
Doenças crônico-degenerativas e obesidade (Portuguese Edition)

National screening campaigns for chronic non-communicable diseases: diabetes and hypertension

Glucose tolerance and cardiovascular mortality: Archive of International Medicine The cost-effectiveness of DPP interventions to delay or prevent type 2 diabetes. Effect of blood pressure control on diabetic microvascular complications in patients with hypertension and type 2 diabetes.

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  • National screening campaigns for chronic non-communicable diseases: diabetes and hypertension.
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Diabetes Care 23 Suppl. Prevalence of systemic arterial hypertension and associated risk factors in the Porto Alegre metropolitan area. Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia 63 6: West Virginia Medical Journal 98 6: Mortality from coronary heart disease in subjects with type 2 diabetes and in nondiabetic subjects with and without prior myocardial infarction. The New England Journal of Medicine Effects of intensive blood-pressure lowering and low-dose aspirin in patients with hypertension: Screening for type 2 diabetes mellitus: Annals of Internal Medicine The contribution of non-insulin-dependent diabetes to lower-extremity amputation in the community.

Archives of International Medicine Global burden of diabetes, Reduction in the incidence of type 2 diabetes with lifestyle intervention or metformin. Multicenter study of the prevalence of diabetes mellitus and impaired glucose tolerance in the urban Brazilian population aged yr. Mortality and causes of death in the WHO Multinational study of vascular disease in diabetes. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice 50 Suppl. The built environment and its relationship to the public's health: American Journal of Public Health 93 9: End-stage renal disease attributable to diabetes mellitus.

Effects of aggressive blood pressure control in normotensive type 2 diabetic patients on albuminuria, retinopathy and strokes. Prevention of type 2 diabetes mellitus by changes in lifestyle among subjects with impaired glucose tolerance. The criteria for apprising the viability, effectiveness and appropriateness of a screening programme. Health Departments of the United Kingdom.

Tight blood pressure control and risk of macrovascular and microvascular complications in type 2 diabetes: Acessado em 13 de dezembro de International Medical Publishing [Second]. The public health burden of diabetes and the reality of limits. Diabetes Care 21 Suppl. Should we screen for type 2 diabetes? Evaluation against National Screening Committee criteria. Causes and consequences of adult obesity: In this article the following variables are studied: The theme study questionnaire standardization and pre test were performed on 30 adults from the same research age range in a Health Unit area of the city.

The pilot study was performed in a census sector, obtained through drawing sortition , and not included in the sample of the present study. The field work was carried out from May to September of There was wide disclosure in the main means of communication in the region the most popular radio station, regional TV channels and newspapers in order to provide the research a bigger support. The body weight measurement was obtained with a portable anthropometric scale Tanita brand with capacity for kilograms and sensitivity of grams. The scale was placed in a flat area and the measure was taken with the individuals wearing light clothes, standing in an upright position, with their feet together and arms stretched alongside the body.

The height was taken with a non-elastic tape measure of cm long and sensitivity of 1 mm, pinned in a vertical surface with no baseboard and placed cm off the floor. During the measurement, the people were barefooted and in an orthostatic position, with no adornments in the head, in the Frankfurt position, with shoulders, buttocks and heels touching the wall and feet together, according to the WHO orientation After the measurements taking, the body mass index BMI was calculated weight in kilos divided by the squared height in meters. The waist circumference measure was taken with a non-elastic tape measure, 1.

Plano de Ação para o Enfrentamento das Doenças Crônicas Não Transmissíveis

The measure was taken with the individual standing. The tape measure circled the natural line of smaller circumference in the waist and the reading was obtained during the expiration. Values were considered adequate low risk for metabolic complications smaller or equal to cm for men and smaller or equal to 88 cm for women 2. The blood pressure levels were measured before and after the questionnaire application, taking into account the second measurement The pressure taking was carried out with the individual sitting down, feet on the floor, left arm relaxed and rested on a table at heart level and palm of the hand facing up, as oriented by Chobanian and collaborators The systolic and diastolic pressure levels were later classified as normal and high.

Regarding smoking, the individuals were classified in three categories: The physical activity performed in the week prior to the interview and the relative score were calculated as being the sum of moderate activity minutes for instance, light bike riding, dancing or doing chores around the house, garden or yard plus two times the minutes of intense activity for example, jogging, aerobics or playing soccer.

The questions regarding diet were based on a structured and tested through telephone inquiries questionnaire, SIMTEL 9, Protection factors for chronic diseases and the intake of fruits, vegetables, raw salads and beans five or more times a week were considered. The intake of soft drinks over three times a week and the habit of consuming whole milk and visible meat fats were considered as risk factors.

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The data were doubly typed into the Epi-Info version 6. The analysis was weighted by gender, with values determined by the ratio between the proportion of individuals in the census and in the sample. The free informed term of consent signing was requested to the participants of the research. The response rate was The average age in the study was The school background average was 9.

In tables 2 and 3 and in pictures 1 and 2, the data are presented with proportions according to gender. By analyzing the results from both tables altogether, it is observed that when it comes to diet characteristics, women present more prevalence of behavior considered factors of protection in comparison to men, except in relation to the intake of beans, where men outnumbered women.

Indicadores antropométricos de obesidade em mulheres diabéticas tipo 2.

It is important to note about diet behaviors with risk of CNCDs, where men present more prevalence of soft drinks, whole milk and visible meat fats intake. The studied population is a population of eminent risk of CNCDs, where Overweight and hypertension were more prevalent among men and general obesity and abdominal obesity were more prevalent among women. Self-referred diabetes was 6. Figures 1 and 2 present the prevalence of risk factors for chronic non-communicable diseases for women and men, respectively, according to school background.

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Negative association with obesity is observed in women, with the categories of the other variables not following a linear trend, intake of fatty meat or chicken with skin, low consumption of fruits and vegetables and smoking are statistically associated with the school background. For men, the overweight prevalence, intake of fatty meat or chicken with skin, low consumption of fruits and vegetables and smoking were statistically different. Based on the presented results, it is noted that this population suffers a considerable risk of developing other CNCDs, because they already present high prevalence of hypertension Moreover, high prevalence of risk factors for the development of diseases like these was observed, such as smoking Regarding protection, women present higher prevalence than men.

A study conducted in all Brazilian capitals and the Federal District 24 showed that the state capital of Santa Catarina presented bigger frequency of intake of fruits and vegetables five or more times a week, both in men and women When singled out by school background, the low intake of fruits and vegetables was higher among the year education range in women and in the year education range in men. Differently from our study, Carvalhaes and Collaborators 9 did not find differences according to school background for the low consumption of fruits and vegetables in both genders.

The habit prevalence of eating meats without removing visible fats was statistically higher for men than for women Regarding the school background, the consumption prevalence of meats with visible fats was higher in the year education range, for both genders. A high prevalence of whole milk intake was found in the population of Lages These data agree with the data found in the present study, where the prevalence of regular smokers was higher in men than in women, however, the prevalence of smokers in both genders was higher.

Pistas implícitas e obesidade: estratégias de proteção contra o marketing de alimentos.

The study performed by Carvalhaes and collaborators 9 found higher prevalence of smoking for individuals with school background smaller than 8 years, both for men and women. In the present study, higher prevalence of smoking was found in the year education range for women and in the year education range for men. In the present study and in the aforementioned studies, the overweight prevalence was higher among men, regarding obesity though, the proportion was inverted, being higher in women. For the school background ranges an inverse trend was found among women, unlike for men where the prevalence figures were similar among the school background categories, which agrees with the prevalence found by Carvalhaes and collaborators 9.

In the present study, a higher prevalence of hypertensive individuals was found in comparison with the ones found by Carvalhaes and collaborators 9 in Botucatu In these studies, higher prevalence of hypertension for women was found, unlike the prevalence found in Lages, where this number was higher in men. Regarding self-referred diabetes, the study in Lages found prevalence of 6.

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By comparing the prevalence results of risk factors for the adult population in the city of Lages with the ones found in other studies 6,8,9,10,24 , it is noted that they were bigger for most of the studied variables, confirming the fact that this population presents a considerable risk of developing CNCDs.

This way, studies such as this one may serve as a basis for the development of public policies specific for the adult population in Lages, in order to steer organization, planning and quality improvement of the health assistance services, aiming for the reduction in the incidence and impact of CNCDs. Diet, nutrition and the prevention of chronic diseases.