100 Rezepte - Mehlspeisen: aus 1000 Rezepte - gut und günstig (German Edition)
This might apply to such products as palm, cigars, fruits and vegetables e. Where preferences to SIDSs are de-linked from the corresponding MFN rates, as in the case of the GSP scheme of the US, the only difference among various preferential schemes is the extent of the product coverage rather than the preferential margins provided.
Third, the recent initiatives undertaken to provide better market access for LDCs and countries in the sub-Saharan African region have yet to fully materialize. As they are creating additional and substantial preferential margins for certain SIDSs and for certain products, the negative impact in terms of preferential margins coming from further trade liberalization might be somehow mitigated.
Finally, although the current preferences are wide, they could be expanded further. Many of those sensitive products namely meat and diary products, cheese, tomatoes, mandarins and some cereals are subject to a combined tariff which is made up of an ad-valorem component and a specific-rate component.
Preferential market access for those products normally takes the form of an elimination of the ad-valorem component and a reduced level of a specific-rate component whose ad-valorem equivalent can go up as high as 80 per cent. Similarly, for certain categories of processed agricultural products under the Harmonized System HS - chapters 4 milk and milk products , 17 sugar and sugar confectionery , 18 cocoa and cocoa preparations , 19 processed foodstuffs , 20 beverages and 21 miscellaneous edible preparations - the EU maintains a system of a technical tariff that includes the so-called agricultural component i.
However, it is the specific component that constitutes the bulk of the protection and not the ad valorem part. In addition, around 15 products, mainly fruits and vegetables, as well as some processed products such as fruit juices, are subject to the entry price system EPS.
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- Meaning of "Reismehl" in the German dictionary.
To explain briefly how the EPS works, it is useful to think of it as a dual system where two separate sets of tariffs apply according to a core variable that is represented by the entry price. Applicable tariffs are either ad valorem or specific duties. Under this system, as long as the c.

However, if the import price falls below the entry price, an additional duty is charged on top of the general one, up to a maximum tariff level also bound. In reality, the system is slightly more complex, since there are several entry prices for the same product, and for each of them a different additional duty applies. Indeed, and although set a priori, entry prices change according to seasons, being lower during the harvest season in the EU, so as to provide maximum protection to EU producers.
Bearing in mind the functioning of the entry price system, this preferential margin may end up being the most effective, since these countries will be effectively able to undercut the supply price of all the other suppliers. The same study suggests that the welfare gains to some groups of developing countries, particularly those in sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America, that are dependant on non-reciprocal preferential treatment, may be substantially less than the gains to such regions as Oceania, South-East Asia and North Africa.
Insignificant welfare gains, or indeed losses, to SIDSs from multilateral agricultural liberalization may be due to: It is thought that agricultural liberalization would raise world prices of temperate agricultural products more, relative to prices of tropical products, leading to an increase in food import bills for SIDSs, which import temperate products and export a narrow range of tropical products.
At the same time, as MFN tariff cuts reduce the margin of preferences, importers are likely to seek supplies from low-cost countries. For example, assuming exporters of sugar to the EU are receiving EU prices, any lowering of those prices will make other exporters, such as Brazil, more competitive.
This section examines the likely impacts of agricultural trade liberalization on SIDSs under different liberalization "scenarios", with a view to identifying liberalization "modalities" that would at least "compensate" for possible negative impacts from liberalization, if not creating welfare gains. The model distinguishes between bound and applied tariffs, as well as between inquota and outquota tariffs on products under tariff rate quotas TRQs. It can be used to assess the impact of policy changes on quota rents, forgone and received. As quota rents are an important contributor to agriculture in SIDSs, this feature of the model is desirable in applications discussed here.
Unlike a general equilibrium model, ATPSM is confined to the agricultural sector, and does not account for interactions with other sectors of the economy. As a result, capital and labour used in agricultural production cannot be reallocated across non-agricultural sectors in response to a shock. It is assumed that this limitation will have little bearing on the empirical results, since SIDSs have few alternative sectors for resources to shift into from agriculture. ATPSM can simulate and evaluate the various agricultural trade policy changes that may be suggested in the WTO negotiations on agriculture, such as: ATPSM is both simple and complex.
Its simplicity derives from linear demand and supply curves. The complexity follows from the policy detail in the model. For this reason it is necessary to explain in the next section how the model works. Next we look at the initial data, particularly the distribution of rents. We then postulate some likely liberalization scenarios, examine the results and the implications.
Imports below the quota level are levied at rates that are substantially lower than the corresponding outquota MFN tariff rates. During the Uruguay Round, the quota quantities were either set as 3 per cent, growing to 5 per cent of the level of domestic consumption observed during the base period, or they were based on historical trade flows. The introduction of a two-tier tariff system created a new category of economic effects - tariff quota rents. A quota rent is the difference between the outquota and inquota tariffs times the value of the quota, as illustrated in figure 3.
Assuming the quota, q, is full and the domestic price reflects the higher outquota tariff, t2, exporters with quota can supply goods over the lower tariff, t1, and receive the higher domestic price. Once the quota is filled, outquota imports are taxed at the higher tariff rate and no further rents are generated. Clearly, reduction in outquota tariffs reduces the quota rent. An important question concerns the distribution of the rents between exporters, processors, distributors, taxpayers and consumers, on which the effects of liberalization largely depend.
Rents may be captured by the government by auctioning rights to import or export, but often they accrue to other groups, depending on how quotas are allocated. There is, however, no one uniform method for the administration of TRQs; thus there is no general rule on how quota rents and tariff revenues will change with trade liberalization. In this study, it is assumed that 27 The definition of small island developing States is somewhat debatable.
For the remaining products, the rents are assumed to be shared equally between exporters and importers. The rents not captured by exporters are assumed to accrue eventually to government revenue in the importing country, instead of being transferred to consumers in the importing countries. To estimate the actual size of a quota rent, it is necessary to have observations of global quotas, bilateral quotas, inquota and outquota tariff rates, world market prices and imports.
To determine how the rents are allocated between countries requires some judgment. The size of the global quotas i. The model uses bilateral trade flows to estimate the distribution of global quotas among countries. Ideally, the quota fill rate should determine the domestic price, so that if the quota is unfilled, domestic prices should be determined by the inquota tariffs, and prices should be high only if the quota is filled or overfilled.
However, it is often observed that quotas are unfilled but domestic prices are nonetheless high. This may be because administrative constraints prevent the quotas being filled. More to the point, countries with high domestic prices are unlikely to accept their erosion by a shift in the supply of imports. As a result, the assumption here is that the outquota tariffs or possibly the applied tariffs determine the domestic market price. This implies that global quotas should not exceed imports, and quotas are reduced to the level of imports where the data suggests this is necessary.
The calculation of tariff revenues and rents in the model is based on these assumptions. The assumptions made above imply that changes in inquota tariffs and TRQ quantities will not have price and production quantity effects, as these instruments are not binding. They do, however, change the distribution of rents. Price data are from the FAO Yearbooks, using an average for the period Parameters on elasticities and feedshares are also provided by FAO.
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These are based on a trawling of the literature and are not econometrically estimated specifically for the model. Specific tariffs are converted to ad valorem equivalents based on unit values calculated for each country at the Harmonized System HS six-digit level. Data on trade-distorting domestic support and export subsidies are derived from the notifications submitted to the WTO. Bilateral trade flow data for , which were used to allocate global quotas to individual exporting countries, are provided by UNCTAD.
The main drawback to using ATPSM for this study is that it does not include information on bilateral tariffs e. However, this is consistent with the assumptions that the quotas are filled and that changes in rents do not change production. The base period data of these global indicators are shown in the first two columns in table 8. Across commodities, temperate goods are subject to relatively higher levels of border protection in developed countries than tropical products with the notable exception of sugar and bananas.
Developing countries, however, may levy substantial tariffs on tropical products. Also shown in the table are the initial values of three variables important to SIDSs: It is immediately apparent that sugar is the key commodity of interest to SIDSs, capturing more than 50 per cent of the total export revenues 29 AMAD is available to all users at: Next in importance are vegetable oils copra , coffee, cocoa and bananas. The major supplier of EU sugar imports 1. The United States imports 1. China has imports of 0.
Multilateral trade liberalization will influence the level of these three variables: The next section examines the extent of such impacts and how they vary according to different trade liberalization scenarios. Scenario 1, consisting of elements that have been proposed to the WTO negotiations on agriculture by major agricultural exporters such as the United States and the Cairns Group members, will lead to substantial agricultural liberalization.
Scenario 2 is almost a replica of the liberalization approach employed during the Uruguay Round. The only difference is that in this scenario, a linear cut of 36 per cent applies to the tariffs across all products, unlike the actual Uruguay Round approach where tariffs on sensitive commodities were reduced by the minimum reduction rate of 15 per cent so long as an average cut of 36 per cent across products was achieved.
Scenario 3 focuses purely on the impact of tariff cuts. Reductions in MFN bound tariffs putting aside proposals to make reductions from the applied tariffs are likely to have the greatest impact on SIDSs through the erosion of preferences, causing reductions in quota rents. Scenario 3 is also a reasonable middle ground between scenarios 1 and 2, and will serve as a benchmark for assessment of the impact from the following scenarios 4 and 5.
Scenarios 4 and 5 are aimed at assessing whether SIDSs could be compensated for the losses stemming from preference erosion by changes in other policy variables, such as the size of the inquota tariffs or the TRQ quantities. As the quota rents are determined by i the difference between the inquota and outquota tariff rates, and ii the quota quantities, changes in one of the variables e. First, reductions in outquota tariff rates do not necessarily mean that the gap between domestic and world prices is reduced by 50 per cent.
In cases where applied tariffs are below the bound outquota rates, a 50 per cent cut in the outquota tariffs may result in a less than 50 per cent cut, or even no change at all, in the applied rates. Second, EU sugar and dairy production is assumed not to be responsive to changes in prices, due to the existence of production quotas for those products. Prices The impact on world prices for the first three scenarios is shown in table 9. The price changes are correlated with the level of distortions removed.
As expected, the results shows that prices of tropical products e. While price rises are indicative of the level of distortions, of greater interest to policy makers in SIDSs are the impacts of liberalization on export revenues, tariff revenues, changes in quota rents and overall welfare. The welfare impact is calculated based on the changes in i consumer surplus, ii producer surplus, and iii government revenues.
The estimation of these data are shown for SIDSs and for the world in table Export revenues A comparison of estimated export revenues across different scenarios suggests that export revenues increase in proportion to the level of market access improvement. Scenarios 4 and 5 do not show changes in export revenues from the benchmark, due to the assumption that changes in quota rents alone do not affect the supply decisions of the producers of the exported products concerned hence the level of export quantity remains the same.
This assumption is reasonable for small changes in quota rents. The simulation results in table 10 show a wide variation in the degree of changes in tariff revenue across different scenarios. Concerning tariff revenues at the global level, the "ambitious" scenario will lead to the smallest losses, largely because tariff revenues forgone are offset by reductions in domestic support and export subsidies.
The continuation of spending on these government subsidies results in substantial losses in government revenues in the "conservative" and benchmark scenarios. Looking at scenarios 4 "preferential" and 5 "compensatory" , reducing inquota or outquota tariffs on SIDSs' exports involves losses in tariff revenues for importing countries equal to the gains in quota rents received by SIDSs' exporters. The magnitude of a global loss in tariff revenues or an increase in quota rents for SIDSs is determined by the degree of rent capture.
It is assumed in this study that half the loss in tariff revenues i. These revenue losses effectively arise from transfers between taxpayers and producers, and do not involve any efficiency gains or losses. At some point, declining rents will lead to a fall in production below the quota level. A comparison of the changes in SIDSs' quota rents under the "preferential" scenario with the benchmark scenario suggests that eliminating inquota rates for all SIDSs' inquota exports does not fully offset the effect of outquota tariff reductions. Much of this accrues to Cuba, which is the major supplier to China.
The quota gains may be overestimated, as the model does not take into account preferential tariffs provided by major markets e. The initial EU inquota tariffs are 13 per cent on bananas and 2. However, China imports 0. This accounts for much of the increase in quota rents under the preferential scenario. Welfare Putting together the various changes in prices, exports, tariff revenues and quota rents, the greater the degree of liberalization, the greater are the welfare gains to the world as a whole scenarios 4 and 5 do not change global welfare from the benchmark.
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A greater global welfare increase under the "tariff" benchmark scenario than under the "conservative" scenario arises from gains by developing countries as a whole, as more substantial tariff cuts by developing countries under the benchmark case increases largely due to consumer surplus increases in those countries. Table 11 provides a breakdown of the welfare impacts of each of the five scenarios across different groups of countries.
It is apparent that gains from agricultural liberalization to SIDSs are more limited compared to other groups of countries listed. Under the "ambitious" scenario, for instance, only SIDSs are expected to incur welfare losses while all other groups gain. Welfare gains to a group of developing country agricultural importers appear to be modest - they experience gains only under the "ambitious" scenario, whereas in other scenarios import price rises and losses in tariff revenues lead to welfare losses. The major costs are borne by the developed countries, predominantly those of the European Union and the United States, which provide compensation through extended preferential access.
A breakdown of the welfare impact under the benchmark scenario - for individual SIDSs by commodity - is presented in table The largest welfare losses anticipated are incurred by Mauritius, Jamaica and Fiji. The major losses by commodity occur in sugar due to loss of quota rents and wheat, dairy products and meat due to increases in food import prices. The importance of quota rents to the welfare figures highlights the assumption about their distribution. This is unfortunate, as these have a considerable bearing on the overall results for SIDSs. Another limitation is that this model is likely to overestimate the amount of quota rents accruing to the world in general, due to the assumption that quotas are effectively filled and that outquota or applied tariffs, rather than inquota tariffs, drive domestic prices.
Rents accruing to SIDSs in particular may be further overestimated as the model does not take into account various reciprocal or non-reciprocal preferential tariffs most SIDSs receive in major markets for their agricultural exports. A final consideration is the assumption that producers don't respond to changes in rents, which further implies no trade diversion. These are reasonable for small policy changes but less so for elimination of tariffs. Preference erosion is expected to benefit low-cost producers from liberalization of markets in which they were excluded from preferential market access e.
Brazilian sugar in the EU market. Conclusions In spite of these limitations, several implications can be drawn from the results. First, preferences provide significant benefits to some SIDS members, and trade liberalization will lead to some erosion of these preferences. This will have a significant impact in some cases, particularly for those SIDSs currently enjoying quota rents. Sugar and banana producers are likely to be the sectors most affected. Yet the magnitude of the overall impact depends on the chosen scenarios, being the highest in the "ambitious" scenario and the lowest in the "conservative " scenario.
Second, the results of the simulations suggest that there is scope for these countries to be compensated. This was considered to be desirable in two distinctive ways. One possibility would be to provide inquota duty-free treatment for all those SIDSs' exports already benefiting from quotas. However, there might be individual SIDSs currently not capturing quota rents that may be inclined to favour liberalization, as estimates indicate that if quota rents are ignored there are positive net benefits from improved market access and efficiency gains from domestic reform.
Similarly, low-cost SIDS producers may find themselves shut out of markets by the import quota system and may be favoured by the erosion of preferences. According to the model's estimates, this would entirely compensate for losses in the rents. Given the high degree of specialization by SIDSs on a limited number of products, additional preferential quotas appear, therefore, to guard beneficiaries against the erosion of preferential tariff margins and quota rents. However, this assumes that beneficiary countries are capable of filling the additional quotas.
Tellingly, this particular scenario, that has been selected as a possible modality to compensate SIDSs, would have no, or very limited, effects on the welfare gains of developing countries. Finally, compensation, if any, might be sought both within the WTO framework and bilaterally. In fact, given the high geographical concentration of SIDS exports in a few markets, there may yet be scope for improving the effectiveness of non-reciprocal preferential market access via expansion of product coverage, expansion of quantitative limits on preferential market access, or lowering of preferential tariff rates, with a view to offsetting the impacts of MFN tariff cuts.
Bibliography Briguglio L Small island developing states and their economic vulnerabilities. World Development, 23 9: The promoter and the set of DNA sequences that control transcription make up the transcriptional control region. Transcriptional control regions of DNA viruses and retroviruses were among the first to be examined experimentally.
For example, the human adenovirus type 2 major late promoter was the first from which accurate initiation of transcription was reconstituted in vitro. Subsequently, the study of viral transcription yielded fundamental information about control signals and mechanisms by which RNA polymerase II transcription is initiated and regulated. Biochemical studies of model transcriptional control regions, such as adenoviral major late promoter, established that initiation of transcription by RNA polymerase II is a multistep process.
The initiation reactions include promoter recognition, formation of an open initiation complex in which the two strands of the DNA template in the vicinity of the initiation site are unwound, and promoter clearance, movement of the transcribing complex away from promoter. At least 40 proteins, which comprise RNA polymerase II itself and auxiliary initiation proteins, are needed to complete the intricate process of initiation. Flu symptoms General field: Be aware of your body and monitor your body temperature. Flu symptoms can come on suddenly — be sure you know your treatment and prevention options so you can be prepared.
The common symptoms of the flu include: If you have one or two, it's recommended that you see your doctor. There are five main options that people use to fight the flu — vaccines, antivirals, antibiotics, over-the-counter treatments, and non-medical alternatives. The best way to prevent or lessen the severity of the flu is to get a flu shot each fall. There are two types of flu vaccines: International Law General field: Source text - English International Law International law means public international law as distinct from private international law or the conflict of laws.
International law is the product of a threefold process initiated in the Western world: In the absence of an agreed state of truce or peace, war was the basic state of international relations. Unless exceptions were made by means of individual safe conduct or treaty, rulers saw themselves entitled to treat foreigners at their absolute discretion. Treaty law was the predominant feature of medieval international law.
The observance of treaties and other engagements rested on self-interest, especially in relation to obligations of a reciprocal character, and the value attached by an obligated party to his moral credit and his respect for the principle of good faith. With the expansion of European society the universalist spirit that imbued the naturalist doctrine of international law gave to international law the elasticity needed to adapt itself to a constantly widening international environment.
The coexistence of sovereign states in a legal system postulates equality, but this equality in international law is of a purely formal character. Real influence still rests with only a handful of nations. BT-4 bonds General field: Source text - English On March 11, Global paid coupon yield on its BT-4 series inconvertible interest-bearing certified bearer bonds with obligatory centralized custody.
The BT-4 bonds sixth coupon yield rate equaled 7. The coupon yield on BT-4 series bonds in the amount of RUR 59 was fully transferred by the Company to the bond owners. Honda Fit General field: Fun to Drive The Fit features a new 1. The new engine is designed to offer the best balance of fuel economy and power. Source text - English Acura provided a one-two punch with the world debut of the all-new second-generation TSX sports sedan along with the appearance of the redesigned RL luxury performance sedan at the New York International Auto Show today.
Producing hp from a 2. Along with more torque, the new 2. The Performer shall render the Services in accordance with the timeframes indicated in Annex E hereto, subject to provisions of Articles 2. Each of these two transfer and acceptance acts shall contain a detailed list of the Design Documentation delivered under the relevant act. The pressure-loss General field: An example from this test illustrates the differences. At a maximum blower speed corresponding to a pressure loss of Pa , approximately cubic meters of cleaned air per hour flow through the Mercedes-Benz genuine activated charcoal passenger compartment air filter.
On the other hand, just and cubic meters of air per hour pass through the VEMO and MANN activated charcoal passenger compartment air filters respectively. During the last three years, Honda focused on gaining a foothold for the future, and results of such efforts have begun to show in many areas. Argentina — In November , Honda began construction of a new automobile plant with annual production capacity of 30, units with a plan to begin operation in the latter half of As a part of this effort to strengthen sales in metropolitan areas, the new structure of Honda Cars is being established with the enlargement of existing dealership locations and opening of new locations.
Laboratory data General field: Source text - English 2. Laboratory data Kamm has published the three types of studies designed to elucidate the effects of retinoids on various phases of the reproductive process. Those studies are summarized herebelow. Additional data are also provided by the applicant. Segment I studies were designed to study the effects of the retinoids on fertility and general performance. Both male and female rats were dosed with the retinoids tretinoin, isotretinoin, etretinate ; treatment of male rats was started 60 to 80 days prior to mating, and treatment of female rats was started 14 days prior to mating and continued through parturition.
In this study, the emphasis was placed on the effects of the retinoids on gonadal function, estrus cycles, mating behavior, conception rates and the early stages of gestation. In contrast, for tretinoin and etretinate, adverse effects were noted at doses in excess of 2 and 2. The teratologic effects of the retinoids vitamin A, tretinoin, isotretinoin, etretinate were evaluated in the segment II studies.
For this purpose, retinoid administration was restricted to the critical period during pregnancy when organogenesis is known to occur. The teratogenicity of vitamin A, etretinate, and tretinoin has been reviewed. The data demonstrate that, in the rat, isotretinoin has the lowest teratogenic potential of the retinoids studied. In the rabbit, which is generally considered to be the most sensitive animal model for producing terata, isotretinoin, is tolerated at higher doses than vitamin A, tretinoin or etretinate.
In the segment III studies the retinoids were administered during the last third of pregnancy and during the period of lactation to study their effects on late fetal development, labor and delivery, lactation, neonatal viability, and growth and development of the new born. The data presented in table indicate that, in contrast to tretinoin or etretinate, isotretinoin had no adverse effects on postnatal development when given at doses which produced no intolerance toxic effects in the mother.
Translation - Russian 2. Der einzige Gesellschafter ist die juristische Person: Die Postadresse der Gesellschaft: Juni , das beim Handels- und Gesellschaftsregister in Luxemburg hinterlegt wird und bei dem der Hinweis auf die Hinterlegung am 9. Juni in Kraft tritt. Es ersetzt die vorhergehende Fassung vom 1. Der Hinweis auf die Hinterlegung dieses Sonderreglements beim Handels- und Gesellschaftsregister in Luxemburg wird am 9.
Die Performance des Fonds wird in dem vereinfachten Verkaufsprospekt angegeben.
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Es kann keine Zusicherung gegeben werden, dass die Ziele der Anlagepolitik erreicht werden. Zertifikate auf Aktien wie z. Anteile werden an jedem Handelstag ausgegeben. Artikel 22 Anteile 1. Die Anteile werden in Globalzertifikaten verbrieft. Alle Anteile einer Klasse haben gleiche Rechte. Artikel 23 Ertragsverwendung 1. Sofern der Mindestbetrag von Artikel 26 Rechnungsjahr Das Rechnungsjahr endet jedes Jahr am Gesamtkosten Diese Angaben erfolgen im vereinfachten Verkaufsprospekt.
Oktober Tag der 1. Einzahlung der Klasse A Rechnungsjahr 1. September Erstes Rechnungsjahr 4. Oktober — September Berichte 1. September — Sonderreglement 9. The Pledgor authorizes the Bank to add to the designation of all his accounts or deposit accounts the reference "Pledged in favour of the Bank". If the Debtor does not fulfill on due date towards the Bank any commitment or obligation guaranteed by this declaration or shall not have fully complied within 3 business days from the date of a notification containing a formal request to honour the claims of the Bank guaranteed hereby, the Bank shall be authorized to compensate and utilise any amount to the credit of the pledged account or deposit account of the Pledgor in view to satisfy its guaranteed claims up to their amount and to realise any other Pledged Assets in accordance with procedure either agreed upon or provided for by applicable legal provisions or to obtain in court an order to appropriate these in its favour or to sell and realise these in view to utilise the proceeds by privilege for the entire repayment of all its claims.
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The Bank is not obliged to limit its recovery upon maturity of its claims to the Pledged Assets. All measures or agreements which the Bank shall deem useful for recovering its guaranteed claims are recognised by the Pledgor as binding on him and he accepts that the Bank shall not be liable in any way for the amount of any loss which the Pledgor may thereby incur. In particular, the pledge rights of the Bank shall remain effective and shall not be varied even if it grants delays, releases securities which were or shall be otherwise granted to secure its guaranteed claims, or if it releases any Guarantors or otherwise enters into a settlement with the Debtor.
The rights of the Bank shall revert to and in favour of the Pledgor only at such time when the claims of the Bank secured by this Pledge shall have been completely satisfied. Until then proceeds from the Pledged Assets shall be tre. Source text - German 1. Translation - Russian 1. Wenn das Geld knapp wird, kann es eng werden. So geraten Standardwerte leicht unter Druck. Karl-Heinz Rummenigge General field: Mai Unverbindliche Preisempfehlung ohne MwSt. Der Regler ist erweiterbar mit max. Auch zum Betrieb von drei Pumpen-HK geeignet. Stecker ST K2 C.
Speichertemperaturregelung und ein weiterer getrennter Mischerheizkreis Best. Anschluss an Abgasanlage wahlweise rechts, links oder mittig siehe Abb. Ist bauseits zu erstellen. Connecting with clients on sustainability General field: Source text - English Connecting with clients on sustainability In the framework of the Sustainable Month organized at our Geneva headquarters, Outi Mikkonen, Director Environmental Affairs at Nokia presented our employees the Nokia perspective on sustainability.
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In , Nokia achieved a new record in both device volumes million units and net sales Juni Ansprechpartner des IAP: Es wurden Enzymmengen im Bereich von 4. Vergleichend dazu sind in Abb. Es wurde eine Enzymdosis von 4,5. Dieses Installationshandbuch wendet sich an den Heizungsfachmann, der die Heizungsanlage installiert. Hier finden Sie Hintergrundinformationen und hilfreiche Tipps. Beachten Sie unbedingt die folgenden Sicherheitshinweise!
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Massageduschen zu rechnen ist. Anschlussplan Installation Die Verbindungsleitung zwischen Kessel und Sicherheitsventil darf nicht absperrbar sein. Der Einbau von Pumpen und Armaturen oder Leitungsverengungen ist nicht statthaft. Zwischen Trichter und Abwassersystem muss ein Geruchsverschluss installiert werden. Zur Montage ist die dem Abgasleitungssystem beigelegte Montageanleitung zu beachten. Eine Belastung der Verbrennungsluft mit Fremdstoffen muss sicher ausgeschlossen sein. Blitzschutz Die Schornsteinkopfabdeckung muss in einer evtl. Diese Arbeiten sind von einem zugelassenen Blitzschutz- bzw.
Zwischen den einzelnen Elementen sind nur die Original-Profildichtungen des Bausatzes bzw.
Beim Verlegen der Leitungen ist darauf zu achten, dass die Rohre fluchtend und ohne Spannung montiert werden. Anschlussdruck Der Anschlussdruck muss zwischen folgenden Werten liegen: Das Gasversorgungsunternehmen ist zu benachrichtigen. Auf dem Display wird der aktuelle Modulationsgrad angezeigt. Der Elektroanschluss ist polunverwechselbar und polrichtig vorzunehmen. Es ist empfehlenswert, vor dem WGB einen Hauptschalter anzuordnen. Anschlussleitungen sind zugentlastet zu montieren.
Andernfalls sind abgeschirmte Leitungen zu verlegen. Der Schaltplan ist zu beachten! Leitungen einlegen und Klemmen bis zum Einschnappen zuklappen 2. Klemmschraube mit Schraubendreher anziehen 4. Insbesondere ist er auf Folgendes hinzuweisen: Alle Bauteile wurden nach Angaben des Herstellers eingebaut. Die Gesamtanlage entspricht der Norm. Ruhedruck am Eingang der Gasarmatur gemessen? Schwerkraftsperre der Heizpumpe geschlossen? CO-Gehalt bei Kleinlast ppm CO-Gehalt bei Volllast ppm Alle Anlagen-Bauteile wurden nach Angaben der Hersteller eingebaut.
Die Trinkwasserbereitung ist deaktiviert. Wartungsmeldung Erscheint im Display das Wartungszeichen , liegt eine Wartungsmeldung vor oder die Anlage befindet sich im Sonderbetrieb. Schornsteinfegerfunktion Mit der Schornsteinfegertaste wird die Schornsteinfegerfunktion aktiviert bzw. Die aktivierte Sonderfunktion wird durch das Symbol im Display angezeigt. Programmierung Nach dem Einbau muss programmiert werden. Endbenutzer E Inbetriebsetzung I inkl. Endbenutzer E Fachmann F inkl. Mit die Stundeneinstellung vornehmen z. Mit die Minuteneinstellung vornehmen z. Einstellung der Parameter Funktion Prog.
Phase Ein E Phase Aus E Monat Ende E Beginn E Komfortsollwert E Backwaren - um einen weichen geformten Stuhl zu erzielen sinnvoll. Albert Eimiller 26 Praxisklinik Dr. VM Gastro de-ru General field: Albert Eimiller 57 Anlage: Charlotte Zimmer 61 Dr. Armin Funk 62 Dr. Ulrike Gerlach 63 Dr. Peer Dettmar 64 Dr. Sabine Siegert 68 Prof. Michaela Kronawitter-Fesl 69 Dr. Colo-rektale Schleimhaut ohne morphologisch fassbaren pathologischen Befund. Zeljko Jukic Prof. Bohnenart, die wegen Phasingehalt nur gut gekocht zu verwenden ist.
Oral Administration of 5-aminolevulinic Acid General field: Immunopharmacology and inflammation Keywords: Heme oxygenase-1 HO-1 is a major anti-inflammatory enzyme and a key regulator that induces immune tolerance through affecting the differentiation of dendritic cells. The aim of this study is to determine whether the combination of 5-aminolevulinic acid ALA and iron induces HO-1 expression in healthy human peripheral blood mononuclear cells PBMC. The study was an open labeled, non-randomized, non-placebo-controlled trial using healthy male adults and consisted of three parts.
Study A aimed to find the peak HO-1 expression at 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 16, and 24 hours after administration. ALA, which is already approved for use in several countries as a diagnosis agent for cancer, has the potential to become a novel therapeutic drug for diseases stemming from unwanted immune response such as autoimmune diseases and the rejection response following organ transplantation.
Heme oxygenase-1 HO-1 is a major anti-inflammatory enzyme 24 and a key regulator that induces immune tolerance through affecting the 25 differentiation of dendritic cells. The aim of this study is to determine whether the 26 combination of 5-aminolevulinic acid ALA and iron induces HO-1 expression in 27 healthy human peripheral blood mononuclear cells PBMC. The study was an open labeled, non-randomized, 29 non-placebo-controlled trial using healthy male adults and consisted of three 30 parts. Study A aimed to find the peak HO-1 expression at 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 31 16, and 24 hours after administration.
Study B aimed to examine HO-1 dose 32 dependency at , , and mg of ALA and the need for iron 33 supplementation. ALA, which is already approved for use in several countries as a 43 diagnosis agent for cancer, has the potential to become a novel therapeutic drug 44 for diseases stemming from unwanted immune response such as autoimmune 45 diseases and the rejection response following organ transplantation.
Introduction 62 Heme oxygenase-1 HO-1 is a heme-catabolizing enzyme which is induced by 63 oxidative stress or other stimuli. HO-1 degrades heme into biliverdin, carbon 64 monoxide CO , and iron, and biliverdin is immediately reduced and turned into 65 bilirubin by biliverdin reductase.
Furthermore, many studies have reported a new role for HO-1 as a 68 switch in immature dendritic cells causing them to differentiate into tolerogenic 69 Dendritic Cells DCs Al-Huseini et al. Although numerous compounds for oral 84 administration such as aspirin, statins, probucol, losartan, rapamycin, curcumin, 85 resveratrol, and the multiple sclerosis drug, dimethyl fumarate, are proven to 86 increase HO-1 expression in vitro or in animal studies Abraham and Kappas, 87 ; Lin et al.
Peripheral DC subsets were analyzed by flow cytometry, and the concentration of plasma bilirubin, a heme degradant, and protoporphyrin IX PpIX , a heme precursor, were also analyzed. Materials and Methods 2. It was conducted from May to December This study consists of three parts: Blood was taken just prior to administration 0 hour , 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 16, and 24 hours after administration to measure the HO-1 of PBMCs. Blood was taken just prior to administration 0 hour or at 8 hours as based on the results of Study A after administration to measure the HO-1 of the PBMCs.
Each group consisted of five healthy males. Blood was taken just prior to administration or at 8 hours after administration daily to measure the HO-1 of the PBMCs. Changes in the HO-1 level after 8 hours each day were measured. The ethnicity of the volunteers was not ascertained. After written informed consent was obtained, the eligibility of the subjects was checked by screening tests within 28 days of administration.
Whenever it was necessary to do the tests again or to perform additional tests, the reasons were explained to the subjects and their consent was obtained prior to testing. The subjects who were determined to be eligible were admitted to the clinic on the day prior to the commencement of the study and their eligibility was confirmed by pre-administration tests. Those with seasonal allergic disorder were included if the medical director determined it was unlikely to occur during the study period.
John's wort extract , and St. Each drug was enclosed in an oral bag-type wafer and swallowed with an appropriate amount of water. The time point marking the highest HO-1 level among 10 points Study B: The sample size was determined based on practical consideration. P 2. Total bilirubin was measured using the vanadate oxidation method. For isotype control, the following was used: PBMCs were defined as whole living cells.
The HO-1 gene expression level relative to the internal control gene 18S was calculated by the comparative Ct method. The primer sequences were as follows: The number of registered volunteers was five out of 15, since one out of ten volunteers met the exclusion criteria, six volunteers rescinded their consent, and three individuals were registered as back-up volunteers. The number of registered volunteers was 20 out of 61, since three out of 41 volunteers met the exclusion criteria, two volunteers rescinded their consent, 32 volunteers were not allocated as we reached the target number, and four individuals were registered as back-up volunteers.
The number of registered volunteers was five out of 17, since four out of 12 volunteers met the exclusion criteria, one volunteer rescinded consent, five volunteers were not allocated as we reached the target number, and two individuals were registered as back-up volunteers. Safety analysis was conducted for the same subjects. These symptoms ceased without treatment. Of these adverse effects, nausea was found to be a side effect. No severe adverse effects including death were observed in any of the studies. The following items were measured: The vital signs body temperature, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure and pulse rate were also assessed.
Although there was no significant change, a clear, bell-shaped curve was observed. The peak was observed at 6 h and 8 h. An increase in HO-1 in plasmacytoid DC and an increasing tendency in myeloid DC was also observed using flow cytometry. Two samples at 2 h and one sample at 4 and 24 h were omitted since the internal control value was abnormal.
PpIX had significantly increased after drug administration and peaked at 6 h Figure 2d. Unexpectedly, the bilirubin level had decreased at h after administration and recovered at 24 h Figure 2e. One sample at 0 h from Group 2 during Course I, one sample at 0h from Group 3 at Course I, one sample at 8 h from Group 3 at Course I, and one sample at 0 h from Group 4 were omitted due to the small amount of protein in the samples. Although one sample at 0 h from Group 1 during Couse I and one sample at 8 h from Group 4 contained a slightly smaller amount of protein, the data were included.
Although not significant, a consistent increasing tendency in the HO-1 amount for all dosages was observed while no increase in HO-1 was observed when ALA alone was administered. The results are shown in Figure 5. Discussion Among healthy male subjects, 5-aminolevulinic acid in combination with sodium ferrous citrate was administered to induce heme oxygenase-1 HO-1 in the peripheral blood mononuclear cells. The peak HO-1 level was measured at 6 to 8 hours after administration Figure 2a.
It is known that the longer GT n dinucleotide repeating in the promoter region of HO-1 negatively affects the inducibility of HO-1 Yamada et al. It also suggests that heme itself, rather than heme-derived ROS, has the ability to induce Nrf2 translocation via as yet an unknown mechanism. This result was consistent with the findings of previous animal and in vitro study reports showing that the addition of iron to the ALA was important for inducing HO-1 and subsequent beneficial effects Hou et al. We hypothesize that the surge in exogenous ALA-derived heme precursors in the mitochondria transiently requires an abundant mitochondrial labile iron pool which immediately rises by exposure to ferrous iron Shvartsman et al.
Obvious accumulation of HO-1 protein within 3 days was not observed although a slight tendency to accumulation was seen in the mRNA level Figure 4b. Therefore, the serum total bilirubin increase was expected as an alternative marker of HO-1 upregulation. This is consistent with our unpublished study in which radioisotope ALA given to rats showed many external ALA-derived compounds accumulating in the liver and kidney. Pharmacological and clinical aspects of heme oxygenase. J Biol Chem , First-in-human study demonstrating pharmacological activation of heme oxygenase-1 in humans.
Clin Pharmacol Ther 87, Heme oxygenase—1 and carbon monoxide suppress autoimmune neuroinflammation. J Clin Invest , Total blood volume in healthy young and older men. J Appl Physiol 76, Haem arginate infusion stimulates haem oxygenase-1 expression in healthy subjects. Br J Pharmacol , Paradoxical effects of heme arginate on survival of myocutaneous flaps. J Heart Lung Transplant 34, Human pharmacokinetics of high dose oral curcumin and its effect on heme oxygenase-1 expression in healthy male subjects.
Biomed Res Int , Circadian variability of bilirubin in healthy men during normal sleep and after an acute shift of sleep. Chronobiol Int 26, Heme oxygenase-1, carbon monoxide, and bilirubin induce tolerance in recipients toward islet allografts by modulating T regulatory cells. J Neuroinflammation 9, The anti-inflammatory effects of dimethyl fumarate in astrocytes involve glutathione and haem oxygenase Physiol Rev 82, Tolerogenic dendritic cells actively inhibit T cells through heme oxygenase-1 in rodents and in nonhuman primates. FEBS Lett , Int Immunopharmacol 19, Heme mediates derepression of Maf recognition element through direct binding to transcription repressor Bach1.
EMBO J 20, BMC Pharmacol Toxicol 18, 7. Frontiers in Immunology 6. Reactive oxygen species ROS homeostasis and redox regulation in cellular signaling. Cell Signal 24, Carbon monoxide inhibits TLR-induced dendritic cell immunogenicity. J Immunol , Physiol Rev 86, Dynamics of absorption, metabolism, and excretion of 5-aminolevulinic acid in human intestinal Caco-2 cells. Anna Bergner S Kochbuch: Quintessenz Der Rheinischen Kochkunst.
Antipasti - Risotto - Gemuse: Billiger Kochen von Sanella. Bibis Fitness - Rezepte: Chemical Immunology And Allergy. Mai PDF Download. Daniel Libeskind, Museum Ohne Ausgang: Das Besondere Hunsrucker Kochbuch. Das Deutsche Frauenbuch 1. Frau Barbara Uber Das Grosse Kochbuch Deutscher Koche. Das Kochbuch Bergisches Land: Das Kochbuch Der Vergessenen Genusse: Das Kochbuch Des Mittelalters: Das Kochbuch Furs Leben. Mit Uber Erprobten Rezepten. Das Kochbuch Von Goethes Grossmutter.
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