My Little Stalker (Redeemed Fallen Book 1)
I say this, not all negative, but not all good either.. Dean has grown-up not in a normal family, but Tyler has always been the one person that made him feel Since the age of 8, Dean knew Tyler was his, in his young mind he loved her, waited like a gentleman till she was old enough for their feelings.. Because of things that were not Tyler's fraught, Dean believed a lie.. In life the way you choice to handle a problem, will follow you through out your life, so make sure you do it the right way.. Too bad, we discovered that Dean handled it the worst possible way!
In Deviant After having the love of your life stalk you and blame you for something you had no clue about, what are you going to do?? Tyler ran, and hide, but once you love someone as long as Tyler did, can you stop loving and find someone else?? This book shows us love has many sides, love and hate, are closer than we realize.. I enjoy reading books, like this that make you think about choices, how you would deal with them, and how the characters themselves deal with them and the consequence.. I adored the way Dean change, it wasn't no instata change.
The author showed us layer by layer Dean becoming that man, the one that Tyler knew and loved that let go of all that revenge.. These characters have so much depth, Dean and Tyler's chemistry is off the charts!! Jimmy and Dean are so great, their banter is like some friends I know.. Tara and Jimmy are so great together, you just want to hug Jimmy for being such a great Alpha-male!! Kids in stories are really great, or really bad.. The author Jamie Roberts, out done yourself! I loved Jeremy so vey much!
This book had me laughing, crying, and sometimes talking to my kindle.. I'm not crazy much, but if a book can do that, I must love it!! Jamie Roberts you are very creative and talented, I am happy to recommend this book to all that loves a great dark, suspense romance!! Jan 14, Chantel rated it it was amazing. This is the best word to describe Redemption. Jaimie Roberts is an amazing author! I have read all her books and Redemption has become my favorite. This book will definitely pull at your heart strings. The story-line and characters are mind blowing.
You will not want to put down this book until the very end. This is a book that you will want to read again and Fanfriggintastic!! This is a book that you will want to read again and again. You will become so involved in the story that you will feel like you are part of the amazing roller-coaster ride along with Dean and Tyler.
I found myself giggling many times throughout this book. This is definitely one of Jaimie's best books. I can not express enough about how amazing this book is from beginning to end. So, go grab your copy today and enjoy the incredible roller-coaster ride that will have you wanting more of the story and the characters. Redemption is book two of the Deviant series.
If you have not Deviant yet what waiting for go grab your copy NOW! You will love this series! Apr 03, Jessica rated it it was amazing. I spent the last couple days reading Deviant and Redemption. Holy crap - what an intense ride!! Deception, manipulation - major plot twists and turns; this series is full of so much drama and suspense. You're unable to put it down until the journey is over. Dean and Tyler were best friends all throughout their childhoods.
Their connection with one another is almost instantaneous and you'll think their bond is unbreakable. It's the kind of romance we all dream about and look for in our romance nov I spent the last couple days reading Deviant and Redemption. It's the kind of romance we all dream about and look for in our romance novels. That is until that love is shattered. Redemption is the continuation of their story - they're now adults and living worlds apart. You finally know why they were unknowing enemies - there really is so much to their story and I don't want to give away anything.
You'll want to experience it yourself. Just know - they both still have secrets that they're desperate to keep and they live in a world where they fear the unknown. When it all falls apart and truths are revealed - it's painful. There needs to be healing and atonement for past sins. Dean and Tyler's path towards happily ever after is nothing short of crazy. The author weaves this intricate storyline and you're impressed it all melds together and keeps your attention without being overwhelming or too much. I absolutely recommend this series and look forward to reading more from Jaimie Roberts.
May 27, Three Chicks rated it really liked it. Review by Lisa Kane I actually enjoyed this story much more than the first-Deviant. I think the fact that Dean is out in the open, no longer hiding amongst the shadows had a lot to do with it. It's been 4 years since Tyler ran from Dean taking something precious with her.
But one mistake leads to Dean finding her whereabouts. Tyler always knew it was a matter of time before he tracked her down. But she doesn't know that he has had years to regret his actions and wants nothing more than to fix th Review by Lisa Kane I actually enjoyed this story much more than the first-Deviant. But she doesn't know that he has had years to regret his actions and wants nothing more than to fix things with her, at any price. Eventually Dean finds out what Tyler has been hiding from him, but he understands why she did what she did. There is still danger out there, how could there not be with the way Dean lives his life.
Tyler's friend Tara seems to have caught Dean's friend, Jimmy's attention. They provide a necessary lightness to this read. Things will come full circle for Tyler and Dean. But will Dean take the high road and step aside for another man? He has learned a lot about himself over the years without Tyler and he will protect her at any cost.
Even if it means he will have to live with out her. May 12, Stephanie rated it it was amazing. The title of this book says everything.

This is not as dark and crazy as the first book in this series but it did have a few scenes that kept you on the edge of your seat. But mostly it was about redemption and loss and the most beautiful love of two people you have ever seen. The hurt and agony these characters went through was horrible but beautiful at the same time. I am blown away by everything this book had to offer. Comedy oh my goodness I laughed so much in this book Jeremy was the cutest The title of this book says everything.
Comedy oh my goodness I laughed so much in this book Jeremy was the cutest funniest thing ever. I loved his personality he was a mixture of both his parents. But sadly I really did love Evan he was amazing but her heart could never belong to another. Jimmy was just as amazing as Dean. Both of these characters were strong and heroic type of characters which made me understand them better.
This book was really a great chance to get to meet the characters under a different circumstances. But you still see how badass they are. The thing I loved most of all was they felt real. Reviewing for Night and Day book blog http: Apr 04, Serena Kett rated it it was amazing. It was so brilliantly written, it blew me away. The emotions I felt whilst reading, had me crying, laughing hysterically and swooning Redemption was powerful and gruesome in parts, real shocking moments I almost shat my pants I was peeing myself laughing.
Read it for yourself. May 10, Romance Readers Retreat rated it it was amazing. Well I am over the moon that she did, because certain issues I had with book 1 were nowhere to be seen in this one. In fact, there was a completely different feel to it. There was a lot more connection with the characters. Even Jimmy, who appea 4. Even Jimmy, who appears in book 1, plays a much bigger role in this book and although my heart is with Dean, both Jimmy and Jeremy are a very close second.
There was a lot more emotion in this story and there's a very big reason for that, which is hinted at, at the end of the first book 1. By the end all loose ends are tied up and I can honestly say I have thoroughly enjoyed following Tyler and Deans journey. Dec 22, Jennifer Hajdics rated it it was amazing. I've been waiting for months to find out how Dean and Tyler's story ends. Patiently waiting because I knew it would be worth it.
And I love being right Just like with Deviant, once I started reading, I couldn't stop. Dean and Tyler's story is so original and it keeps you guessing which direction it could go in all the time. It's just full of possibilities.
The characters are fantastic and original as well. The story flows as does the writing. I can't So Effing Awesome! I can't say enough about how great this story is. You'd be a fool not to read it! Mar 27, Twanisha Franklin rated it it was amazing. Wow what can I say, this book had me going through so many different emotions. While reading this book I laughed, cried, was angry, happy and even cried. After the cliffhanger ending in Deviant I am so pleased that the author finished the story with a little persuasion from her readers.
Fallen Redemption (Trihune, #1) by R.B. Austin
There was so much going on in the story that I didn't know how much more I could take. Even though Dean was dark in Deviant I loved the opportunity to see his softer side and Tyler's feisty side. I could say so Wow what can I say, this book had me going through so many different emotions. I could say so much more about this story but I don't want to spoil it for others. Apr 17, Stacey Total Book Addicts rated it it was amazing. I absolutely loved it was such a fantastic book.
The whole story was amazing and I couldnt put it down. There was some hilarious parts that I was giggling at all the way through. Dean was brilliant in this book. All the characters were. It was a perfect ending to a perfect series x. Mar 31, Julie Jackson rated it it was amazing. I received this ARC for a honest review. This second book was absolutely wonderful. Finally the story takes hold and give you one great ride. Dean and Tyler are fabulous character as well as Jimmy and Tara. So much love and emotion in this read. Apr 17, Jesse Lawrence rated it it was amazing. Amazing Thought the first book was good, this book had me in tears at the mid to the end, I'm not a cryer.
Apr 05, Claudine Van rated it it was amazing. Sep 29, Yamna Rashid rated it liked it Shelves: Yea, that's what redemption was like for me.
- Redemption?
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- Redemption and Regrets (Chastity Falls, #4) by L.A. Cotton.
- Redemption (Deviant, #2) by Jaimie Roberts;
Deviant was my yummy steak. Redemption was the cake I wish I hadn't eaten. I may be exaggerating here since the book 2. I may be exaggerating here since the book wasn't that bad but it was one of the most boring books I have ever read. For the 50th time in my life, I have been reminded about why it is a very bad idea to write a sequel to a novel. There are very rare cases where a sequel actually turns out to be even as good as the first book, let alone be even better.
In the case of this series, I was actually happy to find out that Deviant had a sequel. The first book left a lot of questions unanswered and I wanted more of Tyler and Dean. I read the author's note before starting Redemption which clearly stated that this book won't be as dark as the first book. And I also ignored that note thinking that of course the author is kidding because well, the book must be a little dark and even if it wasn't, it would at least be good because it has Dean in it.
Boy, was I wrong. Redemption starts off a couple of years later after the end of Deviant. Tyler is living under a different name with her son. Dean is keen on finding Tyler through every means he can. He eventually succeeds in finding her out and the rest of the book focuses on how he gets her back. We have a kidnapping, a torture session of a bad guy, the secret of what 'DD' stands for and very few sex scenes which were, unfortunately, not enough to redeem this book in my eyes. Ha, see what I did there. As though this wasn't enough, Dean calls his kid "grown-up" which in my opinion is the most drab nickname given to anyone ever.
Yes, I live around kids and no, I do not hate them. And yes, I know this is a bad nickname because I will never give it to any of my kids. I still don't get how the book even turned out the way it did when the first one was so good. I know that it was necessary to write this book to answer the readers' questions but it didn't seem mandatory to make the book so long. Plus, I honestly didn't give two fucks about most of the characters in the book. To make everything worse, Dean and Tyler became this extremely boring couple that either exchanged sassy lines or argued about how Dean wasn't good for Tyler blah blah.
Even the sex seemed drawn out and drab to me. And I am aware that we all need some story in a book but there was seriously no need to give Tyler a boyfriend. Yes, we want Dean to be jealous and regret his past actions but it was a punishment to read how Tyler didn't give a fuck about Eric and broke up with his a couple of chapters into the book.
Honestly, I think Eric was one of the most unnecessary characters I have ever read about in any book in my life. Moreover, that Jimmy guy and Tyler's friend didn't add much to the story. I understand that Tara's character was made to go through certain things so the author could bring forth the fact that abusive relationships was an important matter to her but I think it would have been better if there was a separate story to address domestic violence, perhaps with the same dark twist given to Deviant. This is a prime example of an excellent idea executed badly.
I suppose I didn't feel involved enough with the book or maybe it was too boring for me but by the time Tara's issue came along, I couldn't really care about how Dean tortured Tara's ex even though abuse is one of the problems that I care passionately about and want to be seen addressed more in books. I guess I shouldn't even start on the kidnapping part of the book. By that time, I was skimming through the chapters because nothing was working for me. I admit that Redemption was disappointing for me but Jaimie Roberts is still someone whose books I will continue to read in the future because I know she's an awesome author.
After reading 'Deviant' I needed closure, there were too many loose ends. Thank you Jaimie Roberts for 'Redemption'! Thank you for a roller coaster ride that brought more heartache, angst, redemption and closure. Tyler had faked her own death to get away from a man who deceived her, ruined her.
A man who would stop at nothing until I was broken, Well, he succeeded.
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She was in hiding, she had minimal contact with her parents, she didn't want to be found in order to keep her son, Jeremy safe. Unfortunately, Jeremy becomes ill and is hospitalized. Tyler's fears return and calls her parents. She's given up her refugee, she knows Dean will find her and when he does her life once again is turned upside down. Dean is ready to fight for what is 'his'. He confesses his to Tyler, he wants to be upfront from the beginning. It's devastating and he almost loses Tyler again. Tyler has her own secret she doesn't want to reveal to Dean. She wants to keep her family safe, she knows Dean is dangerous.
You're dangerous to my mind, my body, my hear. Don't you understand that? Don't you understand what you did to me? How could I ever move on form something like that? He continues to fight for 'his'. When they finally come together, begin to forgive and heal, vengeance comes back to rear it's ugly head. Tyler is a woman on a mission to protect her family and her heart. She strong, courageous and forgiving. She had to make difficult decisions from leaving her home, to accepting Dean back into her life.
Trust is difficult after she had been deceived by her best friends but she finds away to open up her heart. Dean becomes human, the toilet paper fights, toothpaste argument, the name calling between him and Jimmy brings him back to his old self. Dean is repentant, he wears it on his heart.
He's did spend enough time on the naughty step. I love the struggle, angst, and forgiveness. I am most happy for the closure! Mar 23, Jan rated it it was amazing Shelves: Brilliant finish to a two part story Deviant must be read first Firstly I was not expecting this at all. Book one was dark and edgy and had a lot of wtf moments, this was like a totally different story altogether. Dean was sweet and swoon worthy and a totally different character and I loved him.
In book one you're taken through the suspense and lots of on the edge and sometimes creepy moments with bitterness possession and revenge being the focus. The only outcome was hurt and feelings of betray Brilliant finish to a two part story Deviant must be read first Firstly I was not expecting this at all. The only outcome was hurt and feelings of betrayal. Jamie did a brilliant job with Deviant it kept you gripped with the madness of it all, right to the bitter end and I couldn't put this down.
Book 2, although it was the second part, I could of read this as a stand alone with not many links to the past at all and the ones that were mentioned were explained so maybe this could be read on its own as it starts were Tyler has started a fresh and changed her identity this sometimes is how a lot of books I have read also start but having said that you don't want to skip Deviant, it was brilliant. There was more humour in Redemption, more loving family moments and it showed a totally different side to Dean. Moving on in years you are introduced to Tylers son Jeremy and Deans friend and employee Jimmy, the banter between Jimmy and Dean was great, loved it and the chapters with his relationship from Jimmy's pov I loved, so you almost get a bonus addition story of another two characters.
There are lots of hot intimate moments in redemption partnering with a story of two childhood friends that have a deep love for each other but Forgiveness is the key and Dean has the lock that only Tyler can chose to use. The love both Tyler and Dean had shared wasn't fully revealed in Deviant, it portrayed more like possession on Deans part and his need for revenge but Redemption more than made up for this. Definitely a childhood friends to lovers story with a difference and if you felt Deviant was a little to gritty for you well hang on because Redemption will still keep you gripped but it definitely softens the blow with Deans redeeming moments.
A great read that I thoroughly enjoyed and will recommend. The redeemed must realize their imperfections. John Piper After the devastation that ensued in Deviant, Dean carries on life like a lost puppy. Knowing full well what happened with Tyler; he will never give up But Tyler has a secret, a secret she wants to keep safe from the dangers that surround Dean, dangers that follow his every footstep. Promising her the world one minute, and completely losing control the next; What will happen to these childhood sweetheart, who have massive secrets that need to be revealed? Will Dean's hidden secret destroy Tyler further?
Or will she ultimately forgive him for his terrible mistakes? I freakin' love this 2-part series!!
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I love that bother Alpha Male and Lioness Female have an equal part. There both as fiesty as each other. Having both an equal Alpha and Heroine makes the story all the more interesting. I'm glad this wasn't left on a cliffhanger and the story does conclude here, because I think my kindle would be in a million pieces if that happened! The story flowed perfectly. Jimmy and Dean's Bromance was hilarious; it really did make me chuckle.
I nearly cried in this one, I really did. Also, this is a frustrating story of two very stubborn people. I can NOT wait to read more from this author! Jaimie Roberts was born in London, but moved to Gibraltar in She is married with two sons, and in her spare time, she writes. In June , Jaimie published her first book, Take a Breath, with the second released in November With the reviews, Jaimie took time out to read and learn how to become a better writer.
She gets tremendous enjoyment out of writing, and even more so from the feed Jaimie Roberts was born in London, but moved to Gibraltar in I have heard that this was her first try at a darker romance story, and I think she did a wonderful job of it! Some readers may feel that it wasn't dark enough; but my mood must have been right where it needed to be for this book In fact, I'm scratching my head trying to figure out why so many others haven't given this one a go?? Maybe I am way out in left field and will be the only one who enjoyed it; but truly I can't really say much about this story, as it is one of those suspense ones where you should go in blindly.
For the most part of this story, I was kept intrigued, as well as questioning what the heck was going on exactly!!! I didn't know whether I wanted to like or hate Lucas There was a point in the beginning where I thought I knew what was going on I love that in my suspense reads!!! I had a ton of "real life" responsibilities that I ended up ignoring, just so I could continue reading!! To me, that makes a satisfying read!!! All in all, I usually don't like to recommend books, as I am always scared that people won't like it, and then they will think I was a nut for enjoying it myself LOL Yes, I am a bit of a worrier that way I am happy to report, this was an extremely satisfying read for me!!
View all 11 comments. Mar 01, Cristal Jatip rated it it was ok. Although this book is written well and the author has her signature angst and drama I just can't get behind the blatant romanticizing of sex and human trafficking. The author redeems that later in the story and it ties in with the ending but I wish she would have gone another route for the story. That is why I give this 2 stars.
Sex rings and human trafficking are not cute and the victims rarely get a happy ending. I know this is fiction but there are real victims and real stories. I wish she wou Although this book is written well and the author has her signature angst and drama I just can't get behind the blatant romanticizing of sex and human trafficking. I wish she would have put a note in the back about human and sex trafficking and where people could find information or donate but I didn't see any.
View all 5 comments. Molly McAdams is one of those authors that I will always want to read books from. She has battered my heart quite a bit in the past few years, okay that is a lie and I am not the only one who still hasn't gotten over reading Taking Chances: What I'm trying to say is I go into her books with the happy knowledge that I am going to enjoy what I am about to read. Yes, Molly McAdams can write dark novels and was I hooked, so much so that I could not stop reading even when I was at work.
Okay, so here is what happens Briar lives in Atlanta with her fiance Kyle. Their wedding is only weeks away when Briar is snatched behind the alley way of the restaurant she works at and she is gone without a trace. This is how she ends up being auctioned to the highest bidder and purchased by Lucas Holt. One moment she was at work putting out the trash and now she is in another city, possibly another country, with a controlling, demanding man, no way of contacting her loves ones and she is locked in a room, naked.
Probably not what she quite envisioned when she agreed to cover her work colleagues shift the other morning. One thing begins to become very clear, Lucas has no intention of ever letting her go and if she is ever going to have a chance to escape she is going to have to play along with what he expects of her. Her eyes are truly opened to a completely different world and lifestyle when she learns that her situation is not uncommon in the circles that Lucas moves in.
The longer she is in Lucas' home she is surprised to find herself slowly accepting her new life. Instead of fighting it she is making the best of what feels like an impossible situation. She calls Lucas the devil man with the devil eyes but a different side of him is also being revealed to her, a more human side that she was not expecting.
Briar is beginning to think and feel things that she knows she shouldn't be and she is feeling confused and conflicted about this. The guilt is overwhelming, there is no way she should, could ever want this man that took her life away from her. Why is her body betraying her then? Her body and mind wants Lucas and her heart seems to be begging for an invitation too. She consumes his every thought and he is breaking every rule he laid out for himself.
And the on top of all of this there is another story playing out in the background so it is fair to say that Lucas has a pretty stressful life. There are people from his past and present that have beef with him and he is constantly trying to second guess what is going on and what is happening between him and Briar is just making things even more intense. This was a really unexpectedly exciting, page turning read for me. Molly has shown a completely different side to her writing that I willingly lapped up page by page.
Into the light of the dark black night. Blackbird is a proof of how talented she is as an author. How brilliant she is for amazingly delivered a story so unforgettable, a story that will really leave a mark to all the readers. It's Molly McAdams at her finest. This is her masterpiece! I actually stopped reading it and waited days because I do not know if I read the right book. That to say because it was really new to me, I'm used to the angst Molly gave us, I'm used to that heart wrenching scenes she's known for but I was never used to read a book from her that was just dark and so twisted.
When I finally put on my big girl panties, I am amazed! I love the story so much I hardly put it down. View all 8 comments. Jan 29, Karen Mc rated it it was amazing Shelves: The devil is not as black as he is painted. Molly McAdams painted her latest book in black with the deliciously dark romance, Blackbird. I went into this battle of feels blindly, this book delivering darkness like raindrops from the sky.
No pep talk or words of wisdom would have helped me walk through the pits of hell where the devil reigned, where I could only pray for a sliver of sunshine. All I could do was dive in and silently beg for mercy on my emotions, hoping they would stay at bay. After The devil is not as black as he is painted. After the Prologue, I had to wonder: Painted in the blackest of blacks, Blackbird is a love story submerged in splendor and sorrow that sings to the soul. Oh did my soul shatter and sing!!! Sing, as my soul did to the bittersweet Beetles tune of Blackbird that haunted my head while reading: Blackbird singing in the dead of night.
Take these broken wings and learn to fly. You were only waiting for this moment to arise. Blackbird fly, blackbird fly. The Prologue struck me hard, barreling down on my heart like a thousand winds, terrifying yet thrilling me. My emotions engulfed me, rendering me breathless, powerless to the feels that flooded me like a storm. This battle was one of feels; a fight I would not win. A fight I did not want to win. I knew this little Blackbird would break me, and break me it did. A man cloaked in darkness—a man who would set me free.
A man hidden in a world I vowed to destroy with him by my side. Gorgeous with dark hair and dark eyes, a tall and muscular body adorned in ink, Lucas Holt was a devil in a dark world, sucked into it not by choice but by circumstance. Briar Chapman was a blonde and green-eyed beauty who looked both alluring and angelic. Dark collided with light as Briar was taken, kidnapped and sold to the devil, Lucas, at an auction.
She had called me the devil, and I felt like it after tonight. This devil and dark knight set my heart on fire. I bled for this destroyed devil. I had to catch my tears as I willed them not to fall.
Fallen Redemption
Tears that teased the dam of waterworks waiting to burst from the words that seized my soul, extracting every emotion. Blackbird stole my breath. My breathing was bated. My heart leapt out of my chest. The chemistry between these two strangers is undeniable…fire-hot Passion permeates from a mere look. Lucas and Briar have a shared bond that neither can grasp nor get.
Intense and intoxicating, Lucas is a force of darkness and Briar is the light. Blackbird hijacked my heart and stole my soul like a thief in the night! The spellbinding and spine-tingling Blackbird tore my heart open that lay bleeding, shook my soul that screamed for mercy, grabbed my gut that was unglued, and hit me so hard that my emotions bled long after the story was over. My tears bled all over my face, bleeding for words that penetrated through me like knives, slicing open my soul that was bared to this book.
This book that bared its soul to me is both a top February and read. Molly McAdams writes from the heart and you can tell her heart is poured into every beautiful and brilliant word. I still feel this love story flowing through me!!! This little bird chirped to my heart and chipped away at my soul. My emotions are still entangled around this Blackbird.
Blackbird made me fly to the darkest dark and to the lightest light. Jul 06, Yiota Misiou rated it did not like it Shelves: It gets taken away. Your sense of security, your hopes and dreams all gone within the blink of an eye because you were in a bubble of being untouchable. You see the funny thing is, as much as we all think we have this perfect world and our lives are good, were not exempt from being destroyed. Engaged to a man who worships the ground she walks on, and having a simple job has her feeling pretty good about her life.
Scared and alone, Briar must now face a completely different life where darkness will now become her new light. But can she survive this type of darkness? Especially when he comes in the form of tall and deadly? When Briar walks into his life, that part of him that he thought was dead has now been resuscitated and he has no intention of ever letting her go.
But will Briar make it easy for him? Briar and Lucas had an extremely complicated and I was extremely nervous but excited at the same time. Feb 28, Anjee rated it it was amazing Shelves: One word can describe this novel for me. One minute my heart was in my throat the next it was in my stomach.
And while this is a dark romance that is surrounded by a big mystery about her captor it gripped me from the beginning. I like it to hurt. I like it to make me cringe and feel unworthy and unhopeful. There were a few things that could have made it even darker and more twisted, but in the end, It all came full circle, and it was as it should be after I thought it over. Well, you can forget about all the sweet because she did a fantastic job going dark. If she can continue to develop this skill of dark writing, I believe we might have ourselves a winner my dark romance junkies. View all 3 comments.
Jun 29, Carla Bulian rated it really liked it. Mar 09, Ari added it. Briar Chapman had a seemingly perfect life until one day it was all taken from her.
Bond with Me
She is kidnapped and sold to Lucas Holt, a man who could only be described as the Devil. Briar pleads with him to let her go back home and after weeks with no success, she starts to accept her new reality. One that could cost both of them their lives. Blackbird is a dark, suspenseful, page-turning story that left me at the edge of my seat. Aug 18, Desi rated it liked it Shelves: Vivo en un mundo que pocos saben que existe. He sido entrenado para esto. He perfeccionado la calma letal que es requerida para esta vida.
Ahora es momento de comprar a mi primera chica. Pero todo lo que se necesita es una mirada a la chica valiente que comienza a cantar a mitad de la subasta para que esa calma desaparezca. Briar Chapman va a matarme, y no me importa. Un hombre envuelto en oscuridad, con ojos llenos de pecado y una tentadora sonrisa. Un demonio tan devastadoramente hermoso y cruel que su sola presencia causa temor. Y Lucas me mira como si finalmente encontrara a la persona que va a hacer que todo desaparezca.
Mar 17, Liz rated it liked it. Well written for a first attempt at a darker edgy theme. Some parts dragged for me and seemed repetitive. The beginning held my interest but around 70 ish percent, it seemed redundant and predictable. There were pockets of potential in delving into more of the characters background I liked Lucas's character more so than Briar. Overall, I'm still looking forward to the second installment. Mar 03, Tiffany Readz rated it really liked it Shelves: Palmerin, this is a tip toe into the dark side.
However, I did like the story line and the curve balls Molly McAdams threw at her readers. This review may be vague to protect the storyline. He was my own personal demon sent from hell. The minute one of these hardened men show a sliver of remorse for what they are doing or about to do, when there's still a conscience present, I'm all in.
It makes the struggle real. As much as he has to, Lucas isn't the devil and doesn't want to be with this particular girl after he heard her sing. He was attracted to Briar's bravery, something he now has to strip from her. Briar is in the wrong place at the wrong time and her life will never be the same. The "hardship" she knows is nothing like the others that surround her. While she wants nothing more than to go home, she sees that Lucas really isn't all he's pretending to be.
There is something more about this dark soul. Something she is determined to find out. Briar grew on me because she wasn't a tough girl, yet pretended well when Lucas was around. She held her own when she needed to. Blackbird is well written with a unique storyline which kept me quickly turning the pages. Molly McAdams did a great job with these characters, instantly drawing me to them. While it isn't the darkest book I've read, it's darker than others I have read from her and it worked. She gives her readers romance, action and sexy times when all is said and done.
This is the first book in the Redemption series and you bet I'll be reading the next one. Reviewed for Renee Entress's Blog. Jan 30, Michell Hall casper rated it it was amazing. I finished this book days ago and I still can't get it out of my head. And I still have no clue how to review it. I don't think my words will be enough. We all know what to expect from a Molly McAdams read. Ugly cries, broken hearts, anger and then for the most part she will piece us back together word by beautiful word.
But then she goes and gives us this! And I think it is some of her best work yet!! And trust me I know because I have read all her books Molly still gives us the ugly cries, broken hearts and so much anger. And she will still piece you back together word by beautiful word. This book has some dark elements and you will think WTH!! But trust me there is so much more to this story then you think. I couldn't put it down I was up until all hours into the night and early morning reading because I was on the edge of my seat wanting to know what was going to happen next.
You will literally feel all the feels in this book from the hairs standing on end to the that punch to the gut in the pit of your stomach. I'm going to stop here before I can't stop and start giving things away. This is a MUST read!!!! I knew there was a dark side in you Molly McAdams! Thank you for finally letting it out and giving us Briar and Lucas's story.
Be active with your children no matter what age. Know where they are, who their with and what they're doing. Open that communication and I swear they will hear you. Feb 08, Christine Shh Moms Reading rated it really liked it. I don't usually read dark books and have never read a Molly McAdams book so I was so excited to give this one a try. Raw, gritty, and exciting are words that come to mind when I think of this book. I was shocked over and over with the OMG moments and emotional in the moments that the words took my breath away.
Full review to come. I look forward to more in this series. Feb 26, Romance Readers Retreat rated it it was amazing. I finished this book a few days ago and have been struggling to write a review ever since. We all know what to expect from a Molly McAdams book: Molly really stepped out of her normal genre with this one. It was different than any of her other ones which I all loved. This one was dark and suspenseful and angsty and made me want to scream at times. I don't normally read dark books but this one just may have been changing me mind about the whole dark roma I finished this book a few days ago and have been struggling to write a review ever since.
I don't normally read dark books but this one just may have been changing me mind about the whole dark romance genre. I jumped at the chance to read this, even before I even looked at the blurb. I loved Briar and Lucas and I loved them together although I had a love-hate relationship with Lucas at first. And I felt for them every step of the way in this book. These characters will absolutely gut you and break your heart and have you screaming and crying and every emotion in between. Their story was definitely an emotional roller coaster of a ride but I enjoyed every single second of them and never wanted it to end!
There was twist after twist and you never see any of them coming till they smack you right up side the head and you are left reeling. This book was definitely an emotional experience in itself and I think this book will stay with me for awhile. All I can say is go out and one-click this book, what are you waiting for?!
One click this bad boy and I promise you won't regret it! Molly McAdams has one heck of a brilliant talent and I can't wait till her next book! Mar 11, Tangerine rated it really liked it. Turns out, I didn't have that much to worry about, I enjoyed this one very much.
The storyline isn't one that I read often, I don't really like them if I'm being honest. The whole "Stockholm Syndrome" storyline doesn't work for me unless it's Beauty and the Beast ; But this story was so much more than that. I didn't really care for 4 STaRs I haven't read anything by this author in a very long time and the book I did read I only read half of it so I was a little worried about going into this one.
I didn't really care for the romance nor did I really feel the love connection between these characters but I did like the story. I had a few problems with some things but that's just me nitpicking. Overall, I really enjoyed it and had a hard time putting it down. I so badly wanted to know how it was all going to play out. It was way better than that first book I half read by this author all those years ago. I won't feel so apprehensive about picking up her next.