Naming the Mannequins
Open Preview See a Problem? Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Preview — Naming the Mannequins by Nic Labriola. This is a journey through the seamy underbelly of a fading, unnamed town populated with seemingly hollow, anonymous souls. Taking place over the span of one night, this series of linked poems gives us glimpses into the lives of unlikely urban saints on their individual quests for personal humanity and spiritual redemption.
Paperback , 65 pages.
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Published October 22nd by Insomniac Press first published April 1st To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Naming the Mannequins , please sign up.
Mannequin names - Give a Good Name
Be the first to ask a question about Naming the Mannequins. Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Marlena rated it it was amazing Jun 28, Have a great weekend sweetie!! The first name that came into my head was "Jules" pronounced the same as jewels. It's really a take on the name Julia or Julie. Your jewellery looks fabulous, good luck at the shows.
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Karen is Greek for "pure" like me She should be called Elise because she just looks like my grand-aunt Elise This is pronounced the German way, a bit like "A-Lees-a" Take care, you have a wonderful site. Since she's wearing vintage clothes, I looked for a name that was popular back in the s. I like Jacqueline for her. The name had popped into my head before I checked the list, too. I keep thinking of Maude - I can't get it out of my mind - Maude the Mannequin.
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There's more to Maude than meets the eye. AND you could waltz with her too.
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How about Charlotte since you sell the frozen Charlotte dolls. Carolyn Miller tchs2nd yahoo. I think her name should be "Lenore". She's sophisticated yet sassy. She's bold, yet charming. And she's a beauty to show off your fabulous creations. She has on her the prettiest vintage colors They remind me of Mist May so that is what I would choose to call her.
All the names are lovely it will be hard to choose. I think you should name her Gigi. I have no idea why, it's just the name that popped up when I looked at her! She's fabulous - cool way to showcase your jewelry.

I've waited a while to post a name, but everytime I look at her I keep coming back to the name "Izabella". I'd call her "Retro Annie"! What a great show piece she'll make all dressed up with bits and bobs. The first name that came up with me was Christine! Sarah would be nice, Sarah plain and tall like your mannequin.
She looks like LOLA OK I've thought of one, since Kaz was a joke feel free to use it though Mary, Queen of Scots had her head chopped off and that made me think of French, sexy and headless I am gonna say 'Sophia'. Yep, she looks like a 'Sophia'. Retro Cupcake Diva or Cupcake Diva. Her color reminds me of icing on a cupcake. I bought this gal this week!
And of course, she must have a name!
Naming the Mannequins
So I thought it would be fun to have a contest. I thought it was a person standing there Read below for the contest I need some help naming my mannequin so I'm having a contest! Simply post your best name on this post, and on Saturday May 30th, I'll pick my favorite. The winner will recieve any FIVE digital collage sheets from my store!
I may pick a few runner-ups too: Thank you for all the wonderful entries!
Posted by Retro Cafe' Art Gallery at Bianca May 21, at 5: The Joy of Nesting May 21, at 9: Cassandra May 22, at Artfully yours, Linda May 22, at 3: Anonymous May 22, at 4: Tumbleweed Trails May 22, at 5: Melinda Cornish May 23, at