
Why Do I Need A Life Coach? Discovering Your Purpose and Destiny!

When you KNOW what you were put on earth to do it's much easier to focus, and concentrate time and energy on what's most important. When you know your purpose it's easier to know what to say yes or no to. It's so much easier to make decisions when you can quickly answer the question,.

Living Life with Passion and Purpose - Christian Life Coach, Instructor, Facilitator

Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice; it is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved. Please use the buttons below to share with your friends so that they can discover the keys to fulfill their life purpose too. Would you like a personal " road map" so that You know what to do when faced with major decisions? Can more easily say no to things that don't line up with your life purpose? Spend day after day working in a job that drains or stresses you out.

Hope there's more to life than this but don't know what it is. Want to feel your life counts for something His book was named as one of the top Christian books that changed the 20th century!

What is a life coach?

People are hungry to know their life purpose. Knowing Your Life Purpose Will Life Purpose Discovery coaching equips you to Discover your life purpose and identify your God given calling so you can live life fulfilled Create a well crafted life purpose statement that serves as a roadmap for your life so it's easier to make good decisions because you always know where you're going Go from making a living to making a real difference!

And much much more!

Finding Your Purpose in Life : Stop Making it So Hard

Why do you need to know your life purpose? Achieving goals does not equal happiness. To be one of those who succeed, understand both the science of achievement and the art of fulfillment create the road to happiness and a life of purpose.

Compliance is not a life that is fulfilled. Compliance is not for people who want to discover their purpose. Instead, true fulfillment comes from designing your own life.

  • Das Hildebrandslied (German Edition).
  • The Homilies On The Acts of the Apostles.
  • Aufbau und Funktionsweise von Shared Service Centern (German Edition).
  • The 12 Purposes of Life: A Down-to-Earth Guide for the Mortal Traveler.

A decision made from fear is always the wrong decision, always. By entering your information on the Tony Robbins website, you agree that we may collect and use your personal information for marketing, and for other purposes, as set forth in our Privacy Policy, which we encourage you to review.

What can we help you find? How Date With Destiny will help you find your purpose in life Posted by: Team Tony How can you find your purpose in life? Every follower of Jesus is destined to reflect more and more of Christ through a process of progressive transformation — from glory to glory, as Paul puts it.

This process of transformation is designed to fundamentally impact us at the very core of our being — in the realms the Bible most often refers to as our heart.

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The second aspect of personal destiny has to do with what we are called to do — our unique task or assignment, or the roles we are called to function in, which act as a channel through which who we are and what we carry finds expression. Obviously, in everything we do Christ is to be seen and reflected.

However, there are is also a unique task or assignment God has equipped us with the capacity to function well in which releases a fuller expression of his life in and through us. We see both of these aspects of calling in the life of Christ.

Living Life with Passion and Purpose

Our purpose and destiny in Christ is really important to God and should be important to us. Moving toward our destiny in Christ begins with the simple yet profound realization we have been bought and paid for and our lives are no longer our own.

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God redeemed us because of his great love.