Die Meißener Erklärung (German Edition)
The Wartburg is a castle originally built in the Middle Ages. It was the home of St. Wartburg is the most-visited tourist attraction in Thuringia after Weimar. Although the castle today still contains substantial original structures from the 12th through 15th centuries, much of the interior dates back only to the 19th century. The name of the castle is probably derived from German: Warte , a watchtower , in spite of a tradition which holds that the castle's founder, on first laying eyes on the site, exclaimed, " Warte, Berg -- du sollst mir eine Burg tragen!
The castle's foundation was laid about by the Thuringian count of Schauenburg , Louis the Springer Ludwig der Springer , a relative of the Counts of Rieneck in Franconia.
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Together with its larger sister castle Neuenburg in the present-day town of Freyburg, the Wartburg secured the extreme borders of his traditional territories. The count remained a fierce opponent of the Salian rulers, and upon the extinction of the line, his son Louis I was elevated to the rank of a Landgrave in Thuringia by the new German king Lothair of Supplinburg in From to , the Wartburg was one of the most important princes' courts in the German Reich.
Hermann I supported poets like Walther von der Vogelweide and Wolfram von Eschenbach who wrote part of his Parzival here in At the age of four, St. From to , she lived in the castle and was renowned for her charitable work. In , Elisabeth married Ludwig. Elisabeth died there in at the age of 24 and was canonized as a saint of the Roman Catholic Church just five years after her death. In , Heinrich Raspe , the last landgrave of Thuringia of his line and an anti-king of Germany, died at the Wartburg. In , substantial reconstruction work was done after the castle had been damaged in a fire caused by lightning in or A chapel was added to the Palas.
The Wartburg remained the seat of the Thuringian landgraves until It was during this period that Luther translated the New Testament from ancient Greek into German in just ten weeks. After his death, he was buried in the Wartburg near the chapel of St. Over the next centuries, the castle fell increasingly into disuse and disrepair, especially after the end of the Thirty Years' War when it had served as a refuge for the ruling family. In , Johann Wolfgang von Goethe stayed at the Wartburg for five weeks, making various drawings of the buildings. On 18 October , the first Wartburg festival took place.
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About students, members of the newly founded German Burschenschaften "fraternities" , came together at the castle to celebrate the German victory over Napoleon four years before and the th anniversary of the Reformation, condemn conservatism and call for German unity under the motto "Honour - Freedom - Fatherland". Karl Ludwig Sand , who would assassinate Kotzebue two years later, was among the participants.
This event and a similar gathering at Wartburg during the Revolutions of are considered seminal moments in the movement for German unification. In fact, it was finished only a year after his death in Drawing on a suggestion by Goethe that the Wartburg would serve well as a museum, Maria Pavlovna and her son Karl Alexander also founded the art collection Kunstkammer that became the nucleus of today's museum. Auf das Aufgeld wird die jeweilige gesetzliche Mehrwertsteuer erhoben. Der Versteigerer ist im Verzugsfall berechtigt, den gesamten Kaufpreis im eigenen Namen gegen den Ersteigerer gerichtlich geltend zu machen.
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For the best chance of winning, increase your maximum bid. On Sunday I will be preaching at a morning service at the Christuskirche in Knightsbridge in English, fortunately before we go to Westminster Abbey for a celebration Evensong at which Bishop Weber will preach. A new Commission will then be appointed for the next five years and I will continue as the English co-chair. There will be some change in the membership of the English Committee — three of the five members will retire this time.
But Meissen, not widely known about in England, is a very significant ecumenical relationship.

It is living, is not bureaucratic, and is rooted in real relationships of respect, mutual learning and active friendship. And it compels me and us to keep banging on about the dire situation in England vis-a-vis language learning. We are impoverished as well as incapacitated by our inability to understand let alone speak the languages of others.
You are right about this important ecumenical activity being largely unknown which is a shame.
Dynamic and Diverse
I had not heard of Meissen and your short blog about it is encouraging. I served in Germany Hameln and Osnabruck 3 years in each whilst in the Royal Engineers and enjoyed it. We may be hindered by our inability to speak languages, but not always impoverished. These communities became partners in a twinning agreement 29 years ago.
I admire the enthusiasm and engagement of those involved to nurture these relationships, in spite of the difficulties of cross-cultural communication and lack of language skills. It requires persistence, patience and mutual respect. Easy to say, much harder to practice. Anne, you illustrate the point well, but the English reliance on our language being the lingua franca brings with it some real problems. The language barrier is real and I think it contributes significantly to our ecumenical isolationism.
I was involved in the Reuilly process for a few years and, even though French is more widely taught than German in the UK, there was still an embarrassing lack of language ability on the UK side of the conversation. Now more than ever, it seems to me that we need to share insight across our European Christian contexts so that we understand the nature of the complex societies we work in.