Stationary Phases in Gas Chromatography (Journal of Chromatography Library)
Influence of solvent effects on retention for a porous polymer sorbent in reversed phase liquid chromatography Chromatographia. Planar electrophoresis and electrochromatography: Time to revisit these techniques? Journal of Planar Chromatography - Modern Tlc. Separation of pharmaceutically important estrogens by micellar electrokinetic chromatography Journal of Chromatography A.
Solvation in weak complexing n-octyl phthalate and n-octyl tetrachlorophthalate solvents by gas chromatography Journal of Chromatography A. Model for the sorption of organic compounds by soil from water Analytical Communications. Trends in extraction of semivolatile compounds from solids for environmental analysis Analytical Communications.
Trends in extraction of semivolatile compounds from water for environmental analysis Analytical Communications. Sorption properties of styrene-divinylbenzene macroreticular porous polymers Analytical Communications. Influence of solvent effects on the breakthrough volume in solid-phase extraction using porous polymer particle-loaded membranes The Analyst. Chemometric evaluation of the solvent properties of liquid organic salts The Analyst. Multidimensionality in planar chromatography Journal of Chromatography A.
Application of principal component factor analysis to the cavity model of solvation to identify factors important in characterizing the solvent properties of gas chromatographic stationary phases Journal of Chromatography A. Chemometric classification of the solvent properties selectivity of commonly used gas chromatographic stationary phases Journal of Chromatography A. Influence of solvent effects on retention in reversed-phase liquid chromatography and solid-phase extraction using a cyanopropylsiloxane-bonded, silica-based sorbent Chromatographia.
Thin-layer chromatographic method for the determination of the principal polar aromatic flavour compounds of the cinnamons of commerce The Analyst. Identification of the procedural steps that affect recovery of semi-volatile compounds by solid-phase extraction using cartridge and particle-loaded membrane disk devices Analytica Chimica Acta.
Identification of petroleum distillates from fire debris using multidimensional gas chromatography Chromatographia.
Separation techniques: Chromatography
Instrumental thin-layer chromatography Analytical Chemistry. Solvation parameter model for the prediction of breakthrough volumes in solid-phase extraction with particle-loaded membranes Analytical Chemistry. Computer-assisted optimization of the gas chromatographic separation of equine estrogens. Interpretation of the influence of temperature on the solvation properties of gas chromatographic stationary phases using Abraham's solvation parameter model Analytica Chimica Acta.
Determination of vanillin and related flavor compounds in natural vanilla extracts and vanilla-flavored foods by thin layer chromatography and automated multiple development Chromatographia. Chapter 9 Gas chromatography Journal of Chromatography Library.

Influence of fluorine substitution on the solvation properties of tetraalkylammonium alkanesulfonate phases in gas chromatography Chromatographia. On-line supercritical fluid extraction and chromatography of organotins with packed microbore columns and formic acid modified carbon dioxide Fresenius' Journal of Analytical Chemistry.
Influence of solute size and the non-polar interaction term on the selection of test solutes for the classification of stationary phase selectivity in gas chromatography Journal of Chromatography A. Application of multivariate analysis to the selection of test solutes for characterizing stationary phase selectivity in gas chromatography Journal of Chromatography A. Gas chromatographic study of the solution thermodynamics of organic solutes in tetraalkylammonium alkanesulfonate and perfluoroalkanesulfonate solvents Journal of Chromatography A.
Experimental protocol for the assessment of solvent strength and selectivity of liquid phases used in gas chromatography Journal of Chromatography A. Sample preparation for chromatographic analysis: Preface Analytica Chimica Acta. Progress in densitometry for quantitation in planar chromatography Journal of Chromatography B: Biomedical Sciences and Applications. Changes in retention and polarity accompanying the replacement of hydrogen by fluorine in tetraalkylammonium alkyl- and arylsulfonate salts used as stationary phases in gas chromatography Journal of Chromatography A.
Some practical aspects of column design for packed-column supercritical-fluid chromatography Journal of Chromatography A. Recent advances in chromatography Analytica Chimica Acta.
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- GC-MS sample preparation protocols;
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Characterization of solvent properties of gas chromatographic liquid phases Chemical Reviews. Modern thin-layer chromatography Analytical Chemistry. Considerations for using the solvent selectivity triangle approach for stationary phase characterization Journal of Chromatography A.
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Thermally stable, highly fluorinated stationary phases for gas chromatography Analytica Chimica Acta. Influence of concurrent retention mechanisms on the determination of stationary phase selectivity in gas chromatography Journal of Chromatography A. Solute-solvent interactions in liquid alkylammonium 4-toluenesulfonate salts studied by gas chromatography Analytical Chemistry. Thermodynamic characteristics of solute-solvent interactions in liquid organic salt solvents, studied by gas chromatography Journal of Chromatography A.
Variation in the gas chromatographic stationary phase propertiesof tetra-n-butylammonium salts as a function of the anion type Journal of Chromatography A. Progress in planar chromatography Trends in Analytical Chemistry. Evaluation of a calibration marker scheme for open tubular column gas chromatography with on-column injection and electron-capture detection Journal of Chromatography A. On-column injection in the stopped-flow mode with open-tubular columns Chromatographia. Minor component tablet analysis by high-performance thin-layer chromatography Journal of Chromatography A. Preparation of efficient packed columns with a polyperfluoroalkyl ether stationary phase Journal of Chromatography A.
Synthesis and stationary phase properties of bromophenyl ethers Journal of Chromatography A. Stationary phase properties of the organic molten salt ethylpyridinium bromide in gas chromatography Chromatographia. Sensitivity of scanning densitometers for thin-layer chromatography Analytical Chemistry. Synthesis and chromatographic properties of cyano- phenyl ethers Journal of Chromatography A.
Stationary phase properties of cyanophenyl ethers Journal of Chromatography A. Unidimensional, sequential separation of PTH-amino acids by high-performance thin-layer chromatography Journal of Chromatography A. Retention index scheme and calibration method for gas chromatography with electron capture detection Analytical Chemistry. Chapter 9 The detection of inorganic and organometallic compounds by electron-capture gas chromatography Journal of Chromatography Library. Chapter 8 Sensitive derivatives for the determination of organic compounds by electron-capture gas chromatography Journal of Chromatography Library.
Chapter 2 The design and operation of the electron-capture detector Journal of Chromatography Library. Preface Journal of Chromatography Library. Cyclic derivatives for the selective chromatographic analysis of bifunctional compounds Journal of Chromatography A. Trialkylsilyl ether derivatives other than TMS for gas chromatography and mass spectrometry Journal of Chromatographic Science. Seperation of protein amino acids as their N O -Acyl alkyl ester derivatives on glass capillary columns Journal of Chromatography A. Determination of di- 2-ethylhexyl phthalate in human placenta Journal of Chromatography A.
The formation of trimethylsilyl ethers of ecdysones.
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Temperature dependence of electron capture response Journal of Chromatography A. The pattern of ecdysone levels during development in the desert locust, Schistocerca gregaria Journal of Insect Physiology. Learn more click to open popover Editorial Reviews Review I expect to make frequent use of this book as a working instrument and I strongly recommend it for everyone who deals with gas chromatography.
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- Journal of Chromatography Library.
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- GC-MS Sample Preparation.
Trends in Analytical Chemistry The book also serves as a reference source for recent GC data. LC-GC International The work is highly recommended as a reference work for the bookshelves of all concerned with gas chromatography. Journal of Chromatography The book is written by an excellent expert in this field. Fresenius Journal of Analytical Chemistry. Would you like to tell us about a lower price? If you are a seller for this product, would you like to suggest updates through seller support? The primary aim of this volume is to make the chemist familiar with the numerous stationary phases and column types, with their advantages and disadvantages, to help in the selection of the most suitable phase for the type of analytes under study.
The book also provides detailed information on the chemical structure, physico-chemical behaviour, experimental applicability, physical data of liquid and solid stationary phases and solid supports. Such data were previously scattered throughout the literature. To understand the processes occurring in the separation column and to offer a manual both to the beginner and to the experienced chromatographer, one chapter is devoted to the basic theoretical aspects.
Further, as the effectiveness of the stationary phase can only be considered in relation to the column type, a chapter on different column types and the arrangement of the stationary phase within the column is included.
Read more Read less. About the journal The Journal of Chromatographic Science JCS is an international scientific journal presenting the latest information concerning the practice and theory of chromatography … Find out more.
Colin F. Poole - Publications
Advance Access Start reading the latest research from The Journal of Chromatographic Science as soon as it publishes online. Click here to start reading now. Ultra High Performance Liquid Chromatography This virtual collection on ultra high performance liquid chromatography is a constantly growing resource for researchers in the field. Technologies and Their Applications. Stationary Phases for Thin-Layer Chromatography.
Developments and Applications in the Period — Focus on Investigation of Metabolite Interference.