Geheimbünde als Träger von Geheimlehren im Zeitalter der Aufklärung (German Edition)
Der Weg zum wahren Stein. Vom Verfasser numeriert u. Dieses Exemplar hat die No. Allvater Wodan oder Jehovah? Runen - Altheim, F. Untersuchungen zur Ursprungsfrage der Runen. Berlin-Dahlem, Ahnenerbe-Stiftung Verlag, []. Fortsetzung der Arbeit "Vom Ursprung der Runen". Runen - Arntz, Helmut: Halle, Max Niemeyer Verlag, Magie; Geheimrunen; Ogom u. Runen - Arntz, Helmut Hrsg. Die Ziegel von Wilhering, Oberdonau. Ein lehrreicher "Runenfund"; A. Kannten die vorchristlichen Germanen Runenzauber?
Runen - Burg, Fritz: Berlin, Weidmannsche Buchhandlung, Norwegen, besprochen werden z. Runen - Dietrich, Franz: Gottesgesetz und Botschaft der Runen. Runen - Hubricht, E[mil]: Runen und ihre heutige Verwendung. Runen - Johannesson, Alexander: Grammatik der urnordischen Runeninschriften. Diese stammen aus dem 3. Runen - Kirchhoff, Dr. Runen - Legis, Dr. Fundgruben des alten Nordens. Erster Band [von 2]. Darstellung des Runenthumes nach allen seinen Beziehungen 1. Uiber das Etymon des Namens Rune. Runen - Marby, Friedrich Bernhard: Ab gab er die Zeitschrift "Der eigene Weg" heraus.
Fleckspuren; Besitzervermerk im Vorsatz, sonst ein gutes Expl. Runen - Minst, Karl Josef: Runen - Sierke, Sigurd: Runen - Zeller, Otto: Der Ursprung der Buchstabenschrift und das Runenalphabet. Kann Schriftlosigkeit gewollt sein? Dritter Band [nur dieser mit Untertite]: Vom Wohlstands- zum Arbeitsmenschen. Leipzig, Hammer Verlag [Theodor Fritsch], , , Edith Freifrau von Krieg-Hochfelden, geb.
Biographisches Lexikon zur Pflegegeschichte sic! Nach Mohler B Salonmagie - "Selbit" [Percy Thomas Tibbles]: Including valuable contributions from those Magicians who have made their names famous during the past and present centuries. Selbit was an English magician and inventor. He was the first person who performed the illusion of sawing a woman in half on stage in Between and he acted as "pseudo-Egyptian" under the name Joad Heteb and later he created the name Selbit by spelling his last name backwards. Salonmagie - Bellachini, Joachim [d. Berlin-Lichterfelde-West, Selbstverlag , [um ].
Die Wunder der Physik u. Salonmagie - Bellachini, Pietro: Zur Unterhaltung in geselligen Kreisen. Salonmagie - Braun, Franz Schrftltg. Zeitschrift des magischen Zirkels von Deutschland. Zauberei mit Riesenkrarten; Cark Graf v. Der magische Ballonzipfel; Gerhard Busch: Magische Pendel; Jochen Zmeck: Magische ExLibris; Werner Duda: Mentaleffekte mit Figurenkarten; Ravelli: Der Schuss in den Mund; Hans Trunk: Das Wundertuch "Inferno"; G.
Das Geheimnis des Buddha; A. Teumer als Sammler; J. Die Apsychacosie; Siegfried Nitsche: Hinter den Kulissen; D. Der Kalender im Kopf; Hans Berthold: Eine erstaunliche Kartenverwandlung; Arno Alexander: Alexanders verschwindende brennende Petroleumlampe; Jo Burghardt: Der magische Zehner; Adi Kaufmann: Die schwebende Kugel; Hans Gerhard Stumpf: Pyrotechnik in der Zauberei; Gerhard Schmidt: Hellsehen oder Geisterschrift; Richard Pieper: Hellsehen einer bestimmten Karte.
Salonmagie - Fischer, Ottokar: Das Wunderbuch der Zauberkunst. Stuttgart, Friedrich Andreas Perthes, []. Der Verfasser war Leiter des Zaubertheaters Wien u. Salonmagie - Suhr, H. Das Goldene Buch der Magie. Die orientalische Zauberei im Salon. Salonmagie - Willmann, Carl: Illustriert durch Text-Abbildungen. Leipzig, Otto Spamer, Der Zauberstab; Die mechanischen Klappen; Fallen u. Pedale; Die Kunstgriffe u. Vorstand der ersten internationalen Zaubervereinigung. Salonmagie - Wilsmann, Dr.
Kleine Kulturgeschichte der Zauberkunst. Berlin, Verlag Scherl, []. Der Untertitel der EA lautete: Von Magiern, Schwindlern und Scharlatanen. Die Teufelsmaske der "Ernsten Bibelforscher". Propheten und Pioniere gewaltsamen Umsturzes. Der Mensch in seinem Wahn! Nummern auf Vorsatz; Schnitt leicht fleckig, gutes Expl. Stimme der Guido von List Gesellschaft [bzw.
Hexentum; Till van Tilleda: Das Geheimnis der Spielkarten; L. Ryt als Bild u. Licht; Rudolf Adrian Dietrich: Das Julfest der Germanen; F. Welcher Erbketten bedient sich das Karma? Europas Kultur der Gross-Skulpturen; Bojorix: Die Runen in ihrer esoterischen Symbolik u. Herbstliche Einweihung; Norbert Mumelter: Sind wir Germanen Barbaren? Auf der Suche nach dem Urelement; M. Brauchtum zum Jahreswechsel; K. Ein Hexenbund in England: Die Wiccas; Heinar Schilling: Die Wiederentdeckung der vorchristlichen Kultgeographie; Brigitte Cornelius: Armanenwissen in romanischen Bauten; Joh.
Die apokalyptische Zahl ; daneben fast immer Buchempfehlungen u. Anmerkungen in 16 Heften darunter der kmpl. Das Hexeneinmaleins in Goethes "Faust". Fakire und Fakirtum im alten und modernen Indien. Yoga-Lehre und Yoga-Praxis nach den indischen originalquellen dargestellt. Das Hohelied vom Atem. Den Haag Holland , Verlag J. Des Hoheliedes Melodie u. Leib, Gefahr, Wandlung, Menschentum. Aufkleber auf Titel; leichter Rauchgeruch, sonst ein gutes Expl.
Der Entscheidungsruf Christi an die Erde! Leseproben zu "Bereitet die Lichter" an Dinter: Germanische Religion vor dreitausend Jahren. Theoretischer und praktischer Leitfaden der Alchemie. Der Autor verfolgt mit seinem Leitfaden v. Randmarkierungen, sonst ein gutes Expl. Gotha, Leopold Klotz Verlag, Rechts von ihnen steht nur noch Karl Barth [ Pforzheim, Verlag Herbert Reichstein, Die Templer sind unter uns.
Mit 13 Abbildungen im Text und 16 Tafeln. Wien, Verlag Ullstein, Besitzervermerk im Vorsatz, sonst ein gutes Expl. Mit einem Vorwort von C. Jung und mit 12 Kaltnadelradierungen von Peter Craemer. Der Chilene Miguel Serrano war zw. Vertreter bei den Vereinigten Nationen. Kaspar Hauser oder der Findling. Ludwig Georg Friedrich Seybold , dtsch.
Vorsatzblatt mit Besitzervermerken u. Via veritas, der einigen Wahrheit. Er verdient ein unvergleichliches Lob. Rede, gehalten in der Ortsgruppe Berlin des Alldeutschen Verbandes am Hamburg, Verlagsanstalt und Druckerei A. Die Liebesgeschichte des Himmels. Untersuchungen zur indogermanischen Sagenkunde. Strassburg, Verlag von Karl J. Verwandtes; Freyr, Freyja u. Leinen mit aufgezogenem O-Deckel. Voran gestelltes Zitat aus Hitlers "Mein Kampf". Desweiteren behauptet er, dass Newtons Anziehungskraft nur eine Behauptung ohne jeden Beweis sei, dazu werden Leibnitz u.
Wie veranstalte ich hypnotische Vorstellungen? Dresden, Verlag von C. Die alten Israeliten; Brahma u. Philo Judaeus, der hellenische Jude; Die Essener u.
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In der Presse nummeriert: Franz Spunda ; Zondergeld nennt ihn neben Gustav Meyrink u. Paul Busson, als wichtigsten Vertreter des deutschsprachigen, magisch-okkulten Romans. Gottsehnsucht; Lao-Tses Weisheit; Sympathie u. Esoteriker, der eine Art Naturmystik lehrte Lexikon der Esoterik. Seine Sicht zu kirchlichen Festen u.
Ordnungswesen im Pflanzenreich; Pflanzen-Essenz u. Etwas verstiegen sind die im Buch anklingenden physikalischen u. Eine geschichtsphilosophische Prophezeiung zum Weltkrieg. Leipzig, Hans Sachs-Verlag, Friedrich von Stromer-Reichenbach, der sich selbst als "Historionom" bezeichnet, vertritt die Theorie einer zyklischen, berechenbaren Geschichte.
Wunderglaube im Heidentum und in der alten Kirche. Gotha, Friedrich Andreas Perthes, Wunderglaube im Heidentum u. Zeitschrift widmet sich insbesondere der Alchemie, aber auch verwandten Gebieten, wie Kunst, Heilkunde, Astrologie oder Kabbala. Um , einer Zeit von Korsetts u. Es folgte sein Buch "Wieder nackt gewordene Menschen". Deutschlands Wiedergeburt durch Blut und Eisen. Stuttgart, Verlag von Richard Ungewitter, []. Halbleinen mit aufgezogenem farbig illus. Richard Ungewitter "Germanen und Fremdrassige" und Dr. Friedrich Lezius "Unsere Kriegsziele im Osten".
Eine aufsehenerregende Teufelsaustreibung in Nordamerika. This edition is limited to fifty copies. Auf dem Deckel das siebenspeichige Lebensrad umgeben vom Uroboros. Papierverletzung am Rand, sonst ein gutes Expl. Ein zweiter Weltkrieg bis Henri Birven, Berlin Willenau. Deutsche Vornamen und ihre Deutung. O-Papier mit einer Swastika auf dem Deckel.
Erster und Zweyter Band [kmpl. Mit Genehmigung der Obern. Das Werk besteht aus 10 "Abhandlungen". Buch aber nicht explizit? Das Mysterium der germanischen Sendung. Nun aber - ist Chaos; beinahe vollendetes Chaos, wie es der - Anfang braucht. Welt 10 , S. Orplid das heilige Land. Das Mysterium der Reinheit. Endzeitprophezeiungen durch nummerologische Berechnungen auf Grund von Bibeltexten.

Am Vorabend des Gerichtes. Biblische Weissagungen auf die Jahre bis Sinn und Ziel der Weltgeschichte. Deckel leicht fleckig u. Leipzig, Verlag Paul Haupt, Wier [auch Weyer, Weier, Wierus], Johannes: Sampt zu endt angehencktem newen und vollkommenen Register. Zur EA von siehe Cornell S. Das vorliegende Werk wurden von dem franz.
Sehr seltene Utopie in der Erstausgabe: Mittheilungen aus den Jahren und Wismar, Hinstorffsche Hofbuchhandlung Verlagscontor, Pappband mit montiertem illus. Titel etwas fleckig; erste u. Berlin, Verlag von Leonhard Simion, Mittheilungen aus den Jahren und " behandelt. Die Erde und unsere Ahnen. Ein Beitrag zur Entwickelungsgeschichte der deutschen Religion. Hellerau bei Dresden, Hakenkreuz Verlag, Schriftleiter der "Hagal"-Hefte u. Ecken leicht bestossen, sonst gutes Expl.
Tannenberg und des Deutschen Ritterordens letzter Held. Ecken leicht bestossen, sonst ein gutes Expl. Der Ewigkeitsgehalt der eddischen Runen und Zahlen. Hamburg, Hans Christians Druckerei und Verlag, Glahns astrologischer Volkskalender Die Schrift als Spiegel der Menschennatur; E. Warum in die Ferne schweifen? Goslar, Verlag August Thuhoff, Kapellen; Teuflische Geschichten; Hexensabbat; Geister u.
Thema Gesundheit mit Praxis der Anwendung von Tachyonenergie. Die zwei DVDs geben umfassenden Einblick in die esoterischen u. Die Magier vom "Klus". Der Klusfelsen in Goslar als Mysterienort. Petersberg aus der Sicht von Hermerding u. DVD in neuwertigem Zustand. Wewelsburg - Dokumente zur Zeitgeschichte Heft 4. Die beiliegenden Dias zeigen: Erster, Zweiter, Dritter und Vierter Band [kmpl. Nebst selbstgezeichneten bunten Wappentafeln, mit Bildbeilagen und Abbildungen.
Im Adressverzeichnis des zweiten Bandes findet man den "Erberinnerer" unter der Eintragung wieder. Himmler so gerne in Anspruch nahmen. Seiten etwas stockfleckig; Besitzerstempel u. Himmlers Rasputin und seine Erben. Engerda, Arun Verlag, []. Erschien in einer Aufl. An den Quellwurzeln unseres Seins: Von Wiedergeburt zu Wiedergeburt. Stuttgart, Spieth Verlag, KZs, in denen er insgesamt 99 Monate bis April verbrachte. T Orden der Neutempler in Wien. Dass diese Arbeit trotzdem eine wertvolle Quelle bleibt, liegt an den nicht mehr wiederholbaren Antworten, die Mund von Zeitzeugen erhalten hat.
Fragmente einer verschollenen Religion. Berlin], Deutschherrenverlag [Books on Demand Gmbh], Es ist das reproduzierte Typoskript von Munds letztem Buch, das nach seinem Tode von seiner Frau mit Bitte um Hilfe an den Bekanntenkreis versendet wurde. Seine illustrierte Geschichte Melbeck, Verlag Klaus D. Alle noch vorhandenen Akten wurden ausgewertet. Die Kraft der zwei Sonnen. The ebook starts off with the origins of city militias within the overdue 19th century and follows their improvement to the current day.
Perry makes a speciality of the establishment of employee militias as a automobile for interpreting the altering yet enduring influence of China's progressive historical past on next state-society family members. Hauptseminar, sixty seven Quellen im Literaturverzeichnis, Sprache: Jahrhunderts, der Hochphase der Urbanisierung, errichtet wurden. Dabei soll besonderes Augenmerk auf den Alten Schlachthof zu Berlin gelegt werden. Jahrhundert und immer wieder auftretenden Krankheiten und Seuchen. Den zeitlichen Rahmen dieser Arbeit setzt die im Wie sah deren Entwicklung, speziell die von Berlin, aus?
In us, however, other feelings are roused if we try to relate to the cultures of Old China, Babylon or the old Indian cultures of the Aztecs in present-day Mexico and the Incas in present-day Peru. It cannot be denied: They are not related to us, but rather, are of foreign race. A different spirit speaks from them. Never did these foreign cultures reach a commensurate peak with those based on Nordic spirit.
The technological development of today has also emerged under the leadership of the Nordic race. This is just as much true, for example, in modern Turkey, the progress of America and the rise in the Far East. Wherever mixed with closely related races the influence of the Nordic race has always proven beneficial and developed abilities which produce the highest cultural achievements.
Despite the often heavy mixture and meshing of races in the various provinces of the Reich we find individual races more pronounced in the various parts of Germany:. There are areas in which a tall stature, narrow face and light colored hair, eyes and skin predominate physical appearance of the NORDIC race.
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Closely related to Nordic man — perhaps only described as a variation of the same — but larger, wider and more stocky appearing is FALISH man. In many parts of the Reich we find large people with a short head and a narrow face, large nose, brown eyes and black hair physical appearance of the DINARIC race. Or in individual areas are found small, slender and nimble people with dark eyes and hair color appearance of the ALPINE race. Many people in our folk cannot be absolutely assigned to one or another race. In each folk are found — next to examples who are in appearance racially pure — the individual races in more or less mixed form.
In the German folk the Nordic heritage predominates.
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Hence the breeding goal of the German folk is also given. It is completed in the fulfillment of the laws of life of its predominant race. Furthermore family trees teach us: So the German folk is, in the truest sense of the word, a blood community. History on a racial basis has long proven that the Nordic race has a much larger share of extraordinary men than other races.
The Nordic race is above all the carrier of the high degree of ability of the German folk. Great deeds in all spheres have made it the leader race of mankind. There is no other human race which has produced so many extraordinary leaders, commands and statesmen. In darking exploit Nordic man conquered large areas, founded states and created cultures. Already around the year Vikings had landed in America. The opening up of entire continents was led by the Nordic spirit. One of the striking characteristics of the northern race is self-control.
Nordic daring is the foundation of the martial accomplishments of Nordic races. Conscientiousness and strength of will, paired with reliability, greatly strengthen the drive for independence. These characteristics, however, reduce his ability to sympathize, and the danger is great that the Nordic man loses himself and expends himself. Nordic man possesses a great love for sport and competition; he stands there where one must dare. Therefore he is also more frequently found than other men in those professions which are tied to danger.
But here, too, is the knowledge: One belongs essentially to the race whose virtues he professes through deed. If one examines the individual countries of Europe according to their racial composition, one initially notices that in almost all states the same races are represented. We also find, however, East Baltic man in the various European countries. The overall racial evaluation of a folk does not come down to that. And there we determine: From the sperm of a beech tree again grows a beech tree.
Negroes breed negroes, Whites always Whites. Later other characteristics appear like industriousness, talent, susceptiveness to certain illnesses. That an inheritance has taken place is ancient knowledge of men. Breeders have always tried to promote the passing on of certain features and characteristics and to prevent animals and plants with undesirable characteristics from breeding. That this was a matter of development according to natural laws, however, has only been recognized and proven during the last few decades.
The laws of heredity — like all other laws of life — have the same validity for plant, animal and man. In the offspring either the characteristics of both parents are again recognizable or a characteristic of the father or mother predominates. Many times a characteristic can be traced through many generations or it skips entire generations to later suddenly again make an appearance. Heredity is hence the passing on of features and characteristics from parents to offspring. Not only physical characteristics are inherited, but also intellectual and psychological. Man possesses TWO hereditary factors for each characteristic.
A mix-breed can resemble a purebred as a result of the possession of predominant hereditary factors in his appearance. The suppressed hereditary factors are not thus eliminated; they simply do not appear in that generation. What appears healthy on the outside can hide the covered over hereditary factors for sickness inside.
One does not see on any many what hereditary factors lie in him. A purely external evaluation can hence never be conclusive. Two different races distinguish themselves through a great number of hereditary factors. By their mixture crossing these hereditary factors are randomly brought together, whereby in the descendants a great diversity resuls in regard to the hereditary makeup. The result of such a mixture is disruption of the continuity of the hereditary structure. The laws of heredity today form the basis of our knowledge of the formation and development of successive generations.
Since normal and sick hereditary factors are passed on equally to the offspring, an enormous importance of the knowledge of hereditary factors and the duty to intervene and work — to restrict and to promote — for the formation of coming generations follows. Certainly education and environment can later develop and promote certain traits and restrain others in that generation only , but the fundamental essence remains unchangeable.
Hence the responsibility for the next generation lies with us. The right choice of mate is not only the prerequisite for the preservation of the species, but also for the continuance of high selectivity. It is the foundation of any racial higher development. The selection of a racially highly worthy wife in itself still does not necessarily mean an improvement of the race. That only comes when the right mate selection is followed by the breeding of an above-average number of children. For what would the elimination of bad hereditary factors from the folk help, if simultaneously a reproduction of the good hereditary factors was not preserved and expanded?
If, for example, mate selection was made by a man who did not want any children, then this would mean a deterioration of the race, because elimination of good hereditary factors from the future generation would result. If there were only physical differences between the individual human races, the question of belonging to a race would be rather unimportant. Therefore the appearance of a man — which is given by the totality of visual features, characteristics and abilities — must be strictly kept apart.
Often it is extremely difficult to derive psychological disposition from the appearance of an individual. By heredity, chance may combine a preponderance of the physical traits of one race with the psychological traits of another race. In most cases, however, one will be able to figure the psychological disposition from the physical appearance or at least approximate it correctly. In the course of his life only a portion of them are realized. Environment has a part in the formation of the individual.
Climate, nutrition, living space, position, etc. If a life form lacks the environmental conditions needed for it to flourish, then it is stunted. Its appearance is thus subject to many changes due to the environment, but not the hereditary makeup. Environmental influences are not able to fundamentally alter the hereditary makeup the preservation of Germandom for centuries on foreign-folkish soil is a visible proof of the strength of the blood. Due to lack of possibilities for development the individual person often is sooner or later ruined.
For the preservation and further evolution of a race, the necessary foundations for life must be present or be created. The last fact is of especially fundamental importance. Through physical exercise the muscles of an individual can indeed be significantly strengthened. The son of an athlete, however, does not therefore get stronger muscles than any average child. Likewise, intellectual knowledge is in no way inherited. The son of a scholar has to start at the beginning with the alphabet just like every other child.
The same is proven by the mother tongue, which has been practiced for many generations. Marxists and democrats have — with much fantasy and one-sided over-estimation of the effect of environment — believed that a change of this environment could improve the destiny of entire folks. For them all people are the same. Hence, placed under the same conditions, Whites, Blacks and Yellows must also achieve the same accomplishments in all areas. Racially and ethnically alien people can never become equal even in the same living space and even over long periods of time.
They always remain what they are: The great folkish task hence consists of protecting the genetic mass of the folk from race- mixing, to prevent the spread of genetic defects and to shape the environment so that the best genetic elements of the folk achieve the greatest procreation. The laws of nature run according to an unchangeable, un-influenceable will. They are valid for all life forms. It is therefore necessary to acknowledge these laws, and their observance must be viewed as the prerequisite for the preservation and further development of life.
Failure to observe the laws of nature is followed by decay, deformity and finally, ruin. National Socialism has made the re-establishment of a natural order of life a goal and has given the necessary government recognition to the validity of the laws of nature for man. Animals and plants produce more offspring than is necessary for their survival. Here are a few examples:. A poppy produces about 4, seeds. If all the seeds grew and again reproduced, after five years there would be ,,,, poppy flowers.
Already by the sixth year the entire surface of the earth would no longer suffice to hold all of these plants. A single female cod contains three to four million eggs. After just a few generations of reproduction, the waters of the earth would be stuffed full of cod. Such examples can be expanded upon as much as desired. The enormous fertility which we find in nature again and again receives the necessary curtailment through the destruction of large numbers of individual creatures.
The prospects of survival are not equal for all life forms. The birth rate will determine the future of our folk. The number of cribs must be much larger than the number of coffins. Only then can we offer successful resistance against all arising dangers and turn into deed our right, which is due us on the basis of our leading position in Europe. We have gained knowledge about the development of life on earth largery through sedimentation and fossils. The examinations show again and again: Development means change, growth, reproduction, expansion, etc.
Each development requires huge spans of time and knows no standing still. The life of the individual disappears completely in the evolution of the species. How does nature intervene in events and direct? If we go through the world with open eyes, we see that there is hard struggle everywhere. A struggle for existence or non- existence.
The goal is hence a selection upward, the preservation of the best. We only have to correctly recognize the natural events and act accordignly. What our ancestors correctly understood instinctively, being much more strongly bound to nature, must again become our common knowledge. Each folk needs space to live. Again and again throughout history the struggle for living space occurs. The growing, healthy folk alone has the moral right to expand its living space and, if necessary, to conquer it. We understand it in a purely biological sense.
Artificial, often unnatural selection takes place on a large scale in every culture-folk culture-folk appears to refer here to political states, as opposed to ethnic-cultural states, or folks. Intellectual inferiors, criminals and sickly people are frequently saved from destruction.
Thus bad hereditary make up is not only preserved, but also passed on to future generations. Medical accomplishments especially prevent a selection that once also applied to man. With nature-bound people of a similar culture — as we must view our ancestors — the same selective forces were in effect as with animals.
This selection developed man more highly. But the rise of culture and especially of civilization allowed the laws of nature to be forgotten. Man can perhaps postpone their effect, but never eliminate it. Just as many species of animals and plants have become extinct over the course of history, so have entire folks been destroyed because they violated the laws of nature. Hereditary changes and environmental influences natural selection pushed evolution continuously onward.
The formation and splintering off of new races was kept within bounds by nature through selection. In nature, those creatures unsuited for the preservation of each race were eliminated, while the carriers of favorable qualities remained. The death of the individual creature has nothing to do with the essence of selection, but is only a means for it. Traits are gradually eliminated when they are no longer passed along to the same degree.
Then in the next generation this trait is no longer strongly enough represented. The effect is the same whether this elimination is achieved through sterilization or abstinence, through death or otherwise. The person who has no children can have a long life, but he is forever purged from the life of the race. His genetic combination working together with certain environmental conditions represents something unique.
The permanence of individual accomplishment, however, is only then secured if the creative person provides for the perpetuation of his work descendants of himself. With this knowledge the main cause for the decline of ancient culture-folks becomes understandable. In them the carriers of industrious hereditary traits, the culture-bearers and creators, were eliminated.
The inferior won the greatest victory over them: During the Persian wars, approximately BC, Sparta had combat-worthy men. In the year BC, only were produced. The decline of Sparta and the collapse of Rome were nothing other than a failure of the fertility of the genetically able. It stands confirmed that all culture-folks, especially the basically Nordic-Germanic in character, are an example of reverse selection in regard to fertility.
The ever unequal reproduction of the capable and less capable, however, leads to a lowering of the superior hereditary factors in a folk and invariably mean its racial and hence cultural decline. In the National Socialist state therefore selection and state help are not based on rank or social classes, but solely and limited to ability and accomplishment, industriousness and bearing.
They produce the future leaders of the German folk in all areas. The lower fertility of the Nordic-based folks is confronted with a high reproduction rate of especially those European folks which show Asiatic strains. The danger of a racial transformation in Europe is great. It is upon us now to prevent it. We know that the number of heads of a folk alone do not make up its strength or significance. But no one will deny that, next to qualitative level, size and natural growth of a folk are the most significant foundations for its influence and power.
Every war represents a reverse selection in pure form. It is followed by more or less severe folkish-biological damage for the participating peoples. Precisely the most industrious and most capable lose their lives on the battlefield. Germany lost two million of its best men in the First World War. It is therefore necessary that the gaps created in the folk body through war be filled by growth in births. In this regard the unfortunately necessary death of the best men, as regrettable as it is, still is not the worst part of war.
Much worse is the absence of the children that were not conceived by the living during the war and by the dead after the war. The sacrifices which this war demands of our folk are very painful from a human and a population-political standpoint. But they are by no means senseless, because they have brought the life and future of our folk. They serve the security and defense of our natural right of life. People close to nature like the Germanics — the farmer, who is rooted in the soil and close to the earth, who feels the call of blood and race — acted from the same instinct over many generations.
That is always to his detriment. If two different races mix, their hereditary traits never merge into a new genetic mass that will be passed on uniformly. We know from the study of heredity that, aside from the coupling of certain genetic factors, traits are inherited individually and independently of each other. At the propagation of such bastards these traits further separate and divide themselves up in various descendants. Every racial mixing changes the harmonious balance of racial makeup. The farther apart in origin the mixing races are, the greater will be the disruption which such a bastardization has as consequence.
Furthermore come all the disadvantages in the areas of health and especially psychology which result from race-mixing. Race-mixing means a slow decline of the higher race and hence the sure loss of the uniqueness of a folk. The consequences of a harmful racial mixture are taught clearly to us by history. From the moment a folk loses its racial consciousness a moral, intellectual and cultural decline set in. The popular opinion today that race-mixing is culturally expansive and even culturally creative is false.
True, on the other hand, is that contact with foreign folks and races often first triggers in us the correct consciousness of our own essence.
This knowledge, however, requires us to adhere precisely to strict separation of everything foreign to our kind in racial matters. A series of culture-folks shows the following common path of development, which, however, does not represent a law of life:. After a slow rise to a certain level there follows a short golden age and then a rapid decline. The decline of strength is almost always introduced through the replacement of simplicity, sobriety and health with pleasure-seeking, lack of principles and sickness.
Simultaneously bloody wars eradicate the best carriers and lack of children steadily reduces the number of the capable. The death blow, however, is dealt by mixture with foreign blood. It has the consequence that inner contradictions become even greater. With such division it is then easy for a vigorous folk to triumph over the sickly one. The Nordic race is the carrier and foundation of the German people. Nature teaches us as the highest law:. The German folk is not the sum of 85 million people, but rather a great oneness, a community, in which the Nordic hereditary makeup predominates.
Not decisive, even if desirable, are the physically Nordic features of the individual person alone. Instead, his psychological-character traits are. The Nordic race is the race of the German folk; it impresses its stamp on our essence; it determines our thought, action and feelings. The destructive influence of race-mixing with the Jews proved especially harmful in our folk until the rise to power of National Socialism.
These parasites of mankind have well understood to the present day how to prevent a complete merger with their host folks. Representing this is the statement of the English Jew Disraeli: Alongside this undermining, miscegenation spread primarily in the intellectually leading groups of our folk. Jews made sincere feeling despisable and their propaganda aimed intentionally at the inner undermining and fragmentation of the folk body. The aftereffects of this destructive, decades-long infection are even today detectable in our folk.
It requires intensive effort to eradicate the last traces of this pestilence and lead our entire folk back to the natural and only correct path of life. The solution to the Jewish question has today become a vital task beyond the borders of the Reich for the peoples of Europe. After a short increase in the number of births in the decade after the war, the birth rate sank slowly until the turn of the century and then descended faster.
These are above all of a psychological nature. The declining birth rate started first among the wealthy, who because of comfort and pleasure-seeking were scared off from rearing the appropriate number of children. The broad masses then copied this example. Today it must become the opposite and in the wealthier circles the number of children must especially increase. The birth rate reached its lowest point during World War I when it reached 14 births for every inhabitants annually. Even more terrifying is the following picture of the decrease of births: The renewed positivity of the changed psychological attitude with the rise to power of National Socialism brought a tremendous turnaround.
This turn is certainly very encouraging in itself, but the increasing birth rate should not be overestimated. The numbers above still do not ensure the necessary increase of our people. This war is a great biological test of strength. The birth development in the last decade, however, clearly shows the new life will and life confidence which determined the turnaround in this sector. History proves through many examples that a folk can only harvest the fruits of its industriousness and its strength of accomplishment when it has sufficient people at its disposal.
The greater the space, the greater the need for people to protect this space soldiers , to ensure nourishment farmers , and to produce industrial products workers. All folks which for whatever inner reasons were no longer able to achieve an increase in population strength simultaneously with the strengthening of their power fell victim to annihilation. Poland had per inhabitants In the Asian area Japan has doubled its population in the last 70 years.
It has an annual growth of about one million people. Likewise China and India are constantly increasing their populations despite famine and pestilence. If we do not ourselves provide for the appropriate quantity of offspring and produce an increase of the Nordic hereditary makeup, then Nordic blood will become more and more displaced by Eastern and East-Baltic blood.
The Nordic race or, we can safely say, the Germanic folks march at the end when it comes to fertility. The German victory of arms is thus only a complete one if it is followed by the victory of the child. Its ability to fight and its fertility. Never forget that the ability to fight of a folk alone can never make it possible for a folk to survive into the far future, rather that the inexhaustible fountain of its fertility is also necessary. It is an indefensible condition if the relationship in a state between the productive and the non-earning levels takes on unhealthy forms. The active, working portion of the populace must support the lives of those unable to work.
There are lunatics who previously cost the state tens of thousands of marks. In the Weimar period the number of criminals was shockingly high, and criminals often heavily reproduced themselves. By eliminating these carriers of lazy heredity millions can be saved and used for other purposes. The actions of any responsible state leadership must serve the systematic care and increase of those of good breeding. Every natural folk soon eradicates the inferior when it correctly recognizes this fact.
From the point of view of the church any reasonable intervention is labeled a violation of the godly world order. It is plain nonsense to claim that God wants what we call inferior. Otherwise we also would not have the right to temporarily or permanently remove a murderer or a criminal from the community. The laws of nature show us exactly that the life of our folk and maintenace of its good breeding stand above the well-being of a congenitally severely deformed person. Furthermore experience shows that most of the congenitally ill possess no sense of responsibility toward their descendants.
In , some 40, persons were cared for in German lunatic asylums; in the year it was , ! In the USA the percentage of the mentally ill has more than doubled from to It will save millions of unfortunates undeserved suffering and in its consequence lead to increasing recovery. Whoever is congenitally ill can be sterilized through a surgical operation if according to the experiences of medical science there is great probability that his descendants would suffer from severe physical or mental congenital defects.
The law lists presently known congenital illnesses, including a series of mental illnesses and severe hereditary defects such as congenital blindness, congenital deafness, etc. Furthermore those who suffer from severe alcoholism can be made infertile. The Congenital Health Board decides about sterilization. With this legislation the necessary beginning is made for the purification process of the folk body. The effect of this law will already be felt in the next generation. It was a decision of not to be underestimated significance if the National Socialist state put an end to the untenable condition with iron vigor.
That moral offenders possess congenitally greatly damaged offspring is taken into account by a second law. Through this law certain anti-social elements are removed from the folk body. They encompass the following laws:. Subjects are those who belong to the Protection Union of the German Reich and who are especially obligated toward it. Therefore marriages between Jews and quarter Jews are forbidden as well as between quarter Jews.
The law also provides that marriages between people of German blood with offspring of the miscegenated French from the period of the Rhineland occupation as well as with gypsies is prevented. We know that the blood sin is the original sin of the folk. We ourselves, the German folk, have had to suffer greatly from this original sin. We must therefore again try to make a connection with the line of generations from dark prehistory. It has truly been the salvation in the final hour, and if God and Providence had not given us the Fuehrer, Germany would have never again arisen from this original sin, from decay.
It forbids the marriage between people with heritable illness and hence prevents the passing on of defective hereditary factors to descendants. National Socialist Germany has naturally been sharply attacked by hostile, Jewish-led foreign countries, even though the Reich does not stand alone in the world with these measures. Many states in the USA had already passed legal measures decades ago in order to prevent the increase of inferior hereditary factors.
First in such legal moorings were established in some American states and in in Denmark and parts of Switzerland. In California 9, people have been made infertile during the last 20 years. In the Reichsfuehrer-SS order of December 31, it says in point one that the SS is an association of Nordic-determined people selected according to special standards. The principal point of our worldview is the idea of race. We have the unshakeable belief that the blood, our hereditary makeup alone, is decisive for lasting and peak accomplishment.
Hence, we place the idea of selection at the forefront of our ideals. Our ideal of selection is the physically and mentally-psychologically hereditarily fit person of Nordic-Germanic character. We do not want to be only an association of the physically best, but also the most loyal and most valuable in character. The preservation of the racially worthy for all future includes the family and clan as a natural prerequisite. The life of the individual links him to ancestors and descendants.
Nicole König
From the family and clan the union extends to the folk community. The individual person dies, subject to the laws of nature. Through the passing on of his hereditary makeup he first becomes a living member of his folk community. We believe in the immortality of our folk. It produces future generations.
Each folk can only be renewed out of the family. From Germanic-German feeling we empathize with the idea of clan. In close connection with the laws of life, by way of the German family, we have allowed for upward breeding. The family is a member of the sensible community of the clan; it is the acknowledged order for the propagation of the coming generation.
Health or sickness, talent or inability of the descendants is determined by the mate selection of its ancestors. At this important step in the life of a man, position and wealth must not decide, but only mental and physical soundness. It is also clear that whoever is certain that he is the carrier of unhealthy hereditary factors must abstain. What is being neglected in this area on all sides must be remedied by the folkish state. It must put race in the middle of life in general.
It must care for the holding pure. It must declare the child the most treasured possession of a folk. It is just as much a lack of feeling of responsibility not to pass along good hereditary makeup by voluntary refusal, and hence narrow or even dry up the river of life. Accomplishment in profession alone is by no means the only one that the community needs.
Both together produce the German life accomplishment. The SS-man should marry as young as possible. The mother of his children must be the carrier of worthy blood. Then his family is in every regard an enrichment of the clan and of the folk. Furthermore SS-men standing before a commitment must again and again be reminded of the fact that an engagement, too, can only come after permission from the Reichsfuehrer- SS.
Hence the guidelines for mate selection of the SS-man are set down and the foundations created so that the SS directly does the main part in the formation of the leading clans of coming generations. History shows us how often the rise and fall of flourishing empires and cultures has occurred in the course of millennia.
Mankind owes its greatest accomplishments to the creative strength of the Nordic race. As soon as the carriers of this culture disappeared, decay was unavoidable. In recent centuries the process of de-Nordicization took on ever-greater forms. We have learned the roots of the de-Nordicization and shown the dangers which today surround us.
The National Socialist state has correctly recognized these dangers. Laws have already been created to prevent further decay, and measures are also underway to enlighten our entire folk in this sense. Furthemore from us must come — if we really want to possess leadership in the Germanic space — an appropriate direction of all Germanic- determined folks. In place of the de-Nordicization must come a conscious re-Nordicization. Biological insight demands a clear separation of the races. The disadvantages of race-mixing are known to us. The great colonial activity through settlement of Nordic-Germanic farmers in the East will form a wall against the advance of East Baltic people of Slavic language.
The SS has here, too, stepped into the front line for the solution of these life-critical questions and will, obeying its laws, fulfill the tasks placed before it. Insight and will for the promotion and strengthening of the Northern Race — coming from our direction — will then become the common possession of all Nordic-Germanic people. We know the path that leads to ascent. We men of the SS carry along with the feeling of responsibility toward our own persons above all the feeling of responsibility toward the folk and coming generations.
You and the Question of Blood
The idea of race is the principal item of our worldview. We want to be counted among the best of the Fuehrer. To him and to our folk belong our entire devotion and loyalty. Our strength and our spirit will help determine and order the new racial reconstruction of the Germanic-determined folks of Europe. If they take a prisoner who is badly wounded they kill him at once and carry home the meat roasted. Those that are not wounded they take back alive and kill them in the huts.
They attack with loud yells…. Kanibalismus — Canibalism — first they tortured the person by puncturing him until his flesh hung off his bones, filled with adrenalin, then they killed him. Hollywood Images of Indians. SOME time had elapsed since Canochet had left his new friends, promising that the war-hatchet should be forever buried between his tribe and the English. The settlers had begun to grow corn and tobacco, as well as to form gardens in which vegetables of all descriptions were produced.
The surrounding natives visited them occasionally, but exhibited much want of confidence, which it was the object of the governor to overcome. He issued strict orders that all the Indians appearing among them should be treated with courtesy and kindness, and any chiefs coming to James Town were invariably sent away with presents and assurances of the good-will of the colonists. Still it was a hard matter to do away with the ill-feeling which existed in consequence of the hostile meetings which had previously occurred between the colonists and the Indians, in which many on both sides had been slain.
At this juncture, one evening, as the settlers were returning to their dwellings, the labors of the day being over, the sentry posted on the look-out tower at one of the corners of the stockade gave notice that an Indian in hot haste was approaching the town. As he came near he was recognized as an Indian named Pomaunkee, who had frequently been at the settlement, and who appeared to have a friendly feeling for the whites, although many disputes had occurred between them and his people, in which several of the latter had been killed. He brought, he said, disastrous intelligence. Captain Smith and his followers had been attacked by a large body of Indians, who had murdered all but the captain, who, having been overcome after a desperate struggle, had been carried captive to Powhattan, their chief.