
The Indian Periodical Press and the Production of Nationalist Rhetoric

Her second monograph Domestic Occupations: Her current research project considers how a feminist rhetorical analytic can shape and redirect memory studies. Jessica Enoch will give the keynote speech Gendered Barriers: He graduated from Department of Rhetoric at Copenhagen University on a thesis on political television debates.

The Indian Periodical Press and the Production of Nationalist Rhetoric - S. Kamra - Google Книги

He did a PhD. For several years he served as chief editor of the journal. Kjeldsen is also committed to sharing the insights of rhetoric with the general public and make this knowledge applicable for people outside academia. For two decades he has given rhetoric and speechwriting courses to school teachers, top CEOs, public officials, government ministries, media companies, and political parties.

With colleagues from the US and Denmark, Kjeldsen is also working on a book on speechwriting.

Victorian Studies

She is the author of Networking Arguments: Blake Scott Pittsburgh She has published articles and chapters on a wide range of topics related to rhetoric, feminism, composition, transnational rhetorical study, and globalization. Her main research interests are narrative and persuasive strategies in the media, and literary journalism.

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His main research interests are new rhetoric, cultural literacy, educational theory and arts-based research. Weiser is a Burkean theorist, who studies the dynamic between identification and division as these pertain to civic life. She has earned a variety of awards and acknowledgements for her work and is currently serving as national treasurer of the Kenneth Burke Society.

Her current teaching includes courses in professional writing, rhetorical theory, stylistics and linguistics. He has done research on political argumentation and debate, the history of rhetoric, rhetorical citizenship, credibility, journalism, literary studies, aesthetics, linguistics and writing pedagogy. Han initiated the Academic Writing Center af the University of Copenhagen, has been a Visiting Professor at Indiana University, Bloomington, and is author, editor, co-author or co-editor of c.

He is frequently used as a commentator on rhetoric and political debate in the media.

He has chaired or served on various committees under the Ministry of Education and the Minsistry of Culture. Terrorism, Insurgency and Indian-English Literature, Autobiography of an Archive. India and the British Empire.

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Western Literature in China and the Translation of a Nation. How to write a great review.

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