Queen of the Boneyard
We remember them as nimble in the old schooner sails, understanding us perfectly, without loving us. They would heedlessly risk their lives on the fireboats, bolting into gusts of burning ash. They would knock out a shipmate for winning at cards the next night. The ex-Marine nudges the box compass scavenged from the Hudson Queen. The charred bone of its needle quivers before it swings back north, like an act of faith.
The ex-Marine worked in finance before September 11th. He is no stranger to negotiation. But even now, he remains ill at ease in the salvage yards and watering holes of his hometown. Floating to port is yet another reality — the parking lot of St. Cleated Timbs nailing him in the kidney.
Owner of Natchez dog fighting "boneyard" surrenders to police
Fucking terrorist and a thin spool of blood in the urine. We know his kind, too: They love us perfectly, without understanding us. But every kind of man leaves his woman behind. They all grew smaller on the dock behind us. We took their dredgemen under the tiara of the Bayonne Bridge and out to the Mud Dump, where they built underwater landscapes — plateaus of Flatbush garbage, hilltops of Greenwich Village cellar dirt — before guiding us home through the channels they had carved for us that day.
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We took their oilmen out to the great blue silence of the Atlantic. One of us was stripped of her curved oak benches, where commuters once crossed little buttoned boots, and carted off to Normandy. She felt the men trembling as the gray coast drew closer. She felt the heavy thump of their bodies as they leaned to vomit down her sides. Some of us moved from port to foreign port for years, carrying sailors who swore fidelity only to us — the Blue Dolphin , the Molly Pitcher , the Mahicanituck and the S. They left us at night for the young girls in Hong Kong, who, they said, had perfect fragile skin and hair as heavy as tarred rope.

They said that the tough brown broads in Marseilles drank bourbon like water. They said that the lithesome artists in Cartagena knew when to scream like they were possessed, when to stop whipping their hair around and feign doe-eyed submission, when to knock off the theatrics already and get busy with their efficient mouths. But we were the ones they came back to, dawn after dawn, year after year. We were the ones who brought them home, hoary and frail, to Snug Harbor.
The nurses tucked them into wooden wheelchairs. They spent the landlocked hours making models of us in bottles, the Nellie P. Hunched between the wall with the clock and the wall with the crucifix, they assembled us from memory. Their fingers traced each narrow bottleneck. They slipped inside as far as they could reach.
Now the dock is empty of all women, the salt-blasted boards beginning to collapse. We know that the antiques dealer will take the shapely brass light to the East Village, then snip off the price tag when a leggy queen enters to admire it. We know that the college boy has his phone in hand, our portraits flickering on the screen. The photos are good, his classmates envious. He dodges their hungry questions: Where did he find us? Soil temperature, air temperature, relative humidity, air flow, carbon-dioxide levels, radon levels, and gamma-ray dosages have all been monitored in Carlsbad Cavern with sophisticated equipment.
Measurements made in other, harder-to-reach, Guadalupe caves consist mainly of temperature and humidity readings recorded with a portable sling psychrometer Table 4. Calvin Welbourn, written comm. McLean , , studied the climatology of Carlsbad Cavern and carefully recorded both the temperature and relative humidity Figs. The relatively low humidity in Guadalupe caves compared to other cave systems accounts for the relatively high amount of evaporation therein.
The temperature in Carlsbad Cavern varies from The significantly higher temperatures along Left Hand Tunnel and in the Lake of the Clouds Passage may be partly due to a combination of the geothermal-gradient factor and lower air flow in this part of the cave. The geothermal gradient for the Eddy County, Carlsbad, area is reportedly between 0. The actual temperature at the Lake of the Clouds is McLean measured the carbon-dioxide content in the Lunch Room, Carlsbad Cavern, and found it to vary from to ppm in contrast to an outside carbon-dioxide content of ppm Fig.
McLean attributed the relatively low concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide in the Lunch Room to a high rate of air circulation.
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By the same reasoning, the much higher values of carbon dioxide in Left Hand Tunnel and Lake of the Clouds are probably due to a poorer air circulation in this part of the cave. It is interesting to note that the carbon-dioxide content near the ceiling along Left Hand Tunnel is higher than that near the floor Table 5. Air-flow velocity in Carlsbad Cavern has been determined by actual measurement, and air-flow direction has been inferred from oriented popcorn growth and radon levels.
Reportedly, the cave "breathes out" during stormy weather which is associated with a falling barometer , and "inhales" during dry, fair weather when the outside barometric pressure is high Boyer, Queen plotted the distribution of oriented popcorn in Carlsbad Cavern and constructed an air-flow map of the cave from this distribution Fig. Based on popcorn orientation relative to the two cave entrances in Ogle Cave, Hill b speculated that a "chimney effect" operates in the cave.
In the winter, when temperatures are higher in the cave than on the surface, warm, moist air flows out the upper Rainbow entrance and cold, dry air flows into the lower Ogle entrance. Radon Rn , the daughter product of U, is produced from the natural radioactive decay of rocks and soils in the interior of a cave. Actual levels of Rn encountered in a cave are dependent upon the net exhalation of radon from the walls of the cave, the volume of the cave, and the degree of mixing of outside air with cave air. Wilkening and Watkins noted that at Devil's Spring, Carlsbad Cavern, the concentration of radon gas in warm air moving out of the cave averaged about twice that of incoming air.
This difference is due to the mixing of cave air with outside air having radon concentrations of only 0. Air-flow direction as inferred by radon levels is essentially the same as proposed by Queen using oriented popcorn growth, with the exception of Lower Cave and Left Hand Tunnel compare Figs. High radon levels in the Naturalist Room may relate to the relatively closed-off nature of this room, or possibly to the large amount of montmorillonite clay in Lower Cave.
The relatively low Rn values in Left Hand Tunnel are not consistent with radon levels for other parts of the cave, Theoretically, the profile of radon activity in a long, perfectly tubular, cave passage should continually increase from the entrance and down the tube unless there is a tributary current of air entering the cave from the outside, where upon radon levels suddenly drop.
The inconsistent radon levels in Left Hand Tunnel may therefore possibly reflect outside air entering the cave somewhere along the Right Hand Fork or in the "blowing" maze off the passage leading into the Bell Cord Room, Gamma-ray-exposure levels are also lower in the area from the Lunch Room along Left Hand Tunnel to the Lake of the Clouds, the average of 15 readings being 7. Curiously, bats have been noted to regularly fly in and out along Left Hand Tunnel, another indication that an entrance might exist in this part of the cave.
Cave geomorphology is the description and interpretation of cave patterns and forms in the underground which are due to solution, erosion, corrosion, and breakdown. Geomorphic forms can be classified into two groups: The first form defines the shape of the cave passage itself; the second form represents a modification of that cave passage. Both forms attest to the conditions under which caves dissolve and evolve.
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There are two main regimes of geomorphic development in caves. The "phreatic" regime is where cave passages or features form beneath the water table by water under pressure, and the "vadose" regime is where cave passages or features are formed above the water table by free-flowing water. Cave-passage forms in the Guadalupe Mountains are all phreatic, while cave-karren forms may be either phreatic or vadose. Spongework voids are the result of diffuse circulation of water within pore spaces in bedrock.
Every cave in the Guadalupe Mountains is surrounded by bedrock which exhibits a matrix or framework of sponge-work. This integration of space and rock may be a few meters deep and wide, or it may continue for a distance of many meters. A boneyard type of passage form is evidence of non-differential phreatic attack where cave ceilings are subjected to as much solution as cave walls. An example of a boneyard is the Boneyard, Carlsbad Cavern.
They are distinct from "collapse shafts," which are created by the collapse of underground cavities and are characterized by breakdown on their floors. They are also distinct from vadose, dome pit, "vertical shafts," which are characterized by vertical wall flutes and floor drains. Spring shafts may constitute a "phreatic loop" between two cave levels Fig. They may connect two cave levels or may lead to the surface. In non-bedded rock they display solutional surfaces, but in bedded rock they may exhibit angular surfaces if modified by collapse. The global fleet peaked at more than 1, in That's when smaller twin-engine jets like the Boeing really began filling fleets.
It could fly just as far, and airlines didn't have to worry about filling all the seats. Those retirements accelerated as Boeing's Dreamliner and Airbus's A, which Hanlon will fly next, came along. Enormous four-engine jets like the and the even larger Airbus A haven't sold in significant numbers in recent years.
There are still flying paying passengers around the world, according to Flightglobal. Another are hauling cargo, VIPs, heads of state or flying a variety of unique missions. Paul Gallaher was retiring with the final flight of Delta's Boeing fleet. Back in the cockpit, Gallaher was readying the jet to fly. Reviewing paperwork, programming the flight computers and ensuring the jumbo would perform just as it would on any normal flight. The , a s technology update to the jumbo, dates itself. Cathode ray tubes -- like old TVs -- were once state of the art displays for pilots.
The analog settings on the autopilot bounce with each turn of the knob. Flight computers with green type on black screens and blocks of backup gauges with spinning needles have long been obsolete. She is a craft from the dawn of the computer age.
At around 6, feet, Marana's runway is an extremely tight fit for a The "stops on a dime. So once we get on the ground, you're going to feel the deceleration.