
The War Within:Poems & Essays:Poems & Essays

Thus his description gives another dimension to the painting, whereas the painting helps the poet to treat the subject, this way, they are complementary. They act as witnesses of the suffering.

Milton Resnick, poet — In memory — An essay & a poem | Jacket2

However, Burgher was not the only artist quoted by Aden. On the occasion of the outbreak of World War II, Aden wrote the poem September 1, in which he evokes the conflicting situation that is spreading over Europe ; in the same poem we also find the names of Nijinsky and Dishevel who are two important figures of the Russian scene being respectively dancer and a manager, the creator of the Russian Ballets.

Indeed the latter threw Nijinsky out of the Russian Ballet and ruined his career after he left him to marry a woman. Their role in the poem is to make an example as two important figures, that everyone is familiar with. Vulcan the ancient Roman god of fire, a blacksmith who forges the famous shield of Achilles adorned with imagery.

Role of artists in Auden’s poetry Essay

Maybe by the utilization of this character, Aden wanted to show one role proper to an artist: In this first part, Aden wants to show how essential the work of artists is and reveals one of the poet functions: Aden explains that the artist continues to live thanks to his written and had transmitted his knowledge but that people will probably interpret it differently.

The tone changes in the following parts of the poem, where Aden does not glorify Yeats, the poem is no longer a simple elegy.

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In his poetry Aden mentions many artists but what is interesting is Aden as an artist himself and the roles that he plays. Literature is fully considered as an art and by extension poetry is so, that is why Aden has a real status of artist. The role that would seem to be obvious, is the one to associate words together to create something beautiful at the sight and hearing: Following this idea, Aden, or poets in general, are also musicians.

We can see it, in W. However, beyond the simple creation a poet has a myriad of roles which appear in many poems of Aden. Aden is a poet that is seen as unromantic, his aim is to reflect reality in his poems according to a sort of mimesis. We find in his work a real need for sincerity which is true for every subject that he treats such as love, politics, death and so on.

First of all, Aden has the role to give his own view on subjects that constitute the human life. Thanks to the form of language that he uses, associations of words, he put into words what others would find difficult to say, build vision that people could adhere to. Love is not only about having positive feelings, it also has a fleeting nature and might be a source of pain too. Furthermore, Aden was really committed in global conflicts of the time and defends his own politic beliefs: Unlike other people that would denounce mom political regime, the poet can criticize through methods of writing such as metaphors, images to override censorship and, at the same time, touch an informed audience.

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I was taken by the artistry of the lines, by their subtlety and their melancholy grace. I was impressed by the rhymes: He was calling things as he believed them to be not only for himself but for all his readers.

Essay Poetry

And he was looking into the future. But poets almost never do this sort of thing anymore, at least not prominent American poets. Merwin from the December 12, , issue of The New Yorker. It also seems to be a poem about how hard it is to write a poem. They tend to be oblique, equivocal, painfully self-questioning.

Or, The decline of American verse

They not only talk to themselves in their poems; they frequently talk to themselves about talking to themselves, as Merwin does here. Their poetry is not heard but overheard, and sometimes is too hermetic even to overhear with anything like comprehension. Contemporary American poets now seem to put all their energy into one task: They strive to sound like no one else.

And that often means poets end up pushing what is most singular and idiosyncratic in themselves and in the language to the fore and ignoring what they have in common with others.

Exemplar Poetry Essay - Comparing Two Poems - GCSE Standard

The current poet may give a certain sort of pleasure by his uniqueness, but no one reading him will say what Emerson hoped to say when he encountered a poet who mattered: