Preview — Infinite Possibilities by Mike Dooley.
Infinite Possibilities: The Art of Living Your Dreams
Infinite Possibilities is the masterwork from teacher, author, and featured speaker Mike Dooley. As the next step beyond his immensely popular Notes from the Universe trilogy, and his follow up, Choose them Wisely , this book contains even more enriching wisdom for living an abundant, joyous life. Mike Dooley knows that we create our own reality, our own fate, and our own lu Infinite Possibilities is the masterwork from teacher, author, and featured speaker Mike Dooley.
Hardcover , pages. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up.

To ask other readers questions about Infinite Possibilities , please sign up. Be the first to ask a question about Infinite Possibilities. Lists with This Book. Apr 03, David McMenomy rated it it was ok. Basically "The Secret" written by someone who sounds a little smarter. My thought about these kinds of books, as of right now, is as follows: There is the outer world that we all share cosmos.
We also each have our inner world that we alone experience consciousness , although we share that experience with other people by means of the outer world. Visualization is a way of directing the inner world, and I am fairly certain that it has massive positive benefits in terms of one's outlook. But that's Basically "The Secret" written by someone who sounds a little smarter.
But that's where its domain stops. When people start saying that "thoughts become things" in the OUTER world, simply by virtue of us thinking them I'm sorry, but the reason you have bills in your mailbox is NOT that your thoughts attract them. The reason you have bills in your mailbox is that you owe someone money, or possibly an error has been made in the billing office. I'm fairly sure no one would ever die of starvation or thirst if thinking about a thing were enough to attract it to you. And the very, very dangerous implication of this is that no distinction remains between what physically happens to you and what you think.
Which means that logically, anything good that comes your way, you made happen, and anything bad that happens to you must be your fault.
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That is not my experience of life, and it is not how I see it played out in other people's lives. I do think that visualization can be helpful internally, in that it purposely draws our attention to what we'd like to see more of in life. Auden said that "choice of attention - to pay attention to this and ignore that - is to the inner life what choice of action is to the outer. In the confines of that inner world, purposely directing our thoughts toward positive outcomes can remind us to look for things that help us move in the right direction.
Beyond that, it's simply wishful thinking and dangerous self-delusion. I think he could have said what he wanted to say in less pages. I found him repeating himself a lot. However I do think that a positive outlook for anyone can do wonders so I kept with the book and gave it 3 stars. Apr 26, Renee Amberg rated it liked it. Great Law of Attraction book! Jun 06, Kellie rated it it was amazing Shelves: Wonderful book, but you must be ready for it. The ideas in this book perked me up: In other words, if you want positive things to happen to you, act in a positive manner. Perhaps I should send this to Suze Ormond and have her give him a lecture!
When people start making stat The ideas in this book perked me up: When people start making statements like these, it compels me to pick up the book and return it back to the library…. Dec 27, LemontreeLime rated it it was ok Shelves: It's embarrassing that this has sat half read on my bedside table for more months than i care to admit. I think I can tell you why now, after having soldiered through 30 more pages: I keep reading these 'you can change your life' books, liking the idea that its possible to haul yourself up via those bootstraps you forget you have.
But i am an 'always It's embarrassing that this has sat half read on my bedside table for more months than i care to admit. But i am an 'always prepare for the worst possibilities' connoisseur of black humor, and this is so joyful, so certain that eternal happiness is yours if you JUST BELIEVE it into existence, it ended up making me uncomfortable every time i tried to finish it. Jul 29, Todd rated it liked it Shelves: This was originally produced as a serial publication, and it shows.
It is redundant and lacking a unifying organization. It's heavy on snake oil and what I can only describe as secular abundance theology. Having said all of that, I think he is mostly right. I agree with him. Thoughts do become things. I'm not sure if the universe is waiting to serve me the way Dooley claims, but I do think the power of consciousness is far beyond what we currently understand.
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May 05, Brenda rated it it was amazing. It is SO amazing how one's thoughts can transform their Life for the good or to the bad. Mike Dooley's personal story of how he visualized and thought his way to who he is today is a wonderful read. I would highly recommend to everyone, as it can be truly transforming if you practice what he explains and are committed to living your life to the fullest. Make all your thoughts Good ones: Oct 29, Mikell rated it it was amazing.
When everyone sees the world through the eyes of Mike Dooley, we will have reached Nirvana. He will guide you to discover and embrace your dreams. Fear will be replaced with faith and joy! Living a joyful, asset based life will eliminate the need to fill the void with over eating, drugs, alcohol, gambling and any other addictions. They will no longer be on your radar screen.
We have been convinced, by people who want to sell us things we don't need, that our lives our lacking. If we rediscover o When everyone sees the world through the eyes of Mike Dooley, we will have reached Nirvana. If we rediscover our dreams and passions, we will find that we have everything we need to live in dharma. Find a copy of this book, read it, then read it again, and again. Get copies for your friends - and people who aren't your friends!!! You will no longer have enemies after you read this book! Dooley's philosophy is not new, but his approach is spirited, humorous and unique!
What a great motivational text to start living the life of your dreams! Adjust your mind and your thinking. Get rid of excuses and take responsibility. Don't wallow in the past. Get up and take action. And believe it will happen. I have seen it over and over again. A very simple, yet powerful message that everyone should read. You have to put yourself out into the world so that the What a great motivational text to start living the life of your dreams!
You have to put yourself out into the world so that the winds of change can catch your sails, you have to go out so that the universe will have every opportunity to work its wonders and grant you new people, wonderful accidents, and crazy coincidences - none of which can happen if you just sit inside and visualize all day. Oct 16, Dave Myers rated it it was amazing. This book is a pretty meaty read to say the least.
The Keys to Living in Infinite Possibility: How to Bend Reality and Do the Impossible
Definitely one that should remain resting on the coffee table to revisit! MIke Dooley does a clear and concise approach to cultivating your goals, and manifesting your dreams into a reality. Many people today have given up on even approaching trying to have some part of their dream happen so im glad this book was written.
I see art in everything so his writing style maintained a good flow. Overall this is a positive good read. I suggest if you f This book is a pretty meaty read to say the least. I suggest if you feel like you need a new approach or perspective in life then by all means read it! Jun 06, Sarah Butland rated it it was amazing. A life changing, thought altering, perfectly timed because of course, thoughts become things piece of literature. Like life is a struggle? These events need not be traumatic; they may, in fact, be subtle. Yet in those moments, our potential fades.
I refer to these as confining wave collapses, in contrast to the defining wave collapses that usher in defining moments of infinite possibility. We are no longer the potential of the wave but the finiteness of the particle. And we carry this picture of ourselves with us through our lives, allowing it to burden and limit us. We lose the authorship of our life story.
The initial wave collapse sets up a recurring incidence of similar experiences as our beliefs about ourselves and others become self-reinforcing. What we think of ourselves shapes our interactions with both others and ourselves. The themes of subsequent collapses may vary, but they are often self-limiting if not denigrating. We cling to these habituated beliefs about ourselves in accordance with our primary wave collapses.
We become embedded in the groove of our self-referencing beliefs and block the opportunity for growth, change and infinite possibility. Less dramatically than the hurtful comments or abusive actions of others, the patterns of family dynamics may cause us to acquire certain personality traits.
These influences tend to be more chronic and may fly beneath our radar screen. If you grew up in a highly conflicted or alcoholic family, for instance, you may have coped by developing a people-pleaser or peacemaker persona. We can think of this chronic condition as an extended wave collapse rather than the result of the acute single event. I had referred another client, Helen, to meet a colleague of mine so that they might explore matters of mutual professional interest. Helen made an appointment to meet with Jim at a conference he would be attending. Shortly thereafter, Jim left the conference without acknowledging Helen.
She reported this as though it were an established fact instead of an interpretive opinion of her own constructing. I asked her how she knew this to be true and whether other explanations might apply. For example, I knew Jim to be notoriously absentminded; he might simply have forgotten he was supposed to meet her at the conference, or he may not have noticed her waiting to introduce herself. I suggested that Helen saw herself as not valuable, and she was projecting that insult onto Jim, thinking he saw her as she saw herself.
At first she resisted this possibility. Helen waited on her mother hand and foot, as their parent-child roles were reversed. She was deprived of the value that every child deserves, and so she basically felt unimportant. This wave collapse had disastrous effects on her self-esteem. Throughout her life, her thoughts almost automatically continued to affirm this affliction, shutting down her potential for infinite possibilities.
Our primary beliefs about ourselves that have been generated by our wave collapses orchestrate the quality and nature of our thoughts, which make specific the general theme of the wave collapse. These thoughts and their resulting feelings can leave us trapped inside a self-induced container of low self-esteem.
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To free yourself from repeating harmful and confining wave collapses, consider this Possibility Principle: In the nanosecond before your next thought, you are in a state of pure potential. In the space between our thoughts, we are similar to the wave—full of infinite possibilities.
Once we attach to our next thought, the ensuing wave collapses, and we create our reality in that moment. If we continue to have self-limiting or injurious thoughts, we remain adhered to the damaging effects of the primary wave collapse. In therapy, a client often experiences a breakthrough, a significant moment during which a highly anticipated insight becomes illuminated. This event presents a new state of potential and, with it, the possibility of a defining moment, in which the client can break into new terrain. Why has this taken so long? The thought you select will chart your path.
Simply put, the thought we engage will summon the reality of our next moment and will determine whether we experience a reality of infinite possibility or not.
Infinite Possibilities - Wikipedia
We can move forward in breaking new ground, or we can summon an old familiar thought, abandoning the insight. Obviously, we can choose vastly differing experiences. The potential is all that exists prior to the next thought. Our struggle with change is in part caused by our habituation to old thoughts. I worked with her to identify that thought and separate from it so that she could see what it was telling her.
This established another essential principle for her: As we talked further, I asked Helen whether she had attempted to contact Jim after the conference. I suggested that her thought had indeed told her that she was blown off, but how could she actually know that for a fact? What she was doing was creating a storyline to conform to her beliefs and her personal history. Was she perhaps simply replicating wave collapses from earlier in her life?
Was this her thought stuck in an old groove? I asked Helen if it was plausible that she had believed an untruth about herself her entire life. She reconsidered and acknowledged that she might be personalizing the events around her meeting with Jim to conform to her self-image. When I explained to Helen the theory behind wave collapse, she quickly grasped the concept.
I had her envision an alternative and positive wave collapse in which her mother had been maternally inclined and actually doted on her. What then might her belief about herself be? Doing so meant that she also needed to embrace her discomfort as she moved beyond the limits of her familiar zone. As much as we may suffer with our limiting beliefs, we often feel dissonance between our old beliefs and new ones and apprehension about stepping into the new potential and infinite possibility of who we may become when we release the old beliefs. Our work then focused on helping Helen break free from her addictive tendency to malign herself—or more precisely, the tendency of her thought.
She began to value herself, and this shift in her self-esteem led to her experiencing her relationships in an entirely new way. By severing the grip of her old identity, she gave herself the opportunity to select a new and positive wave collapse with self-affirming thoughts. Breaking free from the predictability of the confining wave collapse requires uprooting the repetitive thoughts that inform the old belief. Noticing the repetition of these old thoughts, in lockstep with the wave collapse, enables the shift. The quantum view of the universe tells us that reality appears to unfold perpetually from a state of potential—what we earlier called superposition.
To access the universal potential, we must devote ourselves to apprehending that infinite possibility, which lies in the instant prior to collapsing the wave with our next thought or feeling. Our thought literally summons our construed reality. Thoughts that emanate from the habitual groove of old wave collapses are likely to re-create more of the same feelings and experiences.