Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland (2 of 6): England (5 of 12) Henrie the Second
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Raphael Holinshed - was an English chronicler, whose work, commonly known as Holinshed's Chronicles, was one of the major sources used by William Shakespeare for a number of his plays. The Age of Elizabeth Letters to Several Persons of Honour. King James VI and I. Private Letters of Edward Gibbon Complete. Henry IV, Part 2. Six Centuries of English Poetry: Works of Raphael Holinshed.
Chronicles 1 of 6: The Historie of England 2 of 8.
Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland (2 of 6): England (05 of 12)
Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland 2 of 6: England 6 of 12 Richard the First. England 3 of 12 Henrie I. England 5 of 12 Henrie the Second. England 2 of 12 William Rufus. How to write a great review. The review must be at least 50 characters long. The title should be at least 4 characters long. Your display name should be at least 2 characters long. At Kobo, we try to ensure that published reviews do not contain rude or profane language, spoilers, or any of our reviewer's personal information.
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