Creant una empresa dèxit: Claus per passar de la idea a lempresa (Catalan Edition)
Les peces de vestir i altres detalls s'utilitzen per tal de distingir-los: What kind of animal should I make you? A mouse, of course! How about the bunny rabbit? Nah, too sweet and gentle. I mean the French in general. I mean, how about the Dreyfus affair? Em refereixo als francesos en general. Em vaig convertir, no? Art Spiegelman, , Op.
I feel so inadequate trying to reconstruct a reality that was worse than my darkest dreams. And trying to do it as a comic strip! I guess I bit off more than I can chew. Maybe I ought to forget the whole thing. I mean reality is too complex for comics. So much has to be left out or distorted. Just keep it honest, honey. See what I mean. Potser hauria d'oblidar tot l'assumpte. Can I mention this or does it completely louse up my metaphor? Tant es pot deixar de banda o ser distorsionada.
Simplement sigues honest, estimat. Besides Nazism, Maus is invested with the history and aesthetics of the cartoon. In a purely comic-book composition, Vladek and his first wife Anja are in front of a dead end roads zigzagging like a swastika across the page, the couple trapped in the frame of the comic and of history. Un altre marc assumeix la forma de l'Estrella de David i sembla posicionar Vladek sota un focus d'antisemitisme. Shocken books, , Young, At Memory's Edge: After-images of the Holocaust in Contemporary Art and Architecture.
Yale University Press, To use these ciphers, the cats and mice, is actually a way to allow you past the cipher at the people who are experiencing it. So it's really a much more direct way of dealing with the material. Pel contrari, a la cultura occidental les rates tenen connotacions negatives. Bloomsbury USA, , Retall de publicitat de la revista Blanco y negro In his graphic novel, Jews are portrayed as mice, a deliberate irony.
Tal com deia Spiegelman en una entrevista: You can't help when you're reading to try to erase those animals. You go back, saying: And, obviously, they can't be and aren't, and there's this residual problem you're always left with. Spiegelman es refereix a aquests primers esborranys, primers aproximacions a Maus, a Funny Animal 1 i posteriorment a Breakdowns No es podien publicar enlloc.
Armed with lighting-quick reflexes, sharp claws, and incredible stealth, cats are excellent mousers but usually have trouble with rats, especially large brown rats. I want to show the masking of these events in their representation. Les primeres trampes per rates, per descomptat, van ser els gats. Spiegelman dramatically stages the artificiality necessary to produce something that looks like the authentic. In other words, artificial parameters do not make the affective experiences less real; Vladek's glass eye is able to cry.
York Times Magazine, My anthropomorphized mice carry trace elements of [editorial cartoonist] Fips's anti-Semitic Jew-as-rat cartoons for Der Sturmer, but by being particularized they are invested with personhood; they stand upright […] their humanity. Cartoons personalize; they give specific form to stereotypes. El , per exemple, Francisco de Torrejoncillo al seu text Centinela contra judios: Muchas razones dan estos graves Autores [ Dreyfus mai no va admetre les acusacions.
The function of propaganda is to attract supporters, the function of organization to win members Propaganda works on the general public from the standpoint of an idea and makes them ripe for the victory of this idea The Jew is immunized against all dangers: He attacks with lightning speed from his position of safety and uses his abilities to crush any attempt at defense. Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf. Houghton Mifflin Company, Rash, The language of violence. Peter Lang Publishing, We had the moral right, and the duty toward our nation to kill this people who wished to kill us.
If you cut even cautiously into such an abscess, you found, like a maggot in a rotting body, often dazzled by the sudden light - a little Jew […] With satanic joy in his face, the black-haired Jewish youth lurks in wait for the unsuspecting girl whom he defiles with his blood, thus stealing her from her people. With every means he tries to destroy the racial foundations of the people he has set out to subjugate.
The Continuum International Publishing Group, Amb tots els mitjans intenta destruir els fonaments racials de la gent que vol subjugar. I beg you and particularly those of you who carry the cross throughout the land to become somewhat more serious when I speak of the enemy of the German people, namely, the Jew. Not out of irresponsibility or for fun do I fight against the Jewish enemy, but because I bear within me the knowledge that the whole misfortune was brought to Germany by the Jews alone.
That is why you must join us and leave those who have brought you nothing but war, inflation, and discord. For thousands of years the Jew has been destroying the nations. Let us make a new beginning today so that we can annihilate the Jews. The Jew seeks domination not only among the German people but among all peoples.
The communists pave the way for him. Do you not know that the God of the Old Testament orders the Jews to consume and enslave the peoples of the earth?
Us prego, en particular a aquells de vosaltres que porteu la creu per tota la terra, que sigueu seriosos quan parlo dels enemics del poble alemany, els Jueus. That is an elementary principle of racial, national, and social hygiene. They will never give us rest. If they could, they would drive one nation after another into war against us. Who cares about their difficulties, they who only want to force the world to accept their bloody financial domination?
The Jews are a parasitic race that feeds like a foul fungus [n. There is only one effective measure: Some people are good, others bad. The same is true of animals. The fact that the Jew still lives among us is no proof that he belongs among us, just as a flea is not a household pet [n. Smith, Last Train from Berlin: Phoenix Press, , Ells mai ens donaran descans.
El mateix es pot dir dels animals. We have corrupted the blood of all the races of Europe — perhaps we have infected them [n. Today, everything is Jewdified. Our thinking is in everything living, our spirit rules the world. We are the masters, for everything that has power today is the child of our spirit. But we are no longer to be gotten rid of. We have devoured the peoples, conquered the races, defiled them, broken their strength, made everything rotten, lazy, and corrupt [n.
Our spirit can no longer be exterminated. United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. Once they have swindled their way to something, they become thieves and bloodsuckers [n. They turn into thieving and murderous Bolshevist hordes for their host peoples. The Jew is the parasite of humanity [n. He can be a parasite [n. Otto, Der Jude als Weltparasit Els jueus com a plaga mundial , Es converteixen en hordes de lladres i assassins bolxevics per als pobles d'acollida. Aquests virus, de tota manera, poden viure al cos i multiplicar-se. A Study in Psychoanalytic Sociology.
Library of Social Sciences, Aronsfeld, The Text of the Holocaust: Alfred Rosenberg, Mythus des El mateix que fem servir contra els bacils i les plagues: Portada del llibre infantil Der Giftpilz Els extres jueus van ser reclutats a Praga i obligats a participar en el rodaje. Cartell promocional extret de Der Fig. Aquestes imatges van ser preses en la realitat dels guetos, on les condicions de vida eren insalubres. Els primers plans dels individus mostren trets malaltissos i malformacions facials. Una veu en off a Fig. Una veu en off, la vegada deia: Font de les figures i Imatge publicada a The Bulletin, 4 de desembre de , Imatge publicada a Arab News, el novembre de Portada del Philapdelphia Weekly, novembre de Jimmy, juliol de A thief or an aggressor, who took property or land, develops a psychological disorder [n.
The Koran itself says that they have no parallel: I condemn whoever believes in normalizing relations with them, whoever supports Veure: They are not human beings.
Usuari Discussió:Pere prlpz
They are not people [n. They have no religion, no conscience, and no moral values. Describing his introduction into the world of comics as a youth, Spiegelman told the audience of some where he culled his artistic vision and life lessons. Thomas Doherty ha reflexionat sobre aquest punt: From subhumans to nonhumans, the Jews are linked with vermin, to be eradicated, like plague bearers, [n. Pushing against that deep background is the animation legacy of American popular culture.
The gulf in time and space bridged by Vladek's lie alonefrom the unspeakable horrors of the Auschwitz past to the serene banality of a Catskill present, from death camps to holiday camps-is a displacement for which surrealist technique is redundant? Vinyeta de Krazy Kat, de George Herriman. Publicada el sis de gener de A History of American Animated Cartoons.
En cap de les dues iniciatives va participar George Herriman. Fotograma de Krazy Kat, Bugolist, Toutain Editor, , Felix fins i tot es va veure embolicat en un sindicat a Felix Revolts American Animation in Its Golden Age. Oxford University Press, El seu primer treball va ser un curtmetratge titulat Puss Gets the Boot. Chicago Review Press, Disco Battle Weapons Volume 1. Aquest film ens interessa pel paper que els ratolins tenen: Un element important de la trama consisteix en les explicacions donades als televidents per Jinks sobre els seus plans per atrapar Pixie i Dixie.
Crumb's Head Comix, Aquest fou el cas de The Aristocats Los Aristogatos. The Walt Stanchfield Lectures - Volume 1. Cartell de The Great Mouse Detective. They fight, and bite. They fight and bite and fight. Fight fight fight, bite bite bite. A Steamboat Itchy vegeu la figura Roger Meyers de nom jueu li roba a Lampwick les seves idees com acostumava a passar en nombroses ocasions entre els animadors i el s'apodera de la caricatura.
Extracte de vinyeta de Quimby the Mouse. Va tenir una durada de 65 episodis transmesos entre i Ratatouille, creat per Pixar. Mickey Mouse i Walt Disney. Walt Disney i Mickey Mouse. In choosing mice to represent the Jews, Spiegelman plays upon the Nazi propaganda image of the Jews as vermin, combined ironically with the iconic all-american cartoon figure of Mickey Mouse. The shadow of Mickey -shallow, brazen, successful- stands behind these victimized Jews of Spiegelman's Maus as a kind of implacably taunting anti-mouse. A Life of Walt Disney. University of California Press, Aquests dos darrers van ser molt criticats per edulcorar les obres originals-de Lewis Carroll i James M.
El personatge va ser creat pel Leonard Maltin, Op. American Animation in its Golden Age. Oxford University Press, , The Man Behind the Mouse. Titans of Fortune Publishing, Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, , Entre ells estan en Mickey i la Minnie Poc abans de l'estrena de Cactus Kid, Iwerks havia abandonat a Disney per obrir el seu propi estudi. Escena de Cactus Kid. El primer va perdre al que havia estat el seu amic i confident des de ; el segon va perdre al responsable del seu disseny original i el Veure: Al principi, Walt va continuar escrivint els guions i Win Smith els dibuixava.
Walt Disney va haver de buscar un substitut per Smith i va escollir Floyd Gottfredson, un nouvingut a l'estudi. Aquesta primera Michael Barrier, Op. Disney Editions, , Escena de The Country Mouse. Sorrell, David Hilberman i William Pomerance, antics empleats i activistes sindicals, com agitadors comunistes. University of Missouri Press, , Escena de Bath Day. Douglas Brode, al seu llibre Multiculturalism and the Mouse. Disney offered a revisionist view of this misunderstood animal with his broadcast of The Great Cat Family originally televised September 19, Douglas Brode, Multiculturalism and the Mouse.
Race and Sex in Disney Enterntainment. University of Texas Press, , Walt Disney i la propaganda a la Segona Guerra Mundial. Las emociones sanas le indican a cualquier joven independiente y muchacha honorable que esa sabandija inmunda, el mayor portador de bacterias en el reino animal, no puede ser un tipo ideal de personaje Per exemple, als curts animats Education for Death: Walt Disney und Deutschland Rororo Sachbuch.
Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag, The government propaganda experts have come to the conclusion that Chilean children should not think, feel, love or suffer through animals. Blond, free-minded youths of Germany on the leading strings of Jewish finance! Mickey Mouse is a Young plan medicine to promote weakness. Healthy emotions tell ever independent young man and every honorable youth that the dirty and filth-covered vermin, the greatest bacteria carrier in the animal kingdom, cannot be the ideal type of animal.
Away with Jewish brutalization of the people! Down with Mickey Mouse! Wear the swastika cross!. Avall amb Mickey Mouse! Most Jewish characters in their films were genial immigrants, always characterized by large noses, were portrayed as Shylockian lowlives, interested only in money, willing to acquire it by dubious means. In early short subjects, he is always the immigrant-outsider, trying to win a place in society, often by working as a street peddler.
One essayist went so far as to compare Mickey [ Igualment, estaven destinats a fer propaganda de guerra entre els civils. Fotograma de Blitz Wolf, dirigit per Tex Avery. Metro Goldwyn Mayer, Fotograma de The Ducktators, Looney Tunes, El narrador explica que els nazis controlen als infants alemanys des del moment en que neixen.
Segons el curt, als nens alemanys se'ls ensenya el conte de la bella dorment d'una manera diferent: Education for death de la Disney Productions Fig. Caricatures de Hitler i la seva estimada Valkiria a Education for Death. El curtmetratge acaba amb Hans marxant vestit com un soldat nazi, al que el narrador sentencia: Finalment, en destacarien sobretot dos films animats: Saludos Amigos i The Three Caballeros Cartell de The three caballeros Veure: Cartoon publicat per Yaakov Kirschen al No negamos todo […] Mire La Lista de Schindler.
Le patea el trasero al pobre gato. El tresor de l'illa de Manhattan i An American Tail: El misteri del monstre nocturn. El propi Fievel va rebre el nom de l'avi matern de Spielberg, Felip Posner, el nom del qual en jiddisch era Feivel. En aquest cas, Warren T. Com es pot observar, la idea de fons de Fievel es la mateixa amb la que juga Spiegelman. But then, about a year ago, I read in an interview with Steven Spielberg that he was producing an animated feature film entitled An American Tail, involving a family of Jewish mice living in Russia a hundred years ago named the Mousekawitzes, who were being persecuted by Katsacks, and how eventually they fled to America for shelter [n.
He was planning to hace it out in time for the Statue of Liberty centennial celebrations [n. I went sleepless for nights on end, and then, when I finally did sleep, I began confunsing our names in my dreams: If you wanted to get technical about it, the idea of anthropomorphizing animals goes all the way back to Aesop [n. No, what I was saying was that the specific use of mice to sympathetically portray Jews combined with the concept of cats as anti-Semitic opressors in a story that compares in the Old World of Europe with life in America was unique [n.
My only hope is that we never lose sight of one thing Harnessing the Management Secrets of Disney in your Company. MC-Graw Hill, , 1. Malauradament, les enormes possibilitats que ofereix un tema tant ric com aquest no es poden contemplar de forma exhaustiva en aquest escrit. Reflexionem i veiem que en el fons totes les parelles de ratolins i gats que hem repassat fins ara no podrien existir els uns sense els altres: Al cap i a la fi, fins i tot Tom i Jerry es reconciliaven de tant en tant.
Schulz, Levi, Spiegelman and the memory of the offence. The Boston Book Review, Multiculturalism and the Mouse. University of Texas Press, At the bottom there is a small distributor at the base of one of the courtyards that provides natural lighting. The scale up of neighbors surrounding the elevator and in between the two courtyards, which gives an unusual light on the stairs, usually placed as a central box closed and dark.
Here, however, the scale is not closed by walls, but by railings and translucent glass structure. Each shelf has two oak doors carved with gouge , with gold lettering calligraphy painted on Gaudi and indicating the amount of the flat in question, a formula alternative to traditional numbering floor and door. Les lletres van des de l'"A" a la "I". The letters range from the "A" to "E". Two large skylights glass decorated with hexagons, as if it were a honeycomb , bring light to the space.
The majestic staircase is made of oak and incorporates pieces cut at the end of the steps that evoke the vertebrae of a prehistoric animal.
Usuari Discussió:Pere prlpz - Viquipèdia, l'enciclopèdia lliure
The concatenation of these pieces in a winding spiral that turns almost degrees make up the backbone of the huge monster in the cave. The first floor is different from other flats and needing an very important. This is a room service aesthetics of the home that embedded in the wall, has two banks before it, on either side of the mouth of fire. This design front seats with fire symbolizes the union of the family [88] and is inspired by the cooking areas of rural houses where under a vent was located the fire and hung the kettle seats to sit it over the fire.
The urban version of this application would be subject to an "picked" for courting couples in a bank, reserving the other for the person who "made candle" and that took care of morality. The rest of the walls are plastered and include gold leaf making a kind of craquelat simulating a mosaic drawings. From this kind of prelude access to the halls of the main facade through wide doors overly wavy shapes, oak leaded glass. The great central hall is a wide open space located in the central part of the main facade. These windows are opened and when any amount all at once leave the street view without any visual obstacles.
On each side of the hall are two smaller rooms that overlook the street to the side windows which is the showcase window of the flat. The ceiling is a ceiling with plaster relief swirl reminiscent of the marine environment of the house and suggested the idea of the creation of nature. At the other end of the floor, looking out the back wall to the terrace is the private dining room of Batllo. Its wood and glass ware was disassembled for functional reasons when the building was dedicated to offices. In there was a play that allows you to see the room now with the same original image.
The shape of the ceiling of this room is the shape of the splash produced by a droplet with droplets forming a crown generated. Near the exit to the garden is a pair of twin columns inspired by the Patio de los Leones in the Alhambra of Granada , with the base and capital rounded, morbid, as if worn away by the erosion. Inside the great hall on the first floor overlooking the front of the Paseo de Gracia had a chapel located within the concave shape of the back wall; was closed with a large wooden panels that easily convert the hall into a chapel, a solution that had been used to Gaudi Palau Guell.
Joseph in front of a wooden table while Virgin observes the scene. The altarpiece was dismantled and remained in the possession of the family in Madrid for many years, and since is in the Museum of the Holy Family. The courtyards are one of the most innovative elements of the structural reform of the building. The architect realized that to establish an attractive unitary human sensitivity to deletion glare that could break the set and decided to compensate for differences between natural lighting and the top floor with a clever gradient color ceramic lining the walls of that cobalt blue to white, top bottom, reaching a precocious effect procedure of conditioning color streaks contemplate it from the ground.
In addition, the 32 windows that overlook the courtyards have at their bottom a blind script that allows to regulate the entry of fresh air from the courtyard without opening the windows. The upper courtyard has a glass cover about 30 cm high. The glass roof located gable, lean center works on a structure that crosses the yard and can be traveled to access clean glass. Wood gives Celobert is a combination of Scotch pine inside and outside of Brown.
The rear facade is adorned with multicolored mosaic artist wreaths and bouquets as if it were vines that climb from the terrace there at the base. The crown has an undulating dynamic shape that becomes the inspiration to remember all the work of marine Batllo. At the foot of this facade terrace located on the main floor is reached from the dining room through a passage between two large skylights that provide light to the basement and give way to an air of drawbridge of a castle that links the exterior and interior.
On either side of the passage, as if the walls of the castle, in a complex grating rounded clear parallels with windows that protect, surround the entire back wall up to about 3 feet tall. The perimeter of the terrace is separate building next to a closing bars of the same bill that protects the front. In the background, a wall of corrugated profile with which the crown back wall separates the property from the view of the interior of the block. A combination forming a border linking the exit door to the back wall of the paraboloid brittle as if it were a carpet.
In the loft offices were located service and a laundry room under a transparent roof Catalan vault subject of 60 parabolic arcs that look like ribs of an animal huge, distributed in two long corridors surrounding courtyards, and the peripheral part of the building, located the different rooms. On the front side there is a large room dedicated to drying and currently known as the Dragon's belly where the arches are very wide forming a unique space.
The whole plant has a light that produces extraordinary play of light and shadow. These transmit the load to the ends of these beams and in the vertical direction, the load-bearing walls. This will prevent the structure of the forward arcs outward tension. The special design prevents air slipstream behind. The roof of the Casa Batllo, one of the most spectacular creations of Gaudi plastic, is the largest piece of polychrome sculpture.
Built on the parabolic arches of the attic is a rectangular space divided at its center by skylights interior courtyards. This design manages to give a sense of aesthetics Gaudi-l'esquena undulating scaly dragon-functional requirements in a time when the lack of running water pressure was sufficient to give the required comfort conditions. If the outside view of the simulated crown scales of a dragon, making the inner side of the roof railing seems a crab shell colors with a strong gradient of orange to white. The chimneys on the roof are grouped like mangoes mushrooms with a little twist that Solomon gives it a dynamic and expressive voice of a sculpture.
Each of the chimneys, square profile, is covered by a pyramidal volume Cuculles very sharp, with a steep slope that allows to distribute the rainwater, while evoking the top of the memorial obelisks. A tip lead spheres that are bouncing raindrops, a figure reminiscent of the pots that are at the top of the poles barns. Originally, these balls were glass and were filled with colored sand; restoration in were replaced by the current concrete and glass embedded. The chimneys are decorated, and also protected by a fragile polychrome glass and ceramics with aqueous tonal quality, reminiscent of clouds, rain In total there are twenty-six fireplaces divided into four groups: An organic architecture that was tested in the twentieth century by Le Corbusier and functionalist.
The shapes of Gaudi have succeeded in the design world and relate to deterministic physics, the principle of Werner Heisenberg. According to Oriol Bohigas Gaudi did not mention never objective rationality of the structure, but, based on a predetermined criterion constructive, determined that it is more dramatic expressed vicissitude and the difficulties of building; ".. With a taste for complex areas and volumes and a desire to sacrifice space plan for organic," becoming an interference space that blurs the boundaries of the building. This trend is particularly marked in the Casa Batllo, galleries and balconies which blur the line between inside and outside.
Gaudi is distinguished by a number of provisions that seek constructive and spatial obtaining a comfortable environment, especially everything related to natural ventilation, perhaps following the teachings of Viollet-le-Duc in The Entretiens. The author suggested that work with criteria that could be considered, in current terms, ecological architecture in the treatment of light and ventilation. Regarding the lighting has been described as providing a special room light power plants through courtyards that had a large skylight and a set of special colored ceramic.
He also used large skylights in the base of the rear terrace and patios to illuminate the basement. The distribution of the floors of the Casa Batllo, elongated between walls to take advantage of the effect of ventilation , as was typical in the design of the buildings of the Eixample. But it has incorporated a series of openings in the lower parts of the windows to make the fresh air intake of the summer night breeze. The solution to adjust the air intake openings adjustable from sheets and games as blind to determine the flow of air circulation between environments.
These small cracks are also present interior doors. The courtyard design provides a chimney effect by convection of warm air to the upper layers, where escapes outlets around the skylights. In addition, the heat of the air at the top, under the skylight, an effect induced circulatory "stretching" cold air from the lower layers.
To ensure that you get the air to the main front in the lower courtyard there are concrete pipes that circulate in the basement. The attic is the function of space services for doing the laundry and hanging clothes to dry it. It was therefore imperative to have good ventilation. This separation has to force ventilation. In addition, the rooms are surrounding the courtyard which have a small connection to the top, getting the cold air intake that ensures ventilation. The building as a whole is inspired by the marine environment, an enigma submarine.
The vision of the naturalist author explains this thesis with an outstanding command of the sea blue and ocher rocks. A blue that appears linked to the ceramic decoration, beginning with soft blue link lobby, inside with changing intensity yards and externally, with the sea front. The main staircase is located in an underwater cave that leads to the main floor that is configured as the great refuge submarine, a tank from the observed or observing us, like a submarine that allows us to isolate and protect us.
Which forms an inside rounded windows and doors evoke the gates inside a warehouse where the sizes of oak doors have a sample of sea snakes, fossils and forms of nature. The relationship of the building with a naturalist living Gaudi has used similes depending on the mechanical work done. The similarity of the balcony railings with masks party invites papers see confetti in the colors of the facade. The undulating carpet with polychrome dominance of green and blue is certainly an aquatic symbolism, that the lily pond inspired monetiana in the clear waters of the Costa Brava.
The interpretation of Louis Permanyer points to a less secular and more epic than before, and locates the symbolism around the St. George fighting the dragon , representing the evil , which forms the backbone of the upper profile of the front of the building. Pere, Bartzelonako eraikin, kale eta plazen euskarazko artikuluak egiten ari naiz ikus hemen Bartzelonako leku interesgarriak: He actualitzat el seguiment de les llistes de monuments.
Pots provar-ho a Special: No se que passa que entre avui i ahir he desfet uns quants, sembla que s'han posat uns quants d'acord. He seguit el teu consell i he anat posant notetes a la llista de monuments de Terrassa , potser menys de les que caldria.
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Ja he acabat de plantificar-hi totes les coordenades, excepte les relatives a les tombes i panteons individuals del cementiri, cosa que veig impossible de fer. Les coordenades no n'estic segur d'on treure-les, a " http: Per acabar, de quin concurs parles? Intento posar ordre a les categories que tenen els escriptors de lit.
Per cert, com s'introdueixen en format UTM, si pot ser, amb el sistema nou, ja vigent, que deixa obsolet el que es feia servir fins ara? Segur que era una errada? No se veure on m'he equivocat D'acord en que no s'ha d'esborrar, per exemple, la categoria Categoria: Jo diria que fa cara d'esparreguera!. El tindrem patrullat uns dies per si necessita qualsevol ajuda! Com t'he dit a w: Vaig a canviar el text. Vaig a assaltar el "flecus" de Molins -- Mafoso Mani'm? Ei, doncs mira que ho he mirat al DIEC, i no m'apareixia: O sigui que de tot el que acabo de fer, tots els articles haurien d'anar a Categoria: T'agraeixo una altra vegada que hagis proposat una foto meva com a foto del mes.
He blocat la IP per dues setmanes. Si m'ho explicassis ho podria arreclar. Acabo de fer la plana Masia de Sant Diumenge , trasladant les dades de Patmapa i completant amb fotos, dades i un petit comentari. SI faig alguna cosa malament digues-m'ho! Espero que no borren mi propuesta y me insulten como ya se ha hecho -- Antiseparatista disc.
Finalment ho he pogut solucionar, company. Estic ficat en dos projectes aliens a wikipedia tot i que un s'hi assembla pel nom: No cal que reverteixis res: Veig que a "Commons" ja has posat tu les categories qui hi mancaven. Avui hi he anat i, a pesar del mapa, incicialment m'he perdut pel laberint de pistes de la zona. Les categories de " Especial: Veig que a Wikimedia hi crees categories amb el nom del monument a la llista ni que sigui amb una sola foto exemple: Cultural heritage monuments in Segarra.
He vist a Category: Patrimoni monumental d'Alfara de Carles i Categoria: Si teniu previst omplir-les properament, desfeis els meus canvis. Patmapa ja no l'actualitzen. Tenen previst substituir-lo per http: Els espanyolistes el volen fenici o el que sigui menys procedent de Catalunya. T'ho he pretuntat a tu perque mirant l'historial he vist que havies intervingut. Teniu tota la rao. I molt abans que Durheim fes servir el concepte en la sociologia -aixo d'antropologia, qui ho ha posat La primera frase me n'oblido que l'has escrit. I et proposo que facis el mateix amb Fisica quantica.
Francesos i anglesos han partit de paradigmes una mica diferents, encara que amb Burke es reinvidiqui Annals Ah i per cert, l'enciclopedia hauria d'informar dels coneixements que es disposen i amb els que es treballa ara i no fa un segle Hola Pere, he vist que has penjat algunes fotografies de cims. Un exemple al web d' Europeana. D -- Yuanga disc. Es pot recuperar ara d'alguna manera l'historial? Ho vaig fer amb el pont de Sant Pere i ja vaig veure que no era bon negoci. No pateixis, que continues anant primer hehehe. Vejam si em poleixo les i escaig de Tarragona que em falten per pujar, avui S'hi haurien d'afegir els codis de tots dos monuments, oi, en aquesta categoria?
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No sabia lo de les Valued images. A veure si pots identificar les primeres fotos de Imatges per utilitzar amb IPA Ho sento, no m'hi havia fixat. Comentarte que apareces mencionado en el blog de WM-ES. Endevina qui va carregar la primera imatge el Encara has desaprofitat alguns segons: He fet retocs molt significatius a l'article Josep Maria Casas-Huguet. Certament, s'havia de fer.
Per si no ho has vist, et mencionen: Estarem tots contents d'haver aconseguit mantenir-lo, ja ho veure-ho. Per si vols anar provant, ja em funciona cat-a-lot, provisionalment. Pots eliminar-ho del teu vector. Per cert, hi ha molta feina a fer, ja han alliberat molts textos del seu web. Acabe de vore les millores que has fet en l'entrada de la Leica Digilux 2: Espero que el contingut t'ha agradat.
Ep, una per revisar. Val, disculpa, pensava que eres admin. A veure com ho veus: Per fer-ho m'he basat en Viquiprojecte: De fet, ja hi he afegit un "if". Ara mateix li envio un mail. Si us plau mira de precisar millor la teva font. No veig el problema. D'acord, a tu t'entenc. Me n'indiques un exemple, sisplau? Em recordeu els ultraortodoxos jueus, amb aquells tirabuixons tan monos..
Per cert, relaciono l'article amb el proponent si em dona la gana.
- Product description;
- The Eighth Glass (The Eighth Glass Series Book 1).
- Knowing What Works For You (Nutrition for Weight Management Book 3).
- Casa Batllo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia!
- Three Tales of Love and Murder (Akitada Mysteries Book 6).
- My First Suicide: A Portland Experience.
Fot un munt de temps, anys, que no edito. Diga'm alguna cosa per veure com carreguem la resta de material. Ja ho he explicat. Merci per avisar,-- amador disc. Mira't els canvis que he fet. Parlant seriosament, cap problema amb les teves intervencions, solen ser assenyades encara que a vegades no hi estigui d'acord! Pots veure-ho a Concurs de castells del Vendrell Ara, encara em trobo amb un problema. A veure si ho rematem.
Bon Nadal-- Isidre blanc disc. No el tenia fitxat. Ja m'hi he posat. Potser se m'ha passat en algun cas, mea culpa en aquests casos. I per cert, aprofito per desitjar-te un Molt Bon Any !! Pots posar algun exemple de problemes d'apilaments de metacaixes? Me sembla que ja he revisat Usuari: Te pareix que m'ho podries actualitzar? Espero que t'hagi agradat el ressaltador!
Remember the dot disc. P si us plau mou-lo a Usuari: Crec que caldria renovar les opinions. A qui l'hi he de demanar? He fet un primer extracte a Special: Hi he afegit les primeres "desambiguacions": Abans que m'emboliqui s'accepten idees, suggeriments