Tempetes Roman (Ecritures) (French Edition)
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Tome 4 Le legs? French Edition Jul 29, Tome 3 Terre en mutation French Edition Nov 05, Available to ship in days. Provide feedback about this page. There's a problem loading this menu right now.
Get fast, free shipping with Amazon Prime. The potential of photography within autofiction is explored in a recent cluster of self-narrative works by Ernaux, Laurens, Marie NDiaye, and Anne Brochet, each consisting of a written narrative haunted by embedded photographs, each questioning the status of analogue photography as evidence that might lead to the self.
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Women's autofictional practices in French, then, are visual and intermedial as much as written. Where traditional autobiography was seen by feminist critics as uncongenial to women, autofiction has proved singularly propitious. Women have played a significant role in shaping its evolution across media, but its fertility for feminine subjects remains under-theorized. Analysis of individual practitioners is scattered over a range of critical works where gender is seldom a central analytic thread and where links to the broader history of women's self-narrative are made only patchily.
There is a need for more concerted study of individual practitioners and also, more broadly, of the formal and thematic features that have become dominant in women's self-narrative in French since autofiction displaced autobiography. Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide. Sign In or Create an Account.
Close mobile search navigation Article navigation. Autofiction in the Feminine Shirley Jordan. For exploration of the cusp between autofiction and earlier self-narrative experiment see Claire Boyle, Consuming Autobiographies: Legenda, , esp. See also Les Nouvelles Autobiographies [see n. Presses universitaires de Rennes, , pp.

Bordas, , pp. Autobiographical and Biographical Forms , i: Fitzroy Dearborn, , pp. Serge Doubrovsky, Fils Paris: Doubrovsky was responding to a challenge set by generic criteria established in Philippe Lejeune's seminal Le Pacte autobiographique Paris: Tristram, ; Philippe Gasparini, Est-il je? Roman autobiographique et autofiction Paris: A conference at Nanterre in produced Autofictions et cie [see n.
Presses universitaires de Lyon, Rodopi, , pp. Academia-Bruylant, , pp. Essays on Autobiography, Biography and Literature , ed. Palgrave Macmillan, , pp. Presses universitaires Blaise Pascal, The sole essay on a woman writer in Autofiction et cie [see n. Boyle's observation that feminist autobiography scholarship has been slow to engage with new forms of self-writing Consuming Autobiographies [see n. The following landmark publications analyse women's writing around the turn of the millennium and contain case studies of autofictional works: Rodopi, ; Women's Writing in Contemporary France: New Writers, New Literatures in the s , ed.
Women's Writing at the Turn of the Millennium , ed. Presses Sorbonne Nouvelle, Presses universitaires de France, Delaume's manifesto is partially structured through an account of her confrontation with the critical establishment at Cerisy.
Vim Karénine
Peter Lang, , pp. Laurens discusses her approach to autofiction in an interview with Florent Georgesco in the latter's Camille Laurens Paris: Robin's interest in autofiction across media is rendered more complex by her exploration of Jewish identity. Travelling, , pp.