The NATO Intervention in Libya: Lessons learned from the campaign (Contemporary Security Studies)
Daniel Fiott and Gustav Lindstrom highlight that artificial intelligence AI security and defense platforms will take time to mature.
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Further, their use could unleash a range of unintended legal, ethical and operational consequences. However, our authors contend that it is nevertheless important for the EU to grasp at the game-changing attributes of AI. The multi-track approach to mediation, referring to the undertaking of peacebuilding efforts at different levels and linking them when useful, is hardly new.
However, Corinne von Burg and Yosra Nagui note that the UN and others have renewed their interest in this approach as a way to help establish long-lasting peace in war-torn countries, even though there is little evidence-based research on its implementation.
In response, our authors here highlight key challenges involved in a multi-track peace process by drawing from the case of Syria. Since , however, the FSC has been strongly politicized. These inter-organizational peacekeeping arrangements enable the UN to share the burden for peacekeeping in Africa. However, Somalia and Mali illustrate that they face political and operational challenges.
Humanitarian intervention
However, Moshes believes these assertions are not completely convincing. Moreover, the international legal framework governing the use of force still states that the use of force is only permissible in the act of self-defence, or if authorised by the UNSC.

Guiora argue, however, that the international community, especially the United States, has a responsibility to react and protect Syrian civilians in spite of current international law. Moscow has vast strategic and economic interests in Syria going back decades.
Associate Professor, LBJ School of Public Affairs, University of Texas at Austin
Future arm sales from Russia to Damascus are expected to run into billions of dollars. In the aftermath of the failure of the international community to intervene in Syria, some critics of the Responsibility to Protect concept, as well as a few adherents, have declared its death knell. It called for greater oversight by the UNSC on the use of force, and argued that military action should be limited to the parameters set in the Security Council Resolution, which authorised the intervention.
R2P is, in the eyes of some, just a disguise for hegemonic ambitions. To Russia, China and many other states, the Western-led intervention in Libya under the legal framework of United Nations Security Council authorisation, threatened to set a dangerous legal precedent. The post-Cold War world changed everything again, as the West tried to develop legal justifications for military interventions into the Global South.
The Russian and Chinese use of the veto during the Syria debate was part of a policy of forestalling the evolution of R2P from a political norm to a legal one. There was also, however, a large geopolitical difference in the importance of Libya to Moscow and Beijing, compared to the strategically vital position of Syria.
Cambridge University Press, , p. A History of International Law London: Harvard University Press, , p. Oxford University Press, , p.
See S, C, Neff. A History of International Law , pp. OpenElement accessed 20 th February, Paradigm Shift or Hot Air? Polity Press, , p. Oneworld Publications Ltd, , p. The Secret Struggle for the Middle East , pp. Jonathan Steven Pugh Written at: University of Chichester Written for: Richard McMahon Date written: Before you download your free e-book, please consider donating to support open access publishing. E-IR is an independent non-profit publisher run by an all volunteer team.
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Sovereignty, Humanitarian Intervention, and International Law The concept of sovereignty, as well as that of international law, is usually linked to 16 th and 17 th century European thought and the development of the modern international system. Further Reading on E-International Relations.
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