Swallowed In The Sea
Preview — Swallowed in the Sea by K. Swallowed in the Sea by K. Long ago, Romance was ruled by rakes. The time of the ton came to an end and rakes gave way to new, more modern heroes. What if there were still some rakes left in the world? Sterling believes there are still some rakes out there and their time has come.
The r Long ago, Romance was ruled by rakes. The rakes have returned.

Gideon Drake is not a rake. Rami Ali is a rake. His story is very different. Kindle Edition , pages. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Swallowed in the Sea , please sign up. Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Oct 19, Carolyn Elias rated it it was amazing.
A story to catch your heart Gideon is a special journalist, one who risks his life to go wherever strife is raging. His body bears the story of his journey but he is charming, fearless, and gentle, hiding the huge hole in his heart. His latest search is for the Israeli Butcher who deals in arms worldwide. Rami is all confidence and sensuality, he is a rake, he is the Israeli Butcher. What he is not is an Israeli nor a butcher. Rami and Gideon meet at an auction which Rami has arranged to showca A story to catch your heart Rami and Gideon meet at an auction which Rami has arranged to showcase and auction weapons which he has created.
Thus the story begins of two men who will be forced to decide which life will be sacrificed. Another great story by K.
Swallowed In The Sea
Sterling gives great depth to the MCs who occupy her stories. The stories are hot, sexy and more than that, she brings her characters to life. May 12, Maria R. This writer is so gifted. Her characters are so unique in circumstances yet relatable. Who would think of the Israeli Butcher and a journalist, set on a luxury yacht? There is a always love and romance and hot times in each K Sterling romance and this was no different. I'm trying to find how to gain access to Sterling Street so I can catch a bit of her inspiration.
May 28, Grizzo rated it it was amazing.
Coldplay:Swallowed In The Sea Lyrics | LyricWiki | FANDOM powered by Wikia
Just in love I cannot even tell you how much this made my heart hurt and flourish at the same time. Gideon is that man you want in your life! Regardless of his trials and tribulations he strived! You will be better for it! Ms Sterlings last two boys ok while still great wee so rushed.
This book took the time to develop the love and relationship! Oct 19, Tammy rated it it was amazing. Loved the story of Gideon and Rami. The story had a nice pace, to keep ones interest till the end.
The two could heat up the pages, to almost starting a forest fire. Characters were likable and had great chemistry between them. Jun 09, Flora K rated it it was amazing. This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers.
To view it, click here. So indeed, a "hopeful" song, yet particularly sad since it's not quite in a state of resolve. Oh well, let's hope the guy gets the girl after all. No Replies Log in to reply. General Comment I love this song. That lyric reminded me of that saying. He's saying that she belongs with him, not swallowed in the sea of other fish people.
Maybe they broke up and got back together again. General Comment This song immediately stood out in my mind as a way to express the hardships of all those affected by the tsunami. The lyrics do sound personal, between one person and another of a close relationship, but several lines reflect events from the natural disaster in january. In the third stanza, chris uses the words "shook" as an earthquake, "lost and found" and of course the title "swallowed in the sea". I'd like to think that this song is a bit of a pray for those that were swallowed by the sea that day.
General Comment This is the most beautiful song off the new album, so amazing. I was looking at the official Coldplay site and somewhere on it there is mention to the new album and the song Swallowed In The Sea. The song is actually about the death of a loved one.
General Comment Hence the swallowed in the sea lines and "you belong with me". He misses the person he has lost and wishes they were back with him. General Comment "you belong with me Not swallowed in the sea" Maybe this part is talking about a guy saying to a girl that she belongs with him not by someone else LIke "there are plenty of fish in the sea" My Interpretation This song means a lot to different people. But to me, it's about two people with a tricky relationship. It could be girl singing to guy, but since I'm a girl I picture it coming from a guy.
Instead he just writes because that's all he knows to do. She lashes out and that's when it hits him that she needs help. He goes on to say that she doesn't deserve to be "swallowed in the sea" of sadness, she belongs with them.
Swallowed in the Sea
And they deserve to be happy together. He says this over and over again. One thing with depression is counselors sometimes make their patients repeat things over and over like "I am loved" or "I deserve happiness" He's trying desperately to convince her of this. It's an extremely long road; "A thousand houses long. But that's probably just me who thinks that. Even if it's a thousand miles long" "Oh what good is it to live With nothing left to give Forget but not forgive Not loving all you see" Reminding her how beautiful life can be.
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Why would you want to live if you can't love? Im sure she knows she's loved.
Testo swallowed in the sea – Coldplay
Flag HummingbirdHeartbeat on January 05, The first time I heard it I bawled like a baby, and it still makes me cry every single time I hear it. My husband has been with me for 11 years, and I've had chronic depression for 12 years. I feel like "swallowed in the sea" is such a perfect metaphor for depression.
I know that he wants me to be with him, and even more for me to find my way and find my way back to that person I use to be before the illness sucked me down and sucked the life out of me.. I cry becuase I'm not sure that will ever happen. Chances are I will have this mental illness the rest of my life, and it's very resistant to treatment. The last verse is especially tear jerking becuase of how often I am suicidal and just want to give up. I don't want to be swallowed in the sea, and neither does he..
Flag raiinymood on December 24, Log in now to add this track to your mixtape! We do not have any tags for Swallowed in the Sea lyrics.