Dying Star Book Three: Darkness
As for Mirabella, I was unsure of her in the first book. She's the pretty queen who was told she was the only powerful one, and has every reason to act spoiled. From book one, she remembered and cared for her sisters, but grew cold once she thought Arsinoe attacked her. But she surprised me time and time again. She's perfectly imperfect but deep down, the sweetest thing. I think you guys will LOVE her in this book. As for Katherine, well, you guys know what happened to her at the end of the last. We pick back up with the consequences of that, and her character becomes so fascinatingly eerie.
I still can't bring myself to hate her. I liked her from the beginning, and I was so into her and Peityr's relationship, and oh man guys I don't even know how to feel right now. How could I forget Jules and Camden? Like Camden is my soulkitty. I did NOT expect the twist with her. I'm so nervous about her I adore her so much.
I can't find anything to complain about. Maybe there's a few characters I still couldn't keep straight from time to time, but it didn't take away from my reading experience at all. Also I'm still crying bye. SO I realize this review is mostly a conglomerate of emotional fangirling but I can't help it, that's how I feel right now. I'll certainly add more once the book has been released and I can talk more openly, but I feel like this will fly off the shelves.
I can't wait for the third book release. This book was bat shit crazy, and one of the most unique and riveting stories I've ever read.
Fire Fall (Dark Star, #3) by Bethany Frenette
View all 65 comments. Mar 06, Emma Giordano rated it it was amazing Shelves: I feel so satisfied with this novel. It is action packed, intense, and very complex. The strain on character relationships deepen, political tensions continue to rise, and it is full of enticing events that hooked me the entire time.
The pacing was much better than book one in my opinion and I feel the increase in significant events and a stronger storyline were big assets to this novel. I always had a soft spot for Arsinoe, and book two caused me to gain a greater appreciation for Mirabella. I still hate Joseph, though. If you had any reservations about starting the series or about continuing after book one, drop them and indulge in this fantastic book. For hours, from beginning to end, this book was all consuming. So far none of my most anticipated sequels have let me down, glad this book kept up that trend.
We reunite with the sisters sometime after the events of Beltane. And as expected none of the sisters are quite the same. Mirabella who is out for revenge, Arisone who has now discovered her deadly gift and Katharine who is essentially back from the dead, and as usual, nothing is as it seems. And while Mirabella is still my least favorite, I don't detest her as I did before. Mirabella when she starts finally starts to realize the truth Because you're so irresistible? Because you don't like anyone. Their moments together are often brief, but they're always worth it.
They clearly love each other, but their romance in no way stands in the way of them doing what is needed of them. We stand together now. He is the only love interest, at this point, whom I absolutely adore. He is loyal and his feelings unwavering. The same can also be said for Arsione. There were moments where I feared she'd misunderstand him, but thankfully I was proven wrong. These two not only love each other, but they also trust each other and that is just so important. Must he throw me down into the Breccia Domain? These two have a very tenuous relationship at this point.
Pietyr, despite his rather unforgivable actions in the previous book, is determined to prove to Katharine that he truly loves her. And Katharine, though she denies it, has never truly stopped loving him. Because only a fool in love would see any logic in his absolutely absurd reason for his actions. She wants to hurt him, to see his discomfort and jealousy at her actions. Of course he is joking. No one must ever be allowed to harm Pietyr.
No one but her. But if anything, this just proves that he still holds her heart. And at the end, it appears all of Pietyr declarations are true because he stands by her even after the horrid truth of her gift manifests itself. It seems this time Pietyr has strapped himself in for the long-hull and is ready to be the ride or die guy that Katharine needs. So I guess we'll see how this goes. Honestly, I was quite worried when the announcement of two more books, since this was originally supposed to be a duology, because I feared this would start to drag.
But I am satisfied with the overall pacing of this book. And I think it left us with a lot of mysteries and questions that still need to be answered. All-in-all a solid read, I can't wait to see what happens next! View all 18 comments.
Sep 17, Natalie Monroe rated it did not like it Shelves: She reaches into the cage to stroke the rodent's tiny bald haunches. After the bloody events of the Quickening last book, one would be forgiven for expecting, nay, anticipating murder, mayhem, and violent mind games this round. One would expect the queens to focus tunnel vision-like on the prospect of winning and continued existence. Katharine, my reborn poisoner, my best hope for some slaughter, has reverted back to a blushing milkmaid in the presence of a new hot suitor. You'd think she'd show some suspicion or caution towards handsome, unusually nice strangers after what happened with Pietyr, but either she's the most confident idiot in the world or the most hormonal.
Granted, it takes nearly the entire book for her to accept him again, but there's not nearly as much mistrust and hatred as I expected. Katharine literally says Pietyr is her better half, the one who wants her to be softer, kinder. Nicolas relishes violence and feeds her dark side. There's just so much goddamn romance.
I don't mind romance. But when the blurb promises high stakes and war, I expect blood to flow all the way up to my knees. I had little to no expectations for these two, so I wasn't that disappointed when they sat back like the vanilla bread rolls they are. This series tries so hard to sell me that it's morally grey! Why doesn't she at least hesitate or show inner turmoil? This doesn't make much sense if you haven't read the book, but the aftermath of this ludicrous decision sets quite a few plot wheels spinning.
Dare I say, plot convenience? Does anyone really care about him? He's like the Mal of this series. On the former, the narrative gives off a traditional "fairy tale" vibe where we have action and dialogue, but we never have a solid handle on its characters. They're plot pieces, not people. As for world-building, two full-length books have gone by and I still don't have a good idea what Fennbirn looks like nor the three clans' culture and surroundings.
Truthfully, I don't have a clue what the sisters look like either There are poisoners and naturalists and elementals There's nothing to expand on. All I get from Wolf Spring naturalist Arinsoe's home is they're big on fried clams. But it's been two books! I should know more than fried clams. Towards the end, we are led to believe that we'll receive world expansion in the form of the mainland, though I stand by my point. It's been two books. We should know more. I should feel more. View all 30 comments. Feb 23, Trina Between Chapters rated it it was amazing Shelves: I really love this series!
Vojsk rated it really liked it. And I thought there would be more of a cliff hanger? Aaaaaaaaand Billy is a loyal, kindhearted and gorgeous guy. Can I have the next book, please? I think it was just really hard for me to initially get at the story through the present tense writing. But by about halfway through I was totally into the style and did see how it brought something to the story!
So it's not really a complaint I am sad but also so ready for the next book!! This plot picks up where the first book left off so I won't spoil anything and focuses mostly on the three sisters making alliances and trying to kill each other. The drama with their suitors gets pretty entertaining, too. And I still don't know which sister I want to live! Just when I thought I didn't like Katharine as much, she turned around and became a favorite.
Actually, Jules is my favorite character Anyways, there's not much I can cover here without spoiling the plot, so I'll just say this ended up being a strong story in a complex world. It might take a bit to get into, but it's worth it if you enjoyed the first book! Thank you to the publisher for sending me an ARC. View all 7 comments. I have no idea why but I seriously love this world and its characters! I gave the first book 3 stars because it was pretty good but kind of slow.
This second book I could not put down. I see a lot of mixed reviews on it and that's ok because I can see why some might struggle with it. However, I was truly entertained and look forward to the third book next year! View all 10 comments. Sep 26, Heather rated it really liked it Shelves: Der zweite Band des schwarzen Throns stand dem ersten meines Erachtens in absolut nichts nach! Die Plottwists waren auch echt wieder krass, grade am Anfang und am Ende sind viele Sachen passiert mit denen ich nicht gerechnet habe.
Auch die Entwicklung der einzelnen Charakte Der zweite Band des schwarzen Throns stand dem ersten meines Erachtens in absolut nichts nach! Auch die Entwicklung der einzelnen Charaktere war der Wahnsinn! Wie konnte Kendare Blake das denn wirklich erst nur als Dilogie planen?
Jan 13, manda rated it it was ok Shelves: I wanted to like this more than Three Dark Crowns ; unfortunately it was the other way around. And I didn't even find TDC particularly great. There will be some spoilers here; the more "serious" spoilers are marked, but still some unmarked ones as well, so be warned. I say "all over the place" mostly in terms of internal consistency. The characters say one thing yet do another. The world politics consist of certain rules yet have no strong consequences when they are broken.
Even the narrative voice flip-flops between close third-person often shifting into secondary characters' POV when it is convenient for the author not to get into the heads of the actual main character and yet would frequently brush into omnicient. He is tired of running. You will always be welcome at Westwood House. She does not understand why Elizabeth stays after what they did to her The above quotes are just two of the examples I found upon a cursory skim. The first was during a scene written in close 3rd person with Arsinoe as its main point of view, yet she somehow slips into her bear's mind?
The second quote is taken from a scene where every other paragraph is written in close 3rd person POV with Mirabella as its main character, and the shift into Bree's thoughts just threw me off. Otherwise, the narrative was serviceable. It isn't particularly great, and there were times it felt Things that were kept secret from us readers for so long would suddenly be revealed by Character A talking about it to Character B.
The biggest example and one of the greater peeves I had about this book was in the case of Cait and Madrigal discussing the secret about Jules. There was no reason this secret was kept from us readers other than for the sake of mystery - especially considering that we've been in Madrigal's head upon several occasions since Book 1. The fact she never thought about this secret and revealed it to us readers at an earlier stage was a huge cop-out. Mystery for the sake of mystery.
And when it was finally revealed, it was done at such an offhand and non-exciting manner as two characters having a discussion, that it was simply anticlimactic. While we're on the topic of the secret about Jules - be warned that there will be spoilers in this next paragraph I didn't get it completely right, but it was clear there was some powerful revelation about her.
I'm pissed off not because I didn't get the prediction exactly right, but because this revelation came out of nowhere. What the eff is this new term? It was never once mentioned in Book 1 I did a search on my e-book copy and all of a sudden in Book 2, every time the term was mentioned, every character that mentioned it knew exactly what it was. Now all of a sudden, Jules' great power is revealed to be because she also has the war gift on top of her naturalist gift?
And we never saw sparks of it before because it had been "bound"? It just seemed like the author pulled it out of nowhere because she didn't want to use any of the foreshadowed terms previously thrown in Book 1 e. Blue Queen just to throw us all off and make the reveal a "surprise". Unfortunately, I wasn't "shook", as they say nowadays. More like mildly annoyed. Why are people still even following these traditions and picking their queen out of Mirabella, Katharine, and Arsinoe when Jules is clearly much more powerful?
And since I've mentioned the lack of consistency before, the reveal about Jules also explicitly stated that people with her particular gift or curse, whatever you want to name it were supposed to 1 go mad because of their curse, and 2 have lesser powers because of it. In Jules' case, neither of these two caveats were true. She remains completely sane and powerful throughout the entire novel Either explanation is equally disappointing.
In case you thought I was done - hold your horses! Going back to "mystery for the sake of mystery". We were so conveniently left out of Katharine's head so often for the sheer reason that the author did not want us to know what had happened to her down in that pit she crawled out of. The times we were so graciously let into her POV, never once did she think about her escape. Never once did she show even a reaction to her traumatic experience down there in those pits. Once again, conveniently preventing us readers from discovering what happened to her for no other reason other than to keep the mystery alive.
And the manner in which we do discover what happened? I had guessed it long before the actual reveal about a quarter way into the book, going by my one single status update. So again, I ain't shook. In addition to the gripes I have above, I'm also left with more questions than I had coming in. I say powerful because she survives every single poisoning attempt, and this without even a day of training as a poisoner. This makes her even more powerful than Katharine previously.
However, Katharine, having being possessed by the spirits of dead queens past, is also now a powerful poisoner. So powerful that her king consort ends up dead after coitus. And now I finally get to wait and suffer for the next thing Cassie Clare publishes with the rest of you! You all made the experience even more special and I love you all! View all 45 comments. Your review as always was spot on, from how Emma and Julian ended up together ooooh sHocKeR to the f Once again, the end of another series for me.
Your review as always was spot on, from how Emma and Julian ended up together ooooh sHocKeR to the full circle with Jace and Clary and the hot faerie threesome as Emma and now I refers to it hitting the spotlight was just fantastic. I have to admit I was skeptical about picking up TWP because Kit and Ty are not my most beloved characters of the bunch that would be you, Mark but Zara? Fucking Ash and Kit? Oh I gotta see this one now. CC has me by the balls till , ladies and gentlemen.
One Dark Throne
We just spent two books seeing what necromancy does to the world and only the very end is when he tries to stop it? That whole bit with the demon being able to walk into the Sanctuary unscathed or the seraph blades not working on the demon or Thule Jace and Ash reappearing? The inside dust jacket!!! This is one of the most beautiful covers! This book had all the feels in the world!! I'm happy with this ending. I said I wasn't going to read any more books she writes in this series because I'm done. But after all of that, I might read the other books coming out to see what else is going to happen.
Always makes me nervous with my favorite authors out there because I'm afraid they ar The inside dust jacket!!! Always makes me nervous with my favorite authors out there because I'm afraid they are going to kill too many of my loves. There are actually books I haven't continued because I know a love is going to die. Peace, love and apple pie! CC would let the tmi gang go.. But at the same time I also felt kinda View all 42 comments. Taylor It annoys me that I felt intensely for this book and yet there were a couple of things I couldn't stand so that this book should have made my faves li It annoys me that I felt intensely for this book and yet there were a couple of things I couldn't stand so that this book should have made my faves list but it just can't.
View all 19 comments. May 29, Beth rated it it was amazing Shelves: Perhaps being parabatai was a weakness that could trap you. But so was any kind of love, and if love was weakness, it was strength, too. They were so beautiful and the detail! It made me so happy! Going to this I was a bag of nerves, I knew that it would be heart wrenching after what happened in Lord of Shadows but the way in which grief is portrayed throughout was just so raw and dealt with in different ways by all of the characters.
Emma is still the strong character from the previous books, and her development from Lady Midnight to this was amazing particularly in one chapter where she realises something and that she has t overcome that and move away from it. His care for his siblings and Emma is just undeniable. Then we have the trio that is of course Cristina, Mark and Kieran!
I never in my life thought I would enjoy a trio again from Will, Jem and Tessa, but here we are! The balance between them all is just so pure and perfect. Mark is Mark, the things he does and says, they are just so lovable and you know he just tries his hardest to help, the small gestures he does throughout I was NOT coping!
Then finally Kieran, I can honestly say that in this, Kieran is my favourite character, He was just so funny and he really came into his own, his love is fierce and when he feels something strongly he will try his best. My heart is broken for him, and it was so sad to see the lengths he went to throughout. Then we have Kit another personal favourite of mine, I am very very intrigued by him. Once again I felt sorry for him, he was trying to help Ty, but at the same time trying to deal with other things going on with himself, he is just too precious!
Drug for me was SUCH a good character, I liked her friendships with Ty and Kit and her realising her own self worth, it was just nice to see her being able to do small things to help the people she loves and cared about. Aline was so fierce anything relating to making Helen upset Aline took zero bull shit and I LIVED for it, coming into that environment she handled it so well and I just adored her love for Helen, it was just so sweet.
At times I felt frustrated for her but the way she handled things I felt so proud! My least favourites… Zara and The Cohort I legit hate them all. Now as much as I dislike them some of the things they did were clever but still not a fan, I just want to slap them all and I like to think of myself as quite a nice person aha! Gwyn once again enjoyed! Pre Warning there will be spoilers ahead I love you. I could go on and on, but I loved Kierans description of why they were perfect as a unit and it was everything! I was like no no no no no - Seeing the relationships with so many Parabatai is was very interesting and also heart wrenching at the same time!
S - 6 months ish to go! Why may you ask? View all 25 comments. Sep 30, Carolyn marked it as to-read. Just because this is labeled as a YA book and you will be twenty something when it comes out doesn't mean that you can't enjoy it. If you are a big fan of Clare's series and end up reading it how ever old you may be, that's awesome. If you don't end up reading it, no big deal. If you're not excited for it, then you're not excited for it, but don't be thinking negitively about a book series that hasn't even come out yet.
Please and thank you. View all 32 comments. D Also, I am not emotionally prepared for this trilogy to come to a close View all 80 comments. May 23, ambsreads rated it it was amazing.

View all 7 comments. Oct 15, Azrah rated it it was amazing Shelves: I have not even read the blurb. Anyway the one tag line that I can't help seeing everywhere is: Everything Changes in Queen of Air and Darkness. And that scares the crap outta me because I know that Cassie Clare has the capacity to shred my world apart.
View all 12 comments. May 22, Caitlin marked it as to-read. View all 24 comments. Gosh how am I going to survive until December ???!!!! View all 10 comments. And sometimes all you need in your life is Cassie's book-covers. View all 30 comments. May 29, P marked it as anxiously-waiting.
One year is torture. Two years are pain. View all 3 comments. But they were also balanced out by the funny, light-hearted, happy, tender moments. They were the highlight as usual. Their immense love for each other hurts me. Sure it gets them into trouble sometimes, but I love her for it? The whole Thule ordeal was my favourite. It was giving me serious Shrek: The Final Chapter And Gemina vibes. That genuinely made me tear up. A small part of me died and something in that letter just made me sit there and weep like the walking tragedy I am.
The change felt scary, and very very bitter-sweet, like it does in real life.
- Dealing with Donkeys.
- LA VERDAD TE HARÁ LIBRE Parte II ¿Qué puedo saber? (Spanish Edition)?
- Winter at Monte Cassino.
- Une proposition incroyable (Azur) (French Edition).
- Agony Aunts!
But I feel like this book was more dependent on fully understanding the events of the past: Two kids with a forbidden romance and heavenly fire burning within them save everybody with their vast power and are looked upon as angels from then on. The world building is good. The author and the book easily reminds me of what Audrey's world is like.
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Harrowers are powerful demons, and the Kin fights them to protect the innocent but at what cost? Audrey's mother is a superhero who wears a hoodie with a star on her back. Oh, and she also fights demons she is Kin. Audrey has her amplification powers, and she can see some parts of her creepy and dark future. She also has an insane cousin.
Did I miss anything? I have to say that is a pretty decent recap. Audrey is still fighting Harrowers. She is kicking butts, and she isn't one to lay down and let people stomp all over her. As usual, she remains the best. There isn't a lot of emotional moments, though I do like the dialogue she shares with Leon. There is a lot of drama there, and I most certainly love their interactions. Anyway, Audrey unfortunately doesn't have as much character development as the previous books, but she does have her great moments.
Leon is the awesome boyfriend. Audrey and Leon are definitely in the relationship state of "I don't know if this is going to work out or not. The ending is very, very satisfying. Although there is some death, somehow there is a lot of hope. A lot of hope. I think most readers will like the ending. Yes, it is a mostly "Happily Ever After. Overall, Fire Fall is an amazing ending to the Dark Star trilogy. It brings a lot of drama and tension while managing to keep its somewhat upbeat attitude. Audrey is amazing, and Leon is even more awesome. The moments of "is this right or wrong?
The trilogy, in conclusion, is worth a read. Four out of Five Jul 31, Antonella rated it it was amazing Shelves: Solo debes buscar el fuego. Dec 04, Ashley rated it it was amazing. This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. I enjoyed the series, and liked the conclusion.
I thought the characters and story built with each addition. Other's don't seem to quite agree, but oh well. Gideon- So everything comes down to this. Gideon realizes who he really is and gets dragged into the struggle. I know other people don't like how his story ended. So, we know he's Vinnick, and now he remembers. But he isn't the big bad here. He really doesn't do a lot. In fact, in the end he refuses to hurt his friends, and when given the cho I enjoyed the series, and liked the conclusion. In fact, in the end he refuses to hurt his friends, and when given the choice he's the real hero.
He saves everyone and banishes the baddies. It's not a happily ever after, but ultimately I feel like it's the best that could be expected. Audrey- I love how she's written. In the entire series I can only think of one time her appearance is commented on by another person- and that is when Leon thinks she looks good dressed up to go out to eat.
That is so refreshing! A main character who's chief virtue is not her stunning features?!
Dying Star Book Three: Darkness by Samsun Lobe (with book trailer)
Ultimately it is kinda Audrey that saves the day, but you don't spend three books reading about how she's the chosen one. She has frizzy hair and wears sweats, my kind of girl. Leon and Audrey- I love them together. They argue, of course. But they make up. I loved when Leon tells her he's mad, but of course he loves her.
It's never in question really. He's extremely protective, but he's not allowed to be a bossy brute like in most books. They protect each other, and isn't that a better model? Jan 20, Jillian rated it it was amazing. I am so glad that I stumbled upon this gem of a series. It's not perfect, but I found it so highly enjoyable. I loved Audrey as a main character. She's sassy and funny and very relatable. She's genuinely flawed, which makes her three-dimensional.
I found all of her choices extremely understandable, even when I saw the messes they were going to create, which is much more tolerable than heroines who make stupid decisions for no particular reason. I loved, loved, loved her relationship with Leon. I I am so glad that I stumbled upon this gem of a series. I found the romance very swoony and fun.
It moved at exactly the right pace and included some great banter and realistic conflict. I also loved her relationship with her mom. All the secondary characters were well-developed and interesting. The author took some real risks that helped the book to avoid a lot of cliches, and I never knew exactly where things were going, even when I thought I did.
I highly recommend this series for anyone looking for a well-plotted fantasy with a strong heroine and cute love interest. Apr 21, Tamara rated it really liked it Shelves: I'm still really frustrated that this book was only published as an ebook. I finally gave in and bought the ebook, though, so I could see how it ended. I think I would have given it 5 stars had I not built it up so much while I waited for it. There was also a lot that I forgot between my reading of Burn Bright the 2nd book and this one, so I was kind of confused at times. The ending was good, but I wish there had been an epilogue or something.
Gideon gives it up in order to preserve the Circle and dies. Audrey does a Nav reading for Leon so she can tell him about his parents, who were killed by Verrick during the first Harrowing. And now I'm just sad. I could get all technical about the writing, about the telling instead of showing, about the info-dumps, about the sometimes slow pacing, but I just can't.
Because this series is just so heartfelt and such a joy to read. Because the characters are wonderful and brave and flawed but good and their relationships are those of people who actually support and love one another even when they're being little shits or making mistakes or fighting demons. There's nothing spectacularly original or unique or thematic here.
But that is more than okay. Because what there is is a simplicity and honesty I wish I found in more YA books. Seriously one of my favorite series and it deserves so much more love. One day I'm going to write a proper review in an attempt to accurately convey just how great these books are. Apr 30, Piseog rated it liked it. Overall this was a great book. I feel like the author was more in her stride with the 3rd book and the writing is better now.
The main problems are with the world building, but you can't really edit that 3 books in. The plot was exciting, the characters are still great and it all flowed really well. However, I was hoping for a happier conclusion. I was sadder than I thought I would be at what happened in the e 3.