a revolution. For centuries authors have been at the mercy of a few large publishers. But that changed when personal computers, the Internet, and new and ever changing technology opened the door for print on demand, self publishing, and publishers like Publication Consultants.
Publication Consultants has put together a SMM package for serious authors who have published, or desire publishing more than one book. He takes a burden off me. I can concentrate on writing. Ravens Cove, Ingress, and Gorgon. I get good feedback from readers. It always nice when you find that your social media offerings and signing schedule is working and a fan takes the time to come to your signing and purchase a book.
You truly are special. Following is our blog number We anticipate sharing our weekly blog with you each week as part of the Author Update. Click on the social media icons. Alaskana Books sells to new owner, closes doors. What is thought to be the largest private collection of books about Alaska has been sold to an Anchorage collector. Click HERE to read the full story. Valerie Boever, author of three Margaret and Midnight books, enjoyed a doubly nice experience by seeing her work in Make a Scene magazine.
She was able to write her own review and see it published. Bumppo, author of Everlasting: The ceremony included a 21 gun salute. It was fitting service for a wonderful man and friend. I was pleased to offer the eulogy at the funeral.
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Perhaps this is the most important thing you can do to promote your book. Rewrite your bio and send it to us. Your bio should be more about marketing than about you. This is where you have opportunity to let your readers and potential readers know your passion, motivation, and qualification for writing your book. The following was sent to us by Steve Levi. Eye halve a spelling chequer It came with my pea sea It plainly marques four my revue Miss steaks eye kin knot sea. Eye strike a key and type a word And weight four it two say Weather eye am wrong oar write It shows me strait a weigh.
As soon as a mist ache is maid It nose bee fore two long And eye can put the error rite Its rare lea ever wrong. Eye have run this poem threw it I am shore your pleased two no Its letter perfect awl the weigh My chequer tolled me sew. And, the conference gives authors opportunity to sell a few books and broaden their customer base. A Story of Discovering Strengths , about helping youth build self-esteem and deal with bullies and negative comments. Samuel Allred, 14, is being honored in the Overcoming Challenges Award. Allred has battled a rare kidney disease since he was a toddler.
He created the non-profit organization Project Comfort that makes travel-sized pillows and distributes them to hospitalized children all over the United States. During the past three years he and his community have made more than 3, pillows. He is also the author of Opening Hearts , a book that aims to provide hope and encouragement for kids who are chronically ill.
And some authors are doing signings independent from us. For example, Burt Bomhoff, author of Iditarod Alaska , sent us a photo and signing report for a recent signing he conducted in the Valley where he sold 46 books. We suggest you go to our website and schedule as many signings as possible to fit your time and marketing plans for your book. Perhaps your enthusiasm for signing will increase if you view the Book Signings Are Fun video on our website. Book signing really are fun—and profitable! Just ask Burt Bomhoff. Heather will discuss the following topics and more: Issues of Bullying, 2.
This should prove to be a fascinating interview. Sheldon Gebb, author of In the Footsteps of My Father, received recognition for his generosity and a nice review for his book in the Whitehorse Star. We express our congratulations to Sheldon and our appreciation to him for sharing the Whitehorse Star article. We feel that book signings are the best way to promote your book and you as an author.
Marcela introduced her book with three successful signings in Fred Myers, Carrs, and Walgreens. Her success is due to her enthusiasm and table set up. We encourage you to take advantage of the many signing opportunities available through Publication Consultants. We extend or gratitude to you for you continued support of Publication Consultants. We had our best year ever in with more than 52 books; an average of one new book a week.
Thanks to our new authors and to seasoned authors who recommended us to your friends. We also discuss the benefits of becoming a published author, some of the pitfalls to avoid and much more. We are pleased with the regular stream of information important to us, our authors, and potential authors contained in these blogs. Our most recent blog may be read by clicking HERE. Becoming A Published Author is the first person account of more than 30 of our authors about how they became a published author. When you check out kindly enter Getting Started in the coupon area. All we ask is that you pay the postage.
We know of no better way to keep your book before the reading public than book signings and other author events. However, signings continue to be the agony and ecstasy of book marketing.
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- Ingress An Alaska Iconoclast Mystery: Creepy Alaska Mystery to be Read with Caution | Mary Ann Poll.
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For example one of our authors had a promising Christmas season signing at one of the big box stores and circumstances proved to make it a bust. The store has invited Randy back and have placed an order for more books. But, like fishing, you need to keep your line in the water. We encourage you to go to our website and view the video, Book Signings are Fun ; and keep your line in the water by scheduling a few signings. Booksellers and market savvy authors know that autographed copies help sell books. When finishing up at a book signing, offer to autograph remaining copies and ask if the store has autographed copy stickers.
We continue to encourage authors to schedule book signings. Just go to our website, click on Book Signings, follow the prompts, and schedule your signing. You should find this helpful, not only about what to do at a signing, but also pre and post signings tips. When scheduling a signing at Costco please be wise in selecting the date and time.
All Costco signings are for two hours only. Of course you may ask to stay longer if the 20 book sales requirement has not been achieved. There are no time restrictions at other signing venues with the exception of Barnes and Noble. Every author needs a professional publicity photograph.
Ingress, An Alaska Iconoclast Mysteryon iAuthor!
This is especially important for authors with a new book which requires a professional photo for the back cover. Professional photos are expensive—real expensive. This is a bargain. To schedule a photo session for your professional publicity photo kindly contact Daryl for an appointment. Daryl understands what is needed. We would call it a feast because our of association with so many fine people like you. Homographs are words of like spelling but with more than one meaning. A homograph that is also pronounced differently is a heteronym. We invite you to visit us at ReadAlaska and meet many of our published authors.
We also ask that you send a copy of the attached brochure to your mailing list so others will be aware of the event. All three of my books have been best sellers on Amazon. What has been successful for me is to write books that are helpful to people in some way, educational, or books that make people curious to find out more about the subject material. I would then say that PR is extremely important. I only spend 6 weeks writing each book. I have only written one or two books per year since I started writing professionally two years ago. You can also pay for increased coverage, but at least take advantage of the free listing of all of your book signings and other author events.
Don and Lanna Langdok. Don and Lanna, authors of Cheechako Sunrise, Sourdough Sunset , sell out every time at their book signings. We asked them to tell us their secret. Neve, ever sit down! Greet all prospective buyer on your feet. Approach them and let them look at your book—put it in their hands. My husband sits at the table with the inventory and handles the money exchanges. If you need to rest, use a stool by the side of the table to lean on. Be ready to get up when someone approaches.
Engage them into the conversation regarding the book. Regardless of who they are; male, female, young or old. Treat them all the same regardless of their financial appearance—with dignity and with a smile. Always listen to their comments and answer any of their questions. Give them a business card with your website address. Always thank them for taking the time to look at your book!
Have a carton of your books signed ahead of time with a sincere quote and your signature. Do the personalizing for the purchaser at the time of you sell the book. This saves valuable time and allows you to sign multiple books for several buyers.
Always use an erasable jell pen to correct mistakes—misspelled manes or poor penmanship on our part. This has been an invaluable tool. Keep two on hand. Tell the, without a doubt, that they will enjoy reading your book. Share previous reviews with them. Encourage them to share the book with others.
Finally, and most importantly, thank them sincerely for buying your book. These techniques must work because our sales have been really good. One one signing we sold 35 books. We normally average five books per hour on a four hour signing. Each signing has been a lot of fun and we enjoy meeting so many people of different backgrounds.
All leave as friends! Thank you for doing that. I loved your stories. Sales were slower at the Fred Meyer store in Anchorage, but on the other three occasions, Ron sold all of the books available at least 32 for him at the signings. All authors are invited. I agree that learning only one thing is worth the time and the small amount of money. Lisa is very good and was able to pour a lot of information into an hour. She is well organized and speaks well.
I used the points as she progressed to judge my third book. My third book, I already know, is my best so far. There is much tension. The question I asked deals with the last point she made. My story twist at the end will be that his action which was finally delivered after he was white headed, virtually reflexively after many years of withholding vengeance, results in the death of the very woman whose abduction affected him so severely.
He ends up unaware of the consequence of his action, while his friend finds out about it and decides it will avail nothing to tell him. I was happy to hear that the ending I plan, which is realistic if not happy, is plausible for a decent story. Cron communicated very useful information in an attention holding and vivacious way.
She is a keeper. Thanks so much for making this webinar. Judi Johnson Aspiring Author. I enjoyed the opportunity to visit with Cherilynn and her two co-hosts. It was an enjoyable hour. After the interview we received a few comments from listeners. I listened to your broadcast interview and I was impressed.

I almost called in to say that your initial response to new authors is outstanding. I feel wanted with you — part of the family. I just finished listening to your interview on blog spot and felt like I was right there in the room with you. It was very good, enjoyable, informative, well presented, and I felt like I was right there in the room with you. Your voice, your photo, and great common sense information to us listeners. Just wanted to remind you, what big fans Weston and I are of you and Lois, and all you do for everyone.
Volume 1, A Full History. Some walk buy, stop and look at the banner, then look at my books on the table and scratch their heads and think. It gives me an opportunity to say hello, give them a card, and tell them about my book etc. Not everyone buys, but they are being made aware of it at least. This is a low resolution copy. Just click on Videos in the menu, make sure the sound is on, and enjoy seeing yourself and other authors at book signing. Or click the button below. Click Here We want to do more of these types of videos and will appreciate your suggestions for improvement.
All are pictured here. To create your own signing fun, visit our website, click on Book Signings, and follow the links. We think it will be worth your time to review and apply the suggested signing tips given by experienced authors. We have attached a PDF copy of the suggestions to this email. Once again, if you have any suggestions that will help other authors, or will improve Tips For Making A Book Signing Successful better, kindly let us know. Release Party Video We were invited by the Alaska Writers Guild last month to make a presentation about release parties.
We were joined by six authors: She also brought along AlaskaAlaska, a fun card game we invented. The six authors set up a table, complete with their books and banner, as they would at a release party. Guild members asked many questions following the presentation and the authors shared their release party and becoming a published author experience and knowledge in answering the questions. We extend our warmest word of appreciation to the six authors who gave of their time and their expertise in assisting us.
Kuhusu mwandishi
We also introduced our new audio visual Release Party instruction video. The printed presentation is a result of the good work and assistance of Kayla Hunt, who has consented to help authors with their release party. The printed presentation, along with the audio video is a powerful tool for new authors—as well as more experienced ones.
We recommend that every author view the audio visual on our website. Click Here The presentation promises to help authors with every book signing, not just release parties. On August 12, , at 9: On August 26, , at 3: Local interest for our book has been high here in Fairbanks and seems to be building. Do you have any feel at this early stage for the level of interest in our book among retailers around the State? On September 5, , at 4: You outlined a campaign and provided materials posters, invitations, etc to help make it happen.
People are calling, e-mailing and stopping me on the street to talk about the book. I have high hopes for a successful event tomorrow evening. On September 6, , at Sold books in three hours. I never stopped signing during that period. We definitely want to order another batch. The only question now is how many. Notice the line of people waiting for their turn to talk with the author and receive their signed copy. You can read the complimentary review by going to:.
Click Here When you have a book signing, release party, or other author event, kindly send us a photo. If your book has received an award or won a contest kindly let us know:. If you have a good photo of your release party, and would like to have it included in our new production, kindly send it to us. We have attached the list to this note. Thanks David; it was fun. Authors scheduling the shorter times will be allowed to stay longer if available inventory has not sold.
Just ask store personnel. Most of the time the store is willing. Please note that the Anchorage Barnes and Noble is not accepting requests until April Book Signing Emergency Notice Our wholesaler, the firm who delivers books for signings, let us know that their employee vacation schedule will impact book signings for a couple of weeks at the end of august.
Any signings you would like to schedule through September 2nd needs to be requested no later than Tuesday, tomorrow August 13th. We encourage you to act quickly to schedule signings for the last two weeks in August. Beginning August 14, you will need to schedule signings to occur on or after September 12th. This does not impact Barnes and Noble and Costco signings.
I was volunteered to do a talk on book launches for the monthly Alaska Writers Guild meeting. No need to bring your table. Just your banner, table covering, and display items is all you need bring. Oh yes; books for course. They tell us where they want to have an event, and when, and we set it up. Bookstores, too, by the way. Not just in the Anchorage, Alaska area, either. Nor have our authors. To demonstrate a good book-signing table at a launch party, several authors have agreed to come and set up in the first floor lobby of the library.
So come a little early and meet some real live authors and take a look at their books for yourself. Writers of the Future , will be on Saturday, October 26th, The conference will be for students in middle and high school 6th- 12th grade. The conference will be at Clark Middle School, again. The conference will start at 9: Each session will be about an hour. Please include the following in your response. How many sessions are you willing to do? The library will furnish the table and chair. You will need to bring your table covering, banner, a few books, and whatever other display items you use at your signings.
The guild announcement is attached.
All writers, published and unpublished, are invited to attend the free meeting. You are cordially invited to attend these author events and help Jim and Lyle celebrate the release of their new books. Two good ways to do this is to send the attached notices to people on your email mailing list and include the notice in your blog and social media postings; and, by attending the party.
Book Signings Book signings continue to be a most important way to introduce your book to potential readers and fans and to advance your writing career. We commend him for his signing success. He signed and sold all available books at several of his signings. You feel good about public acceptance of your book, but you wish you had had more books on hand.
Sheldon also enjoyed signing success by selling all available inventory. If you like to meet Sheldon, check the signing schedule on our website and join him at one of his remaining signings. Sheldon lives in California. Speaking of California, David Kunkel, author of Locked Up Abroad , recently moved to California and took up residence on a yacht anchored in a marina. David has continued his successful Alaska Costco signing successes in the area around his yacht with sell-out signings at Costco. We appreciate the eagerness with which authors approach signings. Bonnye, author of the Winds of Change series, considers every signing a success and demonstrates an exuberant, excitement at signing.
In addition, Erin Rivard, author of Agattu, The Alaskan Caribou , living in Korea and visiting family in Alaska has conducted a series of successful signings. We express our gratitude and admiration to each of you. I hope the event was profitable for you and not too much extra work for your staff. What a user-friendly process it is! Included with this note are two more release party notices—one immediate and one in the future.
The hell with being a lawyer — be a writer all the time! We extend our congratulations to Erin Rivard and Heather Lehe. Their books were selected for the Battle of the Books. The Alaskan Caribou, was recently released. The back cover reads: Agattu is the biggest animal around, and proud of it! Agattu takes drastic measures to be taller than Mr. They have nothing but a little ramshackle farm in Minnesota. Will his family go? Will Paul have to leave his friends, family, and beloved dog, Rascal?
Then Paul meets tomboyish Maggie and adventurous Erik, also kids of new colonists, and together they face the unique realities of living in the far north. Based on true stories, follow the trials and adventures of Paul, Maggie, and Erik as their families start over in hopes of building a new life in a strange land so far away.
Will they make it?