I hope to read more from you like this. I am always trying to challenge myself with different forms of writing. It may result in me being OK at a lot of different genres, but an expert at none. At least I can say I tried. Thanks for the kind comment. Hi John - Interesting that you are expanding your field of writing efforts. Here again you build up the story as you move along quickly to the conclusion. Yes, you are right about manatita's suggestion. I do think it was the preferred ending.
William Shakespeare and Sonnet 130
Sonnets can be a challenge. I really value that comment. I find sonnets to be a difficult form to work with--but you have done admirably with it--love your endings--both of them! I know how you feel Missy. I recently submitted my scrambled egg recipe hub to Delishably. They replied that it was an "outstanding" hub but the curator suggested so,e changes before it would be suitable for the move I.
Well I couldn't do that, I felt it was what made my scrambled egg recipe hub unique. I compromised and moved the poem from the front of the hub to the end so readers would have a choice to read it or not, and resubmitted it. Got an email back saying it wasn't suitable.. I can't figure them out.
Love: Ruining Everything Since Billion BC by Zachary Weiner — Kickstarter
I agree with you about the niche sites, Eric. They catch me everytime. I go to comment and then have to sign in and do it again.. Yes, the various forms of poetry do have a lot of mathematical rules. I usually just write what feels right to me and rarely attempt the traditional forms but now and again I take the challenge hence this sonnet.
- Caldigit Sonnet.
- 7 Trips for the Price of One?
- Account Options.
Glad you like what I write anyway. Hey Jodah, I recently tried to get one of my hubs picked up by soapboxie. I think it was a good one to have there, but I guess they have their specific reasons. The bummer of it is, that you can only submit one article to the network sites within a day period. I guess, I'll have to wait until they pick mine up or just stick with merely posting here on hubpages.
- 60 Sonnets 'Original' and 'Streamlined' - Bruce Hamilton - Google Книги.
- Brontes Jane Eyre (Readers Guides).
- La scuola del potere (Italian Edition)!
- Vegetarian Cooking: Spaghetti with Sweet Corns and Wolfberries (Vegetarian Cooking - Vegetables and Fruits Book 289).
- Leizu: Empress of the Silkworm (15-Minute Books Book 610);
Bummer about these niche sites. You write a comment and it erases it if you have not signed in already - and it does not tell you it is a niche site before hand. You shine my friend. It is nice of you to bring us with you. A whole crime book in just a few words - amazing. Thank you for reading this Faith, and for your interesting comment. I agree it is strange that my muse keeps directing me to crime sonnets.
That is a good suggestion to try a "heat of passion" sonnet combining crime and romance. Hope your Internet connection is sorted out. Here you go again using your creative style in creating a crime sonnet! I appreciate the explanation on what makes up a sonnet and its rhyming scheme. I've been having intermittent Internet connection problems for the past couple of days As soon as I think it is good to go, it goes down on me.
That is interesting your muse takes to you crime scenes with sonnets in lieu of romance Rasma, I am glad you enjoyed this who dunnit. An English sonnet has a set structure and number of syllables etc but is really not that difficult. A great big applause to you.
The Most Famous Sonnet Ever Written
Loved this who dunnit very much and you made it seem so easy to create an English sonnet. Hi Jodah nice of you to write a beautiful hub. You are good at writing and I have learned a lot here. Thank you for the wonderful comment, Missy. Yes, we seem to be on the same page with a lot of our thinking I never liked Shakespeare either.
Some of the more modern adaptions in movies of his work are ok though. I remember at school we had to read King Lear, Hamlet etc and then write a review. I used to cheat and read the first and last chapters of the book then borrow an already written review from the library and write mine using that rather than read the entire boring book. Annabel Lee by Poe is a true classic and wonderful poem. Did you ever read my poem Midnight Rendezvous the 32nd Psalm? I based it's metre on Poe's "The Raven" after listening to a reading of that. I wasn't expecting this to be selected for Letterpile, but was pleasantly surprised.
I am so much like you; it is amazing. I, too, do not attempt sonnets often.
Retribution for a Crime Unsolved: An English/Shakespearean Sonnet
I am not a fan of Shakespeare, although I have tried to read some of his poetry. I have watched Romeo and Juliet, but I will admit; I only really stood up at attention to the emotional and dramatic suicide scene. What can I say? It's the part I related to the most. I, however, do love your version of a sonnet. It grabs my attention and is very interesting. Don't get me wrong; love is great. Light and inspiration are wonderful, but I need a balance of both I think.
If I constantly read about love and light, it seems as though I lose touch with reality. Not that I don't think it would be wonderful to live only in the place of positivity, but I strangely like to be sad. I feel we need tears to cleanse our soul and pain to keep us focused. I recently came across one of Edgar's that I love and when I read it aloud, I just felt exhilaration for his verses.
It's the one entitled; Annabel Lee. A dark love tale, but still about love. I think this poem of yours is really good. I don't care to categorize a poem. I don't study too much on this. Sometimes, I try to give mine the correct version title. My last one I added the words "Carpe Diem" because I came across others who had wrote in a similar tone and stated it as "Carpe Diem Poetry.
It may fit for a lot of my poetry, as I talk in a seize the day attitude. Yes, I am forward like that. Anyway, another hub from one of my favorites that I took pleasure in reading. Congratulations on making it here to Letterpile again. That speaks greatly of your talent my dear friend. I definitely like your crime slant with this sonnet. I enjoy a good love story, but I also enjoy breaking out of conventions. Thank you for the encouragement, Flourish.
Sonnets do offer a nice challenge because you have to obey certain rules, but they are also fun to write because of that, I think. I wanted to try something a little different to "love. I'm so impressed you're writing sonnets! And I especially like that your topic is not love, as is typical with sonnets. Thanks Blossom, I know romantic, hey? Each time I have attempted to write a sonnet I have no idea why my muse takes me towards the theme of crime.
Really good and an unusual choice of topic. I've always thought of a sonnet as being romantic, so this was different. I liked both endings but much prefer the second choice. Any reaction is fine.. One day I'll have to write a love sonnet.

Your sonnet ticks all the boxes for form. Certainly an unusual choice of subject - I have never before come across one that was't about love. Made me smile- though not sure if that was your intention: Ruby, you should really give writing a sonnet a try. It is an interesting exercise and not really that difficult. II like your crime sonnet. You will get both the minibook of sonnets and the Love-themed compilation in eBook format. Available in pdf, mobi, and epub. All of Shakespeare's sonnets abridged to one short rhyming couplet, in convenient pocket-size format. The new SMBC collection, consisting of over of the best comics about love, sex, dating, and relationships.
You will receive all three of the abridged books in a tidy three-volume set: Just the New Stuff: This set contains the two new books on offer for this kickstarter: This is the "just the new stuff" pack, but with the Love compilation in fancy hardcover. This pack contains the last three SMBC books, all of which have been on a single theme: Science, Religion, and now Hard Complete Themed Set: This is the same as the Complete Theme Set, only the Love book will come in hardcover. Please note, we do not have the older books in hardcover, as those were limited editions.
The Bible, Science, and Shakespeare's Sonnets. This is the Everything Pack, but with the Love-themed compilation in hardcover. A total of seven books! Hard Everything Plus Soonish: The Weinersmith Omnibus of Love: This tier includes all three mini books, every SMBC collection published to date, Augie and the Green Knight, both Trial of the Clone choose your own adventure books, and a signed copy of Soonish. In order to streamline production, with the goal of getting these into your hands by Valentine's Day or sooner, we are doing only digital stretch goals. BUT, they're still pretty cool! We have never yet done a kickstarter without some hiccup or another, usually due to some unforeseen problem with a supplier.
However, we have a good track record of communicating with our buyers, and we've always delivered our products. For every item we're making, we have pre-existing sourcing setups in place. And, we'll be working with our tested and trusted shipper, Amplifier. Backerkit will be used to make sure there is the lowest possible rate of error on purchases.