Less of a Stranger
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Although Meg agrees to the art showing, she frets about leaving Myrtle Beach, her grandfather and Joyland. When her grandfather informs her that he has sold Joyland to Katch, Meg is infuriated beyond words. She can't help but feel that Katch has been pursuing her only to get his hands on Joyland. She can't believe that she allowed herself to fall in love with this man. Will Katch be able to convince Meg that his feelings for her are real? Click here to see the rest of this review. So it puts them having met each other, engaged within 3 weeks. Married 3 days later.
Met and married within a month? I mean, come on. And again, I don't get what either of them loved so much about the other. Good for some light reading at the beach or something quick and romancey.
It was quick and enjoyable and got me to 52 books for the year. Read it within eight hours, with a lot of not-reading in between. Jan 16, Tammy rated it really liked it Shelves: Megans parents died when she was 5 years old, so she was raised by her grandfather. He owned an amusement park and Megan helped him run it.
She likes to dabble in sculpting on the side but doesnt think of selling her pieces. Then she meets a guy at the grocery store who is an egomaniac. He doesnt like the word NO. He pursues Megan even when she tells him she isnt interested. I would have never dated him, he was borderline abusive in my opinion.
Less of a Stranger by Nora Roberts
Megan was a pushover with Katch at times, she wouldnt stand her ground and let him have control over every aspect of their relationship. The story was easy flowing and a fast read May 09, Desi rated it it was ok Shelves: Apr 24, Ashley Christensen rated it liked it Shelves: I liked Megan, I loved Timothy I have a soft spot for grandparents as literary characters, probably because of my soft spot for my own grandparents , but I only kind of liked Katch though, I did like him more as I read further, and he was opened up a bit.
They are too short, they wrap up too quickly, and never give me what I really want. Oct 14, Linda rated it really liked it Shelves: I first read this book in when it was published. It is a romance of that era. It is a light romance, quick read with snappy dialog between Megan and Katch. He wants to buy out her grandfather's amusement park and falls for Megan in the process. I enjoyed learning about the amusement park business, the setting in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, and her sculpting. Apr 01, Mari rated it liked it.
This is another romance that develops quite fast and then goes sour.
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But he comes to talk with her Grandfather that she lives with, and boom, romance develops. He just happens to be very, very rich of course and he buys some of her sculptures and her career is blooms. She hates to leave her grandfather and the carnival he owns, even for a couple of months, but does and gets back with David. T thank you Nora for writing such a beautiful heartfelt love story. I'm a born romantic but sometimes get tired of reading such sexual explicit stories.
This was so beautiful and so lovingly tender and what a joy in all these tumultuous times. Always enjoy your books but this one more than ever. Oct 14, Sue Lauzon rated it really liked it. I think this was one of Nora Roverts' earlier works and it didn't disappoint me. A really cute romance story that is a quick read.
Less Of A Stranger Book Summary and Study Guide
Easily could have been read in an afternoon but seeing as I have ADD when it comes to reading I had other books on the go at the time. Jan 08, Amanda Siegrist rated it liked it. I really wanted to like this novel, but I just couldn't figure out how they loved each other. Katch was rude and controlling, and Megan didn't like him, yet every time he touched her, she forgot all about it. It was just hard to believe. May 13, Irene rated it it was ok. This book was not one of Nora Roberts best.
Less of a Stranger
Too predictable and not very interesting sorry to say. Aug 23, Shawn rated it it was ok. Not high on my NR list at all.
Apr 05, Sandybear76 added it Shelves: Megan Miller has been helping her grandfather run his amusement park for years, and she's not about to let David Katcherton, no matter how infuriatingly handsome he is, wiggle into their family and buy their park. But Katch intends to do just that. But beside the park, there's something else he's determine to end up with—Megan. It was short, cute, sweet, and incredibly tame Megan and Katch never got beyond second base , which was equally strange and refreshing.
The heroine was rather annoying with Megan Miller has been helping her grandfather run his amusement park for years, and she's not about to let David Katcherton, no matter how infuriatingly handsome he is, wiggle into their family and buy their park. The heroine was rather annoying with her jumping to conclusion about everything and everybody, and her peculiar attitude about not leaving despite what her grandfather kept telling her , and because the story was written from her point of view not counting the few paragraphs in the first chapter , I didn't get to really know the hero and he mostly came off as aloof.
Which made the final romance rather difficult to grasp. Still, it was well written and just short enough for me to not lose interest despite its flaws. Nov 19, Maura rated it it was ok Shelves: This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. Some of these early Nora Roberts books are completely awful.
See a Problem?
I'm supposed to think that a guy who creeps about and stalks a woman in the grocery store and crosses physical boundaries like touching and kissing without any hint from the woman that it's okay, is romantic? He the Hero Katch is arrogant and bent on owning everything He doesn't even know her and he tells himself that he will have her - it's as though he's saving up for a new car or something.
And I'm sorry, Some of these early Nora Roberts books are completely awful. And I'm sorry, but how is "We both know if I'd been a little more persuasive tonight, I'd have had you," even the slightest bit romantic He also blows hot and cold. One minute he's ready to have sex with her on a beach and she's trying to stop him and the next she's trying to have a sleepover and he's pushing her out the door.

Incidentally, we never see his POV, which I don't like. The heroine, Meg, is overly suspicious and thinks the worst of him, even though all he's done so far is make a few unwanted moves. He doesn't listen to the word no, but she honestly doesn't seem to mean it. She tells him no and then a minute later she changes her mind. Talk about mixed messages. Not that the hero understands the word no. About halfway through the book, the hero becomes a bit more likeable, but then the heroine gets out of control annoying.
She thinks he's deceitful and manipulative until she finds out he's involved in several charities - then he's a nice, trustworthy guy.