Charles Baudelaire: Sein Leben, sein Werk und die Blumen des Bösen. (German Edition)
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Stefan George und sein Kreis. Lang, Carl Ludwig u. Reihe 2; Band American Little Magazines of the Fin de Siecle. Art, Protest, and Cultural Transformation. Updated Bibliography of American Little Magazines of the s. Studies in Honor of Frederick W. Shipley, by His Colleagues. Louis, MO , S. Mikrofilmarchiv der deutschsprachigen Presse e. La donation Venice Sakell. Bulletin baudelairien 28,2 , S.
Paris , , Bibliographie zur deutschsprachigen Zeitschriftenliteratur. Readers' Guide to Periodical Literature. The Critical Reception, University Microfilms International University of North Carolina. Literarische Zeitschriften — Bibliographie zur deutschen Literaturgeschichtsschreibung - Handbuch der deutschen Presse. The Victorian and Edwardian Age, — The Modern Age, — Aesthetes and Decadents of the 's. An Anthology of British Poetry and Prose. Modern French Poets on Poetry. Theorie der modernen Lyrik.
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Entsprechung — Verfremdung — Erfindung. Stefan Georges poetologischer Selbstentwurf um Von der Normpoetik zur Autorenpoetik. Forum for Modern Language Studies 31 , S. Some Notes on the Baudelaire of Swinburne and Pater. The Modern Language Review 76 , S. Symbolism in British 'Little Magazines': Cosmopolitanism and Cultural Mediation in Aesthetic Criticism. Jersey City, NJ Arthur Symons, Critic Among Critics: Trakl — zwischen Baudelaire und Rimbaud. Georg Trakl und die literarische Moderne. English Responses to French Poetry Deutsche Sonderwege oder im Westen nichts Neues?
The Symbolist Tradition in English Literature. Redefining the Relationship between Victorian and Modern Poetry. Hofmannsthal-Forschungen 9 , S. Studien zu einem versunkenen Diskurs der 90er Jahre des Baudelaires "Correspondances" zwischen Romantik und Moderne. Fremdheit als Problem und Programm. Eine Vielzahl deutscher Baudelaires. Baudelaire und Deutschland — Deutschland und Baudelaire. Wilhelm Weigand und das erste Confiteor de l'artiste in deutscher Sprache. Stefan George - Werkkommentar.
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Impressionistes et symbolistes devant la presse. Moderne Kunst und ihre Feinde im Kaiserlichen Deutschland. Nietzsche-Studien 7 , S. Charles Baudelaire, une micro-histoire. The Decadent Republic of Letters. A l'aube du symbolisme. The Cambridge Companion to Baudelaire. New York , S.
The Influence of Baudelaire in France and England. Wolf Graf von Kalckreuth. Das lyrische Werk zwischen Todessehnsucht und Kriegslust. Articles justificatifs pour Charles Baudelaire, auteur des "Fleurs du mal". Barbey d'Aurevilly, Charles Asselineau. Brief an Baudelaire Les Fleurs du mal. Extrabeilage zum Intelligenz-Blatt der freien Stadt Frankfurt. Baudelaire, the poet, has been tried on a charge of having offended religion and decency [ A Political and Literary Review. Chronique de la Revue Suisse.
Dictionnaire des grands et des petits auteurs de mon temps. Brief an Baudelaire 4. Brief an Baudelaire 6. Ein Winter in St. All the Year Round. Paris, May 10, Dwight's Journal of Music. Les Fleurs du mal, de M. Charles Baudelaire, Les Fleurs du Mal. Nos gens de lettres. Le Spleen de Paris est le titre [ Eine Gesellschaft von Schriftstellern in Paris [ L'art et la vie.
Swinburne's Poems and Ballads. Notes on Poems and Reviews. La mort de M. The Streets of Paris and their Traditions.
- The Motif of Anticipation and the First World War | Cedric Cohen-Skalli -
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- Baudelaire: Rezeption.
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Brief an Henri Cazalis Diesen Morgen fand in der Vorstadt Passy [ La Gazette de Hollande. Silvestre de Sacy, Samuel U. In Memory of Charles Baudelaire. Les fleurs du mal. La Petite revue anecdotique. Charles Baudelaire, Poet of the Malign. A Poet of the Lower French Empire. Fraser's Magazine for Town and Country. Echoes From the French Poets. An Anthology from Baudelaire, A.
Die Sprache der Pariser. Histoire de la Caricature moderne. French Love Songs, and other Poems. From the Originals of Baudelaire, A.
Souvenirs et portraits de jeunesse. The Poetry of Matthew Arnold. The Canadian Monthly and National Review. Frankreich und die Franzosen. Beilage zur Allgemeinen Zeitung. A Group of Poets. Souvenirs intimes, Paris Beilage zur Wiener Zeitung. The Nation [New York]. French Poets and Novelists. On some French Writers of Verse, Beilage zur Wiener Abendpost. Nach einer Abhandlung von Edmund W. Bearbeitet von Adolf Strodtmann. Studies in Literature, Emile Zola as a Critic. Allgemeine Geschichte der Literatur. A Study of Shakespeare. The North American Review. Ein Interview mit Richard Wagner.
Songs Of A Worker. The Poetry of the Future. Psychologie contemporaine Notes et portraits.
Baudelaire: Rezeption
Essais de psychologie contemporaine. The Martyrdom of Madeline. Geschichte der Litteratur Nordamerikas. Les Hommes de la Jeune France. Maxime Du Camps "Erinnerungen". Edgar Poe and his Biographers. Baudelaire et les Baudelairiens. Bourget's Essai de psychologie contemporaine. Log In Sign Up. By confronting contemporaneous and closely related elabora- tions of a concept, can we open a window onto connected effects of an earlier historical transformation?
Or are we trapped in the preoccupa- tions of our time, seeking from the past only justification? In this essay, I propose to confront two nearly simultaneous elaborations of a certain anticipatory model crafted by Walter Benjamin and Franz Rosenzweig. The article aims to illuminate the early post-World War I period by pointing to a particular shift that occurred in the intellectual attitude of the time. The two chosen developments of the anticipatory model differ in content, and their differences will come to the fore in the two works considered here: Juxtaposing these two opera, however, we shall discover not only how they differ but also how they converge in their renunciation of the idea of progressive historical development in favor of an intensive and anticipative fulfillment of the entire historical process.
Human life has its conclusion in death. Death is not the end, but a conclusion, a new beginning. It is significant for the Jewish con- sciousness that it also thinks of death as, and calls it, peace. Peace takes away from death its sting. Title page of the first edition of Die Religion der Vernunft, Leipzig As he engages death in the concluding pages of his final work, Cohen denies it any radical significance, any meaning of finitude.
On the con- trary, he insists on continuity between death as a conclusion, Abschluss, and death as a new beginning, Anfang. The term for this continuity, the true name of death, fixed in Jewish consciousness by the liturgy, is peace, shalom. Der Friede nimmt dem Tod seinen Stachel.
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As the patriarchs themselves, when they died, were gathered to their fathers and to their people, so even today every Jew dies in the hope of his historical survival in the union with his ancestors. Hence, death is a historical survival, and this survival is ruled and governed by peace, which is triumphant over every earthly struggle. On the very last page of the book, Cohen speaks of peace as a path which leads to eternity.
So ist der Tod ein geschichtliches Fortleben. Und in diesem Fortleben waltet und herrscht der Friede, der allen Erdenkampf besiegt hat. Peace explains the contradiction which would otherwise have to be recognized in these two meanings. This dual translation points to a linguistic-philo- sophical fact: Indeed, through creation and revelation, man and the world are reconstituted in their eternal striving for God. The ethical and messianic relationship es- tablished between transiency and eternity by the religion of reason con- stituted a historical continuity or finality that neither death nor war could defeat.
Cohen was most probably familiar with the commentaries of Rashi and Ibn Ezra on Ecc 3: This illusion of eternity explains the second part of the verse: Cohen did not endorse this medieval disjunction between the divine order and human reason. On the contrary, the very tension of man and the world toward God is founded on human reason.
Building on his concepts of peace and messianic historical continuity, Cohen proceeds from his meditation on the cemetery to finish the last page of his book before the grave: This eternity is the true end of the world, the goal of earthly exis- tence. It is to this eternity that peace as a way of virtue leads.
But this eternity is only the continuation of the earthly life — the same root of the word comprises both sides of existence; hence, peace, as it leads to eternity, is also the guide to earthly life, to the beginning of all historical survival, which lies within it. Peace is the sign of eternity and also the watchword for human life, in its individual conduct as well as in the eternity of its historical calling. In this historical eternity, the mission of the peace of messianic mankind is completed. Did Cohen consider his last magnum opus his true grave and a sign for the generations to come?
It seems quite plausible that this vision of peace as the articulation over the grave of the dead of past and present in their common movement toward eternity and perfection was the way Cohen chose to enshrine himself in his book. Und zu dieser Ewigkeit hin leitet der Tugendweg des Friedens. Der Friede ist das Wahrzeichen der Ewigkeit und ebenso die Losung des menschlichen Lebens in seinem individuellen Verhalten, wie in der Ewigkeit seines geschichtlichen Berufes.
Stressing dif- ferently Ex The negative revelation of God in the series of his effects paves the way for a new temporalization — which is essentially an ethical and messi- anic futurization — in which past and present draw their meaning from their striving toward a finality. The effects produced by this new temporalization are not determined by natural causality, but by ethical normativity through which man can imitate God.
The word also does not mean goodness as such but what proceeds from goodness: In the Analytic of the Critique of Pure Reason, the principles are temporalized in the schematism of imagination, in reference to a pos- sible experience, a possible present. For the sake of establishing the new ethical and messianic task of monotheism, the face of God Bild faded into an archetype Urbild , an ideal norm of action. But this idealization of the face of God brought forward a new theophany: The face of God produced by the Urbild of God is a progressive and continuous perfection of men, societies, and states.
In other words, it is a harmonic face of humanity, and even more, a harmony between 21 Kant Cohen reassures us in the same chapter: On the other hand, this messianic mark- ing of history exacerbates the traumatic and catastrophic aspects of the World War. In the following pages, I present two elaborations on the concept of anticipation in the s, in order to contrast them with Cohen but also to expose the different forms they assume.
Weissbach will probably pay next to nothing and publish only copies of the thing as a paper-conjuring trick. I will wait and see what comes up. For external reasons and because of my family, it is absolutely necessary that I take advantage of any opportunity to publish. As his letters to Scholem attest, Benjamin was prepared to accelerate his work 28 Benjamin Ich werde sehen was sich ergibt.
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For the biographical context, see Karlauf In a letter to Scholem dated March 26, , he describes the circumstances of its writing and the doubts that assailed him: This foreword is my most immediate concern, because I signed the contract with Weissbach including conditions that are incredibly advantageous to me , and the book is supposed to appear at the latest in October. It maybe the case that you have a growing family and would like the extra space for your children.
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