Confessions of a Driven Man
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It was rice pudding. But her weird boyfriend looked at her makeshift rice pudding and threw up. We're not sure this is a sign of a bad boyfriend or just a boyfriend with weird issues, but it's still a warning sign that something is off. The decision to have children is a very personal one for many individuals and couples.
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This is often a deal breaker for many relationships, although we would argue that it doesn't have to be. But this guy still broke up with his girlfriend after finding out that she couldn't have children. She explained that she had a medical condition that prevented it. But for some weird reason, the boyfriend chose not to believe it and accused her of lying instead.
Why would anyone lie about that? For her sake, we say good riddance: She doesn't need that kind of negativity in her life. Abuse comes in many forms, including the kind driven by words, and it's obvious that this woman is under duress in her relationship. No one should ever threaten to kill anyone, for whatever reason, not even in passing. And yet, that's exactly what this boyfriend did: What's even sadder about this situation is that she's questioning it and wondering if she can ever love him again.
Although common sense tells us that she should not love him at all and that she needs to get out of that relationship, we also know that these kind of toxic relationships are often more complicated than that. We only hope that this woman gets out and gets the help that she needs.
As mentioned, abuse is something that no relationship can recover from. It's also a complicated issue because many women refuse to admit that they are victims of abuse and even after an arrest, many women refuse to press charges against the abusive boyfriend. That boyfriend then only comes home to continue the abuse and the vicious cycle continues. This is a heartbreaking situation, and it seems that this girlfriend is living the nightmare of an abused woman.
She called the police on him, which is definitely the right thing to do, but seems to already regret it. Never regret doing the right thing and protecting yourself: Although we live in a modern age, interracial couples still get a lot of attention because, let's face it, there are still a lot of racists in this world. What makes that even harder, though, is if one of the members of that couple has racist friends that they don't seem to have any issues with, even when dating someone of a different race.
That is not cool. Not only should this woman give her boyfriend an ultimatum her vs. If her boyfriend isn't willing to stand up for her now, will he ever? We've covered that it's not okay to abuse people. But it's also not okay to abuse animals. In fact, those likely to abuse animals will probably eventually turn to abusing people. Don't many serial killers start out by torturing and killing animals? And this poor girl feels bad because she's probably the only thing keeping him from outright killing his dog.
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We've got some advice, though, that will help: She needs to take that dog and move far away from that abusive jerk. Because although the violence seems focused on the dog now, which is bad enough, it's likely to get focused on her later on. Someone who loves you should never deliberately bring you down.

That means that throwing around casual insults around at your significant other is a big no-no in a relationship. This is especially true for using words that are body-shaming. In this case, the boyfriend makes fun of his girlfriend when she wears a bikini by referring to her as a tied ham.
This guy is a real jerk. Sometimes, the body-shaming knows no limits and many times, boyfriends have crazy expectations that are completely out of touch with reality, especially when it comes to their girlfriends.
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But body-shaming a pregnant woman who used to weigh less pre-pregnancy? That is just shameful. This boyfriend is a complete jerk, not just for breaking up with the woman carrying his child, but for breaking up with the woman carrying his child because she's gained a few pounds.
She's pregnant, you idiot!
What did you expect? We'd say that this is probably fortunate for the woman in question, but now she has to deal with being pregnant without the child's father being around. That said, perhaps it's better that the child never knows such a father anyway.
We're talking about this guy who wants his girlfriend to wait to have children, but doesn't want her to take birth control because it might supposedly turn out harmful for her. First, this guy is an idiot: Two, this guy is a controlling jerk who wants to tell this woman what to do with her body, while expecting the impossible that she not get pregnant. Although women often have really high standards when it comes to dating, there are still a few rules that every woman should follow.
For example, never date a man who constantly lies to you. Never date a man who cheats on you more than once. Also, never date a man who is a drug dealer. Life isn't like Breaking Bad: