Delma the Duck
This was supposed to end decades of contradictions between stories which caused confusion to readers. The family tree accompanying it was first published in Norway on July 3, In the process of working on Scrooge's biography, Rosa studied Barks' old stories mentioning his past.
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Then he added several ideas of his own. Among them were biographical information for Scrooge's supporting cast. In a way Scrooge's biography was also their own biography. The family tree below shows the Goose left and Duck right portions of Donald's family tree according to Carl Barks. The chart is based on a s sketch made by Barks for personal use, which was latter illustrated by artist Mark Worden in The most significant change was Rosa's expansion of the family tree to include the Coot relatives.
Rosa also added Goostave Gander as the father of Gladstone, and made Luke Goose the father of Gus, rather than his uncle. The chart below is Rosa's tree which shows relationships within the Coot family left and Duck family right. Pintail Duck was a 16th-century Duck relative and the first early ancestor to appear in person. The Falcon Rover raided Spanish targets in the Caribbean Sea between and when the ship was sunk.
Pintail was friends with the ship's first mate, Malcolm McDuck , who was also an ancestor of Donald. Pintail appears in the story "Back to Long Ago" in which it is suggested that he was an earlier incarnation of Donald. Humperdink Duck is the earliest known modern Duck family member. He worked as a farmer in Duckburg. He had three children: Quackmore, Daphne and Eider. Humperdink Duck had relevant comic appearances in two stories by Don Rosa.
Humperdink's life before having a family was never shown in the comics. Don Rosa speculated that the Duck family originated from England, but it is unknown if Humperdink is an immigrant. He's portrayed as a dedicated but rigorous grandfather. Grandpa's real name wasn't revealed in this story, but in an untitled one from , where an old lover of Grandma called Humperdink has a cameo appearance. Don Rosa considered that this character became Donald's grandfather. She says to herself, "I remember the band played that for Humperdink and me at the Fish Peddler's Picnic in !
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Besides, Grandma finds the ruined coat Humperdink had used to let her not step on a mud puddle and some romantic letters addressed to her written by Humperdink. Then she remembers some sweet names Humperdink used to refer to her in those letters. Humperdink appeared as "Grandpa Duck" in two comic stories previously mentioned. In a comic story first published in Grandpa Duck Strobl's version appears in a flashback scene which is told by his wife Grandma Duck. Humperdink appears unnamed in the film No Hunting in which he posthumously inspires Donald to take part in hunting season.
In most stories, she is simply referred to as "Grandma Duck". She was introduced to the Disney comic universe by Al Taliaferro and Bob Karp in the Donald Duck newspaper comic strip , first in a picture on the wall in the August 11, , Sunday page, and then as fully fledged character in the strip of Monday, September 27, Depending on the writer, Grandma Duck has had various given names over the years; in a story by Riley Thomson from she was named "Elviry" [13] and in a story from she was given the name "Abigail".
According to Don Rosa, Grandma was born around In the comic strips by Taliaferro and Karp, it is mentioned that in her youth she was a pioneer in the American migration to the west, riding a covered wagon and participating in many Indian Wars. In most comic book stories as well as other media that handles Donald Duck's childhood, it is Grandma Duck who takes on the role as his caretaker.
Grandma is very kindhearted and humble as well as having great respect for integrity and hard work. However, she is also very resolute and will not tolerate people who behave unfairly or otherwise badly. Therefore, she is one of the very few people who can rebuke against Scrooge McDuck when he is being too greedy, or thrifty, or behaves unfairly to family members like Donald Duck. Her family is very important to her and probably what she values most in life.
Grandma is also a great cook, and has won many prizes for her pies and pastries. In many stories, especially in her early appearances, she is also very strict about cleanliness.
Duck family (Disney)
In her first appearance for example, she is very upset with Donald for not having washed his neck properly. Grandma Duck lives on a farm with many acres of land, given to her by her father Clinton Coot , [17] outside the city of Duckburg. She is very strict and punctual on how to run the farm efficiently, like always getting up very early in the morning to have time to do all the chores, which is an attitude not shared by her great-nephew and farmhand Gus Goose. Gus is very lazy and doesn't do much work at all, spending most of his time eating or sleeping instead, but Grandma is very patient with him and lets him stay on the farm anyway.
In some stories, especially older ones, Grandma Duck also gets help from Gus and Jaq , the two mice from Cinderella. Grandma also has a few distant farmer neighbors and the most notable is farmer Si Bumpkin, a tall anthropomorphic chicken, who is easily annoyed when he in some way is affected by disturbances on Grandma's farm, which often caused by her family or friends. Her farm is also the center of the Duck family's annual holiday gatherings, with said gatherings usually arranged by her, and these are always merry, warm and interesting occasions, greatly appreciated by her kinfolk.
Grandma's vehicle of transportation outside the farm is an early 20th century Detroit Electric automobile and for overall she lives a very old-fashioned way of life, mostly relying on older technologies, techniques and experiences she has learned over her many years, refusing to acquire any modern gadgetry or lifestyles.
For example, as instead of watching her television set she got from Donald for Christmas, she watches pictures on her old stereoscope. Typically, the only thing that runs on electricity in her house is a late 19th century telephone. Grandma Duck also owns furniture and home accessories that are very valuable as antiques but she always refuses to sell them because of the sentimental value they have to her.
In some stories this causes some people to try to steal them but thereafter they are often apprehended because of Grandma's superior intellect or her reliance on her life's experiences. The episode depicted her great difficulty in raising Donald, a strong-willed and ill-tempered duckling from the moment he was hatched. She also made a non-speaking cameo in Mickey's Christmas Carol , as well can be spotted in background in episode of DuckTales "Horse Scents". Occasionally they have also been portrayed as being cousins, another now rarely enforced tradition.
The "truth" is that Scrooge is the brother of Grandma's daughter-in-law. Quackmore Duck born is the father of Donald Duck, and has been variously depicted with or without a moustache. His parents are Humperdink and Elvira "Grandma" Duck.
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He was born in Duckburg, and from and early age displayed a very nasty temper. He worked at his parents' farm till when he met Hortense McDuck and they became engaged. He started working for her brother Scrooge McDuck. By he was helping Hortense and her sister Matilda McDuck run their brother's empire as Scrooge's chief accountant, mainly because Scrooge thought that as a possible heir he would probably work hard and stay honest.
In he finally married Hortense and later in the same year became the father of twins: So he and Hortense became parents when they already were more than 40 years old, according to Don Rosa. He remained the chief accountant till when a fight between Scrooge and his family ended all relationships between them. Quackmore retired and it is believed he died sometimes around , although his exact date of death and death place are still unknown.
There is a panel in "The Sign Of The Triple Distelfink" by Rosa where Humperdink is behind Quackmore and Hortense during the birthday party of his daughter Daphne Duck, and his facial expression suggests he is disappointed with an argument between the couple. Since both characters have a quick temper, their marriage possibly was full of ups and downs. Quackmore's image is visible in several photographs in the DuckTales premier "Woo-oo! She was born in Scotland and is the youngest sister of Scrooge McDuck. In the story " The Sign of The Triple Distelfink " , Don Rosa explains that Gladestone's good luck was inherited from his mother, after a traveling worker painted a giant sign of the "Triple Distelfink " on her parents' stable on the day of her birth.
The symbol was supposed to bring the baby luck, and it did: Daphne was always incredibly lucky.
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She worked in her parents' farm until at least Later, she stopped working and started living on the things she won in contests. She married Goostave Gander , and in became the mother of Gladstone Gander. Gladstone was born on her birthday and under the protection of the same symbol as his mother. Eider Duck is Donald's uncle.
In this story, Donald receives a falcon called Farragut as a present by his Uncle Eider who does not live in Duckburg. Farragut arrives inside a big box brought to Donald's house by an expressman. As of , he worked on his parents' farm. She doesn't have any comic appearance so far, not even a cameo one.
Dan originally has thick, dark-grey eyebrows, a long, dark-grey mustache and long, dark-grey hair on the left and right sides of his head. He is generally shown holding a crutch. He appeared in two comic stories, "Daredevil Deputy" by Jack Bradbury , [19] where he asks Donald to replace him while he recovers from "a touch of rheumatism", and "Trigger Gulch Gang" by Tony Strobl , [20] where he has only a brief appearance on the first page. It's called "Sheriff for a Day", first published in Donald Duck born is the son of Quackmore and Hortense Duck, and the most well-known member of the family.
His girlfriend is Daisy Duck. He does not have any children of his own, but he is very close with his nephews Huey, Dewey, and Louie. In some stories Donald is the triplet's legal guardian, such as in the film The New Spirit in which Donald lists the boys as dependants on his income tax form.
She was first described as Donald's cousin, [22] but was later Donald's twin sister. She was first mentioned in a Donald Duck Sunday strip on October 17, in which she writes a letter explaining to Donald that she is sending her sons to stay with him. Both she and Donald are linked to Scrooge McDuck in equal measure, and yet Donald is always referred to as Scrooge's closest living relative, suggesting she has disappeared or died. A story about Donald Duck's 80th birthday says Della was an astronaut and gave the nephews to Donald before a dangerous space expedition.
In the animated series DuckTales her son Dewey discovers she was previously a companion of Scrooge and Donald's in their adventures and starts investigating the cause of her disappearance along with Webby Vanderquack and later Huey and Louie. They subsequently discover that Scrooge has gone to great lengths to conceal information about her.
It is eventually revealed shortly before the triplets hatched, Della stole The Spear of Selene , a spacecraft constructed by Scrooge as a gift, to give it an early test run. However, she got caught in a cosmic storm and was lost in space. Scrooge spent a large portion of his fortune looking for her, but was ultimately unsuccessful. Blaming Scrooge for her disappearance, Donald cut all ties with him and raised Della's children on his own. Della is later shown to be alive, living on the moon in the remains of her crashed spacecraft and unable to contact Earth.
The identity of Huey, Dewey, and Louie's father is something of a mystery. The character does not appear in any stories, but he did partially appear in the Duck family tree drawn by Don Rosa. In this illustration, Rosa partially concealed the character's face with a bird. While his first name was also hidden, his last name is revealed to be Duck.
His face was fully shown in the unofficial Duck family tree by Mark Worden and first published in several fanzines , which labeled him? Duck and showed him with a flattop haircut and human-like ears. In Huey, Dewey, and Louie's first appearance in a Donald Duck Sunday strip, Della writes to Donald that the boys had placed a firecracker under their father's chair as a prank and that their father had been sent to the hospital.
Thereafter the father is generally assumed to have disappeared. In " The Richest Duck in the World ", when Scrooge mentions that the few family members he had had disappeared, the boys respond "We know how that feels! Kinney and Hubbard created Fethry to be a beatnik member of the Duck family; the definition of that term—"a person who rejects or avoids conventional behavior"—is Fethry to a tee. In personality, Fethry is an obsessive New Age thinker, eagerly trying to pursue various new hobbies and lifestyles based on books he has read or TV programs he has seen.
Fethry is also quite a blunderer, however, so his new hobbies tend to cause chaos for his friends and family.
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In "The Health Nut," Fethry is first seen running from the airport to Donald's house, implying he isn't a Duckburg citizen at that point in time. It is also implied that Donald and Fethry know each other from earlier: Fethry calls Donald by a nickname, "Don. Fethry wears a stocking cap, for reasons revealed in "The Health Nut": Fethry's trademark sweater, usually bearing a black stripe, is typically a different color depending on which country the story is published in: Strobl actually drew more than two hundred comic stories with Fethry for the market outside USA.
The first comic story with Fethry published in the USA was "Donald's Buzzin Cousin", [25] which—like "The Health Nut"—shows Fethry as a nonresident of Duckburg coming to meet Donald after a long time away, though the plot is otherwise very different. Later, some of the Fethry Studio Program stories were reprinted in the Wonderful World of Disney giveaway magazine published in — for Gulf Oil. From the s to the s, Fethry mostly appeared in European - and Brazilian -produced stories; in Brazil, he even had his own comic book title during the s, which lasted 56 issues.
Hubbard and Kinney developed more than fifty comic stories with Fethry, originally for the market outside USA. In Brazilian and Italian stories, Fethry is depicted in various occupations, including as a reporter alongside his cousin Donald Duck and, sometimes, Daisy Duck and comic strip artist for Scrooge McDuck 's newspaper , the Duckburg Chronicle.
Fethry has also gained a superheroic alter ego , The Red Bat parody of Batman , like Donald's Paperinik , and a number of supporting characters, among them his girlfriend the urban hippie Gloria and his nephew the bratty Dugan Duck. After discovering Fethry is The Red Bat, Gloria also decided to become a superhero herself, so The Purple Butterfly presumably a parody of Batgirl was born, and she eventually ends up saving The Red Bat when he's in a jam.
Gloria wears a hippie-like style of clothing and she usually is a carefree girl. She appeared as one of Daisy Duck's closest friends in some stories. But according to a couple of old Brazilian stories, Gloria wasn't the first and only love of Fethry. He had a girlfriend called Rita Gansa original Brazilian name whom he really liked before knowing Gloria.
She was actually Fethry's childhoold classmate. There is even one story where Gloria and Rita contest against each other to know who is Red Bat's biggest fan. However, since Fethry was not created by Carl Barks and was never used in any Barks stories, Rosa does not consider Fethry part of the Duck family. Be that as it may, due to editorial pressure stemming from the character's popularity in Europe, Rosa reluctantly included him in the tree anyway. With Donald, Fethry is a member of the Tamers of Nonhuman Threats , a special super-secret organization fighting hostile paranormal creatures of all sorts to protect the earth.
They are published in pocketbooks. Fethry also works, again together with Donald, for Scrooge McDuck's secret organization, originally in Italian called the P. Besides, he started starring stories as an assistant of the detective Umperio Bogarto an Italian character whose name is a play on " Humphrey Bogart " in and as Moby Duck's First Mate in the early s. In earlier times, Egmont used Fethry very seldom; from the late s, however, Egmont decided to bring back the character and create a whole range of new stories around him, this time based on the original s concept of the character.
Donald has often teamed up with Fethry to do all sort of jobs for Scrooge usually with disastrous results , with Donald being the " straight man " and Fethry the "funny man". These terms are rather loosely applied, however, insofar as Donald's reactions to Fethry, and attempts to neutralize him, are often every bit as funny as Fethry's doings. In s stories drawn by Tony Strobl , Fethry is the owner of an over-friendly dog named Poochie. Some Brazilian cartoonists also used Fethry's little-known pet.
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Fethry will be voiced by Tom Kenny. According to that story, he is a distant cousin of Donald and Huey, Dewey and Louie, [34] and works as a lumberjack in the woods. In this story, Donald introduces Whitewater to Daisy as his distant cousin. Therefore, Dudly became very unpopular and was forced to live isolated in a lonely street, including his name was forgotten until the day that Donald discovers who planned the "Jog Tunnel", and then his girlfriend Daisy Duck reveals who is Dudly Duck through the newspaper where she works as reporter.
A reporter rival of Daisy ends up discovering that Dudly is related to Donald, who in turn becomes unpopular too. Dudly appears in a Brazilian comic story where Fethry Duck works as reporter of Scrooge's newspaper, the Duckburg Chronicle , and he intends to interview Dudly, who is returning to Duckburg. He also had a cameo appearance in another Brazilian comic story where Gyro Gearloose is called by the Mayor of Duckburg a dogface version to fix a sinking building planned by Dudly.
Actually, this building originally appeared in "Why All the Crabby Ducks? Dimwitty Duck originally just called Dim-Witty is a duck who was introduced in the comic story "The Vanishing Banister", [36] where he appears as an assistant of Donald Duck, who in turn appears working as a private detective.
Daisy Duck has a brief appearance in the beginning of this one. But there are some old American stories with Dimwitty and Daisy where Donald doesn't appear. In the story "On Disappearing Island", [37] Dimwitty appeared for the first time as Moby's ship hand and from then on he became the most common supporting character in Moby's stories. Dimwitty is incredibly clumsy but he's loyal and subservient, and maybe that's the reason why Moby keeps him as his ship hand.
But a close kinship between them could also explain this fact.
Dimwitty is taller than Donald and Moby. In some s stories, Dimwitty was shown as a friend of Gus Goose. There are some old stories where it's revealed that Dimwitty's surname is also "Duck". Her stories are entertaining and have positive messages in them. Kindle Edition File Size: Amazon Australia Services, Inc. Share your thoughts with other customers. Write a customer review. Get to Know Us.

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