Purification of The Heart & Soul What You Need to Know Before You Begin to Reclaim Your Heart
SISTERS Reads: Reclaim your Heart
Khurshid Khatib looks at how incorporating regular acts of charity in our lives can become a means of spiritual self-purification. Life coach, Sayeda Habib explains the concept of love languages so we can enhance the love we all experience day to day.
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Khadijah Stott-Andrew discusses the flaws and benefits of the different approaches to problem solving. Her book Reclaim Your Heart , is no less inspiring. Purifying Character Through Charity Khurshid Khatib looks at how incorporating regular acts of charity in our lives can become a means of spiritual self-purification.
Having the Love — and Feeling It! Exiting The Emotional Rollercoaster Khadijah Stott-Andrew discusses the flaws and benefits of the different approaches to problem solving.
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- Yasmin Mogahed;
Mogahed reminds us in her newly published book Reclaim your Heart, that we should be humble and surrender our souls to Allah swt: It begins with self-sacrifice, and is paved by the sweat of struggle. She speaks a lot about our false attachments to the dunya and especially our reliance on people and in illustrating that she says: The twig was never created to carry us.
Our weight was only meant to be carried by God. This was what she said or rather, tweeted: Indeed that with God, there is always a way out. Reclaim your heart now. Response to Alex Chang Aug 19, Holding on to faith in the age of Atheist Muslims Apr 16, Singapore gay couple seeks to abolish gay sex law Feb 15, Leave a Reply Cancel reply.

May 3, In This Week: Jean Phillip on Food Review: May Allah make you A Meaningless Tradition Worth Discarding? By Muzlimbuzz on July 13, 8. Izzatimare is currently reading it Jan 02, Ferrin jb marked it as to-read Apr 24, Pam Cantor marked it as to-read Aug 13, Pauline marked it as to-read Sep 13, Enays marked it as to-read Sep 30, Abdul Rahman marked it as to-read Jan 30, Basma Hashem marked it as to-read Feb 18, Sherien marked it as to-read May 20, Jacqueline Overton added it Jun 11, Mahmoud Alaswad marked it as to-read Jul 09, Salad marked it as to-read Aug 04, Nounii Amg marked it as to-read Sep 26, Sarah Ehab marked it as to-read Sep 30, Eyish marked it as to-read Oct 11, Afia marked it as to-read Oct 18, Sara Sayed marked it as to-read Oct 23, Diamond Rox marked it as to-read Nov 29, Nurul Hikmah marked it as to-read Dec 22, Ayesha marked it as to-read Dec 23, Naf Naf marked it as to-read Apr 12, Sabz marked it as to-read Sep 16,