Heaven Lights: A Christian Paradigm
Here political principle underpins pedagogical principle see Gearon Here the foregrounding of tolerance as a principle of religion or politics is one which mirrors not only the pragmatism of contemporary democratic politics but echoes in language and tone the Enlightenment and the revolutions in democracy which also marked that century. Most famously Rousseau's' 'civil religion' has 'tolerance' as the highest virtue in the social contract.
The high profile dissemination of REDCo - for example to the European Parliament and the United Nations Human Rights Council - gives some sense of the political impact of this paradigm of religious education. Key findings from the REDCo study seem also curiously to mirror the same ideals. The rights justification here is doubly confirmed by legal-political emphases on the voice of the child, the Convention on the Rights of the Child is of paramount importance Jawoniyi The growing worldwide political impetus for teaching religion in education is by the nature of its influence political, but it is also and of absolute necessity historical.
One of the problems in implementation was that we have the politics without the history: Religious education here, as noted, risks limiting religion to its public and political face.
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- The paradigms of contemporary religious education;
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The resurgence of religion in public spaces of significant power is not necessarily the mark of a prevalent counter-secularization but rather a new form of secularization, for it is not the resurgence of religious authority in its own right, nor less in religious education, but an answering of religious education to political authority, not more autonomy but less Gearon All said, this paradigm is arguably amongst the most powerful and prevalent of all current paradigms, in large measure because of the potential it is seen to have not only for justifying religious education as a curriculum subject but enjoining this with renewed political and societal as much as educational purpose.
The 'paradigms' of contemporary religious education, merely sketched here, I have argued, can be identified as: There are broad correlations between these paradigms of contemporary religious education and the intellectual disciplines from which they emerged, and some justification of the notion 'paradigm shift' or 'paradigm shifts' in religious education pedagogy Gearon ; However, are these developments paradigmatic? As noted, paradigms 'gain their status because they are more successful than their competitors in solving a few problems that the group of practitioners has come to recognize as acute'.
We might therefore argue that there is little evidence of a universal acceptance of any one of the competing paradigms of contemporary religious education. In theoretical and pedagogic terms the implications of this are significant. Thus, philosophical models see the object lesson of religious education to make thinkers and proto-philosophers; socio-cultural models see the object lesson of religious education as creating ethnographic, cultural explorers; psychological models see the learner as a seeker after personal meaning and fulfilment, 'spiritual with religion', the child as spiritual seeker; phenomenological models see the object lesson of religious education as creating a detached observer of the stuff of religion who is perpetually distanced from it; ever more prevalent political models, emphasizing the public face of religion, see teaching and learning in religious education as concerned with the creation of citizens and even activists.
Roux has aligned herself and her work with a particular paradigm of religious education. Her approach straddles the socio-cultural and the historical-political: But this, her favoured paradigm, is only part of the story of contemporary religious education. The greatest risk inherent in an over identification of religion with the political is that religion is over-conflated with its public manifestations.
Religious education yet still awaits a fully integrated and intellectually coherent model which could be termed in any meaningful sense paradigmatic. Philosophical, Theological and Radical Perspectives. Moral Education and Liberal Democracy: Spirituality, Community, and Character in an Open Society.

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In De Souza, M. Religion, Education and Adolescence: University of Wales Press. Empirical Theology in Texts and Table: Qualitative, Quantitative and Comparative Perspectives. British Journal of Religious Education 30,2: The Case of Religious Education. British Journal of Religious Education 32, 3: Religious Education in the European Union. Religious Education and Human Rights: British Journal of Religious Education 24,2: Religion, Politics and Pedagogy: Religion, Human Rights and Citizenship 30,2: British Journal of Educational Studies 60,2: Master Class in Religious Education.
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British Journal of Religious Education 14,3: The Meaning of 'Spiritual Education'. Oxford Review of Education 29,3: Education Reform Act Her Majesty's Stationary Office. Edmund Husserl's Article for the Encyclopaedia Britannica. Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 2,2: Twenty Years after Goldman's Research. Religion in Childhood and Adolescence: A Comprehensive Review of the Research. AL, Religious Education Press. A Response to Suzanne Rosenblith. Religion and Education 39,1: Rethinking Religious Education and Plurality: Issues in Diversity and Pedagogy. British Journal of Religious Education 31,3: Religion, Education, Dialogue and Conflict: British Journal of Religious Education 33,2: The Interpretive Approach as a Research Tool: Contribution to Dialogue Policy.
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Some Educational Presuppositions of Philosophy for Children. Oxford Review of Education 4,1: Philosophy in the Classroom Second Edition.
Summary Heaven Lights A Christian Paradigm - Study Smart
Moral Development, Moral Education and Kohlberg. Fieldwork in Religion 5,1: British Journal of Religious Education 27,3: Dewey's Inquiry, Childhood and Philosophy. Education and Culture 28,2: More Purpose than Meaning in RE: Accessed on 29 May The Development of Religious Judgment. Fundamental Research in Moral Development. Religious Education and Freedom of Religion and Belief.
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Summary Heaven Lights A Christian Paradigm
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The Christian and Other Religions. Learning for Living 1,3: The Religious Experience of Mankind. Dimensions of the Sacred: An Anatomy of the World's Beliefs. Berkeley and Los Angeles, CA: University of California Press. The Spens Report on Secondary Education. A Religious Education Otherwise? Journal of Philosophy of Education 44,1: Religion in Essence and Manifestation: A Study in Phenomenology.
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