The Crucible Theory
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- The Crucible Essay | Essay.
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This combined with a surprising conclusion presents a novel of adventure romance and intrigue. Action drama and romance and what happens when people of different races conflict. People flee their homelands for political or personal reasons; imagine that a whole world population decides it is time to move -- what might happen?
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Get to Know Us. She knows, however, that Salem would condemn her if they knew the truth, and works to protect her reputation. Abigail is clearly a leader of the girls of Salem. As anyone who has been through high school knows, this gives her great though unofficial power. The other girls are terrified of witchcraft, and of being found out. Abigail is more intelligent and more resourceful than they. When the other girls say they will confess to dancing and conjuring, Abigail threatens them: I will bring a pointy reckoning that will shudder you. Abigail already knows that secrets can be kept.
Her successful manipulation of the other girls will be significant throughout the play. Abigail is dealing with a lot of changes in her world. She's had an affair with John Proctor, a married man, while working as a servant in his home. When the readers learn this, they also learn how good at deception Abigail is: Notably, Abigail is not ashamed of what she's done; she's just troubled.
She tries--unsuccessfully--to get John Proctor to renew their relationship. Abigail has discovered the hypocrisy of the society she lives in: She's having trouble coping with this new, morally complex reality.
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This highlights Abigail's youth and vulnerability, but also her tendency towards fanaticism. In the final scene of Act I, Rev. Hale arrives and the serious investigation of witchcraft begins. Abigail sees in this an opportunity to turn the hypocrisy of Salem against itself.
She avoids her uncle's questions at first, protesting I'm a good girl! I'm a proper girl! Abigail accuses the slave woman Tituba of using witchcraft to make her laugh in church, and give her sexual desires.
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- Abigail Williams in The Crucible.
The audience knows from Abigail's earlier conversations that these behaviors come from her own independence. Because the men in authority cannot imagine such independence, they accept the story Abigail offers. Abigail feigns divine inspiration, crying I want the light of God, I want the sweet love of Jesus! The other girls echo her accusations. Abigail does not appear personally in Act II, but the audience learns much more about her influence. A court to try accusations of witchcraft has formed in Salem, and Abigail has become a person of authority. Crowds are described as giving way to her like the sea for Israel , implicitly comparing Abigail to the prophets of the Old Testament.
The importance of reputation appears again, as John Proctor says, If the girl's a saint now, I think it is not easy to prove she's fraud, and the town gone so silly. A possible motivation for Abigail's actions is suggested by Elizabeth Proctor. If Abigail accuses Elizabeth of witchcraft, she herself could marry John Proctor. As Elizabeth observes, She'd dare not call out such a farmer's wife but there be monstrous profit in it. Abigail is accusing people far more powerful than herself; in doing so, she's taking a big risk.
Abigail Williams in The Crucible |
An optional second scene in Act II shows another side to Abigail. When she meets with John Proctor in the woods, at night, to get close to him, she says that she is frightened of the woods at night; the audience knows that's not true, that it's just an expression of her desire. There's also a certain naivety to Abigail; the stage directions say a child is standing here who is unutterably frustrated, denied her wish Abigail also appears here as touched by madness, believing that she's being tortured by her enemies.
The other girls are getting nervous. Proctor claims that Abigail has accused his wife out of envy, but the judge cannot imagine that a young girl could think up what amounts to a marvelous cool plot to murder.
The Crucible Essay | Essay
He's much more shocked by the idea that Abigail has laughed in church! Abigail herself proudly asserts: I done my duty pointing out the Devil's people. Avoiding condemnations for harlotry , for having slept with John Proctor, Abigail pretends to see the Devil, and gets the girls of Salem to cry out with her. In the climax of the play, Abigail is seen to manipulate the judge himself.
Abigail Williams is a complex figure: Independent and manipulative, Abigail successfully raises suspicion in the community, while performing the roles that are expected of her as a submissive young woman. The investigation of witchcraft gives her authority as an accuser. Abigail is able to confess her own doubts of faith, and her own sexual desires, while presenting these as the results of witchcraft, and therefore the fault of others.
Because the authorities of Salem cannot fathom Abigail's boldness, which borders on fanaticism, she is able to influence those in positions of power. To unlock this lesson you must be a Study. Login here for access. Did you know… We have over college courses that prepare you to earn credit by exam that is accepted by over 1, colleges and universities.
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