Galimaufry (Stories in female voices)
Look for the Kindle MatchBook icon on print and Kindle book detail pages of qualifying books. Print edition must be purchased new and sold by Amazon. Gifting of the Kindle edition at the Kindle MatchBook price is not available. Learn more about Kindle MatchBook. Kindle Cloud Reader Read instantly in your browser. Gibson, writes short stories and novels in number of genres including humour, thrillers and animal-related.
He has seven books of Short stories currently available for kindle, kindle apps and as paperbacks. He lectured in the UK for over thirty years. Two novels will be published soon. Product details File Size: January 14, Sold by: Share your thoughts with other customers.
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Write a customer review. Showing of 4 reviews. Top Reviews Most recent Top Reviews. There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later. More often than not Mr. Gibson employs a narrative voice imbued with a comforting and grandfatherly tone. His waxing nostalgic rings true in several stories. While not a fan of animal lit, Gibson exhibits quality writing and powers of feline observation that I'm guessing few have including myself.
I enjoyed the set-up in 'Food for Thought' and would like to see more of that variety. While not problematic, Mr. Gibson will deliver a more polished product when he discovers page breaks. All in all, Mr. Gibson's book, 'A Gallimaufry of Short Stories', is likely to make you smile more than once as you down a cup of coffee or tea. One person found this helpful. Kindle Edition Verified Purchase. I took a chance on this book when it was offered as a free promo and found a great companion on my bus ride to work. With its 10 stories, A Gallimaufry of Short stories, is perfect for picking up and putting down whenever your time allows.
The author presents an observant and witty outlook on modern life, from obsessions about organic food and healthy eating to the companionship provided by Your Cat. My favorite story was "Red Men," which proved very educational about the role of iron ore drilling for coastal communities in North West England and the legacy of this industry up to this day.
Really entertaining stories that will make you chuckle and think about life and human existence and cats, of course! There is something for everyone in this collection of 10 short stories from author Christopher Gibson. For those with cat fancies - "Sibling Rivalry" and "Your Cat" will delight; and whilst the first short story featured, "Food for Thought" may set an interesting tone, it is not -the- tone of the collection. There is humour, subtle observations and an entertaining array of characters, especially in "The Caretaker". If you need something for a commute, a longish journey or just something to read, then you won't be disappointed with this collection.
I always like to sample new works The first story was a delight!
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It is so very English. But people are the same the world over! I can't wait to read the rest! Yes, I could use a break from the kids sometimes, but I'd want to get back to them. Seriously, anyone whose top-ten-desert-island books doesn't include this one, or something similar, is a fucking idiot. I'll admit that I'm very prone to depression, but I also don't want to die. This book was originally produced for the U.
- A Collection of Promises from God for his People: benefits.
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Army and seems to cover plants from across the globe. It's long, so it would provide a lasting supply of tinder. Easy joke, but seriously, Ayn Rand is pathetic. She was a cheap propagandist promoting a ridiculous, authoritarian philosophy. Stop taking her seriously. Stop voting for people who take her seriously, especially people who were named after her. It's big, and I could cut out the pages like Pablo Escobar and hide a gun or some survival tools inside it.
I have seen every episode of Survivorman , and I wish it would come back on instant on Netflix so I can watch it with my children. I've seen most of the episodes of his survival show, as well. Not as good as Survivorman , but you can't have too many survival skills books. Plus "bushcraft" is a funny word. I bought this a few years ago after reading a review in The New Yorker. Seems like a good opportunity to finally read it.
Bacteria, anthrax, diseases, long trapped in the icecaps—sweet Jesus. The polar thaw will kill us all— well, that or the nuclear breezes. This profile in ass-kissing was originally published on September 18, , in a different section of the website. I've moved it here to make room for other stuff. Ben Garrison made this picture. Think about that the next time you do something stupid. You'll feel better immediately. It's time to let God into your heart.
Your mouth works too. I don't need to mess with much analysis; I mainly just want to make fun of this shit. If you want analysis, try this: The picture above is a screenshot; I'm having trouble finding the original cartoon on Ben Garrison's website, but I will update if I ever track it down. The point is that God is in Trump's junk. Or Trump wears a Speedo with the word "God" on it. If Trump's dick is God, then what happens when Trump dies? Is God dead again then? Garrison has made some bizarre Trump-worshipping cartoons, but what fascinates me about this image is that if I could draw I would make this exact cartoon as a parody of the way Trump people view their magnificent leader, as a way to say they care very little about policy, they mainly just want a buff dick god who will tell everybody what to do.
Liberals are too free sometimes with the Fascism label, but Trump is clearly an authoritarian figure and his sycophantic supporters clearly want an authoritarian figure, a strong man who will protect them and come in their mouths. They don't see Trump as a person but as a god, and his pudgy earthly form is just an illusion, and only true believers can see his true Herculean physique. Such would be the implications of my caricature; yet here is Garrison presenting what I would intend as mean-spirited parody of Trumpers as his earnest view of Trump.
See, I would be saying, this is what Trump looks like to these fucking people; see, says Garrison, this is what Trump looks like to me. I ripped this image off the website Know Your Meme: I try not to make fun of people's weight or bodies, but since the cartoon is so much about Trump's body, I have to point out that he is not in great shape. He's certainly not ripped. Two things I love about this cartoon: I liked Obama well enough, but I never thought he was some dick-god savior.
He was the best president of my lifetime, but I've lived through some duds. I'm also aware of his flaws and failures. I've got it easy now, since I'm more comfortable in opposition, so it's easy for me to say that if Hillary Clinton was president I wouldn't be running around saying "Rah-rah Hillary, she of the mystical vagina which has the power to destroy racism and John Birch paranoia," but I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be doing that.
I hate hero worship in all forms, but I especially hate it when the hero being worshipped is a special level of piece of shit. Maybe I'm stupid, but I've always thought political cartoons are supposed to be satirical, not public brown-nosing. I've never felt so useless. My only skill is in making fun of people, and every time I come across another person who is just a human caricature I become less relevant. The whole Christmas season! Which hosts at Fox News all regarded as treason.
He looked in the cupboards, he looked in the drawers, He looked in the bathrooms while down on all fours. He looked inside offices round, square, and oval. His nerve he did steel and his heart he did harden— He looked, he saw, lying there in red pajama S, Mr. Lend me a hand up. I sure do feel silly. I was trying to climb down with this sack of presents. If this travesty stood—O good Lord! He spoke with a truth raw and real and unvarnished.
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However, in this new political climate of amoral leadership and blatantly phony religious faith, your standard variety of cognitive dissonance will only get you so far. Trump supporters who want to identify as Christian are going to need a little extra help in order to get through this presidency without feeling like pawns of Satan and crumbling like the foundations of our moribund democracy under the weight of the unavoidable guilt stemming from their blind support of a racist, narcissistic, heretical sexual predator for president. Trumpers, when the truth comes rushing at you in a tidal wave of sorrow and regret, just use whatever combination that works of the following tips to shove those inconvenient feelings back into the vacuum of your soul.
Even if Trump gets us into a nuclear war with North Korea that all but destroys life on Earth, global warming was going to do that anyway. When Trump goads North Korea into firing missiles at the U. Tell yourself that if Trump should resign, be impeached, or die because the power tie he uses during autoerotic asphyxiation is just too damn powerful, then Mike Pence will become president and the nightmare reality will only really harm gay people. You might even hear a voice, the voice of decency and compassion you can usually drown out with talkradio, quoting these words that Jesus Christ spoke two thousand years ago and that are memorialized in Mark If you actually follow this formula you're a piece of shit and you probably think "MAGA" is a word.
With all these allegations of sexual assault floating around like the creepy debris in The Upside Down it can be difficult to know what to think, whom to believe, whom to hate. That's why I've come up with a handy formula that red-blooded Real Americans can use to verify the legitimacy of sexual abuse allegations. If a woman accuses a Republican of sexual assault, the bitch is lying out her whatever. Of course, not everything is black and white. Some situations will fall in the gray area, which is why I also created the following thought experiments because you shouldn't have to feel conflicted when people you admire are accused of being abusive perverts.
Let's start with an easy one: He claims to remember the incident differently but apologizes because in hindsight what he did was still inappropriate. Whom do you believe? First off, it's best to assume any accusation against a Republican is just a smear campaign coordinated by Nancy Pelosi, Satan, and the man-hating Mainstream Media, but for form's sake we'll still work out the solution logically. So what do you do? Ask yourself this question: If he denies it it didn't happen. Ergo, the bitches are lying! They're just mad because Hillary lost the election.
Plus age of consent should be left to the states. My dad had a saying when I was growing up: You hear allegations that a celebrity has groped a number of women and used his size to block them from leaving a room so they can't avoid his unwanted penis display. He's probably an elitist but you still want to like him because he has a new movie coming out that you really want to see.
Mary Higgins Clark: Voices in the Coalbin () A Ghost Story | Beauty is a Sleeping Cat
What's the right call? In this situation, I recommend you play it by ear. Are the feminazis on Twitter piling on him? It might be safe to still watch his movie because he's probably on your side now. The Republican Party has made it clear that sexual assault will be not just tolerated but glorified, so look for a healthy number of accused men to migrate to the GOP, where they will be worshipped instead of shamed. I would also make sure to get your buddies together and go see the movie on opening weekend.
Just to send a message to all these lying bitches. A famous Jesus-loving, gun-worshipping, flag-waving, Trump-voting country music singer has been accused of inappropriately touching a child. What do you do?

You don't want to come across as pro-child-fucking, but you also can't cede moral ground to the libs, so the smart call here is to share a bunch of articles about how John Podesta and Hillary Clinton are child molestors. A public figure you greatly admire has just been accused of a rape that occurred more than thirty years ago. The woman has lived with the pain and guilt and shame of the attack since she was a teenager, while the man has gone on to achieve great success and to be regarded as a fine family man and moral leader.
Is the accuser a brave woman or a lying bitch? It's a hard call when you don't necessarily know the political leanings of either party, but it's always safer to err on the side of lying bitch because that lying bitch had thirty years to come forward with these allegations and she's clearly only doing it now because she wants her fifteen minutes of fame as well as to be doxed by an anti-feminist internet troll so she can receive hundreds of death and rape threats from rage-filled nihilists and professional masturbators.
What if both the accuser and accused are Republicans? This is a pickle, but tie goes to the runner, the runner being the man. Do you take responsibility for your actions, apologize to your accuser, reflect on your actions—or do you tell everyone she's a lying bitch? It's important that women feel heard when they come forward with their tales of being groped, abused, assaulted, raped, intimidated, disrespected, yadda yadda yadda.
But there are two sides to every story. We can't allow unfounded allegations to ruin the lives and reputations of pro-life sexual predators. Remember, not all rapists are Clinton donors. These notes accompany a Spotify playlist called Malarkey Books. I've tried to include every song or artist mentioned in my books, plus a few that didn't get mentioned but are still there under the surface.
The first song on the list is not mentioned anywhere in my books; nor is the artist. However, Mirah is one of my favorite musicians. I listened to it nearly every day for two years when I was still in college, especially in England. It was on the playlist I made for myself to accompany the book I was working on through those years, a book that wasn't any good, that I gave up on, thankfully.
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The book was called Malarkey. I don't hate America as much as Barn does, so even though I don't like this song I'm still including it on the playlist, mainly for the contrast with "Fuck Tha Police. I've never been a fan of this song, but it is mentioned in Barn Again in the Unabombinator chapter, when Barn is driving around, on the run from Fate, who has been stalking him with plane crash movies as he anticipates flying to Spain.
He's listening to the radio in the car, and the DJ queues up a set of plane crash music: From chapter twelve you have to know Samuel Beckett's most famous quote and some banjo terminology in order to get the "Frail Better" joke:. I was in a few atrocious bands in my youth, and I could never decide whether I wanted to be a post-punk rocker or a folk player.
We call ourselves The Prairie Dawgs.