
Il campo delle cento pertiche (Italian Edition)

I have been informed by Czech producers that there is confusion concerning the designation of odour neutralisers used for the neutralisation of smells for patients with stomas. This body, however, studied only one particular odour neutraliser and not the whole category of such products. Are they judged as an entire category or by individual product? Which bodies are responsible for their inclusion and categorisation: Who decides on this matter? The classification and qualification of a product as a medical device is the responsibility of Member States and decisions are taken on a product-by-product basis, taking into account all product characteristics.

However, in case of diverging Member States' opinions, the Commission facilitates the exchange of views in order to reach a consensus where possible, and may, where appropriate, launch an infringement procedure. The European Databank on Medical Devices Eudamed is a secure web-based portal acting as a central repository for information exchange between national competent authorities and the Commission, and is not publicly accessible. The presence of a product in Eudamed does not mean that the product must be qualified as a medical device.

The national competent authorities responsible for the qualification and classification of devices and for their registration in Eudamed are designated by the Member States according to their internal organisation. The reform of the United Nations Security Council is increasingly being seen as a necessity, considering that the European Union is not a member of this international organisation, although all of its Member States are.

Recently, negotiations have been taking place within the United Nations on reforming the United Nations Security Council and its composition, one of the main criteria for which is regional representation. What priority is being given to this following its recognition as an international legal personality within the multilateral system?

If this is a priority, how are negotiations on future membership of the United Nations progressing? If it does become a member of the United Nations, does it also expect to become a member of the United Nations Security Council? If not, how does she think a reformed Security Council should be composed? Det skal forhindre flyselskaber i at veksle rundt mellem lande for at spare omkostninger til den sociale sikring af deres medarbejdere.

One area the updates relate to is social security for airline crews. The amendment concerns current employees aircrew members only where they opt for the new rule determining the legislation applicable. The employee and the employer are to pay social security contributions in accordance with the legislation of the State that is competent for the employee's social security. In such an event, the employee should take the appropriate action in accordance with national law by submitting a complaint to the competent national authorities or taking legal action.

The reforms of the sugar regime were partly based upon the assumption that, under the EBA initiative, EU imports from less developed countries would significantly increase, to complement ACP imports. Ireland has historically depended on cane imports as well as beet sugar for its food and drink industry.

The volume of imports has not grown in line with these expectations for a plethora of reasons, including the financial crises restricting funding, whilst some ACP countries have seen volumes contract. This has led to a decline in the availability of raw sugar to the refining industry in Europe. For the Commission, the end to the quota system is the most appropriate option for providing the sugar sector with a long-term perspective. Quotas create rigidities and prevent the sugar industry from responding rapidly to market changes.

Since then, the Irish food and drink industry has sourced sugar from other EU beet processors and cane refiners. Since a lack of cane sugar imports has limited the availability of sugar to the Irish food and drink industry and forced prices up to levels exceeding those of the period prior to the reform. The consequence is that the Irish food and drink industry, and the cane refiners who had previously brought choice and competition to the sector, are now starved of access to a key raw material at fair prices whilst beet sugar processors report record profits.

The minimum tariffs accepted for raw sugar were between The balance sheet indicates an ending stock of 2. The Commission will closely monitor whether this is sufficient to assure the fluidity of the market. The European Commission will continue to monitor the market situation very closely and not hesitate to take exceptional measures as it did in the previous two marketing years. Furthermore, for the longer term, the Commission has proposed not to prolong the sugar and iso-glucose quota which should ensure access to sufficient raw material for the Irish food and drink manufacturers.

Subsidie voor de bananensector in Kameroen. Heeft de Commissie in het licht van die informatie een analyse van de Kameroense bananensector uitgevoerd alvorens zij de subsidie toekende? De Commissie is bekend met de controverse rond. Op basis hiervan wordt de nieuwe EU-aanpak opgezet. Een van de prioriteiten is om bijzondere aandacht te besteden aan de ruimere gevolgen van het aanpassingsproces voor onder meer werkgelegenheid, sociale dienstverlening en milieukwesties, voo.

Momenteel bereidt de Commissie de ontwerp-landenstrategie voor. Het landenprogramma wordt thans geredigeerd en de Commissie zal ervoor zorgen dat rekening wordt gehouden met de sociale en milieu-indicatoren die in overleg tussen de Commissie, de regering van Kameroen en de belanghebbenden worden vastgesteld. The Cameroonian Trade Ministry is reported as saying that the money will go to the major producing firms. The major Cameroonian banana producers have repeatedly been accused of human rights violations, of exploiting their workers by forcing them to work long hours for low wages, of exposing them and the local population to pesticides and of taking the land of local owners to expand their plantations.

In view of this, did the Commission carry out any analysis of the Cameroonian banana sector before authorising the grant? What measures has the Commission taken in order to ensure that EU money will not contribute to perpetuating these abuses? What control mechanisms have been put in place to ensure that companies receiving EU money will respect the rights of workers and local communities, as well as the environment? A number of studies and evaluations have been conducted since the end of the s.

They are contributing to design the current EU approach. Through the BAM, the Commission proposes to support adaptation of targeted ACP countries to the reduced most favoured nation tariffs for imports of bananas.

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At the same time, the BAM will contribute to reduce poverty, to foster sustainable growth and to ensure the countries' smooth integration into the world economy. One of the priorities is to focus on the broader impacts generated by the adaptation process related but not restricted to employment, social services, and environmental issues, particularly in local communities and the most vulnerable groups.

The draft country strategy is currently being prepared by the Commission. Its objective is to achieve competitiveness whilst respecting strict social and environmental norms, in order to generate decent employment and to improve the country's trade balance. The country programme is at the formulation stage and the Commission will assure that social and environmental indicators which will be jointly agreed between the Commission, the Government of Cameroon and the stakeholders, will be taken into consideration.

Finally, the Cameroonian programme, like all other EU financed support actions, will be accompanied by both an internal monitoring system and external independent assessments and evaluations. En caso de que una Parte incumpla sus obligaciones, el Acuerdo establece el recurso a medidas oportunas. Y en caso de que se viole uno de los elementos esenciales, como el respeto de los derechos humanos, pueden suspenderse los beneficios del Acuerdo.

Un mese dopo la firma per la cessione del controllo dei raid notturni in Afghanistan, le forze militari statunitensi guidate dall'US Drug Enforcement Administration DEA tornano a combattere il traffico internazionale di stupefacenti con un raid in Honduras; gli Stati Uniti spostano le loro risorse dal Medio Oriente in America Centrale.

Durante il monitoraggio di un gruppo di presunti narco-trafficanti vicino al villaggio di Ahuas, la DEA e la polizia locale hanno dato inizio ad uno scontro a fuoco che ha portato al coinvolgimento fatale di alcuni civili.

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In pochi giorni esplode la protesta anti-DEA ed il governo conferma il bilancio mortale del raid: Gli abitanti del posto sostengono che la canoa di pescatori era sulla via del ritorno da un viaggio di routine lungo la costa caraibica. Le forze militari respingono le accuse affermando una loro presunta collaborazione con i narco-trafficanti.

L'offensiva ha condotto alla costruzione di 3 nuovi basi militari che ospitano circa soldati americani. Un recente rapporto delle Nazioni Unite sulla produzione di oppio in Afghanistan conferma come tali operazioni militari siano un completo fallimento. Alla luce di tali fatti si chiede pertanto all'Alto Rappresentante, Lady Ashton, di riferire su quali misure concrete intenda intraprendere l'UE a tutela delle vittime delle popolazioni locali in Honduras, nella lotta contro il traffico internazionale di stupefacenti.

Risposta congiunta di Catherine Ashton a nome della Commissione. A month after signing off on the transfer of control of night raids in Afghanistan, US military forces, led by the Drug Enforcement Administration DEA , are turning to the fight against international drug trafficking with a raid in Honduras. While monitoring a group of suspected drug traffickers near the village of Ahuas, the DEA and local police initiated a shoot-out that led to the deaths of several civilians. However, this claim is contradicted by statements made by the mayor of Ahuas in an interview published by El Tiempo , according to which the helicopters mistakenly fired on a canoe full of fishermen near where the cocaine was to be handed over.

A few days later, an anti-DEA protest turned to violence, after which the Government confirmed that the raid had caused the deaths of two women, one man and a year-old boy, as well as wounding five other people. Locals claim that the fishing canoe was on its way back from a routine trip along the Caribbean coast. Military forces reject accusations that they were in collaboration with the drug traffickers.

The offensive has led to the construction of three new military bases housing around American soldiers. The US military presence in Honduras was agreed after the presidency of Manuel Zelaya came to an end in A recent United Nations report on opium production in Afghanistan confirms that these military operations are a complete failure. According to witnesses and victims, the vast majority of murders and human rights violations committed by private security agencies, the police and the Honduran and US militaries go unpunished.

In view of this situation, and given that the European Union is in the process of ratifying an association agreement with the Central American region, including Honduras, and that the respect and guarantee of democratic values and human rights is a prerequisite for that agreement:. According to public reports, the operation the Honourable Members are referring to took place in the framework of a joint antidrug cooperation programme between the governments of the United States and Honduras.

The Government of Honduras is carrying out an investigation to determine the circumstances in which the incident took place. A Human Rights Support Programme has been recently signed to promote cross-cutting human rights throughout state policies. Several initiatives of the civil society are also supported by the European Initiative on Human Rights and Democracy. The Political dialogue foreseen in the agreement will allow monitoring respect for Human Rights and good governance. In case one Party fails to fulfill its obligations the Agreement foresees the recourse to appropriate measures.

In case of violation of one essential element such as respect of Human Rights, the benefits of the Agreement could be suspended. What further measures could the Commission resort to in order to prevent the situation from escalating into a civil war? In the event that the purchaser discovers, following purchase, that there are no instructions in Greek, does he or she have the right to demand that the manufacturer provide a Greek translation?

Is there provision in the Greek legal system to insist on a Greek translation of the instructions? Does the Greek consumer have the right to a refund on the grounds that no Greek language instructions are provided? Consequently, to supply machinery in Greece with instructions in English only is indeed not in line with the provisions of the directive.

Where no original instructions verified by the manufacturer exist, a translation into the language of the country where the machinery is to be used must be provided by the manufacturer or his authorised representative or, failing that, by the person bringing the machinery into the language area in question for example, the distributor. If instructions in the Greek language are not provided, the recourse open to consumers depends on the way the provisions of the directive have been implemented into Greek law.

A court in Minsk has ordered Vasil Parfyankou to spend six months in prison for parole violation. The majority of them have been sentenced to different prison terms and later released on parole. Parfyankou is the first to be sent back to prison for parole violation. Belarusian human rights activist Aleh Vouchak has been found guilty by a Minsk court of using vulgar words in public and sentenced to nine days in jail.

He has been involved in human rights activities since The EU is aware of reports concerning the arrest and sentencing of Vasil Parfiankou to six months imprisonment and will pay close attention to the outcome of his appeal. The EU has communicated its concern on this and other similar cases on several occasions, through diplomatic channels. Con deliberazione della Giunta Provinciale di Padova, la n.

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  • Si evidenzia che i lavori di asfaltatura sono iniziati da pochi giorni. La Commissione rileva inoltre che il progetto in questione non interferisce con alcun sito designato Natura It is important to point out that, on the stretch of the same ecological corridor that runs through the province of Treviso, a cycle path was created using environmentally friendly methods, namely using crushed Sarone stone as a substrate.

    The protesters have petitioned the local authorities, pointing out that the creation of the cycle track has necessitated widespread deforestation along the corridor, for example at Silvelle, in the municipality of Trebaseleghe PD. The asphalting work began a few days ago. Is the Commission aware of this project? It is up to the competent authorities in the Member States to take the appropriate decisions on the location or on the technical characteristics including the materials used for surfacing of such projects. Is the Commission taking any steps to ensure that humanitarian aid is specifically targeted on the most vulnerable, i.

    Is the Commission taking steps to ensure that the African Union pledging conference to address the crisis is convened as soon as possible, and does the Commission intend to be represented at the conference? Given that the West Africa food crisis is cyclical and predictable, what measures has the Commission put in place to try to prevent a recurrence? Since the end of the European Commission has been actively responding to the major humanitarian food crisis in the Sahel. The impact of the food crisis has been further aggravated by the crisis in Mali. The Commission has taken a leading role in mobilising the international community to providing an adequate response to the crisis.

    Moreover, the Commission participates actively in all meetings on the Sahel crisis in the region and has been encouraging a higher level of activity on the matter by the AU and the regional bodies Ecowas. This platform plans to unite all the governments' concerned, main donors and the regional bodies to work out an Action Plan to promote sustainable approaches to early warning and to the provision of seasonal social safety nets to catch the most vulnerable before they fall into crisis in future.

    Corpo nazionale dei vigili del fuoco: In particolare, si tratta di equiparare la pensione ai superstiti, riconosciuta ai familiari dei vigili del fuoco volontari deceduti per causa di servizio, e di equiparare il trattamento economico concesso ai vigili del fuoco volontari a quello riconosciuto ai vigili del fuoco in servizio permanente in caso di infortunio sul lavoro o di malattia contratta per causa di servizio. In tal modo si qualifica una vera e propria forma di lavoro subordinato che non trova alcun riconoscimento sul piano normativo italiano.

    In , the role of voluntary firefighter was introduced as part of a shake-up of the National Firefighting Corps in Italy. Such personnel are not tied to government by a relationship of employment. Instead, they are entered on special lists at the Provincial Fire Brigade Commands and called upon to fulfil their duties whenever the need arises. To date, however, the Italian Government has not adopted legislative decrees harmonising the system of social insurance and assistance applied to permanent staff in the service of the Corps, including volunteers.

    Furthermore, voluntary firefighters are granted neither severance pay nor weekdays off, time off or leave of absence for illness. Nevertheless, voluntary firefighters meet all the technical, operational and staff specialisation requirements, receive pay and are answerable to line management. It is therefore genuine employment which is in no way recognised in the Italian regulations. The nature of voluntary activities and the extent to which a person performing them may meet the criteria for being considered a worker vary greatly.

    The definition of an employment relationship and the legal criteria applying depend on the Member State.

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    In what way does the Commission propose to fulfil its treaty obligation to pay full regard to the welfare of dairy cows? The Commission plans to look at how these already existing requirements, including those of the recommendation concerning cattle, are applied within Member States. For this purpose, the Commission Inspection Service Food and Veterinary Office already planned several on-the-spot inspections starting from Welk effect denkt de Commissie dat dit soort berichtgeving, al dan niet gebaseerd op feiten, heeft op het imago en het functioneren van het Europees bestuur?

    Welke consequenties heeft deze berichtgeving voor de invulling van het commissariaat van Handel? Zij onthouden zich van iedere handeling die onverenigbaar is met het karakter van hun ambt of met de uitvoering van hun taak. De beschuldigingen waarnaar in de vraag wordt verwezen, zijn niet komen vast te staan. Het Europees Parlement heeft niet te kennen gegeven het vertrouwen in het lid van de Commissie op te willen zeggen.

    Is the Commission aware of various media reports that the Belgian tax administration is accusing a Commissioner currently in office of tax fraud? Is this integrity compatible with the tax fraud of which the Commissioner in question is suspected? Is this integrity compatible with accusations of insider dealing which were levelled against the same Commissioner in ? What effect does the Commission believe this sort of reporting, whether or not based on fact, has on the image and operation of European governance? What consequences does this reporting have for the performance of the work of the Directorate-General for Trade?

    Is the Commissioner concerned prepared to resign voluntarily to limit further damage to the image of European governance? La Commission ne commente pas les litiges en cours. De Gucht pour absence de preuves. In particolare Unicef fa due comparazioni di dati: Come valuta la Commissione i dati che emergono dal rapporto dell'Unicef e la loro interpretazione?

    I dati citati provengono dal modulo dell'indagine europea sul reddito e le condizioni di vita elaborato da Eurostat e dalla DG EMPL. Unicef compares two specific sets of data: The first three places are held by Iceland, Finland and Cyprus, all of which score below 6. How does the Commission view the data in the Unicef report and the way these have been interpreted? The Commission is aware of the Unicef report and welcomes its high quality and approach, even though its interpretation of the data does not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission.

    This dataset is part of a long-term strategy to develop better data on child deprivation. The Commission is currently preparing a recommendation on child poverty and works together with the Member States on common principles and indicators to tackle this issue more effectively.

    A headline target for poverty was set under the Europe strategy, some Member States have set their own child poverty targets and several Country Specific Recommendations address child poverty directly. The Progress programme finances peer reviews, studies, networks and transnational social experimentation projects on child poverty. Vpliv ocen tveganja in varnosti jedrskih elektrarn v EU na nadaljnje ukrepe EK. Evropska komisija je 7. On what reasoning is the Commission basing its expectations that the stress tests will strongly influence the design, operation, maintenance and regulation of nuclear power plants?

    The Commission will present to the European Council a communication later in , which will take into account these additional elements as well as the peer review report. In addition, the Commission is currently assessing possible ways of improving the existing EU nuclear safety framework, taking into consideration the results of the stress tests.

    Bonarda Vivace 'Delle Cento Pertiche' Ballabio 2016

    For more detailed information, the Commission would like to refer the Honourable Member to the abovementioned documents. Die Kommission hat zum selben Thema eine Beschwerde registriert. Water filters lawfully brought into free circulation have been successfully sold across Europe for many years, without any health-related difficulties coming to light.

    This is something which the Commission itself has established in recent months in response to various questions from the European Parliament. Italy has recently passed a new legal regulation governing water filters Decreto ministeriale n. What measures is the Commission considering taking to ensure that Italy also observes the principle of free movement of goods with regard to water filters? In addition, participating doctors are often paid to convert a person onto a new regimen which includes the newly marketed agent. Once the study is over, most patients remain on the analogues rather than going through another change of regimen — which would be uncompensated for the physician.

    These studies often do not generate any published results, which suggests that they are of a marketing rather than a scientific nature. What action, if any, is the Commission taking to avoid kickbacks and prevent drug trials that could be considered as disguised marketing? Would the Commission consider introducing tougher anti-kickback legislation along the lines of that applicable in the US?

    The new legislation explicitly prohibits studies being performed when the act of conducting the study promotes the use of a medicinal product. There are also restrictions on payments to healthcare professionals, which must be limited to compensation for time and expenses incurred. The competent authority of the Member State in which a study is conducted may require the marketing authorisation holder to submit the study protocol and progress reports.

    It is the primary responsibility of Member States to monitor compliance of pharmaceutical undertakings and healthcare professionals with the rules. Sono circa 25 le persone morte negli ultimi giorni nell'ondata di violenze tra buddisti e musulmani nello Stato di Rakhine, nell'ovest della Birmania. Lo ha dichiarato a un'agenzia nazionale un ufficiale birmano senza precisare l'etnia e la religione delle vittime. Nell'area rimane in vigore lo stato di emergenza proclamato domenica sera. Attualmente, la maggior parte dei progetti di aiuto, umanitario o di altro genere, nello stato di Rakhine sono stati temporaneamente sospesi.

    Around 25 people have died in the last few days in the wave of violence between Buddhists and Muslims in the State of Rakhine, in the west of Burma. A Burmese official notified a national agency without specifying the ethnicity and religion of the victims. The state of emergency declared on Sunday evening remains in force in the area. Inter-communal violence has affected both Buddhist and Muslim inhabitants in the area. Currently, most humanitarian and other aid projects in Rakhine State have been temporarily halted. Il commercio illegale di specie animali protette prolifera sul web.

    Solo nel in Italia sono state sequestrate tartarughe Testudo, spedite vive, sigillate in piccoli pacchi che sono stati rintracciati in sei diversi uffici postali d'Italia, da Olbia 62 esemplari sequestrati a Genova 19 , passando per Napoli 18 , Roma 34 , Firenze 63 e Reggio Emilia Negli ultimi tre anni ne sono stati sequestrati in varie zone del paese. Le uova vengono fatte schiudere con l'ausilio di un'incubatrice, poi le tartarughe sono pronte per essere commercializzate senza il rispetto delle norme in materia.

    Esistono misure adottate dall'UE al fine di contrastare il commercio illegale di animali e, in caso di risposta negativa, non ritiene che si debba stabilire una strategia europea che ostacoli il fenomeno in questione ormai in espansione in tutta Europa? Sebbene non esistano dati in merito alla portata del problema, si ritiene che il commercio illegale di specie selvatiche sia in aumento.

    Nonostante l'attuazione e l'esecuzione delle relative disposizioni rientrino nelle competenze degli Stati membri, la Commissione ha adottato nel una raccomandazione che definisce una strategia contro il commercio illegale di specie selvatiche. The illegal trade in protected animal species is very widespread on the Internet.

    From tortoises to birds of prey, and even ivory, the market is definitely expanding. In Italy in alone, Testudo tortoises were seized, having been sent live and sealed in small packages, which were traced to six different post offices in Italy — Olbia 62 seized , Genoa 19 , Naples 18 , Rome 34 , Florence 63 and Reggio Emilia In the last three years of them have been seized in various parts of the country. The black market trade in tortoises is now widespread throughout Europe.

    It is fairly easy to find them on the Internet, as there are many advertisements on the most common e-commerce sites. Certainly, some of the trade is legal, but in many other cases the animals are sold without any certification. They are captured in the wild and then mated in small illegal and unhealthy farms, set up in cellars or garages. The eggs are hatched using an incubator, and the tortoises are then ready to be sold, without complying with the regulations.

    While there is no data on the extent of illegal wildlife trade, it is judged to be a growing problem and the involvement of criminal organisations has been proven for a number of valuable commodities like ivory, rhino horns or precious birds. The implementation and enforcement of those provisions fall within the responsibility of the Member States, but the Commission adopted a recommendation in setting out a strategy against illegal wildlife trade. The Commission chairs meetings of the wildlife trade Enforcement Group which meets twice every year.

    Between and , around 2 seizures of illegally-traded wildlife products have been reported yearly by EU enforcement agencies. Ivory, tortoises, live birds, various products used for medicinal use and caviar are amongst the most commonly seized specimens. As well as the confiscation of goods, fines and, in the most serious cases, prison sentences have been imposed on the offenders. I festival sono molto importanti per la vita culturale europea.

    Sono quindi ammessi al sostegno nel quadro del programma per la cultura UE. Gli operatori culturali che desiderano presentare una domanda di finanziamento devono contattare il Culture Contact Point nel proprio paese. It is developing into a cultural powerhouse in the Puglia region and is gaining an increasingly strong international reputation, coming to be seen as a model for the organisation of cultural events and the creation of new types of performance and artistic trends.

    Molise Highlights

    Promoted by the city of Andria and from this year onwards also working in partnership with the Romaeuropa Festival, it is one of the few Italian cultural events with an international reputation, and one which enjoys strong support from public bodies. The event, which will take place at several sites representing various aspects of the city, will offer a programme emphasising its specific nature through its content and its international vocation. Can the Commission state whether the city of Andria can apply for direct funding for the Festival, which is growing rapidly and over the years has become an irreplaceable showcase for Puglia and for the whole of southern Italy?

    The festival also represents a rendezvous with live theatre, exposes audiences to a host of cultural ideas and captures the best of the Italian and international cultural scenes, at the same time maintaining a constant dialogue with the surrounding area, implementing targeted initiatives to support creativity in the form of the new and exciting theatrical developments which have emerged over the past few years. Festivals are very important to the cultural life of Europe. By giving the floor to a large variety of artists and cultural operators in different f cultural fields, festivals highlight the great richness of our cultural diversity, and make it more accessible to a broad audience.

    Therefore, the City of Andria could apply for funding for the Castel dei Monti Festival within this programme, either under the festival strand or in the framework of a cooperation project, annual or multi-annual. Whether as a festival or as part of a cooperation project, it should be noted that specific conditions for participation have to be respected and that the selection process, managed with the help of independent external experts, is highly competitive and only the very best applications receive a grant.

    Cultural operators who wish to apply for funding are advised to get in touch with the Culture Contact Point in their country. Inquinamento da pillole contraccettive. Ovviamente tale teoria ha trovato molti oppositori, prime fra tutte le compagnie farmaceutiche. A new threat to fish is about to be added to pollution and illegal fishing practices: According to a study by a British university, high levels of synthetic hormones deriving from the action of these contraceptive pills are released into waters through discharged household waste, which already tends to have an impact on the ecosystem.

    The theory has of course encountered considerable opposition, primarily from the pharmaceutical companies. The solution proposed by the professor is to establish a sewerage network that can prevent this phenomenon and, according to the researchers, it should be up to the pharmaceutical companies themselves to pay for it. The researchers say that further studies are needed to be certain and it cannot be excluded that the phenomenon might also have repercussions on human health. According to another study, this time carried out in Canada, not all fish become intersex on contact with the hormone ethinylestradiol, but some species, such as fathead minnows, Pimephales promelas are at risk of disappearing completely from the area where this hormone is present in sufficient concentrations.

    Depending on evolving scientific and policy needs, further research could be supported under the next Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, Horizon In line with the decision on the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme CIP , this programme does not support this kind of research.

    Hanno atteso che approdasse a Gioia Tauro prima di entrare in azione. Nella stiva, tra le noccioline brasiliane accatastate in uno dei container, c'erano sedici borsoni contenenti chili di cocaina pura destinata al mercato europeo. In questa settimana altri chili di coca erano andati ad infoltire i depositi delle Fiamme Gialle. Nell'ultimo anno a Gioia Tauro sono stati sequestrati circa 2 mila chilogrammi di cocaina. I narcotrafficanti della Ndrangheta fanno i conti con un buco economico di 85 milioni di euro di capitale.

    Una volta tagliata e rivenduta, il costo lievita a dismisura, passaggio dopo passaggio. Fiumi di droga che arrivati sulle piazze di spaccio di mezza Italia avrebbero portato nelle casse dell'organizzazione qualcosa come milioni di euro. Lorenzen --San Martino in Badia - St. Martin in Passeier --San Pancrazio - St. Pankraz --Santa Cristina Valgardena - St.

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