
The Journey

However with talks about to start, Paisley has his wedding anniversary that he is determined to attend at home, and McGuinness decides he must accompany his enemy to prevent him from being persuaded to abandon this chance for peace. With the Prime Minister and his MI-5 staff nervously watching from secret cameras, the two foes undertake a journey together in which they bridge the seemingly unbridgeable and change the course of history. Written by Kenneth Chisholm kchishol rogers. Greetings again from the darkness.

Only the rarest of fiction can match the depth and intensity of historically crucial watershed moments.

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A list of such moments would certainly include the St. Andrews Agreement that ended 40 years of violent civil war between the Unionist and Republican factions of Northern Ireland.

The Journey-Book

Director Nick Hamm and writer Colin Bateman team up to bring us a speculative dramatization of the conversation that 'might' have led to the treaty. These two extremists have been at war for most of their lives, yet had never met until circumstances brought them together for negotiations. One's take on the film will likely be determined by the level of need for historical accuracy and any personal connection to long-lasting war in Northern Ireland. Either of these traits will likely have you scoffing at the backseat verbal sparring and the plot contrivances that allow the two mortal enemies to slowly break down the ideological barriers.

On the other hand, it can be viewed as a mis-matched buddy movie featuring a game of witty one-upmanship with political and historical relevance.

The Journey ( film) - Wikipedia

Either way, the dueling actors are a pleasure to watch. Spall surely has the more theatrical role, and he revels in the buttoned-up judgmental nature of Paisley — a man loyal enough to be attending his 50th wedding anniversary party, and sufficiently devoted to his beliefs that his last visit to a movie theatre was in as he led the protests against The Exorcist.

Meaney plays McGuinness as both determined to find common ground and worn down by the years of fighting and lack of progress. Toby Stephens plays Prime Minister Tony Blair, while Freddie Highmore is the young driver charged with surreptitiously igniting conversation between the two rivals.

He is fed instructions through his ear-piece by an MI5 director played by John Hurt, in one of his final film appearances. Unfortunately, this bit of "narration" came across as condescending to this viewer who surely could have done without such elementary guidance. Still, the sight of Mr.

Hurt on film is always welcome. The infusion of humor is nearly non-stop. There's a comical exchange about Samuel L. Paisley then states that his own "bark" is worse than his "bite", which indicates to McGuinness that while Paisley may not be apologetic, he is at least conciliatory. The van drives off with both men inside.

The Journey review – Paisley and McGuinness travel far in odd-couple bromance

As the van gets nearer to the airport the driver realises they need fuel. They pull over at a service station but the driver's credit card no longer works since it was bent during the changing of the tire. The driver asks McGuinness and Paisley if they have a credit card, but they do not, Paisley stating that charging interest is usury and is apparently against the Bible. At an impasse and needing to hurry, Paisley enters the service station and uses his fame and his public speaking voice to convince the clerk to try the driver's card again.

This time the card works. McGuinness and Paisley then walk back to the van, where McGuinness notices a hidden pistol in the driver's belt and confronts him. The driver then admits that he is with MI5 and that he was in touch with them the whole time - but that their agenda is peaceful and directed at getting the two to talk. McGuinness tries to tell Paisley this, but Paisley has collapsed inside the van with angina. McGuinness helps Paisley to retrieve his medication and settles him down. Reflecting upon the stained glass windows he saw in the church, Paisley then orders the van off the road and exits, speaking to McGuinness alone.

He then speaks about how he saw himself as being a potential martyr for his cause but here he was at age 81 having suffered no violence upon himself at all. McGuinness encourages this line of thought, and tells him that if peace should come, Paisley's people will hate Paisley, and McGuinness' people would hate McGuinness, and that would be a courageous act. The van enters a secure part of the airport and stops in a hangar with a private jet and a heavily armed security detail. Paisley then asks for time alone with McGuinness, so the driver leaves.


Paisley then issues an ultimatum to McGuinness: McGuinness refuses, saying that he plays "the long game" and that any apology he might offer Paisley privately would go against everything he stands for, thus he apologises for nothing. At this, Paisley smiles and praises McGuinness for being a real politician and never apologising. Paisley then says that he despises everything that McGuinness has done, and McGuinness says that he despises everything Paisley stands for. But the two shake hands as friends, and the peace process is sealed.

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