Stone and Anvil (Star Trek- New Frontier, The Returned)
Published by Pocket Books , the series began release in The first Trek novel series not based on a television series, New Frontier began as a series of four short, interconnected novellas, then became full-length novels, and eventually expanded into other areas of Trek merchandise and literature. In Sector G, the former Thallonian empire has recently collapsed in a popular uprising.
The crew — a mixture of characters from Star Trek: The Next Generation and the Next Generation Starfleet Academy books , with some original characters thrown in — must learn to work as a team, creating friendships and relationships, as they confront a number of deadly foes. In , the Excalibur was involved in the Borg incursion, fighting in the Battle of Sector Captain Jean-Luc Picard joins forces with Captain Mackenzie Calhoun of the Excalibur to track down and confront the hidden architects of the plagues—and avenge the deaths of thousands.
With artists Mike Collins and David Roach. Captain Calhoun takes his ship and crew back in time to prevent a genocide, only to alter the timeline in an unexpected and not entirely welcome way.
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Ever since the fall of the Thallonian Empire, Si Cwan has been searching for his younger sister, the only other survivor of the royal family. His quest has been a hard one, filled with many disappointments, but now it may be nearing its end Many years ago, a bizarre alien life-form known as the Black Mass consumed and destroyed an entire solar system in what was then the Thallonion Empire.
When the USS Excalibur was suddenly and mercilessly destroyed, Starfleet lost one of its finest starships. But the crew members of the Excalibur lost their captain Now, in mourning for their ship and Captain Mackenzie Calhoun, First Officer Elizabeth Shelby and the rest of the crew await new assignments.
Following the birth of her child, the Vulcan doctor returned to her homeworld, determined to raise the child exclusively in the way of logic. The ever resourceful Captain Mackenzie Calhoun abruptly finds himself at a loss—marooned on the primitive outback world of Yakaba after his ship, Excalibur , is destroyed by deadly sabotage. On Yakaba's dry frontier, Calhoun meets and befriends Rheela, an extraordinary woman beset by enemies trying to control or destroy her and her gift—summoning rain to her parched homeland. A century ago, the imperial Thallonians separated two feuding alien races, depositing each of them on a new world safely distant from that of their ancestral enemies.
Now, however, the Gateways have made it possible for the long dormant blood feud to begin anew. Meanwhile Lieutenants Arex and M'Ress take separate time slips from the 23rd century and end up serving together on Shelby's Trident. What Lay Beyond anthology: Captains Calhoun and Shelby have taken the ultimate gamble: By various authors, including Peter David. Star Trek authors tell new tales of the Excalibur crew including: Shelby's first experience with the Borg, the origins of "Lefler's Laws", an adventure with Soleta and Ambassador Spock, the tale of Arex's time slip, a chronicle of Selar's encounter with the Q, and the longest day of Zak Kebron's life.
Mark McHenry, the navigator on the USS Excalibur , has demonstrated abilities beyond those of the somewhat odd human being he appears to be. When the inhabitants of an innocent solar system are confronted by a menace linked to the source of McHenry's powers, his true heritage is revealed at last.
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As Captain Kirk did before him, Calhoun has encountered beings of unnatural power and abilities verging on godhood, and who claim to be the very individuals who inspired the Greek, Roman, Norse, and other pantheons from Earth culture. Calhoun is reluctant to accept that Janos, a powerful non-humanoid whom the captain has known and trusted for years, could be a killer, and immediately launches an investigation into the crime. But this troubling murder mystery soon escalates into a full-fledged diplomatic crisis that threatens to pit Calhoun and Shelby against the entire United Federation of Planets.
At the starbase, Soleta, science officer of the Exalibur is attending a conference and offers Shelby a ride back to Excalibur to see her husband while the Trident is being repaired.
Three years have passed since the events depicted in the novel Stone and Anvil , and for the past and present crew members of the USS Excalibur , life has taken many surprising twists and turns. Calhoun adopts the time-honored philosophy of "the enemy of my enemy is my friend", and takes it upon himself to somehow persuade one side or the other to help him and his crew get back home.
Mirror Universe Book 2: Obsidian Alliances anthology Cutting Ties.
Following the Terran Empire's collapse, its longtime rival, the Romulan Star Empire, has absorbed many of the fringe civilizations spread across that part of the galaxy. One of the Romulans' slaves is M'k'nzy of Calhoun, a savage and unpredictable Xenexian who dreams of death, and who learns the value of freedom from the unlikeliest of teachers, a Romulan named Soleta. The crew of the liberated Excalibur must infiltrate Romulan space to capture a thalaron bomb before the Alliance claims it for themselves. A prototype time ship has vanished, and it appears that the man who stole it is none other than Starfleet Admiral Edward Jellico.
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