A.R.P - Air Raid Precautions
It is printed with diagrams showing various ways a triangular bandage can be used. Air raid wardens were trained in first aid. They were often first on the scene of bomb damage, and might be called on to treat the injured until first aid parties or the ambulances services arrived. This is a stirrup pump and hose, used to put out small fires.
It would be used by two people — one working the pump, which stands in a bucket of water, and a second holding the hose and nozzle, to point a jet of water onto the fire. During the Blitz incendiary fire-starting bombs were used in large numbers.
A warden might be the first person to respond to an incendiary attack and would use a pump like this to fight the fire. Wardens would also train others in the use of stirrup pumps like these. Friday 5 January During the late s, the British government began to prepare the civilian population for war. The Air Raid Wardens Service was set up in Wardens were responsible for reporting incidents, reassuring the public and providing Air Raid Precautions ARP advice.
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The daily routine of front line service varied from the mundane to the dramatic. A typical day would begin with 'stand to arms' at dawn, with all men manning the front line trench. The most devastating raids inflicted casualties for each ton of bombs dropped and it was this figure that was used as a basis for predictions in the lead-up to the Second World War.
It was realized that any future wars could and probably would involve mass bombings of civilians. The ARP Committee produced figures estimating that in London there would be 9, casualties in the first two days and then a continuing rate of 17, casualties a week.
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It was believed that associated there would be "total chaos and panic" and hysterical neurosis as the people of London would try to flee the city. To control the population harsh measures were proposed - bringing London under almost military control; physically cordoning London with , troops to force people back to work.

A different government department proposed setting up camps for refugees for a few days before sending them back to London. These schemes remained on paper only and while estimates of potential damage remained high, the Air Raids Commandant Major General H. Pritchard of the Royal Engineers favoured a more reasoned solution.
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He discerned that panic and flight were basically problems of morale, if the people could be organised, trained and provided with protection then they would not panic. As part of this scheme the country was divided into regions each having its own command and control structure.
The estimates were regularly revised upwards.
Fact File : Air Raid Precautions
In the Air Ministry predicted 65, casualties a week; in the first month of war the British government was expecting a million casualties, 3 million refugees and the majority of the capital destroyed. Measures to control this devastation were largely limited to grisly discussions about body disposal and the distribution of over a million burial forms to local authorities. In the mid 's, local authorities were made responsible for the recruiting and training of volunteers e.
There were still hundreds of thousands of volunteers in June , although the numbers of full-time personnel had fallen from , at the height of the Blitz to 70, by the end of Find out more about the authors who wrote them.
Air Raid Precautions in the United Kingdom - Wikipedia
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- Air Raid Precaution (ARP) wardens.
Find out more about page archiving. Air Raid Precautions April - After World War One, military experts predicted that in any future war there would be large-scale bombing of the British civilian population, resulting in huge casualties.