Chew Vol. 2: International Flavor
Chu goes to a locale and runs into some familiar faces and someone that was hinted at in the previous volume. Since it was the second volume in the series, a little of the newness has worn off b After a reunion with his old partner Colby, FDA Agent Tony Chu heads to a Pacific Island to investigate a mysterious fruit that tastes like chicken when cooked and runs into an old enemy Since it was the second volume in the series, a little of the newness has worn off but Chu is still one of the more unusual comics I've ever read.
Colby's back with half a face after taking a cleaver in the first volume and is an FDA agent. I was surprised he didn't accompany Chu aboard but I guess they'll be back together soon enough. It was interesting seeing circumstances leading to Chu taking charge of a small police department.
And, of course, eating gross things. The plot with the Gallsberry didn't go very far, although it still has potential and it did move Tony forward in some ways. The art and the story are a perfect fit. I sure hope Rob Guillory hands the art throughout the run. The pace was a little slow for my tastes but it's actually fitting for a detective comic, even when said detective spends a lot of his time swallowing nasty morsels. Yeah, I'm on board for many more courses. Four out of five stars. Feb 27, Lindsey Rey rated it it was amazing Shelves: View all 3 comments.
Sep 07, Riley rated it really liked it Shelves: Aug 17, Joy rated it it was amazing Shelves: And there's no bigger pile of shit around here than Tony Chu. Again, the prologue had me a little confused at first, but later I understood almost everything. I liked the fruit plot that's in this volume a lot better than any of the storylines in past issues. A newly discovered, exotic fruit that tastes exactly like chicken in a world where chicken is outlawed is actually very amusing to read about. I made sure I ate up big at last night's chicken dinner because I knew come this lunch time reading I would be entering a strictly no-chicken zone.
I want to give thanks here to my goodreads friend Ctgt for the phrase " Chicken Apocalypse. It wasn't me so no fowl looks from you Cibopath Tony Chu is joined by John Colby, his old cop buddy partner - yeah the one that got half his face chopped off last I made sure I ate up big at last night's chicken dinner because I knew come this lunch time reading I would be entering a strictly no-chicken zone. It wasn't me so no fowl looks from you Cibopath Tony Chu is joined by John Colby, his old cop buddy partner - yeah the one that got half his face chopped off last volume.
How did he survive that? Well John Colby is now The 4-million-dollar man. After receiving a psychic impression from ingesting a fruit-from-outerspace-that-mysteriously-tastes-like-chicken, FDA Agent Tony Chu leaves post-chickocalypse America and goes to a remote Polynesian island which has just recently adopted the no-chicken policy.
Very quickly the conspiracy grows to galactic proportions. All this leads to the inevitable questions - Is fruit-from-outerspace-that-mysteriously-tastes-like-chicken the answer to humanity's chicken crisis? Will research into genetically modified chicken tasting frogs continue?
Chew (comics) - Wikipedia
And is there anything Tony Chu will not chew in the name of discovering the truth? A lot of fun. Not quite as fowl as last book which was a shame. I'm off to KFC. If so it would make a great chicken alternative. View all 5 comments. Jan 02, StoryTellerShannon rated it it was amazing Recommends it for: And so an awesome series continues. In this volume Tony Chu takes time off of his job to go with his brother to a Micronesian Island which is apparently dealing in a substitute chicken. Along the way he meets a competing agent from another US department, crooked locals and catches up with his love interest, Amelie Mintz.
He also gets to do some commando mission moves and make his not so smooth moves on his love interest. We also get to meet his former ex partner who is something of a cybernetic And so an awesome series continues. We also get to meet his former ex partner who is something of a cybernetic man after he lost half of his face. As usual the tale is action packed, zany in humor at times and complex.
I love how the panels have main things taking place but looking in the background reveals more. Now, as far as some of the special terms go here's a bit of a list: Amelia Mintz is a Saboscrivner; 2 a Cibopath can take a bite from anything and get a psychic sensation of what has happened to that object. The only thing it does not work on is beets. Tony Chu, Toni Chu, Olive Chu, Mason Savoy, and The Vampire are Cibopaths; and 3 a Cibolocuter is able to communicate through food, and can also translate written works like plays, poems and operas into their food.
Fantanyeros is a Cibolocuter. In March it was revealed that Showtime is going to turn this into a half hour comedy series. The first three issues of Chew have all sold out multiple printings with the first issue receiving four printings as well as being reprinted in black and white in The Walking Dead The first issue was so popular that it was called one of Image's most acclaimed titles, and was reprinted again in the first wave of the Image First line.
Critical reception has been mostly positive. IGN gave the first issue a 9. Taster's Choice[29] and Chew Vol. Chew was also 4 on ComicBookResources. View all 4 comments. Jul 31, Jedi JC Daquis rated it it was amazing. If Chew volume 1 is the seed, Chew volume 2: International Flavor is a teenage plant with its branches still in their youth already forming and in time, ready to bear fruit for us to feast on.
The second volume escalates from the previous one as it intertwines the different plots that will develop in the successive story arcs. I wonder how Layman gets these utterly crazy ideas and mix them to concoct an even crazier story. What's more is that he patches these plot previews in a neat and clear man If Chew volume 1 is the seed, Chew volume 2: What's more is that he patches these plot previews in a neat and clear manner that you don't have to go backtracking for something you might have missed.
You don't have to sacrifice relishing the rowdiness and action just to remember what is really happening. Volume 2's icing on a delicious done cake is the return of Chu's original partner, John Colby. Agent Colby may not be on at Yamapalu island where the main setting of the story arc is, but his new abilities and unexpected personality reveal paints the sophomore installment with charm. Sep 06, Felicia rated it really liked it Shelves: Jan 19, Sanaa rated it it was amazing Shelves: I honestly think just that this graphic novel series is exactly to my personal taste.
See what I did there? I particularly loved getting more Amelia and Colby in this volume. Though I really missed Savoy! Mar 08, Ronyell rated it it was amazing Shelves: What is this story about? In this volume, Tony Chu is back and th Introduction: In this volume, Tony Chu is back and this time he is working with his old partner John Colby you know, the guy who had his face cut off in the first volume and now, half of his face is robotic?
Anyway, Tony and John stumble upon a case on the mysterious island Yamapalu and not only does Tony meet a tough female spy named Lin Sae Woo, but he also notices that many of the people who were killed on the island have mysterious bite marks on their necks… Vampires do not exist, do they? What I loved about this story: I loved the way that John Layman characterized each character as all the characters in this volume were written in an exciting and intense way! I really enjoyed the character Tony Chu as he is shown to be a strong and sarcastic character that has already come to terms with his special powers and I loved the scenes where he gets angry at people who make him use his powers for idiotic reasons.
I also loved John Colby as he was also just as sarcastic as Tony and yet, he remains to be a great friend to Tony, even standing up for him against his boss. Even though this volume is not as disgusting as the first volume, the artwork of the characters discovering murdered bodies is truly effective as you can see the blood spilling out of the victims, which gives the artwork a truly chilling feel.
I also loved the way that Rob Guillory made the characters look cartoonish in nature and yet, there is still some intensity to the artwork. The only problems in this volume involve many scenes of characters getting murdered and some strong language. Even though this volume is not as disgusting as the first volume, there is still a bit of gross humor such as Tony coming across a large pile of poop in his first case that might make any reader feel a bit ill.
Review is also on: Sep 04, Sara Price. I'm not sure what I want to rate it but I'm going with 4 stars. Even better then the first highly recommend this graphic novel series. Even better than the first volume! Hilarious, twisty, and gross, this series is fantastic so far, highly recommend!! Apr 21, Stepheny rated it liked it. Once we got closer to the end I began to enjoy the story more and was intrigued about where it was going.
I am really enjoying Colby's character a lot. I am glad to see him not only back, but referring to himself as a bionic Robocop. While this was a good read, it didn't blow me away like the first one did. Aug 14, Andrew rated it it was amazing Shelves: Second installment of this curious series, covering numbers from 5 to Agent Tony Chu, starting with a case of robbery, discovers a mysterious chicken-like fruit and that will lead him to investigate for himself in a "not so quiet" tropical island.
There will be a lot of surprises, action, unforeseen situations and, why not, love. The plot is rather complex, with different plots that intertwines in the story, in some cases referencing to events in the previous volume. Perhaps, in the end there are some things not explained, left for the next volume, but it is an exciting and fun reading. New entry in this story is Tony's new partner, in fact the old partner, whose exuberance and security balance the reserved character of our hero.
Artwork is always perfect, colors and drawings are great and help to give something extra to this series. Rob Guillory has a magic hand and a superlative technique. This one was a little different. Since chicken is outlawed, this fruit could be the next big thing. Oh, and a vampire? WrensReads Goodreads Twitter Instagram.
Feb 21, Brittany rated it really liked it Shelves: Another legitimately awesome and disgusting volume! A lot of cringe worthy, don't eat immediately after moments. The artwork is once again on point. And the story line keeps propelling me further and further forward. I hate waiting for more volumes of this. Oct 29, Paul rated it really liked it Shelves: I am so happy I reread these first two volumes before continuing because there were so many aspects of the story I missed. After confiscating the rooster, Tony goes to the morgue to find out more about Gallsaberries.
During this time, the chief of police steals Poyo. Tony than eats a Gallsaberry raw and finds out that it is from outer space. Tony is shot at by an employee of Montero, but is missed, and has a confrontation with a person known as The Vampire who is also a cibopath. Tony finds out that Poyo had been moved to America, so he retrieves him and shuts down a cockfighting ring.
It is also revealed Montero knew that the bird-flu outbreak was going to happen before it did, so Mason Savoy had his partner, Caesar, go undercover inside of Montero's company. Caesar was the one who shot at Tony in Yamapalu and intentionally missed. Montero is captured, and Savoy is surrounded by the FDA when they were watching one of Montero's buildings.
Amelia finds a toe that was in Tony's fridge, given to him from an old girlfriend. Tony brings Amelia and John with him to his family's Thanksgiving. We meet his friendlier twin sister Toni. While giving grace, there is a 2 car pile-up outside and alien writing in the sky. A week later, the FDA is making the writing in the sky a priority over the chicken ban. Tony teams up with Mason's old partner Caesar to look for a former FDA agent named Migdalo Daniel who is a Voresoph , Migdalo attacked the agents and accidentally killed himself.
It turns out that a student named Peter Pilaf has a new food related power. After detaining him, Tony finds out that Pilaf had sent a recipe to astronauts on the Fisher-Okroshka International Space Station which exploded shortly afterwards. It turns out that a servant of The Vampire on the Space Station caused the station to explode and escaped with some computer files and a Gallsaberry. They go to Area 51 , Area 51 has pieces of the Space Station including the body of an astronaut. Tony bites the astronaut and discovers The Vampire's involvement. Caesar then informs Mason that the writing disappeared four days ago.
Mason decides to kidnap Olive. Tony and Colby are sent to investigate an egg worshiping cult that predicted the disappearance of the sky writing to the minute.
Chew Vol. 2: International Flavor
They go undercover and sneak inside the church, and while trying to steal their holy book, the other members of the church drink poisoned Kool-Aid to absolve their sin of eating chicken. Tony is transferred to the Municipal Traffic Division. His new boss seems very excited to have him there. Tony then helps to arrest a gang of bank robbers. After Chew 18, the story then leaps to Chew 27 showing the reader events taking place a year later. It then returns to issue Tony is in the hospital after being injured in some way.
Toni goes to visit him and after chatting with Caesar who came to wish him well, heads back to work. An old friend of Toni's shows up, he had gotten his hands on some Chogs AKA Frickens that had been bred with some psychoactive frogs he had. He tries to sell them, but D-Bear shows up and steals all of them. Toni and her supervisor, Paneer, go to D-Bear's restaurant to confiscate the Chogs. D-Bear tries to escape but Toni, who had a gun already in her hands, jumps and bites him in the shoulder. She then lets him leave, D-Bear is then hit by a truck and is taken to the hospital.
Later, Tony has a mysterious visitor.
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Chew 27 went on sale May 11, A second printing, subtitled "2nd Helping Edition," went on sale June 20, between the release of issue 26 and issue Tony is a cibopath. He's been called a "By-the-book square that never met a department regulation you couldn't love. Not much of Tony's backstory has been revealed yet, but he has a large family and that when he was a beat cop he proposed to his girlfriend named Min "Mindy" Tso who wanted Tony to eat one of her toes.
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It turns out that Tony still has the toe. John was Tony's partner in the Philadelphia PD. When Tony gets a psychic sensation from his chicken soup and goes to arrest the chef, John is incapacitated by a butcher's knife to the face. John is often seen eating illegal chicken products whenever he can, and is apparently gay after sleeping with his boss to keep him from pestering Tony.

He was informed about this after Mason attempted to get John on his side and attacked. Forcing Tony to team up with Mason's former partner Caesar. He can control electronic devices with the computers in his head, even though he doesn't understand how. There he is partnered with a cyborg lion named Buttercup. Chow is Tony's older brother.
After chicken was banned he freaked out on air and his show was put on permanent hiatus. He began buying illegal chicken [5] He found out about Montero's business and informed Tony. However he finds out that Yamapalu does not serve chicken but Gallsaberries instead. He informs to the FDA so they let him continue. He may have killed at least 5 people. He leads Tony and John into a black market chicken restaurant which results in John getting his face cut and Tony getting outed as a cibopath. Toni bites him in the shoulder, he's hit by a truck and is sent to the hospital.
Savoy was Tony's first partner at the FDA. He's a large man who fights with a pair of sai. He is also a cibopath and worked with the FDA for a very long time. He is very interested in what actually happened on the day of the bird-flu incident, and a flashback showed him holding a dying woman in his arms on that day. It is revealed that Savoy is the one who killed Evan Pepper, but not why. Applebee is Tony's boss at the FDA. He doesn't like Tony and tries to make his job very difficult. Once, Applebee was informed that a hit was put on Tony and only decided to inform Tony after realizing it meant more paperwork if he was killed.
Amelia is a food critic at a newspaper. She is a Saboscrivner.
After seeing her a few times, Tony finally gets to meet her when he is supposed to get her fired, after she gets bored and decides to start writing about disgusting foods causing several people to vomit. When Tony goes to her office, she helps him defuse a situation with some terrorists from the group E. She goes with the governor of Yamapalu. The Vampire Real name unknown is a cibopath from Serbia. Not much is known about him. He pretends to be a vampire to inspire fear and drinks blood instead of biting to learn things psychically using his powers. Toni short for Antonelle is Tony and Chow's sister.
She works for NASA. It is later revealed that she had a drunken, sexual experience with Caesar, though she doesn't want him to remember it, possibly out of shame. Toni is eventually kidnapped by the Vampire, but apparently having foreseen her own death, ate a diet of beets so that he could not gain her abilities by eating her flesh.
She is killed by him after telling him she has already helped bring about his ultimate downfall at the hands of her brother. The Gardner-Kvashennaya International Telescope is one of the three most powerful telescopes in the world. The operating budget is 34 million dollars per year.
It spent 2 years focused on the planet Altilis Mason and Tony head there to find out about the mysterious death of Senator Hamantaschen. When they got there they found out that the telescope only needed 3 million to operate and they used the rest of the money on prostitutes , drugs and a llama. It turns out the prostitutes worked for The Vampire and the telescope station was mostly destroyed. Yamapalu is one of the smallest populated islands in the Western Pacific Ocean. The governor of the island has been recruiting and kidnapping some of the top chefs and food critics in the world to cook a plant called a Gallsaberry which tastes like chicken when cooked that only grows on Yamapalu.
The island is eventually attacked by Montero and most of the Gallsaberries are destroyed. The governor shoots himself after a meeting with The Vampire. Altilis is the third planet in a small solar system more than 24 light years away.