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Yemen war crimes investigation renewed by UN despite Saudi opposition | Middle East Eye
I receive the mobility component of Personal Independence Payment. I have been awarded a lump sum benefit from the Armed Forces Compensation Scheme. Probe members had said they needed more time to fully document the range of violations committed in the conflict. Abdulaziz al-Wasil, Riyadh's ambassador to the UN in Geneva, said he voted no because the resolution did not address his "legitimate concerns," notably about the "lack of balance" in the first report. The fact that it went to a vote underscored divisions on the issue within the member rights council, which typically strives for consensus on major texts.
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Ahead of the vote on Friday, the Saudi-led coalition had strongly criticised the UN mission, saying any extension should be a matter for the Yemeni government. Hadi's government had already announced on Thursday that it was ending cooperation with the UN investigation into the alleged war crimes during more than three years of conflict. The coalition again took strong issue with the 28 August report by the panel, which though accusing both sides of violations, said that coalition air strikes had caused "most of the documented civilian casualties" and voiced "serious concerns about the targeting process".
In comments released to the AFP news agency on Friday through the Saudi information ministry, coalition spokesman Colonel Turki al-Maliki criticised the "inaccuracy of the information in the report, which was derived from non-governmental organisations and the testimonies of some persons whose circumstances are unknown". He said the report "failed to mention Iran's role in Yemen, and the countless violations perpetrated by the Houthis, both against the Yemeni people and against the kingdom" of Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia and its allies intervened in March in the conflict between the embattled Hadi, whose government is recognised by the UN, and the Houthis.
The coalition says the rebels have fired more than missiles at Saudi Arabia since it intervened and accuses Iran of smuggling in the missiles to the Houthis through the rebel-held port of Hodeidah. Urban renewal often refers to the clearing out of blighted areas in inner cities to clear out slums and create opportunities for higher class housing, businesses, and more. Modern attempts at renewal began in the late 19th century in developed nations, and experienced an intense phase in the late s under the rubric of reconstruction.
The process has had a major impact on many urban landscapes, and has played an important role in the history and demographics of cities around the world. Urban renewal is a process where privately owned properties within a designated renewal area are purchased or taken by eminent domain by a municipal redevelopment authority, razed and then reconveyed to selected developers who devote them to other uses.
Until , the displaced owners and tenants received only the constitutionally-mandated "just compensation" specified in the Fifth Amendment to the U. This measure of compensation covered only the fair market value of the taken property, and omitted compensation for a variety of incidental losses like, for example, moving expenses, loss of favorable financing and notably, business losses, such as loss of business goodwill. In the s the federal government and state governments enacted the Uniform Relocation Assistance Act which provides for limited compensation of some of these losses.
However the Act denies the displaced land owners the right to sue to enforce its provisions, so it is deemed an act of legislative grace rather than a constitutional right. Historically, urban redevelopment has been controversial because of such practices as taking private property by eminent domain for "public use" and then turning it over to redevelopers free of charge or for less than the acquisition cost known as "land write-down". Thus, in the controversial Connecticut case of Kelo v. This process is also carried out in rural areas, referred to as village renewal, though it may not be exactly the same in practice.
In some cases, renewal may result in urban sprawl and less congestion when city infrastructure begins to include freeways and expressways. Urban renewal has been seen by proponents as an economic engine and a reform mechanism, and by critics as a mechanism for control. Though it may bring more wealth to communities, it may also edge out its preexisting residents.
Some redevelopment projects have been failures, including the Kelo case, in which the U. Supreme Court upheld the taking by a 5 to 4 vote, but where nothing was built on the taken property.
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Many cities link the revitalization of the central business district and gentrification of residential neighborhoods to earlier urban renewal programs. The goal of urban renewal evolved into a policy based less on destruction and more on renovation and investment, and today is an integral part of many local governments, often combined with small and big business incentives. Urban renewal sometimes lives up to the hopes of its original proponents — it has been assessed by politicians, urban planners, civic leaders, and residents — it has played an undeniably [ citation needed ] important if controversial role.
But at other times urban redevelopment projects have failed in several American cities, having wasted large amounts of public funds to no purpose. Replenished housing stock might be an improvement in quality; it may increase density and reduce sprawl; it might have economic benefits and improve the global economic competitiveness of a city's centre.
It may, in some instances, improve cultural and social amenity, and it may also improve opportunities for safety and surveillance. Developments such as London Docklands increased tax revenues for government. In late , the British commentator Neil Wates expressed the opinion that urban renewal in the United States had 'demonstrated the tremendous advantages which flow from an urban renewal programme,' such as remedying the 'personal problems' of the poor, creation or renovation of housing stock, educational and cultural 'opportunities'.
The process has often resulted in the displacement of low-income city inhabitants when their dwellings were taken and demolished. Eventually, urban redevelopment became an engine of construction of shopping malls, automobile factories and dealerships, "large box" department stores like Target, Costco and Best Buy. Parker displaced thousands of largely African-American families, but provided them with no replacement housing because at the time the law did not provide for any. Also, the version of the project that was approved by the U. Replacement housing — particularly in the form of high-rise housing for low-income tenants — have not been successful.
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These projects are difficult to police, leading to an increase in crime, and such structures might in themselves be dehumanising. Louis became so bad that they had to be demolished. The concept of urban renewal as a method for social reform emerged in England as a reaction to the increasingly cramped and unsanitary conditions of the urban poor in the rapidly industrializing cities of the 19th century.
The agenda that emerged was a progressive doctrine that assumed better housing conditions would reform its residents morally and economically. Another style of reform — imposed by the state for reasons of aesthetics and efficiency — could be said to have begun in , with the recruitment of Baron Haussmann by Louis Napoleon for the redevelopment of Paris.
UN Human Rights Council renews mandate of investigators on Yemen
In the s, the Argentine government decided to build a new residential and commercial district to replace city's old port and docks. More than 50 skyscrapers have been built in the last 20 years. Puerto Madero is now Buenos Aires' most expensive and exclusive neighborhood. The project aims to redevelop the port area, increasing the city center attractiveness as a whole and enhancing the city's competitiveness in the global economy.
The history of Singapore's urban renewal goes back to the time period surrounding the Second World War. Before the war, Singapore's housing environment had already been a problem. The tension of both infrastructure and housing conditions were worsened by the rapidly increasing number of the Singapore population in the s. As a consequence of the war and the lack of economic development, between the s to the s, the previous evil of housing conditions continued to happen.
As much as , squatters were placed in the Singapore during the s. It was caused by the movement of migrants, especially from peninsular Malaysia and the baby boom. Since the establishment of the Republic of Singapore , urban renewal has been included in the part of the national improvement policy that was urgently put in action.
Before that, the master plan had already been designed to solve the city problems.
However, due to the lack of urban planning experts caused by the deficiency of professional staff, criticism came from many urban practitioners. The professional team recommended by the United Nations then was asked by the government to cope with the urban renewal matters and its redevelopment plan in Based on the UN assistance report, two pilot developments were initiated in the end of by the government. These redevelopments then led to the success of Singapore's urban renewal because the government could provide sufficient amount of public housing and business areas. The most recent project is Paya Lebar Quarter.
This will be a centrally located international mixed-use development and a key catalyst to the URA masterplan to regenerate Paya Lebar. In the establishment of urban renewal programmes, some difficulties were experienced by the PAP government. The obstacles came from the resistance of people who used to live in the slums and squatters. It was reported by Singapore newspapers that those people were reluctant to be replaced. This became the major problems of s redevelopment schemes. Another problem was that the government had to purchase the private land owned by the middle and upper society to make the land vacant and be used for redevelopment.
From the s onwards, the terrible conditions of the urban poor in the slums of London began to attract the attention of social reformers and philanthropists, who began a movement for social housing. The first area to be targeted was the notorious slum called the Devil's Acre near Westminster. This new movement was largely funded by George Peabody and the Peabody Trust and had a lasting impact on the urban character of Westminster.
They are one of the earliest large-scale philanthropic housing developments in London.