The Innovators Solution: Creating and Sustaining Successful Growth
Solved a dilemma I had. Mar 05, Schuyler rated it really liked it. Imagine my delight when I discovered it was available on the Kindle after getting a Kindle for Christmas this year one of the hardest things initially was deciding what to read on it, since I have a stack of physical books I want to read and I didn't want to repurchase any of those. The book is all about the business of innovation, and is rife with historical examples and graphs that make it easy to understand. It is also a delightfully practical book, and while I can't make use of most it right now I don't have a company to run or a team to manage , it's nice to read a book that is intended to be useful in addition to informative.
For anyone interested in the business of innovation, I highly recommend this. It is especially relevant in Silicon Valley and the high tech world, and many of the book's examples are drawn from there. It may have been more appropriate to start with The Innovator's Dilemma, but I didn't feel like I was starting in the middle by jumping straight to the Solution.
Sep 30, Jacques Bezuidenhout rated it really liked it. It is not an easy book, I wont lie.
The Innovator's Solution: Creating and Sustaining Successful Growth by Clayton M. Christensen
And doing it in Audio format probably made it even harder. It is written in a very formal style. It really does clarify a lot about why certain things work, It is not an easy book, I wont lie. It really does clarify a lot about why certain things work, and why others don't. The book is truly insightful.
- The Innovator's Solution by Clayton Christensen?
- TÍA PETUNIA (Relatos Románticos y Fantásticos nº 5) (Spanish Edition);
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Doing the Audio version you probably just need a summary sheet to reference back to, since there is no way you can recall all that was said. Other books that I've read about building a business and entrepreneurship etc. This book, being based on theory and case studies made a lot more sense. Jan 25, Tim rated it liked it. A truly thought-provoking business book about how to make innovation work in all companies. However brilliant the content, it is written in a very formal style, and is hard to read.

Back by excellent research and detailed analysis this book explains how some companies succeed with innovation and why some fail. Using case studies the authors delve into what makes companies successfully innovate and comes up with some surprising rules around organizational structure. However, this is writte A truly thought-provoking business book about how to make innovation work in all companies. However, this is written too much like an academic treatise and I think it would be too dense for most readers. Wonderful ideas but takes some effort. One of the best business books I have ever read.
The Innovator's Solution: Creating and Sustaining Successful Growth
I read this during undergrad study in Business. I could almost feel the light bulb coming on in my head! Told using easy-to-understand language, it is a must read for those who wish to understand how to compete in today's business environment. Apr 03, Niniane Wang rated it it was amazing. One of the top 5 business books I've read. Explained a lot of things I noticed about creating and growing software products!
Sep 25, Anne rated it it was amazing.
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A lot of good interesting ideas and well founded research. Just a bit over my head. Jun 18, Jaya Krishnan rated it it was amazing. Though not amongst the most popular of Clayton Christensen's classics, The Innovator's Solution could certainly be rated over its parent-work - The Innovator's Dilemma - for two reasons: For any business to create a new growth opportunity, there exists three distinct rout Though not amongst the most popular of Clayton Christensen's classics, The Innovator's Solution could certainly be rated over its parent-work - The Innovator's Dilemma - for two reasons: For any business to create a new growth opportunity, there exists three distinct routes ahead of senior management - low-end disruption, new-market disruption, and sustaining innovation.
The book starts-off by adding a new dimension to the existing disruptive model defined by Christensen in his earlier work, and this refined model underpins much of the discussion that follows. That said, the cases presented might seem a little outdated to those who would expect contemporary applications of the theory. But the principles have only gotten stronger with time, especially in this age of Digital transformation where companies constantly struggle to find new avenues of growth. Jul 27, Andre Kubota rated it really liked it. Jobs to be done theory.
Segmentin by traditional metrics might reduce adressable market, blinds you to emerging competitors and causes improvements to your product that are irrelevant to customers. Concepts of low end making products that are good enough to meet needs of currently overserved customers using a sustaining lowe cost business model and new market disruption making products that target customers Jobs to be done theory. Concepts of low end making products that are good enough to meet needs of currently overserved customers using a sustaining lowe cost business model and new market disruption making products that target customers who are currently not buying anything because existing offerings are too expensive, complex or inconvinient - target non consumption.
In new market disruption, be impatiant for profits, but patient for growth. Nov 23, Jason Carter rated it really liked it Shelves: Christensen's "The Innovator's Dilemma" is one of the standard texts on why successful companies are so often incapable of managing disruption in their respective industries.
See a Problem?
Full of practical advice and well-researched data support, this is a must-read for heads of companies that need to be constantly growing and adapting. Mar 17, Andriy Bas rated it it was ok Shelves: About the concept how the business become commodities, how the companies innovate, the benefits of vertical and modular businesses and when to use each.
But the author gives sooo many general suggestions about "any" kind of business. Too general and not specific. I cannot know for sure but have a feeling these best suggestions just don't work. May 24, Ba rated it liked it. A theory that describes how does a manager escape the Innovator's Dilemma. The Innovator's Solution is a Christenson book that expands on The Innovator's Dilemma and posits several theories about paths to escape the dilemma. Sep 30, Lauri Svan rated it it was amazing. Clayton Christensen has managed to capture his theories of market disruption, jobs to be done and the transfer of value in value chain into a single, easy to understand book.
Highly recommended for anybody that wants to make a bit more systematic search on finding the the next big idea. Jan 13, Ime1 rated it really liked it. Blindly copying the best practices of successful companies without the guidance of circumstance-contingent theory is akin to fabricating feathered wings and flapping hard. Patient for growth impatient for profit. Aug 19, Mark Vance rated it it was amazing. It defines the 21st century marketplace For years, Japanese dominance of technology was predicated entirely on efficiency and cost-cutting.
Without innovation however, effectiveness and market share decline proportionally. May 02, Mihai Pop rated it it was amazing. Christensen and Raynor have provided an excellent framework to reduce the randomness of the innovation process. This framework will help in our effort to nurture an environment conducive for enterprises to create and capitalize on disruptive innovations. Christensen and Raynor have a deep insight into the challenges that innovative companies face, and they propose practical, realistic solutions to the dilemmas of innovation.
This book will be extremely useful to all managers who are committed to using innovation to sustain their growth. Creating and Sustaining Successful Growth. Christensen , Michael E. Jones , James P. Christensen is the Kim B.
Palmer After 20 years of growth unprecedented in the sports apparel industry, Under Armour finds itself with a new record to beat: Now Under Armour needs to decide on their next steps. Should the company focus on its core markets? Should it stretch the brand into more adjacencies? Or should it consider something more radical, like app-related sales through subscriptions and wearable technologies? McDonald, Rory, Clayton M. Christensen, Daniel West, and Jonathan E. Due to outstanding performance in new product development, it grew to dominate its primary market and is searching for other opportunities to grow through new product development.
It discovers that its internal system for identifying new, high-growth markets actually screens out some exciting growth possibilities. Find at Harvard Read Now.