Hegel and Christian Theology: A Reading of the Lectures on the Philosophy of Religion
Christ and Reconciliation 9.
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
Spirit and Community The Theological Significance of Hegel Today. Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide. Academic Skip to main content.
Hegel and Christian Theology
Choose your country or region Close. Ebook This title is available as an ebook. To purchase, visit your preferred ebook provider. Review quote Professor Hodgson has done us a great service by presenting a very thorough interpretation of Hegel's philosophy of religion which undoubtedly meets the highest of standards.
This book will undoubtedly be a standard secondary text for a long time to come for anyone working with Hegel's lectures on the philosophy of religion. I can highly recommend it to everyone who is convinced that Hegel's philosophy of religion is still more than worthwhile to be studied by contemporary philosophers and theologians, and who do not want to content themselves with the usual cliches about his thought. Hodgson is Charles G.
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- Boston Collaborative Encyclopedia of Western Theology: Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel.
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- The priestly element in the Old Testament; an aid to historical study;
- The Virtues Of Heifer Verses. Surah Al-Baqarah sentence 151 - 162;
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Peter Hodgson - - The Owl of Minerva 37 1: Lectures on the Philosophy of Religion: One-Volume Edition, the Lectures of