The Prophecy of the Key (Book 2 of the Darkin Fantasy) (The Darkin Saga)
Eliza Gayle Narrated by: Purgatory Masters , Book 2 Length: Add to Cart failed.
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- Darkin: The Prophecy of the Key.
- Joseph Turkot.
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Joseph Turkot Narrated by: The Darkin Saga , Book 1 Length: The author also manages to seamlessly integrate a great many fantasy races into his story, from golems to trolls, gnomes, dwarves, elves, ghosts and more - some so unexpected that I can't really say anything about them without spoiling the story a little. The monsters are also somewhat unique - there are giant centipedes and strange creatures from the sea, not your stereotypical fantasy-fare.
The Prophecy of the Key
The author wraps up many of the loose ends of the previous book in The Prophecy of the Key, but there are numerous hints given as to what will come next for the world of Darkin. But given the author's tendency to throw you for a loop, who can really tell what will come next? I will be very interested to see what the author reveals in the sequel, which is set to be released sometime this year I believe.
Jun 14, Kevin Futers rated it really liked it Shelves: Moving on from Darkin: A Journey East , there is a clear change of pace and of focus. Given the way that the action is spreading, I believe that this was the right thing to do, especially as our hero, Adacon, has done a Luke Skywalker and headed off to find a guru, taking him out of a lot of the action.
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Instead we find the drunkard gnome Remtall off in a quest for a magic staff, we meet some new characters from the village of Rislind, we follow Flaer, Slowin and Erguile at the forefront of battle Moving on from Darkin: Instead we find the drunkard gnome Remtall off in a quest for a magic staff, we meet some new characters from the village of Rislind, we follow Flaer, Slowin and Erguile at the forefront of battle, and the dwarves and elves are on their way.
And there are also some new kids on the block who add a new sci-fi dimension to the swords and sorcery fantasy.
Darkin: The Prophecy of the Key, Book 2 of the Darkin Saga (Unabridged)
The forces of evil are now mobilised across the western continent, taking cities in their stride. Only the fortress city of Wallstrong stands in the country of Hemlin, and it guards the pass into Arkynshyr. Here in this key location, new battle lines are drawn. Throughout this book, the ideas about magic Vapoury for the forces of Good, Wizardry for the forces of Evil are complemented by a third type of magic, that of the Welsprin, who hold a more neutral position, but seems to be more on the side of goodness.
Darkin: The Prophecy of the Key by Joseph A. Turkot
There is also the subtle defensive magic of the warrior druids of Hemlin, which seems to surprise the leader of the Feral Brood. The revelations in the last chapter tell of more revelations in store about magic. The sci-fi element sits a little awkwardly, but the incongruences are handled well. The technology of the aliens baffles and defeats the natives, but the magic of the natives baffles and defeats the aliens, but only in certain circumstances.
See a Problem?
Their part in the story cuts across the book as they have only their own mission to perform and that has nothing to do with barbarian armies. Unfortunately it does impact on the story line in very deep and personal ways. The third book, called The Academy of Gaigas, is due out later this year. May 17, Marcus Johnson rated it it was amazing Shelves: The second book of the series continues the fast moving action we knew from the first book.

Mr Turkot is good at describing battles as seen from grass root level, and this book offers good scope for that. Nor does promotion seem to stop them doing the down-to-earth things they did before. Seeing how well matters have been sorted out at the end of this book, I am very curious to see what the third installment of the Darkin trilogy will be about. This was an enjoyable and interesting read, which I am happy to recommend to any fantasy fan.
Jeff Hetzer rated it liked it May 31, Lauren rated it liked it May 29, Jess Reynolds rated it really liked it Oct 01, Ganks rated it it was amazing Feb 14, Julles rated it liked it Aug 24, Tommy rated it really liked it Aug 15, Christopher Fewell rated it it was amazing Mar 27, Keith Millspaw rated it it was amazing Jan 03, Linda S Cross rated it liked it Feb 19, Jolie rated it liked it Jul 05, Scott Conner rated it really liked it Dec 21, McDowell rated it really liked it Jul 23, Deborah Klein rated it liked it Nov 21, Doug rated it liked it Jul 14, Pam marked it as to-read Feb 21, Laura marked it as to-read Mar 04, Kathryn Jenkins marked it as to-read Apr 03, Erika marked it as to-read Apr 16, Sherri marked it as to-read May 05, Robert marked it as to-read Jul 20, Lindsey AlexLux Gage marked it as to-read Jul 25, Katie added it Jul 28, Randy Harmelink marked it as to-read Jul 30, Aeokie marked it as to-read Aug 02, Elouise marked it as to-read Aug 05, Carly marked it as to-read Aug 09, Davaonne marked it as to-read Aug 19, Jennifer marked it as to-read Sep 11, Jacquel marked it as to-read Oct 06,