William James - Radicalement empiriste (Les Grands Auteurs) (French Edition)
Microgenesis of mystical awareness David T. Sublexical phonological processing and paraphasia: Recent topics in the neurolinguistics of production in aphasia Hugh W. The scope of relevance of process thought John B. The microgenesis of antisociality: A process-relational perspective Mark Germine Chapter 7. Moral values in focus: Neuropsychology of creativity Nikolay N. Process unveiled in the laboratory Gudmund Smith Chapter On microgenesis and psychoanalysis Michael Trupp Chapter Self-organizing ontogenesis on the phyletic frame Don M. Searching for New Contrasts.
Since humility is—more than ever—urgently needed in scholarship, we have chosen to qualify our conceptual adventure as a search for new contrasts, thus invoking an essential Whiteheadian concept. As the reader will have already understood, contrast does not mean here contention, or strife, or even comparison between fields that are essentially foreign to each other; it means emphasizing the complementariness of differences and the promotion of synergies.
Reconnecting Science and Metaphysics: Riffert and John B.
Enquêter sur nos attachements. Comment hériter de William James ?
Psychotherapy Psychotherapy in Process, John B. Roy The Universality of Impermanence, C. Subjectivity, Process, and Rationality more. Grouped into four sections Process and Universals, Nature and Subjectivity, Ethics and Civilization, Psychology and Phenomenology the fifteen papers collected in this book cover a range of topics which is as wide and as intertwined as Wiehl's own expertise: Table of contents 0.
Introduction, Michel Weber Chromatiques 0. Ontology and Methodology I. Nikos Psarros Marburg , The ontology of natural things and artifacts I. Dyad and Triad I. Claremont , On Prehension I. Bracken Xavier , Creativity versus Rationality? Philosophical Psychology and Psychosomatics II.

Affect and Ethics III. The Roar of Awakening.
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To do so, it chooses to explore afresh a cross-elucidatory path that was born with the field of history of religion and Religionwissenschaft: In order to generate meaningful contrasts between these different systems of thought, all the papers address the following core issues. On the one hand, how does the given system understand the interaction of individuality, society, and nature or cosmos?
On the other hand, what is the paradigm of all mal-adjustment or pathology and what is its typical tuning-in or curative pattern? What are furthermore the ins and outs of the diagnostic and therapeutic assessments involved? Wherever possible, some meta theoretical and clinical issues are addressed from the vantage point of selected material from abnormal psychology or psychiatry. The View from the East 1.
The Paradoxes of Radical Asceticism: Jainism as a Therapeutic Paradigm, Jeffery D. Can Indian spiritual practices be used in psychotherapy? Jung and Hisamatsu Re-envisioning Religiosity: Reconstructing the Meaning of Being Human: Vedanta, Process and Psychotherapy, Joseph Grange On Zen Buddhism, Clive Sherlock ". Rescher on Process Metaphysics more. Of course it is not an easy book: The goal of the present volume is to systematically unfold the vices and virtues of Process Metaphysics, and thereby to specify the contemporary state of affairs in process thought.
To do so, the editor has gathered one focused contribution per chapter, each paper addressing specifically and explicitly its assigned chapter and seeking to promote a dialogue with Rescher. This volume bears witness to that fact. Its essays not only engage Rescher's wrestling with Alfred North Whitehead and process metaphysics in helpful ways but also make distinctive and instructive contributions of their own.
This book advances the development of an important and lively philosophical tradition. All its main traits — starting with the Method of Extensive Abstraction — are here questioned anew. Whitehead , Muslim Theology , and Muslim philosophy and thought. Lectures de Religion in the Making more. Lectures de Religion in the Making. Xavier University God in the Making: An Appeal to Sanity Michel Weber et al. Bradford Certainty and Conviction Jason W. Whitehead , and Thematic Apperception Test. Whitehead , and Ecological Civilization.
Etudes critiques — Critical Studies David T. Comptes rendus — Critical Reviews Ronny Desmet: Thinking with Stengers and Whitehead Romain Mollard: John Dewey, Une foi commune Bogdan Rusu: A Guide for the Perplexed Bruce G. Michel Weber et Ronny Desmet sous la direction de. La proposition de Gabriel Tarde Leyde E. Etudes critiques — Critical Studies Nathaniel F. Barrett, The Perspectivity of Feeling: Lango, Basic Societies and Physical Purposes.
Reconsidering the Unabomber Robert J.
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Eastman, Researching with Whitehead: Whitehead after Whitehead I. Whitehead et Merleau-Ponty II. Lacoste Lareymondie, Une philosophie pour la physique quantique IV. Xavier Verley, Ernst Mach. Un physicien philosophe II. Henning, Is There an Ethics of Creativity?
Comptes rendus — Critical Reviews Anderson Weekes: Comptes rendus — Critical Reviews Alix Parmentier: European Studies in Process Thought, Vol. In Memoriam Dorothy Emmet more. Preface Board of Advisors I. International Perspectives on Pragmatism more. Old Recipe for a New America? Krystyna Wilkoszewska's "Community and Art" ". Philippe Devaux, La Cosmologie de Whitehead more. Philippe Devaux, La Cosmologie de Whitehead. Whitehead , and John Cobb Jr.
Includes introduction in Haitian Creole and English: First, we have to make clear that, in First, we have to make clear that, in the current political context, degrowth is nothing less than a complete heresy. Meadows and Whitehead are precious to specify its weak and strong concepts. On the one hand, degrowth is shown to be inevitable on a finite planet; on the other, technoscience lured by capitalism is necessarily alienating, as it prevents individuation, solidarity, and culture.
Second, two forgotten political exemplifications are helpful to picture the practicalities: Third, the status of technoscience being, arguably, at the very core of the obvious vices and alleged virtues of the growth religion, a brief Huxleyan speculation on its axiological neutrality helps us to conclude.
Degrowth , and Sicco Mansholt. Five steps structure this paper: Dziadkowiec Editors , Advances in Process Thought: Process thought is arguably the direct heir of Alfred North Whitehead's — late work. His legacy has borne fruit mainly among US-American philosophers endowed with some theological propensity, and especially among Claremont His legacy has borne fruit mainly among US-American philosophers endowed with some theological propensity, and especially among Claremont based Methodist theologians. What could vindicate new research in the philosophical work of a XIXth century Victorian algebraist?
The Journal of Natural and Social Philosophy, vol. The paper questions the meaning and significance of Whitehead's The paper questions the meaning and significance of Whitehead's theory of symbolism from the perspective of i Whitehead's philosophical development, of ii the argument provided in Symbolism, Its Meaning and Effect , and of iii the history of ideas. The argument follows the general structure of the Symbolism lectures: Our discussion departs from Whitehead's in this third part, that introduces a humanistic standpoint through five conceptual knots: Toland , Pantheism a.
In conclusion, Whitehead's underground inclination for modernity is underlined. Whitehead Michel Weber Although the concept of creation per se belongs to the religious sphere of revelation and faith, it has received a specific treatment within the Whitehead Michel Weber Although the concept of creation per se belongs to the religious sphere of revelation and faith, it has received a specific treatment within the philosophical project, which has factually if not necessarily acted as an interface.
The purpose of this paper is to sketch the radical ontological renewal of this question that has been attempted by the late Alfred North Whitehead — To explore a synergy of sorts between Whitehead and Marx is very tempting in the context of the current global systemic crisis. It seems more to the point here to speak of the need for an organopolitics. Le pragmatisme rompt ce geste: Boire ou conduire, il faut choisir! Empirisme et pragmatisme , Paris, Presses universitaires de France. Fechner James, b, p. Cela ne prend que deux pages! Je reviendrai sur ce point en conclusion.
Park et de William Isaac Thomas. Le point est important: Pragmatisme et sciences sociales: Doing survey on our attachments. How to inherit from William James? Plan In search of William James?