Loving The Addict: A cathartic saga of Love, Lust, Obsession and Dominance
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I loathe a double standard and this one really gets me all riled up. Just when I was getting fed up, I got totally gobsmacked. I'm talking a whole range of emotions: It's clear these two are toxic to each other and they've managed to infect me with their poison. That's the truth of it. We're no good for each other, and he does manipulate me. The problem is, I enjoy it. This man is truly something else and I'm anticipating his confession. View all 40 comments. Agh I need to find out more of what happens.
I hate all this business of waiting for books to come out I'm way too impatient. I can't wait for the 3rd now. Nov 29, Catarina rated it really liked it Shelves: She was obviously not happy about it. But Jesse has an even worse reaction to her exit and drowns himself in sorrow and alcohol. He just wants her back. But after that happens No. Jesse's past keeps coming in their way and Ava is starting to get a little litt 4 Crazy-ish Stars This second installment starts five days after Ava found out about Jesse's lifestyle and job.
Jesse's past keeps coming in their way and Ava is starting to get a little little being an understatement neurotic about it. In this second book we have them trying to figure out each other and living with their differences, hoping for a future when their past keeps haunting them, and a lot of people try to separate them. If I thought the previous book was crazy… then this definitely takes the prize.
They are fighting and screaming at each other in a second and in the next one they are doing it like bunnies. She fights back and likes to play dirty. Although she is easily coerced. And with Jesse's past, his craziness and possessiveness, I still love him. Even being his first time feeling that way. View all 38 comments.
My friends told me not to give up on Jesse and I'm so glad I didn't! So many secrets were uncovered and I felt like so many layers of Jesse was revealed. He's truly unlike any hero I've ever read. When I thought I knew him, I'm hit with another surprise. I'm glad to say he's definitely grown on me. I loved the back and forth bantering between Jesse and Ava. Their dynamic is funny, intense, combustible, heated and sensual.
Jesse is being changed, but so is Ava in her own little way. Yes this book was a bit wordy at times, but I enjoyed every minute of it. We suggest listening to Angel by Massive Attack while reading this review. Ward we are wearing Lace!! I cannot even begin to say how satisfying it was to get the Lord of the Sex Manor back Jenny. Jesse Ward with an aching heart. He is still my number one and I will not waver on this!
It was emotional, full of suspense and angst and oh so incredibly intense and sexy! I have to say I actually enjoyed and loved Beneath This Man even more than This Man because layers were peeled and we got so much closer to these characters!! The writing was flawless and brilliant once again and if at all possible I love both Jesse and Ava even more now! Oh we definitely had blast off Gitte and only the best lace will do for our revisit to the one and only "how old are you? Oh and don't worry, you'll get no arguments from this end about Jesse being number one!
How can you not love this intense, possessive, unreasonable, sensual, good looking, passionate and oh so very alpha, dominant man? He ticks all the fictional man boxes! Thankfully for me I only had to go Mr Wardless for a couple of weeks because honestly, if I'd had to wait any longer for this book after the being left with those cliff-hangers in This Man I don't think I would have been responsible for my actions! I had so many questions at the end of book one, my naturally inquisitive self was in meltdown mode. Then that naughty minx, Ms Malpas only goes and throws some more questions at us and here we go again, inquisitive Jenny is on the hunt!
So many things I need to know, though this time, thankfully, we didn't have to contend with the "violence to the kindle" inducing cliff-hanger. The emotion of the written words leapt off the pages straight into my heart: The journey these two are on is so incredibly intense that the spot on sense of humour of both, the sarcasm and the situations they get into completely break it up perfectly.
Hmmm rowing… my new favorite hobby! I was pulled back into the world of Jesse and Ava from the first page. My heart broke from what I found five days after the turn of events at the end of This Man. They are both so broken and can't function without one another. Both in the depths of despair, suffering, in their own way, from being apart. In the short, yet intense relationship Ava shared with this man, he had become her reason for being, he had seared himself into her heart and then he broke it.
Ava tries to remain guarded and strong because she knows deep down that as soon as she sees Jesse her defenses will wither at the sight of him and knows the only chance she has to guard her heart is to keep her distance from him. Easier said than done. For reasons she can't deny, she must go to him.
What she found had me feeling bereft for her. Ava is by far one of the best if not The Best heroine out there for me. I just adore her. She knows that she cannot be without him. Her body and mind centres and moves in sync with his. Her breath and his are dependent on each other. I'm with you on this one too Gitte. I can't begin to tell you how I feel about Ava and how much I love her character.
She has managed to bring this man to his knees. She has the fierce, all-consuming love of this man. Ava is a character I have become so invested in. She's not perfect, she certainly makes mistakes, she doesn't always make the right decisions and she loves Jesse so passionately, and this man is her weakness. She openly admits her faults and mistakes and does let Jesse push her around at times, though you can't blame her because this man is very persuasive with his sense fucks, reminder fucks and my favorite of all……the sleepy sex…oh my, even the sound of sleepy sex with Jesse gets you all fired up.
Ava does have a mind of her own, yet where Jesse is concerned all rational thinking flies out the window, such is the effect that man has on her, but she knows it and admits it. Oh but our girl doesn't let Mr Ward have his way all the time. Jesse has met his match in Ava and deep down I know he loves that about her. He challengers her and she challenges him right back and we know our Jesse loves a challenge!
I love seeing these two go at it with each other. I love the times Ava stands up to Jesse, the times she gets one up on him is an absolute joy to see! The "age reveal" scene was brilliant! I did wonder how that was going to come about and never in my wildest imagination would I have come up with that. That scene, for me, showed the fun and intensity of this relationship and I loved them even more because of it. I love this pair and I think I read that scene with a big stupid grin on my face! Now Jesse, seriously where do I even begin?
This man is just imperfectly perfect. A true lovable rogue!
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We learn of his vulnerability, his power, his drive and snippets from his past. And yeah even the elusive age! He is just as frustrating and demanding as in This Man, perhaps even more so, because he nearly lost Ava and he refuses to ever be in that situation again. He loves her so fiercely and passionately that he is afraid to lose control…indeed to lose her; so he does whatever he can to ensure she understands that she is his and he is hers. Ah Mr Ward, he's still a mystery but little by little we're stripping away the layers and learning more and more about this rather complicated man, and I am loving every minute of it!
Oh there were times he frustrated me! Nearly losing this woman has driven him to the point of distraction and for a man who is used to being in total control of everything in his life, Ava has turned his world upside down. Now, as much as Ava loses all rationality where Jesse is concerned, it's definitely not a one way street. This man can hardly think straight as far as Ava is concerned, the fear of losing her consumes him, which makes for very interesting times on both sides.
So we still have so many mysterious threads still unsolved Jenny…we have mysterious women, hidden drama waiting in the wings, un-confessed confessions and pasts waiting to be explored and I cannot for the life of me wait to find out exactly what is going on. Oh and the ending…. I know I've driven you crazy with my theories Gitte, but I'm giving you advance warning that I am not giving up until book three, This Man Confessed, is in my hot little hands. So, what did I think of Beneath This Man?
I loved every twist and turn. I loved the "off the charts" steam factor in this book. I love the chemistry and passion between Jesse and Ava and I loved the mystery that still surrounds their lives. Yes, I loved every frustrating second, I loved Jesse and Ava even more and yes, the end of this book completely satisfied me. What a great follow up to This Man. ARC given by the author for an honest review View all 18 comments.
I seriously want to see this 'laid back' person everyone keeps babbling about. I'm just as stunned as Ava. View all 43 comments. Guilt consumes her and even though staying and watching over him would probably end up killing her she has to make sure he is ok. Ava does everything she can do to defy Jesse and stubbornly puts her foot down to all his demands. God love him for all the ways he shows Ava how much she means to him, she is his life as he is hers, without each other they are nothing but an empty shell Ava understands why Jesse is the way he is, she may not know everything just yet, it's enough to know that whatever he does is because he loves her completely, mind body and soul.
Ava's curiosity always gets the best of her, but it only shows how these two people no matter how much love and passion they have for each other are just as scared and insecure. Reassurances are demanded and promises are made I love this man, in all of his perfection and in all of his challenging, unreasonable ways. He took me hard and fast. He made me fall in love with him. He made me need him. It didn't take away from the WTF moments, but it did help trying to understand where they were coming from.
There is no doubt about it, Jesse and Ava are truly, madly, crazy, deeply in love with each other. View all 14 comments. This book was, in the words of Donald Duck, exasperating. In terms of the plot there wasn't really that much happening. Some of the questions we had in book 1 got answered, i.
Jesse age I still doing see what the big deal is! There are a few one-liners that were repeated to death: I think a relationship like that is toxic and non-sustainable. A person needs to be able to breathe and to be able to spend 8 hours away from your partner nod your heads people, you know I am talking sense here. So that is why I am not going crazy over Jesse like everybody else. He is a certified lunatic. Hehe, okay maybe a bit extreme… but meh… who reads this far anyways?
Absolute, complete earth shifting, universe shaking love" It's time for Jesse and I to make friends again. Jesse, baby, here I come ; Update I literally just read book one, This Man, like a week ago. When I picked this up, I didn't get very far. It was like book one all over again. More questions, more showing Ava with no backbone, more possessive, manipulative and secretive Jesse. Didn't think I could handle it. Well from what I was told, I was right.
I'm going to It's time for Jesse and I to make friends again. I'm going to put this on hold for right now, until I feel the need to make friends with Jesse. It's just too much right now. View all 24 comments. If you haven't read the first book in this trilogy This Man or this book Beneath This Man I suggest you stop now and don't read any further as this book may contain some spoilers or reference things that happened in the first book in the series This Man.
No matter how many times I have re-read the first 2 books in this series, I can't get enough and I never get tired of reading about Jesse and Ava I believe I've read This Man and Beneath This Man 3 or 4 times now- I've honestly lost count. This book picks up 5 days after This Man ended. It's been 5 days since I've seen Jesse Ward. Five days of agony, five days of emptimess and five days of sobbing. No emotion, no soul and no tears - nothing. Every time my eyes close he's there, the images flickering from the sure, confident, beautiful man who completely took me, to the hollow, hurtful, drunken creature who has destroyed me.
I'm at a complete loss. He made me need him, and now he's gone. In the darkness I see his face and in the silence I hear his voice. There is no escaping it. I'm unaware of the activity around me, every noise a distant hum, every image a slow blur. I'm in absolute agony. Nobody has heard from him for 5 days and John and Drew are meeting them there.
They need her help to get past the concierge and gain access to Lusso and the elevator leading to the penthouse that Jesse owns and Eva knows the codes and they figure since she knows Clive, the concierge, she'll be let through. They've tried themselves, but Clive won't let them through and they are extremely worried about him. After blackmailing Clive, Ava manages to get his reluctant permission to go through and they head up to the penthouse to find Jesse.
My Jesse I'm not going to go into details on the condition they found Jesse in, nor am I going to go into too many details about this book as I don't want to give away too many spoilers. Ava agrees to stay to take care of Jesse as he recovers. Ava is still wary of Jesse after what happened 5 days prior and it's clear that he's going to have to work to get her forgiveness.
That goes against all of my instincts. For me not to touch you. Jesse still held a lot of secrets from Ava until the end. Although it appeared early on that he may be starting to be truthful with Ava, he still held back. Matt tried to create problems, as well as Sarah. Sarah went to extreme lengths to get Ava to want to leave Jesse. Jesse opened up about his history with Mikael and now Ava understands why it would be an issue to work with him.
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Jesse finally opens up towards the end of the book and explains where he was AND what he was doing during the 4 days he disappeared in the first book This Man. When he revealed this, my heart broke for Ava because she was devastated. Some moments in this book were absolutely shocking!
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Some moments just make you mad and frustrated! This is Jesse and Ava we are talking about, so there were hot and steamy moments also! Throughout the book, I was happy to see that they were able to fix some of the problems in their relationship as well as, I think, develop an even stronger relationship by the end of the book. If you haven't read this series- I strongly suggest you do it! Jesse is absolutely one of a kind.
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I won't tell you how this book ends, but you'll end up with the biggest smile on your face because of the absolutely sweet and romantic thing that Jesse does. I love this man, in all of his perfection and in all of his challenging, unreasonable ways. A berzillion, crazy, messed-up Stars, 'Watch your mouth' girlies and get ready for 'Beneath this man'. Beneath this man held me captive from the first page. Talk about butterflies I had a million of them throughout this book. The start of the book was brilliant it flowed right on from the the first book 'this man' I could not put this down.
If I loved Ava before, the first part of this book has me cheering for her all the way. Jesse my ultimate man crush, domineering, protective and loving I think he's my favourite book crush of ALL! This book is so full of secrets and reveals it has you guessing and tormented from start to finish, if possible I loved this more than 'this man'. I really enjoyed how the author makes you feel apart of the story, I really felt like I got to know Ava and Jesse more throughout the story and I loved the consistent 'this man isms! Don't get me wrong this book had me frustrated and angry, I wanted Ava to grow some and put Jesse in his place several million times and her unwillingness to keep her head when she would start to challenge him had me in knots!
As for Jesse I had flipping whiplash going between loving him and loathing him! There were times that I felt his character went just too far there were lines he crossed that almost took away the enjoyment of the book for me. That being said the writing was fabulous and the author provoked so many emotions in me. Love or hate this book I challenge anyway not to be affected by one emotion or another and I have to confess that this couple rank in the top of my favourite fictional characters.
To the author Jodi Ellen Malpas, Thankyou for writing an amazing story. Your a word genius, and I'm a self confessed 'This Man' addict. Ps is it spring yet? What a freakin' train wreck this book was. I'm not sure I even have the words to express. If you managed to get through book one and wanted to continue, then you already know this couple is messed up.
I admit, it was more messed up than I was expecting. I listened to the audio version and I had to keep stopping and walk away to calm down. This book was so frustrating and I can't tell you how many times I wanted to shake the both of them. There were so many times Ava needed to stand up to Jesse a What a freakin' train wreck this book was. There were so many times Ava needed to stand up to Jesse and demand answers and draw a line. The constant women showing up was ridiculous.
The author overdid this, in my opinion. I'm sorry but no man can be that good, in every way that every single woman falls in love with him. I hate it when authors do this. Just once I want to find a book where the woman has every man fawning over the woman and the Hero has to deal with it.
I'm sure this won't be a popular opinion but I don't even blame Jesse all that much. He's been a playboy for 20 years, having complete access to all kinds of women at his sex club. He's never been in a relationship and has no clue what one is. He needs a strong woman to rein him in and show him how she wants to be treated. He's so completely in love with Ava, he just doesn't see any other woman as a threat. That is the one thing the author expressed without a doubt and truly saved this book for me.
If she hadn't expressed that, I think I would have chucked this series out the window. Jesse did trample and bulldoze his way, no doubt about it, but Ava was not left without her own weapons. Man am I tired of Sara. Finally towards the end Ava started to grow a backbone and I did a little victory dance when she put Sara firmly in place. It was a little too late if you ask me, but still necessary.
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I loved that last scene and felt like finally we are getting somewhere. I look forward to book 3. No emotion, no soul and no tears -- nothing. Ava and Jesse are both miserable without each other, but it seems Jesse is worse than she is. Sam, Jesse's best friend, hasn't heard from Jesse for days and is worried about the state Jesse is in. So, he asks Ava to help him locate him. Ava reluctantly agrees and they find Jesse passed out cold. She soon finds herself being appointed as the person to take care of Jesse until he is finally healthy again.
Jesse doesn't waste time in trying to get Ava back. But Ava knows they have so much to get past. Plus, she needs to know more about the man she has fallen in love with. Can she be okay with his controlling ways and his position in the manor? Or is it best they just part ways? Jesse is not giving up without a fight They are bursting with meaning. Jesse was over the top controlling, possessive, and demanding. Just like in the first book, I found myself hating him and wanting to shove him back and strangle him for being so overbearing.
But at the same time I loved him and wanted to hug him so close and kiss him to death for how sweet and tender he could be. The man was making me insane! Just like Ava was feeling. I can't tell you how much I love you. I still feel like there is more to know about this man.
I hope we will find out more in the third book. Jesse does some really stupid stuff in this book. I was not happy with how he handled some things. But he was also extra sweet. I love seeing him when he is vulnerable and when he opens up to Ava. It's weird how perfect he can be at times. However, he still needs to improve on some of his issues.
No one is taking him away from me I was waiting for her jell-o spine to harden and then she confronts Sarah. But, she needed to stop letting Jesse manipulate her sorry Jesse, but it's the truth. He would always get his way and it seemed like Ava's wants weren't always considered. This pissed me off. She also seemed to keep apologizing to him. Some of the things she did, yeah, she so needed to be sorry for. But somethings she didn't, because they were out of her control. Yet there she was saying sorry and feeling guilty.
I'm hoping Jesse will be more understanding towards her, like how she seems to always be understanding towards him. Ava had some brilliant plans on how to get back at Jesse but she didn't think things through. I loved it anyways!! And then there were moments where she was just plain stupid. Although, I don't blame her for not being able to resist Jesse and his hotness. And again, what is up with her birth control missing?!?
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I was so freaking happy! We finally get to meet Ava's family and I loved seeing them all together in the ending. This book was definitely better for me than the first. I don't know what the third installment will bring, but I can't wait to find out! I am eager to get on with this man confessed and 2. I truly believe you need to go in with no expectations because Miss Malpas you have exceeded mine, there's many twists and turns its gritty, there are many highs and equally as many lows.
Jesse and Ava have a very full on relationship as a continuation from this man and you can expect them to be passionate, Intense and protective of each other. Go on give them a chance because they completely wowed me Jodi your my new favourite author onto this man confessed View all 20 comments. These two are beyond mad.
Their relationship is a like a whilwind!! Jesse with his crazzy issues. I was anxiously waiting for this book since the last one ended, that I didnt even care to read reviews! What can I say? I am in love with a mad man: My Jesse- This book moves on from the first book where Ava goes and saves Jesse! And offcourse, as we expected he talks her into going back to him. This man surely has excellent skills in convincing Ava to do anything he wants. Then comes Jesse's countdown