The Scariest One Around
I was having a pleasant dream when what sounded like hammering woke me. After that, I could barely hear the muffled sound of dirt covering the coffin over my own screams. After working a hard day I came home to see my girlfriend cradling our child. You hear your mom calling you into the kitchen.
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Born 7 pounds 10 ounces, 18 inches long, 32 fully formed teeth. She went upstairs to check on her sleeping toddler. The window was open and the bed was empty. Being the first to respond to a fatal car accident is always the most traumatic thing I see as a police officer. But today, when the crushed body of the little dead child boy strapped in his car seat opened his eyes and giggled at me when I tried to peel him out of the wreckage, I immediately knew that today would be my last day on the force.
I always thought my cat had a staring problem, she always seemed fixated on my face. Until one day, when I realized that she was always looking just behind me.
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I woke up cold, clutching the dress she was buried in. I kiss my wife and daughter goodnight before I go to sleep. The pairs of emaciated eyes outnumber the single round in my gun. My mother has been screaming at the front door for hours now. I have a friend named Charlie. I used a Ouija board yesterday, but I only asked one question and put it away. I got my answer today — written in blood on my ceiling. Problem is, my daughter is with her mother this weekend… over miles away.
Grandpa died smoking a cigar in his favorite chair. We got a new one but from the ash marks he leaves behind he has a new favorite chair. My husband woke me up by kissing my cheek when he got home late. This morning I checked my phone — he stayed with a friend last night. I like to sing in the shower sometimes. My wife just ran in to ask me if I was okay because she could hear my terrible coughing fit from across the house.
Finger also for sale for the right offer. I had a dream that a man was watching me sleep from outside my bedroom window. When I woke up, I found footprints… inside, next to my bed. My TV keeps turning on by itself. My girlfriend is scared of horror movies. He died in a drunk driving accident six years ago. I thought it was stupid until I went on a blind date and saw him at the table. My mom told me she had the best time playing with my little sister today. My sister went missing in — they found her body in I tried to be a loving mother. I should have been cremated, and not buried in the ground.
And tonight you might possibly die. Than the night the police found, her dismembered head. And hand reached up and grabbed my foot. Their bodies swaying side to side, while silently they hung. There is someone right behind you. Warm and juicy; best best served fresh. I love the taste of human flesh. What could lie in her crib, crying? And exact my revenge — flesh by the pound. And I know how your window unlocks. I was starving and lost in the woods until I found a hiker. In the morning I woke up freezing cold and clutching the dress she was buried in.

I arrived at the funeral a few minutes late. Nobody acknowledged me, and I figured out why when I looked into the casket and saw myself. I had three seconds of sight left. I was fascinated by how much my brains resembled oatmeal, spattered on the concrete.
They gave you to me. As I walked up the driveway with my new friend, I introduced him to my dad. I sat up from this horrible nightmare that a gruesome faced man was trying to get in my home, all of a sudden I heard my daughter screaming. She woke up to an unusual silence in their bedroom.
She looked over as the thing that laid where her husband use to be rose from under the sheets. I have never seen anything like it, the way it screamed and crawled towards me. This… This thing is suppose to be my little brother.
The Scariest One Around by Samantha Geernaert - FictionDB
Lightning strikes and there is a man standing in my hallway with a knife. I woke up to the sound of screams and the feel of immense heat surrounding me. I look at my clock its 3: Looking at my clock it is 3: As she finally drifted off to sleep, she felt the cold, bony fingers caress her body. She prayed it was just a dream….
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When she turned around, she saw her own self, dressed in different clothes. Her heart went into shock and the other self gently helped her to the floor as she died. I opened my front door to the frantic pounding of my next door neighbor. To my horror it was something that was wearing his skin…. The stew I was eating was delicious, and I wanted to give my husband a taste. But today, when the crushed body of the little dead boy strapped in his car seat opened his eyes and giggled at me when I tried to peel him out of the wreckage, I immediately knew that today would be my last day on the force.
The dog sits at my gate every morning and night when I leave and come home from work. The girl pedaled quickly towards his car, droplets of water flying off her, leaving a trail on the sidewalk. My kids were excited to tell me about the day they just had with their mother. My eyes watered as I pondered how to tell them she died this morning on the way to work.
When I wake in the middle of the night to the sound of cracking, I am aware that it is her rigor mortis body snapping unto itself as she crawls down the hallway. I knew it was only a matter of time before she would seek her revenge. I thought it was a gift too, until the day I began to see it in front of every house.
Audra looked across the table to smile warmly at the loving faces of her husband and children.
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Through moon and fog, I run, branches whipping bare legs bloody, and race the hot breath, that burp of hell, against my nape. Closer, closer, until saliva spatters my skin, and the thing with teeth wraps me in its mouth. I used to love hearing those sounds; the bathroom door opening, my girlfriend playfully drumming her fingernails on the sink, and the flat screech of the shower curtain pulling back before she stepped in to join me.
The mirror had been left to me by my late aunts estate, stored in the attic and covered in paper. I stared at my reflection, feeling that something was…off…but not knowing what — when my reflection winked at me. I breathe in the gas and count back from ten to get my tonsils removed. I had often had a slightly irrational fear of being stalked or having someone show up in the backseat of my car after leaving a bad relationship , so I got a smaller car for sense of security.
Then I realized it was only a memory.
But he was already dead, and soon, she would be, too. From afar, the doll looked just like her. I like living alone. My car thumped over something in the road. I went camping with my three best friends. But by the time we left, we were nothing but a murderer, a witness, and a dead body. But then I remembered, he was dead and I was in my apartment alone. When I checked his browser history, I found the search: I panicked when the blood started crawling up my leg.
Three cheers for Santa Claus, and all the good children who believe. I just wish my hungry neighbors would leave me alone. There was a knock on my door. Something inside told me not to open the closet. There was a photo of me sleeping on beautiful red silk on my phone. I stared at the picture of me emblazoned on the screen of the mobile phone, wracking my brain to try to understand how it got there. At the expense of the last of their ammunition, the lumbering beast collapsed. Before I could react, the man produced an ax from his long coat and brought it to rest on the table before me.
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One night, just out of curiosity, I asked why he covered up so thoroughly. No one else had access to our house so needless to say, that scared the crap out of me. Till this day he still covers with his blanket, no matter how warm it is, although not as thoroughly as he used to. Well I had been living in that neighborhood for about 5 years and 3 years prior to her moving in my neighbor Alex hung himself in that house.
One drunken night alone I was on my way home about am I came out of the tunnel only to find myself face to face with this huge rottweiler staring at me. I was in shock for a second, my stomach dropped. Instinctively I started yelling at the damn dog to go home. He just stood there glaring at me and every step I slowly took trying to get away he would bark and growl showing his teeth. So I started stomping towards him in a dominant way yelling at him to go on. He turned and took steps back but still proceeded in torturing me barking and growling.
I stupidity drunkenly started to power walk away. I then heard his feet running towards me as I had my back turned away from him. I turned back around only to see him lunging at me. I fell, when I turned and looked up the damn dog was completely out of sight as if I imagined the entire thing.
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Maybe he was a dark spirit. The part of Maine, Stratton, is pretty secluded about 30 minutes from Canada. The footsteps of this thing practically shook the house. My mom and uncle come running into the living room. He was 16 and learning how to shave his face. A couple came in trying to get behind the register. They went outside and left. I went in the bathroom and called the police. Who came as they were coming back in. They had bags, knives, a gun, rope, and various other weapons in the trunk. I was hiding in the bathroom when they were trying to come back in. He said it looked like somebody hung it up there and was using it for shooting practice or something.
My mom was still a child so the jokester he is, brought it home for her and my Aunt. Well they actually liked the thing and cleaned it up and played with it. My grandmother says till this day the scariest things started to happen around their house. It was nighttime and her and my pappy were in bed sleeping. Well she said she woke up to the blanket making her feel strangled. And it was almost like someone crawled into their bed and laid in between them. But nothing on the dressers moved or fell. It got to the point she was so freaked out and fed up with all the spooky things going on in their house, she made my pappy get rid of it.
So he was good friends with the owner of a bar who was more than happy to take it off his hands. As he thought it would be a good conversational piece. Exactly one week later the man who the doll was given to died. Mind you he had perfect health. And in death, they were both put in the same mausoleum. When I told my mom about it and where it happened, she told me of a dream she had when she was pregnant with me where she hit a little boy with her car on the same road at the same spot and when she got out to check on the boy, she said it was me.
Naturally I needed to go food shopping for pretty much everything.