Field Hygiene and Sanitation
This definition includes persons who are dying of disease or injury due to accidents directly related to the operation or mission to which they were deployed. The acronym, DNBI, does not include service members missing involuntarily because of enemy action or being interned by the enemy as a prisoner of war.
Historically, in every conflict the US has been involved in, only 20 percent of all hospital admissions have been from combat injuries.
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The other 80 percent have been from DNBI. Excluded from these figures are vast numbers of service members with decreased combat effectiveness due to DNBI not serious enough for hospital admission. Preventive medicine measures are simple, common sense actions that any service member can perform and every leader must know. Disease and Nonbattle Injury Prevention?
Field Hygiene and Sanitation Tutorial - Field Hygiene and Sanitation Tutorial Videos | Wisdom Jobs
You are responsible for all aspects of health and sanitation of your command. Only you can make command decisions concerning the health of your unit in consideration of the.
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Togatabu Island , The th Artillery and the th Engineer Battalions were part of a task force preparing to attack Guadalcanal. Fifty-five percent of the engineers and sixty-five percent of the artillerymen contracted a disease called filariasis transmitted by mosquitoes. Both units had to be replaced medically evacuated without seeing any enemy action because they were not combat ready.
The use of insect repellents and insecticides and the elimination of standing water would have prevented this. Disease was an important detractor to this famous unit. The medical threat faced by the Marauders in the jungles of Burma was great.
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Everyone was sick, but some had to stay and fight. Evacuation was limited to those with high fever and severe illness. One entire platoon cut the seats from their pants because severe diarrhea had to be relieved during gunfights. Just like your kids should eat dirt. You need to get used to the germs. Yes you need to be careful of catching gastro-enteritis the shits from badly cooked local food and all that, but that is not the same as wiping out a canteen cup in which you just cooked up a bit of food.
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I have some anecdotal memory about the Aussie SAS determining that their guys were going down with illness because their hygiene standards were too stringent. First, remember the heat kills bacteria. To remove left over food particles, scrub your items with sand. It is a great abrasive and will take those tiny particles of matter off of the utensil surfaces. Remember the five Fs: Flies, Feces, Fingers, Food, and Filth.
Dirty hands will make sick quickly. Clean the hands well, including under the fingernails.

Especially under the fingernails. Food, flies, fingers, and feces. Put up fly paper. I use them for: We will typically go for unscented biodegradable types that you can find in hunting sections. We get ours on sale after the hunting season at less than half the original MSRP…they stay good for another year or so…. If you wish to live in the bush long term you must bath.
In hot weather it can vanish in as little as hrs. Some of them come in bar form so there is nothing to spill. But there is really no reason at all to do it unless you just want to be dirty and die of something gross. I almost forgot you can brush your teeth with baking soda. Bottom line is that infantry work in the boonies is dirty and nasty. The rest can wait.
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Smell — yes you will, but I mean preventing detection by it. If you are a more secure location then you can heat up water to wash with soap.
I use such examples in the base in Patriot Dawn. If you can rig up showers, do it. You only need a solar shower and if it is cold you just heat up water to put in the solar shower bag. In any kind of temporary style FOB it is usual to have at least a place with washbowls and a supply of hot water.
Just like at home. This winter I have been training with the. Combat Patrol — Photos January 21,