My Experiences in a Lunatic Asylum: By a Sane Patient
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my experiences in a lunatic asylum, by a sane patient
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Address Address is required. The author suggested repeatedly I found this fascinating. The author suggested repeatedly that living in the asylum was enough to drive someone into insanity even if they were not before coming to the asylum. All in all, the book contained very interesting and insightful thoughts, experiences and views.
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- My Experiences in a Lunatic Asylum By A Sane Patient by Herman Charles Merivale?
This book rambled on at a breakneck pace, jumped back and forth, repeated statements over and over, and was delightfully full of literary references, Greek, and French quotes. On one hand, I feel that the style of writing is purposeful; if I were to imagine a batty Victorian, this is, perhaps, what I would imagine. The concept was highly intriguing, as I have immediate family members who have mental illness, and can certainly relate to some of the manners of speech and observances the character This book rambled on at a breakneck pace, jumped back and forth, repeated statements over and over, and was delightfully full of literary references, Greek, and French quotes.
The concept was highly intriguing, as I have immediate family members who have mental illness, and can certainly relate to some of the manners of speech and observances the character has. However, the problem is that the form is extremely overdone, making it difficult to read through and, I would suppose, highly inaccessible for any but the most patient and diligent of readers. As a side note, this book reminded me of Cloud Atlas's Timothy Cavendish.
Jun 16, Dawn rated it it was ok. At times, this story rambles however, it is quite thought provoking. This is an illuminating memoir by Herman Merivale relating, as the title suggests, his time in one of England's countryside asylums in the 's. Literally crazy caricatures abound, prisoner and jailer alike. Lofty psychology experts float in and out of Merivale's stay, some more respectable than oth This is an illuminating memoir by Herman Merivale relating, as the title suggests, his time in one of England's countryside asylums in the 's. Lofty psychology experts float in and out of Merivale's stay, some more respectable than others but on the whole clueless to patients' real needs.
Nurses withhold or too bountifully dispense medications, and wardens rely on inhumane tactics to illicit compliance. As our writer states, this time in British history was "when imprisonment was a form of cruelty which [needed] a new name.

While Merivale manages to pique my interest in the subject of wrongful confinement and 19th-Century malpractices, his style - certainly typical of Victorian literature - is rather dry and verbose. What message he could have delivered in a pithy pamphlet which is, of course, that the mental institution system was vastly broken and needed to be recognized and addressed by the masses , he instead draws out to what I consider an uncomfortable length.
Project MUSE - Narrative Survival: Personal and Institutional Accounts of Asylum Confinement
In his defense, after being published Merivale confessed that his writing "My Experiences" was simply a "calm" narration of his "travels in dark lands" - I guess more catharsis than anything. I don't necessarily recommend running out to buy this book ASAP, but you might find it a satisfactory loan from your local library.
Y'know, to stay sane on a lonely winter weekend. Below are the only other reviews I could find online of this book. My sentiments most closely align with the third reviewer. Not an enjoyable or informative story. Lacks continuity of thought and does not adequately explain how he came to be committed.
After reading two chapters though, I was tempted to put it down in favor of a more accessible story. The language is rambling and dated, a struggle for anyone who is not familiar with 19th Century British English prose. There are few 'juicy bits' if you are hoping for a soap opera tell-all and little of historical value that a non-fiction work wouldn't provide. You are commenting using your Twitter account.
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You are commenting using your Facebook account. Notify me of new comments via email. Notify me of new posts via email. A man gets put into a private lunatic asylum, he publishes a book about it in … The especial experience which I have to tell has nothing especially painful, and is, perhaps, none the worse for that. It does rather, but no … Death-in-life did I say? Ten Days in Madhouse is on my book list!
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