
Gods Marketing Brief

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And honestly, when was the last time you clicked an ad in Gmail. Youtube is the second largest search engine in the world, and easily the largest user generated video platform. Users upload an impossible hours of content to Youtube every minute. Advertising is a game of data, the more data especially locational data a company has, the better the their targeting. Remember, Google wants to own the internet and customer attention.

God's Marketing Plan | Green Pastures and Still Waters

Google is now also experimenting with new ways of monetizing Maps, both with book an Uber buttons and likely many future locational advertisements as well. What seemed at the time a foolish, overpriced bet has paid for itself hundreds of times over. In Steve Jobs introduced the iPhone. After this the world changed.

And that is without even addressing the app store, Google Play. Instead Google handles everything and takes a between 32 and 49 percent of ad revenue generate the rest going to publishers. In , Google decided they needed to compete with Dropbox and Box.

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The cloud storage market was taking off and Google the best possibly positioned company for this space was late to the game. Today only Dropbox has a larger share of the market. And the big value add is Google Docs. Online, editable documents and folders allow individual and teams to store and edit everything in the cloud. I have spilled enough cups of coffee to understand the importance of a backup.

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Google is also rapidly expanding their B2B Cloud infrastructure, but with only 3. That said, they are also justifiably worried about the state of their advertising monopoly. In Google spun Waymo, their self-driving car initiative, into a standalone company. Widely recognized as one of the leaders in autonomous driving, Waymo could be the big win Google needs. The other great thing about having a war chest is the ability to bet on the future. To date their portfolio is top notch , including the likes of Uber, Medium , Jet.

Moonshots are something only startups typically attempt. Google however flips the script, studying nearly impossible problems to try to create the transformative businesses of the future. When pairing near infinite money with the brightest minds in the business, this can create huge returns. If the driverless market turns out as I see it , and Waymo is the one that wins, this is a massive undervaluation.

The internet of things is here to stay. Google wants to be the at center of everything. And their progress in voice computing and machine learning has set the company up to do just that, though currently Amazon is well ahead. And as home computing and connected devices become an increasingly large part of our everyday lives, the value of this space explodes. From both a data and an upsell perspective, the space is forecasted to grow 5x in the next 10 years. And as the value of connected networks typically increases proportional to the square of its nodes, we could be looking at as much as a 25x increase in IoT market in the coming decade.

This combined with the absolute nature of voice ie: Voice is a paradigm shift, especially for Google. And it is ironic. Google is the leader in voice and NLP, clearly outperforming competitors like Alexa, Cortana and Siri a joke in the fields of voice. But that begs a bigger question: Will Google just read ads all day like Billy Mays?

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Or is there an ounce of integrity left? Currently Google overloads search results with shitty ads. But in voice, there is no page 2, page 3 or even 2. It is winner take all. You want the best option and you want it immediately. Amazon no longer needs to advertise on Google. Amazon is organically outranking everything and has a massive customer base who consistently shop on Amazon. That spells trouble for Google. The management team lacks the killer instincts needed to win. From then on Facebook stole ever larger shares of the digital advertising market.

And then they acquired Instagram. How did Google let that happen? Google let Amazon build an ecommerce monopoly and search engine , effectively cutting Google out. Google should have made a serious ecommerce play years ago. Instead Google recently partnered with Walmart. Google needs an ecommerce play. This is two drowning men each pulling each other down.

For years Google has been trying to diversify and add hardware as a core component of their business. Combined with GDPR coming to Europe and the US realization that sites like Google and Facebook helped Russians influence the election, governments around the globe are starting the question the power of the internet companies. While Google will almost certainly escape these unscathed due to mutually assured destruction see post below , public sentiment is starting to turn against tech companies, hence why Google and other tech companies are starting to outpace Wall Street in lobbying.

The wealth divides and stratification of society are creating potentially big problems for business. Wonder what holds. Luckily Google has some game-changing opportunities ahead of them again, in no particular order. We are racing towards a driverless world of transportation as a service.

In summary, autonomy will free 52 minutes per day for the American commuter. Sleep your way into a new city, grab fast food or a fine dining at 80mph, plug into VR while driving cross country…. While it is impossible to predict the rate of adoption of autonomous vehicles due to regulatory concerns, no one is arguing the fact that this technology will change the world. It is surprising how little Google has done with paid content. Specifically, a low cost or ad monetized streaming music service could be hugely profitable. You would think Google could create an effective competitor to Spotify , Apple, and Amazon.

Seems like Google should get their act together. Youtube is the 2nd largest search engine in the world and easily the largest video platform. There is so much potential here. And the market for quality video content is constantly increasing.

God’s Marketing Plan

Content and attention is king, and video more than any other medium short of VR , completely captures attention. In they produced hours of original programming. The crypto world has seen an explosion of decentralized furvor and crazy speculation where projects looking to or at least promising to create the internet of the future have raised MASSIVE sums of money to build large, decentralized networks.

Although Google is one of the incumbents many crypto projects are looking to unseat, they have an interesting opportunity to play in the space.

God's Marketing Plan

Much like Google Ventures, a long term crypto focused fund could set Google up with either potential partnerships or ownership of the industries of the future. Google has a huge war chest, it is time they do something with it. Who should Alphabet acquire to set themselves up for future success? Here are some hints in no particular order.

Recode , Google still needs a play here. At this point it is probably impossible to beat Amazon at their own game. Three in particular with huge potential that currently outperform Amazon are: Etsy, Kickstarter or Indiegogo and Wayfair. Kickstarter and Indiegogo are two of the biggest names in crowdfunding. And while finding valuations for each is challenging Kickstarter is public benefits corporation and IGG has not made revenue numbers public , either one could likely be purchased for under a few billion.