Prairie Schooner (Summer 2012)
- Der Weg ins Kinderheim und wieder zurück. Vorgehensweise und Problematiken bei der Rückführung in die Herkunftsfamilie (German Edition);
- Debra Nystrom!
- The Ragman;
- Trust Fund Handling and Accounting for California Real Estate Professionals?
- How To Release Your Inner Genius And Win Big In Business.
- Put In A Good Word For Me.
Tell us about a piece you recently published that got the staff really excited. Why did you love it? Why did it strike a chord? Can readers find it online? Our senior readers voted that Toland should receive one of our annual awards; our Editor-in-Chief Kwame Dawes nominated the poem for a Pushcart Prize; and months later at an Irish conference a writer approached us to gush about the poem.
Let us count the ways! This January, we launched a new website and introduced a podcast series called Air Schooner check it out on iTunes! Starting with our Winter Irish issue, each winter issue of Prairie Schooner will be internationally themed; Sherman Alexie will guest-edit our Winter Native American issue.
The white half-cylinders about four feet high house 50 chickens and their egg-laying boxes. The new version, Prairie Schooner 2. They are quite beautiful; bright white in the green field, with all the brown chickens around. Browder and his wife, Holly, a former executive assistant, met in and were living in New York City. During an apprenticeship at Garden of Eve in Riverhead in , Chris raised and processed 50 chickens as an experiment. The Cornish cross and red broilers are NOFA-certified organic, and the laying hens are expected to be certified in June.
The Browders are offering an egg CSA this year.
Lit Mag Spotlight: Prairie Schooner
The plan is to raise up to 1, broilers this season; growing beyond the 1,a-year mark means having to process at a facility certified by the State Dept of Ag and Markets rather than on-site. That would mean transporting chickens at least two hours away. If they want to grow any larger, they will have to develop their own state-certified processing facility, Browder says. They process the chickens on the farm, with minimal equipment, in a temporary structure. Chris knows his way around the inside of a chicken pretty well now. There was loads of amazing food there already: Chris and Holly turned up, and started slinging chicken pieces onto the hot grill.
In this Issue
Last of the Cowboy Poets Gerald Shapiro pp. Language Barrier Chad Prevost p.

The Wittenberg Backdoor Bar, and: Margaret's Rose Jean Janzen pp. Firstborn Melissa Yancy pp. A Place in the Sun, and: Red and Black, and: Birth of a Nation: Homage to Sebastian Stenzel Bruce Bond pp.
Covered wagons and the American frontier
At the End Donald Platt pp. The Sun King Avery Slater pp. Letter from Battle Creek, and: Free Country Nancy Welch pp. The Tongues of Angels, and: