The Violet Fairy Book (Dover Childrens Classics)

Thus far, in the Blue Fairy Book first volume it gets off to a s very rocky start, in comparison to Lang's other volumes in the series. This volume lacks a cohesiveness, where there are some familiar fairytales and far less noted ones, in such an archaic record of the oral tradition. The Blue Fairy book is rather ecclectic in it's display and the way it orates these tales. I find it interesting that many of the true well-known tales aren't actually known in their entirety, as they are revealed in this version.
There are some very interesting parallels between stories in this collection and in the Red and Violet collections-- for instance East of the Sun and West of the Moon parallels Soria Moria Castle Published in the Red story. Prince Hyacinth parallels Dwarf Long nosed in the Violet. The parallels have to do with how the stories were constructed, motifs, similar themes, structural shifts, motive, characterization, but not about the plethora of how children's fairytales of this era all seemingly have a typical formula that works well revolving around food, the number three, good vs.
The Violet Fairy Book by andrew lang -
Basically, we still question these today which is why they are still relevant and rich for discussion. It's why they consume toteism, and comprise our history. Many of us try to hide the truth of how we view literature because it often times reflects with how we view ourselves or know ourselves far better than we think we do.
It reveals a deeper and richer discovery of the vulnerability of childhood imaginations, which evolve throughout our lifetimes. This volume has some of the best known European tales, 37 in all, with beautiful illustrations by Ford and Hood. Lang's collections were first published circa A lot of these have been made into movies or made into their own books, and it would be fun for the child to see the original written down version of the story they have loved in the movie, and also would save a lot of shelf space instead of buying all the different stories.
The Violet Fairy Book
A nice collection of fairy tales. We did not read it straight through but read selected stories. The kids kind of got a kick out of the grim nature of some of the tales. Fairy tales in their original form. A tale of old about a boy, a giant,and a beanstalk. The tale is an example of how having courage and wisdom can get you through any ordeal.
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A good mix of familiar and unfamiliar in this collection of fairy tales. I also liked the fact that fairy tales from different cultures were included French, Norwegian, Arabic for example. I was a bit surprised to discover one tale The Terrible Head which was basically the Greek myth of Perseus!
Little Red Riding Hood.
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Jack the Giant Killer. The King of the Polar Bears. Woof the Polar Bear. The Black Bull of Norroway. The King of Quok. The Chief Counselor of Quok. Mary Ann Brodjinsky de la Porkus. The Slave of the Royal Bedstead. The Tenement Glass Blower. The Clown of Thingamajigs. The Monkey of Thingamajigs.
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