Velvaks Victory (A Bradapol Series Fiction Novel for Kindle (Action, adventure and fantasy) #1)
If you ask people what happened to their dreams, there are many answers. When you first ask the question, people tend to respond with. In a sense, this is the most difficult part of changing the way you think. Getting into a positive state self-improvement. Later I realized that the biggest factor that determines your success is actually your level of self-confidence. Frankl Have you ever watched a new building going up? When the work starts, the site is cleared and trenches are dug for the foundations.
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The next step is to cast the foundations and wait for them to set properly before the actual building starts. During this time, progress is often not visible to the casual passerby. Make change part of your life. The reality is very different. During its journey, the plane is off course most of the time! If this is true, how does it then manage to actually get to where. Finding your purpose in Life. There are no mistakes, no coincidences, all events are blessings given to us to learn from. It has been the subject of much philosophical, scientific, and theological speculation throughout history.
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No review was expressly asked, only suggested. Velvak's Victory is about a teenager who, after having problems with a teacher in school, gets in more trouble when his mother learns about it. She seeks help with her people. We soon learn they are from another planet. From then on, Alec becomes Velvak and starts his training. There is a lot of action but also some leng I received this book free from the author's website.
There is a lot of action but also some lengthy descriptions and explanations. The dialogs are strange at times but maybe it's because they all have the same voice, whether it is Velvak or the adults. All along the first part, you get clues of things that are happening on Bradapol, things unknown to the inhabitants, and that's what kept me going.
Although I didn't care much for the so called games, which in my mind was merely a tone version of the Hunger Games, I understand that all this had to be done for Velvak to be ready for the second half of the book, which by the way, I greatly enjoyed. The second part of the story was good and it kept me entertained. I liked the relation between the boy and the wolf and the way they fulfilled their mission. This is a good first book in a series. I believe we now know enough to understand Velvak and follow his future adventures.
This review may contain spoilers. I kind of feel like this book read a little like an earlier draft. I really liked the ideas behind the book, but there were a couple of times when I felt that the story moved a bit too fast and was a little jerky in parts. I felt that his reactions to things were particularly realistic and I also liked the fact that his abilities took time for him to learn and develop, rather than him becoming really good with them straight aw This review may contain spoilers. I felt that his reactions to things were particularly realistic and I also liked the fact that his abilities took time for him to learn and develop, rather than him becoming really good with them straight away.
I did notice several errors in the book, such as missing quotation marks. I also found one instance where the story slipped into present tense. It also wasn't very clear when a character was thinking or not. I liked Alec's growing friendship with the wolf.
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It wasn't really clear why his name was changed, though. I did like the concept with the earrings, too, though it wasn't clear what the exact relationship they had with the abilities was. I think this was a pretty good start to a fantasy series. I'd probably be interested in reading the next book.
This is not my usual genre but was asked by the author to give a review.
Velvak's Victory is a surprising blend of science fiction and fantasy. Young Alec finds himself tragically without a family and moved to his mother's home world where he discovers powers he never knew he had or that even existed. On the new world of Bradopol, he takes on the name Velvak and begins training to be a hunter. From there, he gets caught up in an adventure no spoilers here!
Goal Setting for Success (Personal Development for Beginners Book 1)
He discovers power, friendship, truth and the real meaning of justice. With more books to come in the series, it will be interesting to see Velvak's character continue to grow as he takes on a "chosen one" type role. Jun 09, Thomas rated it really liked it Shelves: This is a YA adventure that takes place in a parallel dimension.
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- Velvak's Victory (Bradapol, #1) by Eddie de Jong.
The characters are nicely defined and it is well written. Therre is a variety of detail when needed. The book is well paced with action, suspense, and slower paced scenes. The characters are either good or bad, with very little mixing. The main character Velvak, grows and changes throughout the book as he adventures on. Nicely done, that he doesn't just change, but events mold him into the new person. Of note for younger readers and This is a YA adventure that takes place in a parallel dimension.
Of note for younger readers and their parents , there are some darker topics touched on that American readers might be bothered by.
Velvak's Victory (Bradapol, #1)
I doubt that readers from Europe or South Africa will be bothered by them. This is because the topics are not as common as they used to be here. I avoid spoilers in reviews, so parents read ahead of the kids, so you can be ready. Let me start by saying I don't care for science fiction books. My genre of choice is Fantasy. With that being said, this book was a complete surprise. The story was excellent and really pulled me in.
There was only two things that didn't work in my opinion.
The first was the concept of "Auto-run. The other thing was in chapter 6. There was a depressing part of the story. This part seemed to h Let me start by saying I don't care for science fiction books. This part seemed to have no lead up. I was confused for a few minutes. Those were both just things I found that bothered me. I recommend this story to Everyone who likes Scifi or even fantasy. It seems more like a young adult book but it would be enjoyable by all.
Jun 02, Sally rated it it was amazing Shelves: I was given a free eBook copy of this book in exchange for an honest review and rating. Velvak's Victory by Eddie de Jong is a great read. Jong's story is about young Alec who is bullied and loses his entire family on Earth. If you want I was given a free eBook copy of this book in exchange for an honest review and rating. If you want to read something different that will keep you entertained and entranced through the whole story I would highly recommend you reading Velvak's Victory. A 13 year old boy named Eric is removed to another place when his family is murdered.
His name is changed to Velvak, and he partners with a wolf that is a loyal friend Lokjab and they communicate by minispeek. The story flows quickly with one challenge after another. Entertaining story for young adults, that would be enjoyed by all ages. I would recommend this book. This is a very entertaining story. Velvak and Lokjab are great characters. I couldn't put it down and enjoyed it very much.
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I look forward to reading more from this author. Dec 12, Jennifer-Eve Workman rated it really liked it Recommends it for: I will update my review A great adventure from start to finish! Nov 24, Janet rated it it was amazing. This was an interesting story. Boyko Ovcharov rated it it was amazing Jan 25, Connie rated it really liked it Aug 14, Holly Sparks rated it it was ok Aug 26, Alexa rated it really liked it Dec 14, Deanna Geddes rated it it was amazing Aug 26, Jayne Clyde rated it did not like it Aug 25, Peter rated it it was amazing Aug 31, Leonida Monaco rated it it was amazing Nov 17, Deanna Geddes rated it it was amazing Nov 18, Jake Olsen rated it liked it Aug 26, Janet rated it it was amazing Aug 29, Berend Jan marked it as to-read Aug 13, Avic is currently reading it Aug 14, Worldofhh is currently reading it Aug 14, Stefanie marked it as to-read Aug 14, Amanda Jensen marked it as to-read Aug 15, Hawke marked it as to-read Aug 16, Kate Papas marked it as to-read Aug 17, Olivia added it Aug 19, Shadx3 is currently reading it Sep 02, Elizabeth Thurman added it Jan 10, Shirley Fernandez marked it as to-read Jan 25, Amanda marked it as to-read May 18, Kika marked it as to-read Sep 28, Tanya marked it as to-read Aug 16, Linda marked it as to-read Aug 16, Vikki Sanderson marked it as to-read Aug 16, Ryan marked it as to-read Aug 16, Gautirya Muralietharan marked it as to-read Aug 16,