The Butterfly Collector
The latter appears to be the less common variety, but neither edition is rare. Other than colour, there is no difference between the two issues. There was no picture sleeve for the US issue.

Gold vinyl issues were packaged in a clear plastic sleeve. Black vinyl issues were marketed in standard Polydor house bags. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Guinness World Records Limited.
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Retrieved 9 November Weller, however, never let on. As vicious as his attack may be, however, the song is infused less with anger than with melancholy, fed by Weller's evocative acoustic guitar work and his almost lamenting vocal delivery. His anger still bleeds through, but the very restraint of the band's backing, and Weller's own suppressed delivery makes this song all the more devastating.
One of The Jam's most haunting numbers, the song's atmosphere was enhanced by Vic Coppersmith-Heaven's excellent production. AllMusic relies heavily on JavaScript. Please enable JavaScript in your browser to use the site fully. Jazz Latin New Age. Sexy Trippy All Moods. Drinking Hanging Out In Love. Introspection Late Night Partying. What happens when everything you have is not enough? Restless property developer, Peter Calliet, meets Natalie, a sullen young artist at a party and an obsession begins that has echoes of his troubled past.
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Peter has everything in terms of material success and security. The obligatory fast car, lucrative contracts with his powerfully connected father's property empire and What happens when everything you have is not enough? The obligatory fast car, lucrative contracts with his powerfully connected father's property empire and a plush renovated flat.
But Peter has a dark past that taints his movements. Starting an affair with Natalie, who has an equally disturbed background, can only lead to more heartache. If Claudia discovers that Peter has been seeing Natalie, her dream world will be destroyed, adding to his burden of guilt. But even that can't stop him. The secure and rewarding life he has worked so hard to achieve begins to unravel. Kindle Edition , pages.
Published December 29th by Adam Dickson first published December 22nd To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about The Butterfly Collector , please sign up. Be the first to ask a question about The Butterfly Collector. Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia.
The Butterfly Collector
Aug 04, D. Bale rated it liked it. Peter has everything going for him: Yet he's not happy. A chance meeting with dark and troubled Natalie intrigues Peter to the point that he places everything on the line to have her. How long can he keep up the ruse from those around him and continue juggling all of the balls in the air before it all comes crashing down? The story opens with the early stages Peter has everything going for him: The story opens with the early stages of Peter's current rehab job, the constant upheaval of keeping work on track, making sure everyone shows up on-site, and keeping the neighbors happy while their quiet corner of life is torn up, dust flies, and mud gets tracked up and down sidewalks and driveways.
Throughout the story we follow the home rehab - and the mess there is pretty much indicative of Peter's personal life. He's not only trying to keep the current neighborhood inhabitants happy amid the chaos, but he's also trying to keep Claudia, his fiance, happy while she's trying to sell her own home, move in with Peter, and plan their wedding. Then there's that pesky trip to Spain his mother is planning, the soon-to-be homeless friend hanging on, the enormous project his aging father wants to hand off to him, the teenaged daughter who only wants to see him when she needs money - you get the idea.
Not counting the past that refuses to stay buried. Initially, you almost feel tender feelings toward Peter as everything threatens to fall in around him.
The Butterfly Collector
But then very soon you begin to notice something twisted in the way Peter views the world and those around him - particularly in his view of women. It's a constant sizing up of the assets and flaws Peter sees in every woman's body, from the curve of their hips and the circumference of their waist to the amplitude or lack thereof of their breasts. From watching Claudia's pear shaped hips as she descends the attic space and comparing them to Natalie's more acceptable proportions though Claudia's chest makes up for what Natalie's lacks to checking out the bartender at the local watering-hole and the nurse at the hospital while visiting his father, Peter's obsessive cold, and calculating nature soon becomes apparent.
Plus there's that little eighteen-year-old he keeps stringing along on the side for when he needs to blow off a little steam. Peter rapidly devolves into a character who is his own worst enemy - and he loves to blame his poor choices and cold attitude on everyone else. Even while he is sleeping with his fiance, his little eighteen-year-old throw away, and then adds the mysterious Natalie to the mix, he sees virtually nothing wrong with it all and finds some way to blame others.
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Claudia is too clingy. Zoe is too flighty. Natalie is too needy. His family too oppressive.