Manuale di giornalismo (Manuali di base) (Italian Edition)
Palgrave Macmillan, Villeneuve J. Faramzad A, Springer, Mintchev V. Springer, Cucco M. Modelli teorici e percorsi d'analisi. Carocci, Roma, Pandolfi E. Studies on Language Norms in Context. Peter Lang, Amati R. Comparing physician and managerial perspectives. Managing improvement in healthcare: Attaining, sustaining and spreading quality. Marsilio, Venezia, Christopher S. Functional roles of multilingual skills and language training.
Language Norms in context: Peter Lang, Paternoster A. Peter Lang, Garau S. Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, Cucco M. Finanziamento pubblico ed economia simbolica nel cinema italiano contemporaneo. Il Mulino, Bologna, Cottier B. Bruylant, Cucco M. Le sfide del VOD alla filiera cinematografica e alle politiche pubbliche. Mimesis, Milano-Udine, Nanni P.
Facoltà di scienze della comunicazione
Le futur dans les langues romanes. Sciences pour la communication, Handbook of Teaching and Learning in Tourism. Edward Elgar, Lobinger K. Visuelle Praktiken des Mit-Teilens. Springer Fachmedien, Di Salvo P. Guida essenziale alle notizie fatte con i numeri. Linguisti in contatto II. Atti del convegno, Bellinzona, novembre Osservatorio linguistico della Svizzera italiana, Barra L. Le serie tv, il territorio e il "problema" Gomorra. Il volto televisivo del Belpaese. Casi di studio a confronto. Aracne, Canterano, Rocci A. Springer Fachmedien, Mihailov D.
Springer, Louw A. Libri, Dawson C. Globalisation of Higher Education. Formal Models in the Study of Language. Springer, Lobinger K. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Christopher S. Facetten der Mehrsprachigkeit - Reflets du plurilinguisme. Peter Lang, Miecznikowski-Fuenfschilling J. Case studies in Discourse Analysis.
Pubblico e tendenze di consumo negli anni Duemila. Narrazione, pubblico e storie del cinema italiano negli anni Duemila. Marsilio, Venezia, Rothenfluh F. John Benjamins, Cottier B. Comparative Study on blocking, filtering and take-down of illegal internet content.
Council of Europe, Lobinger K. Palgrave Macmillan, Negro G. La Cina dei Media. Edizioni Unicopli, Schmeil A. Understanding Learning in Immersive Environments. Analytics in Smart Tourism Design, ed. Springer, Mariconda S. Carroll, Greco S. Case studies in Discourse Analysis, Ed. Lincom, Pellizzato G. Philologie im Netz, Greco S. Il prestito semantico tra le lingue naturali e i diritti vigenti in una prospettiva filosofico e informatico giuridica. La donna gaddiana in attesa: Opificio di letteratura reale. A case study from the European Journalism Observatory. Strategic Communication for Non-Profit Organisations.
Vernon Press, Seele P. Vocabulary for the Study of Religion. Brill, Geise S. Handbuch nicht standardisierte Methoden in der Kommunikationswissenschaft. Leaving 3D bioprints for others to follow. Carroll, Nicolini D. Is there a Ghost in the Machine? Mobilizing Knowledge in Healthcare. Oxford University Press, Toraldo M. Exploring the creative design process of high-end silk designer. Organiational Networks for Innovation. Milano, Egea Cucco M. Limiti e strade per lo studio dell'economia del cinema italiano.
Studi sulla produzione dei media in Italia. Unicopli, Milano, Rocci A. De Gruyter Mouton, Rigotti E. A Case Study of Argumentation in Context. Lincom Studies in Pragmatics, Van den Bulck Eds. From the Analogue to the Digital Era. Nordicom, Toraldo M. Global Voices, Local Accents. London, Routledge Garau S. Prime indagini sugli 'Argomenti' della 'Recherche. Giovanni Raboni dieci anni dopo Macerata, Quodlibet Studio, Hannawa A. International Encyclopedia of Communication Research Methods. Anthropologische und ethische Implikationen digitaler Selbstinszenierung.
Kohlhammer, Arcidiacono F. Nova Science Publishers, Scrutinizing argumentation in practice, ed. John Benjamins, Di Salvo P. The case of the X state in Snowden's documents. Polirom, Seele P. Schwabe, Balachandran Nair L. The curious case of crowd-sourced science. Beltz Juventa, Suggs L. Winning in translation through crowdsourcing. De Gruyter Mouton, Marchiori E. Global Issues and Trends. Emerald, Marchiori E. Sheldon , Cathy H. Getting quant brains to play data games. John Benjamins, Miecznikowski-Fuenfschilling J. Pugliese a cura di , Parole, gesti, interpretazioni.
Studi linguistici per Carla Bazzanella. Roma, Aracne, Toraldo M. Evidence from Serious Games in Higher Education.

Growing Personalization and Wider Interconnections in Learning. Dike Verlag, Zapf L. Peter Lang, Hannawa A. Handbook of Communication Competence. Mouton deGruyter Balbi G. Theorizing Their Relationships in Media Historiography. De Gruyter Mouton, Lobinger K. Herbert von Halem, Lobinger K. Herbert von Halem, Balachandran Nair L. The merry adventures of an asset management cooperative. Pulling the scoop on the trendy photo crowdsourcing platform. Hop online and pull a rabbit out of your service network. Tourism and Hospitality Research Cottier B. Italian sembrare as an argumentative indicator.
Amsterdam, Springer, Geise S. Springer VS, Brantner C. Riveting robots to reduce and recycle. Towards an Integrated Framework. Routledge, De Ascaniis S. Cantoni, Nuovi media nella comunicazione turistica. Language, reason and education. Studies in honour of Eddo Rigotti.. Hans Huber Hannawa A. A Rocci and G. Gobber Eds , Language, reason and education.
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- Una missione speciale (Italian Edition);
Studies in honor of Eddo Rigotti. Peter Lang, Maeusli T. Die Geschichte der Schweiz. Helbling Lichtenhahn Basel, Herrmann A. Wirtschaftsinformatik in Wissenschaft und Praxis: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Cucco M. La grande bellezza in una prospettiva di economia e politica dei media. Carocci, Roma, Germeni E. Encyclopedia of Health Communication. Sage Publications, Hannawa A. Encyclopedia of health communication.
Encyclopedia of health communication.. Annual Report on Media Development of Shanghai blue book. Politica, impresa, tecnologia e utenti nella storia delle telecomunicazioni. Cucco a cura di. La trama dei media. Papazisis, Mandelli A. Trends in the Management of consumer Services.
Springer, Sala S. Encyclopedia of Digital Communication and Society. Medienselbstkontrolle und Media Accountability im internationalen Vergleich. Stark, Birgit et al. UVK, Zhang Z. La strategia del Soft Power e le politiche culturali del going out. La Trama Dei Media: Carocci editore, Dagnino G. Carocci, Christopher S. Language, Reason and Education. Bern, Peter Lang, Cottier B.
Schulthess, Cucco M. Carocci, Roma, Dagnino G. Storytelling in the Media Convergence Age: Palgrave Macmillan, Benecchi E. Carocci, Cantoni L. Studies in honor of Eddo Rigotti, Bern et al.: Peter Lang, Eade J. Encyclopedia of Social Media and Politics. La Trama dei media.
Carocci, Meschitti V. How a research team can support PhD students in their academic path. Global challenges, local responses in higher education. The contemporary issues in national and comparative perspective. Mind, Values and Metaphysics. Springer, Mengis J. Language and Communication at Work.
Language and Communication Work: Susanne Fengler et al. Peter Lang, Pucciarelli M. Design practices for urban safety and security. The impact of public and cultural events: Il Poligrafo Ruspini P. Egea, Schulz P. Hans Huber La Rocca A. Wilson eds , Handbook of strategic account management.. Wiley, Giordano C. Conversations about Transcultural European Memory.
Perspectives on theory of controversies and the ethics of communication - Explorations of Marcelo Dascal's contributions to philosophy. The Evolution of Global Internet Governance. Springer, Villeneuve J. La crisi dell'istruzione occidentale. D'Ettoris, Balbi G. Profumo a cura di , Il contributo italiano alla storia del pensiero. Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana. Herbert von Halem, Suggs L. Social marketing, from tunes to symphonies.. Hastings G, Domegan C, eds. Social marketing, from tunes to symphonies. Routledge, UK, Kalbaska N. Nuovi Media nella Comunicazione Turistica.
Theorien, Konzepte und Methoden der Visuellen Framingforschung: Ergebnisse einer systematischen Literaturschau. Herbert von Halem, Seele P. Hastall, Russ-Mohl S. Trust and participation in a transformed media landscape. In Encyclopedia of Media and Communication, ed. University of Toronto Press Mariconda S. Routledge, Balbi G. Quattro paradigmi nella relazione tra vecchi e nuovi mezzi di comunicazione.
Winterhalter a cura di. Una guida transdisciplinare per interpretare il vecchio e il nuovo.. Orthotes, Balbi G. The Experience of the Napoli Teatro Festival. Tradizione e paradigmi emergenti. Il ruolo della fiction Sky nel sistema dei media e nel sistema-paese. Carocci, Russ-Mohl S. De Gruyter, Russ-Mohl S. Heinz-Werner Nienstedt et al. De Gruyter, Garau S. Fabrizio Serra editore, Garau S. Roma, Fabrizio Serra editore, Garau S.
Fabrizio Serra editore, Cottier B. Le principe de transparence en Suisse et dans le monde, Lausanne. Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes, Villeneuve J. Le principe de transparence en Suisse et dans le monde. Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes,, Miecznikowski-Fuenfschilling J.
Bonner Romanistische Arbeiten , Fornara N. The Case of Fon. Abdelnasser Abdelaal, Zapf L. University of Toronto Press Toraldo M. Palgrave — Macmillan, Cottier B. Instrumente zur Umsetzung des Rechts auf informationelle Selbstbestimmung. Schulthess, Noriega P. Palese, La guerra dei simboli,. Handbook of Communication History. Routledge, Singh M. Ein skeptischer Zwischenruf zum Versuch, Public Value bestimmen zu wollen. Public Value und die Aufgaben von Medien. Zum Stand der Debatte. Springer VS, Geise S. Zur visuellen Konstruktion sozialer Wirklichkeit. Herbert von Halem, Toraldo M.
- Pubblicazioni | Facoltà di scienze della comunicazione | Università della Svizzera italiana?
- Oncology: Colorectal Cancer (Audio-Digest Foundation Oncology Continuing Medical Education (CME). Book 1);
Editoriale Scientifica, Russ-Mohl S. Fengler, Susanne et al. Anwendungsoptionen und gesellschaftliche Relevanz der Kommunikations- und Medienforschung. UVK, Zapf L. Evangelische Verlagsanstalt Leipzig, Cantoni L. Les discours de la bourse et de la finance. Frank und Timme, Cottier B. Schulthess, Pucciarelli M.
Wissenschaftskommunikation und Wissenschaftsjournalismus im Internet-Zeitalter. A Research in Italy. Konzepte, Methoden und Beispiele aus der Journalistenausbildung. Herbert von Halem, Poglia E. Lang, Bern, Berlin, Inversini A. A Case Study in the Tourism Domain. Schwabe, Russ-Mohl S. UVK, Cantoni L. Liber Editions Russ-Mohl S. Schweiz — Suisse — Svizzera. Multilingualism and the Aesthetics of the Gesamt-Kunstwerk.
The Aesthetics of the Total Artwork. On Borders and Fragments, ed. Herbert von Halem, Russ-Mohl S. Medien, Medienforschung und Kritik. Schwabe, Villeneuve J. Encyclopaedia of sport management and marketing. The Principle of Diversity. Mapping Media Accountability — in Europe and Beyond. Staudinger, Wien , S. Nomos Edition Fischer, Terzoli M. Oxford University Press, Cottier B. Esperienze di multilinguismo in atto. Accademia della Crusca, Cottier B.
Schulthess, Mandelli A. An introduction 3rd ed. Peter Lang, Mazza R. Handbook of Educational Data Mining. Press , Bazzanella C. Oxford, Emerald, Musacchio Adorisio A. Clients and Trafficked Women in Italy. Ruspini eds Prostitution and Human Trafficking: Springer, Cauduro A. Springer, Di Nicola A. Firenze, Franco Cesati, Lobinger K. Herbert von Halem, Mandelli A. The Albergo Diffuso Formula. Das Beispiel der Schweiz. Ricerche e valutazioni nei media e nei servizi sanitari. Editore Franco Angeli Corsaro D. Comprendere i processi di mercato e modellare l'azione di management.
Franco Angeli Cottier B. Schulthess, Boje D. Experiences at Wells Fargo Bank. Perugia, Guerra, Ruspini P. Spam and other intrusive marketing techniques.
Pagina principale
Regulating Internet Abuses Invasion of Privacy. Kluwer, Corsaro D. Prometeo Editorial Miecznikowski-Fuenfschilling J. Amsterdam, John Benjamins, Ruspini P. Franco Angeli, Garau S. Monti nella Milano napoleonica e post-napoleonica. Barbarisi, Gennaro; Spaggiari, William. Milano, Cisalpino, Rigotti F. Muravska eds European Union Enlargement of and Beyond: University of Latvia, Rigotti F. Ideologie e sfide, Bologna, il Mulino, tr. London, Continuum, Poglia E. Dieci anni di immigrazione in Italia Tenth Report on Migration Ten Years of Immigration in Italy.
Franco Angeli, Candeloro J. Lombardi ed Percorsi di integrazione degli immigrati e politiche attive del lavoro Paths of Immigrant Integration and Active Labour Policies. Franco Angeli, Cottier B. Media Vision, Berne , p. The Emerging United States of Europe. Loretoni eds The Emerging European Union: Un'introduzione ai modelli computazionali della coscienza. Continuazione e rottura degli schemi della dedica. I margini del libro.
We The Italians | Anthony J. Tamburri (Dean of the John D. Calandra Italian American Institute)
Indagine teorica e storica sui testi di dedica, Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studi, Basilea, novembre Roma-Padova, Antenore, Ruspini P. Ruspini eds Migration in the New Europe: Palgrave-Macmillan, Gorny A. Palgrave-Macmillan, Ruspini P. Russia e repubbliche ex-sovietiche. Russia and the Former Soviet Republics.
Franco Angeli, Miecznikowski-Fuenfschilling J. Anfangspunkte des Erwerbs von Zweitsprachen. Leben mit mehreren Sprachen. Bern, Peter Lang Ruspini P. Tajoli, eds Convergence in the Enlarged European Union. Mitrana eds , Grammars and Automata for String Processing: Percorsi e teritori di un medium moble e interattivo.
Franco Angeli, Poncini G. From Past Approaches to Future Trends. Politische Berichterstattung am Schweizer Radio. Integration und Medien, Mediensymposium Luzern Bd. Westdeutscher Verlag, Opladen Maeusli T. A Mirror of European Conditions? Archive und Geschichtsschreibung; Studien und Quellen. Schweizer Bundesarchiv, Ruspini P. Franco Angeli, Maeusli T. La politica allo specchio. Istituzioni, partecipazione e formazione alla cittadinanza. Giampiero Casagrande, Cottier B.
Quelques facettes du droit d'Internet. La Porte a cura di — Famiglia e media. Associazioni familiari e comunicazione. Paris, L'Harmattan, Rigotti F. VV a cura di Graziella Arazzi , Donne e filosofe: Franco Angeli, Ruspini P. Irregular Immigrants in Italy. Waldrauch eds Irregular Migration: Bruylant, Maeusli T.
Radio und Fernsehen in der Schweiz. Schott Mainz , Maeusli T. Das Basler Musikleben im Basler Zeitung, Ruspini P. Eine Dealerin vor dem Prozess. Ein Ziegenhirt im Tessin. Jugendkulturen in der schweiz von den 30er jahren bis heute. Stapferhaus Lenzburg, Roselli L. Rede vor dem Parlament am Helbing Lichtenhahn, Roselli L.
I, Lecce , Ed. Zur Rezeption des Jazz in der Schweiz der Jahre — , in: Presse universitaire d'Aix Marseille, Arbia G. Chapter 6 of the volume Continuous time econometrics, G. Editions Universitaires Fribourg, Cottier B. Helbing Lichtenhahn, Arbia G. Measurement and critique under review Di Salvo P. How to assess methodological transparency of grounded theory in management? Organizing the Hungarian mortgage market as a socio-technical process. Il giornalismo di domani, raccontato da chi lo sta cambiando Ruspini P. Il caso degli hotel del Ticino Svizzera Palmieri R. Pratiche di Ascolto e di Dialogo.
Il caso degli hotel di Lugano. Culture and Safety in Douala Scalici F. What are the lessons learnt since ? The Commission proposal on access to EU documents and the proper limits of transparency Miecznikowski-Fuenfschilling J. The practice in the top companies in Switzerland Illia L. Offerta e uso in un contesto multimediale Ruspini P. Globalization and the Language of the Apocalypsis Rigotti F. An International Experiment Mandelli A. Atti di conferenza Hernandez G. Studies in Communication Sciences. Its Results and how to Measure them.
Turku School of Economics, Pori Unit. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Design, User Experience, and Usability: Understanding Users and Contexts. The case of faces4heritage. Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism The role of augmented self, expertise and personalization in the experience with augmented reality mirror.
Global Fashion Management Conference Proceeding. Using participatory photography to elicit perceptions of Information and Authority among Hispanic migrants in the U. Fondazione Idente di Studi e di Ricerca. Design Discourse Lock I. The Case of Hotels in Lugano. How are World Heritage Sites portrayed online by European destinations for different markets? Heritage, Tourism and Hospitality International Conference Nea Science 2 9. Springer International Publishing Switzerland.
Research Papers Volume 1 pp. Uncovering obscure processes in participatory community-based research. The case of 4 and 5 star hotels in European German-speaking countries. Monash Centre, Prato, Italy. Challenges and solutions Pucciarelli M. A Matter of Design: Ma king Society trough Science and Technology. A matter of design.. Integrating XBRL data repositories into sustainability reporting. The Case of Visa Information. The view of hotel managers. The attitude of pre-service teachers on technology for teaching.
Cape Town, South Africa. A reflection on the literature. Public and private access to ICTs in developing regions. The second international CSR communication conference. CSR Communication Conference Proceedings of the International Conference in Dublin, Ireland. Academy of Marketing Science. Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism.
A Layered Visual Analytics approach. Orange Data for Development Challenge. Genoa Italy , March Fiordelli M. International Communication Association annual conference. Synchrophasors and their Application for a Secure Smart Grid. August 29 - September 1, Bova A. Proceedings of the 15th European Conference of Developmental Psychology.
Between Bad Literacy and Guided Navigation. The case of Ticino Switzerland Travel Specialist. EuroChrie - Hospitality for a better world Conference. Lausanne, Switzerland Kalbaska N. An exploratory study on Indian Travel Agents perspective. Tourism and Global Change: On the Edge of Something Big. The Case of Canton Ticino and Lombardy. January , Fiordelli M. A cross-sectional study in the French and Italian parts of Switzerland.
Pfleiderer, Georg; Heit, Alexander Hg. University of Amsterdam, Marchiori E. March Marchiori E. Proceedings of the International Conference "Tourism Imaginaries". February Bova A. Proceedings of the Rethinking Education Conference. October Fanni F. Evaluating ICT training in education. Community Informatics Research Network. Community Archives meets Community Informatics.
Prato, Italy, November. Cardiff University Di Blas N. Proceedings of the 9th international Conference on interaction Design and Children. June 09 - 12, Rapanta C. Lugano, Switzerland Bytheway A. Assisting teachers in disadvantaged primary schools. A technology-based physical activity intervention for UK worksites: Results of a randomized controlled trial conducted from September to August European Journal of Public Health.
European Public Health Conference. Amsterdam, 10—13 November Mandelli A. July Fanni F. October 05 - 07, Suggs L. E-mail and SMS physical activity communication in the workplace. Abstracts', Journal of Sports Sciences, Communicating by Design, Proceedings of the colloquium "Communicating by Design".
May , Mazza R. Amsterdam, Netherlands Bello R. Open Digital Cultural Heritage Systems. Just another TV rerun? Attitudes and Beliefs about Blogs and Politics. London England Suggs L. Understanding the needs of overweight and obese sedentary adults. Proceeding of the ACM workshop on Research advances in large digital book repositories.
Proceedings of the 18th Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia. Sixth International Conference on Urban Health.. Baltimore, Maryland Musacchio Adorisio A. Manchester, UK de Chernatony L. Globalization, Diversity and Identity". European Academy of Management. Critical Issues in eHealth Research Conference. Spesso infatti prevedono la riduzione delle dimensioni del testo e si adattano meglio ad essere visualizzati sui piccoli schermi dei dispositivi portatili. Questo tipo di formato presenta diversi svantaggi tra cui: Libri che si possono toccare, libri che si possono odorare, libri dai quali possiamo dipendere.
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