Voyager: The Art of Pure Awareness
Oneness is where there is no individuality the 'I' taking ownership of something. The ancient wisdom of Advaita called this non duality.
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It is the deep understanding of the interconnectedness of everything. There is no path to oneness, oneness is the path. We are the living ocean that is infinite consciousness. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails.
Discover what it is to be truly free by changing the restrictive patterns and belief systems of the mind. A delicate balance of art and philosophy, poetry and science, this carefully crafted book will take you on a spiritual voyage that dares to cross the horizon between this world and the world of dreams. We are pure awareness at centre, human in appearance. Just as waves are not separate from the ocean, we are not separate from awareness.
We are each a human wave arising in 'the sea of pure awareness. Here, our human wave dissolves back into the sea of pure awareness and we recognise our true self. Pure awareness at centre, human in appearance. Pure awareness is the natural state of our unchanging innate purity and vital presence which we embody and engage with as the world around us. This pure vital presence is our true nature we have never left, yet somehow have forgotten.
What we usually assume as 'self' has many limitations.
Voyager : The Art of Pure Awareness by Robin Clark (, Paperback) | eBay
It comes dressed up in thoughts, beliefs, fears and superstitions, including elements of imagination and make-believe. We seem to live our lives in a dream-like state-a convenient truth-some hoping that by achieving all desires, they will eventually find peace and happiness. Primordially, we are not a self, subject or object, but timeless, spaceless, formless awareness that is the container for all phenomenal experience. Our true nature is simply pure awareness.
We are the essence of all that can be known and all that cannot be known. We stand at the bow of our ship. The sky is clear, the sea is calm. Paperback , pages. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up.

To ask other readers questions about Voyager , please sign up. Lists with This Book. This book is somewhat outside the sphere I usually read, so I'm not sure how removed from the target audience I actually am.
A Spiritual Journey
There was a lot of beautiful imagery, and it was readable, but I think the boat-trip metaphor might have been a bit too thick for me to really grasp what was being conveyed; I'm sure this book will appeal to those in the target demographic. I think one of the things that really prevented me from engaging in the desired exercise was the constant reliance on Columbus and how This book is somewhat outside the sphere I usually read, so I'm not sure how removed from the target audience I actually am.
I think one of the things that really prevented me from engaging in the desired exercise was the constant reliance on Columbus and how he went against popular belief to achieve his goals.
At the time flat-earth theory was pretty much dead in the water, and what was really being held against Columbus was the fact that his proposed voyage was for a trip that was a third of the current estimates of Earth's circumference which had been worked out to remarkable precision back in the days of ancient Greece meaning that him and his crew would have starved to death long before reaching India, it was only by luck that America was there that his expedition wasn't a total waste.
Knowing this kind of took the prose out of the noble example being set forth. An interesting book for those with interest in the subject. Plenty of food for thought. Jun 18, Maria Carmo rated it it was amazing Recommends it for: Pure Poetry in both prose and images A syn-esthetic adventure for both Heart and Soul.
A magnificent voyage through mind to the illuminating Soul A learning experience, where silence bears music and the night sky becomes the background for the birth of stars The pictures, true delight! The colors are superb, the drawings mostly symbolic without ever being weird or "complex" as in "mind complex" but rather clear and crystalline as gems, always so easy to understand because they are so c Pure Poetry in both prose and images The colors are superb, the drawings mostly symbolic without ever being weird or "complex" as in "mind complex" but rather clear and crystalline as gems, always so easy to understand because they are so close to our heart.
Congratulations to the Writer, the Illustrator and the Editor! What a great team! Thank you, Robin, for giving me this chance to read and meditate this wonderful work of Art.
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Maria Carmo, Lisbon, 25 Th. Jun 03, Rani rated it it was amazing Shelves: I recommend this inspiring book to anyone who is on a journey of self awareness and connectedness. It reminded me of things I had forgotten, introduced me to some new ways to look at things and rounded out some incomplete concepts for me with beautifully imagined metaphors.
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Filled with great quotes from great minds and I'm not sure if it was intended by the author, but I found some great imagery tools for use in meditation. This book falls into the teachings of Eckhart Tolle, suggesting the "now" as a self awareness and giving interesting information on how to get to a state of awareness. I read the ebook version, and believe the print version would mostly look like a coffee table book!
For those who like self help books, this is a beautiful re This book falls into the teachings of Eckhart Tolle, suggesting the "now" as a self awareness and giving interesting information on how to get to a state of awareness. For those who like self help books, this is a beautiful read. Tori Hartman rated it it was amazing Jul 09, Mahmoud Souliman Alsharqawy rated it it was amazing Feb 19, Wendy rated it really liked it Nov 14, Paul Vittay rated it liked it Feb 10, Johari Fadzil rated it really liked it Nov 11, Kuljinder Singh rated it liked it Jun 14, Balakrishna Harish rated it it was amazing Jan 07, Relyn Manginsay Montebon rated it it was amazing Oct 17,