Sophie de Hanovre (Divers Histoire) (French Edition)
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Élisabeth de Grèce
The Small Arms Survey has produces annual volumes on issues of small arms proliferation, stockpiles, transfers, misuse and effects, as well as numerous field-based and issue-based studies. It serves as the main source of information and analysis for international public policy on small arms issues.
Professor Krause's research interests also include concepts of security, the changing character of contemporary armed violence, and multilateral security cooperation. He has published Arms and the State Cambridge and edited or co-edited Critical Security Studies Minnesota , and Culture and Securit y, and authored many journal articles and book chapters. He has been a consultant for various international agencies and governments, comments frequently on international issues for the local and international media, and speaks regularly at scholarly and policy meetings and conferences.
His research and publications focus on the economics of humanitarian crises and responses, the energy-development nexus and the governance of extractive resources, as well as international development cooperation. Gilles Carbonnier has over 20 years of professional experience in international trade, development cooperation and humanitarian action. Between and , he was in charge of international development cooperation programmes and multilateral trade negotiations with the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO , and advised Vietnam on its accession to the WTO between and He sits in the Federal Commission for International Development Cooperation and advises investment funds over sustainability and human rights issues.
Aid, Emerging Economies and Global Policies. He works on international political economy issues notably on world cities ; on international relations theory particularly on the rules of the Westphalian system ; on foreign policy analysis writings on the continuity of US policy toward client states and enemies ; and on methodology qualitative methods; computational models. He was elected Finland Distinguished Professor in His main research interests include American foreign policy, transatlantic relations, and the international history of the Cold War. He has held research appointments at St.
His interests lie in Central and East European history and politics, modern political thought and ideologies, and international history and theory. His current research deals with nationhood and statehood, and minority and diaspora politics. His published works include From the Other Shore: He has done work on problems of international conflict and cooperation and international environmental problems using formal models and game theory.
The International Politics of Climate Change. Co-authored with Detlef Sprinz. His publications address topics that range from international human rights, international economic law, the law of jurisdiction and jurisdictional immunities to international environmental law, state responsibility and the law of treaties.
Recently he has published works on international law and terrorism and on non-state actors. He is currently focusing on international law theory, with a special interest on normativity and law making processes. He teaches international human rights law and public international law. His principal area of research is international law, its foundations and its history. His publications address Grotius and the doctrine of just war. He regularly gives seminars in various french universities and undertakes expert missions for the United Nations Commission for Commercial Law.
International private law and international commercial law, in particular international contracts and international regulation. He has worked as legal counsel and advocate for a number of states before the International Court of Justice, the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea and other tribunals. He also acts as an arbitrator. He is the author of many publications in the field of International Law, in English, French and Spanish.
He is generally interested in research related to international law theory, territorial, maritime and border disputes as well as international dispute settlement. Joost is the author of one of the leading case books on International Trade Law Aspen, , 3nd ed. In , he received the Francis Deak prize, awarded to a younger author for meritorious scholarship published in The American Journal of International Law for his article on non-discrimination. He was also Head of the Master in International Affairs from to He regularly serves as a consultant to governments, NGOs and international organizations.
His areas of research relate to refugee and migrant law, humanitarian law and human rights, international criminal law, UN law, collective security and peace-keeping. His current research is mainly in the field of international migration, although his earlier publications cover a broad range of topics including exchange rate and current account analysis, trade in exhaustible resources, macroeconomic implications of commercial policies, and the effects of transfers and foreign aid.
His main research areas are competition economics and international economic integration. He has recently been focusing on the latter with a special interest for the law and economics of enforcement and international coordination. He has acted as Chief Competition economist at the directorate general for competition of the EU commission in Brussels from September until May His main research areas include European monetary integration, monetary policy, fiscal policy discipline and regional integration in various parts of the world.
He is the co-author, jointly with Michael Burda, of a popular textbook on Macroeconomics and, jointly with Richard Baldwin, of the leading textbook on European economic integration. He was a founding Managing Editor of the review Economic Policy. He serves on several boards of professional reviews and European research centres.
He has also advised the President of France and the governments of Cyprus and of the Russian Federation. He also consults with private financial institutions and is regularly invited to give lectures to public and private conferences. His more recent books include: Cold War and Deadly Fevers: Malaria Eradication in Mexico, Presently, he is polishing the manuscript of a book on the history of the World Health Organization in the context of the Cold-War and post-Cold War periods with Theodore Brown and Elizabeth Fee and beginning a new research project on Global Health and Latin America during the turn of the 21st century.
Her current research focuses on institutional change and public-private partnerships, European integration, transnational governance, and climate cooperation. She is a micro development economist who is focused on empirics and tests economic theory through fieldwork.
Her work on women's self-help groups in India has brought a new angle to the study of microfinance issues. Her arrival strengthens the Institute's expertise in applied micro-development. It also provides additional expertise on India. Nicole Bourbonnais is an Assistant Professor of International History with a focus on global population politics, reproductive rights, and transnational activism in the twentieth century.
Her first book, Birth Control in the Decolonizing Caribbean: Her next major project, The Gospel of Birth Control: Prophets, Patients, and the Transnational Family Planning Movement , will expand outward from the Caribbean to explore the transnational networks that linked together birth control campaigns, family planning activists, and reproductive rights movements across the globe from the s onwards. She teaches courses and supervises theses on the subjects of population and reproduction, social history, gender history, Latin American and Caribbean history, and the history of public health and medicine.
His main research interests concern the legal structure of international organizations and global governance, the politics of international law, and the postnational legal order emerging at the intersection of domestic, transnational and international law. His book, Beyond Constitutionalism: Professor Loutan specializes in internal medicine, tropical medicine and migrant health. His initial clinical practice as an MD and in coordinating community-based projects were carried out in Geneva, Nepal, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and - for five years in nomadic communities - in Niger. From until he was Director of the Centre for Finance and Development and from to he was chair of Development Studies.
His research focuses on the microeconomics of development, with a current focus on impact evaluation of social programme in West Africa and the Maghreb. Development economics, impact analysis, applied microeconometrics, empirics of civil war, applied contract theory, nutrition and health, empirical analysis of economic growth, applications of non-expected-utility models of decisionmaking under uncertainty. He wrote his PhD at MIT under the guidance of Paul Krugman, with whom he has co-author a half dozen articles the most recent of which was published in Policy essays published in un-refereed series Occasional Papers, etc.
He has successively worked on issues of development policies and State-building; on humanitarian aid and refugees; and monitoring the impact of international aid on civilian populations. In addition to his PhD at SciencesPo, Paris, he has degrees in cultural anthropology, development studies and Arabic language. Based on fieldwork in the mining region of Lunda, his dissertation examined the underlying cultural manifestations of Angola's diamond economy to detail how labor, commoditization, and sociality challenge or reinforce corporate governance, state sovereignty and security, as well as the political economy and ecology of mineral extraction.
Most recently, he has published on corporate mining and the semiotic qualities of diamond trading in Angola, with previous work on medieval history, modern European colonialism and late imperialism in Africa, based on archival and ethnographic research in Portugal, Mozambique, and Angola.
He has taught on resource extraction in the global economy, the anthropology of corporations, and social theory, and is currently preparing a book-length manuscript on diamond mining in Angola and a series of articles on diamond diggers and kimberlite mining, divination and corporate secrecy.
His recent research and publications focus on nuclear treaties and governance in Europe and the Middle East as well as postwar financial negotiations. Funded research projects he has currently underway examine nuclear security and governance in the Middle East as well as an examination of sovereign debt management in the interwar and contemporary periods. He is the author of "Fallout: Studies in Historical Sociology of Science" Routledge His courses have focused on the sociology of law, globalisation, culture, and political sociology. His papers and his dissertation have won numerous awards and distinctions.
Her PhD on this subject received two prizes from the University of Paris. Her teaching in Geneva, India and Latin America and her research assignments focus on governance, urban management, Indian policies and on the strategies of international cooperation agencies. In addition, he has worked as a consultant for several international and nongovernmental organisations such as UNHCR. Alessandro Monsutti has conducted multi-sited research since the mids in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iran to study the modes of solidarity and cooperation mobilised in a situation of conflict and forced migration.
He has subsequently broadened the geographical scope of his research to include members of the Afghan diaspora living in Western countries. This led him to analyse war and post-conflict reconstruction in the light of the social networks and economic strategies developed by refugees and migrants, and — more generally — to address theoretical and methodological issues related to globalisation. Among his current research interests: She has published widely on the anthropology of globalisation, law, the state and social movements.
Her empirical research on India also addresses issues of post-coloniality and multiple modernities. Some of her recent publications include the edited volumes Border Crossings: Previously he was John F. He is the author of the books The Promise of Salvation: Fundamentalismus und der 'Kampf der Kulturen' C. Beck , and Pious Passion: His research focuses upon areas at the intersection of public and private international law such as investment arbitration, international law in domestic courts and financial crime.
He has also published more widely on topics of general international law. Prior to moving into academia, she has been working more than 10 years with the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement at local, regional and international level in all continents, most recently heading the Principles and Values Department of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, Geneva.
She then was also involved in negotiations and policy-making within the statutory bodies of the RCRC Movement. In her current position as Executive Director of the Global Health Centre at the Graduate Institute she is responsible for the successful implementation of all activities of the Global Health Centre. In her research and teaching she focuses on Global Health Diplomacy, among others she directs the online courses in global health diplomacy.
Sumon is a third year doctoral candidate of the international law unit at the Graduate Institute. Her thesis examines methods of treaty interpretation and emerging jurisprudence on substantive equality in international law. She holds a B. His research interests lie in Political Economy and Social Theory, with his current research focusing on the theorization of the dynamics and trajectory of contemporary capitalism.
Since , Robert Weibel has designed and led intensive training seminars on international multilateral and bilateral negotiations, including conflict resolution, mediation and chairmanship. His portfolio of programmes and seminars has been conducted for EU member States, the European Commission, Parliament and Council Secretariat as well as accession countries. His activities have led him to be posted in various cities including Kabul, Cairo and Jakarta.
A member of the French Society for International Law, the Swiss Association of the Philosophy of Law and the Swiss Society of International Law, his fields of interest include State responsibility, the relationship between public international law and private international law, philosophy and international law, the procedures before the International Court of Justice, and diplomatic law. Zanchetta was a researcher at the Finnish Institute of International Affairs in Helsinki and, previously, a post-doctoral researcher at the University of Tampere.
American foreign policy, radical Islam and the end of the Cold War, Wolfgang's research focuses on the computational analysis of international economic law. Investment Law Within International Law: He received his Ph. His research interests include open economy macroeconomics, international finance, financial crises, and monetary economics. He is currently enrolled as an exchange student at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies. He completed doctoral research at the University of Bristol and post-doctoral fellowship at Cardiff University before joining University of Edinburgh where he taught and researched for over seven years.
His research uncovers the local and global dimensions underscoring the production, utilisation and circulation of biomedicine and biotechnologies. In particular his research examines: In particular his academic and research interests are focused on the burgeoning rise of bioscience and biotechnologies in India. His current research covers two major contemporary developments in the domain of bioscience in India, namely: The project is explaining the agential and structural processes authoring unprecedented new developments in stem cell research and therapeutics in India.
The research seeks to understand how stem cell biotechnologies straddle multiple interlaced domains ranging from public health, governance, ethics, markets to therapeutic application. Local Cells, Global Science: Family, Kinship and the New Genetics. Ethic of Consensibility, Subaltern Ethicality: Anthropology, Substance, and Science of Stem Cells.
Annual Review of Anthropology , , Vol. Culture Medicine and Psychiatry special issue Sacred Conceptions: Why Adoption is not an Option in India: Conceiving Life and Death: In Das, Veena and Han, Clara eds. University of California Press Berkeley. Forthcoming lead author with Marcia Inhorn. Reproductive Technologies as Global Form: Ethnographies of Knowledge, Practice, and Transnational Encounters. Chicago University Press, Reproductive Viability and the State: Embryonic Stem Cells in India. In Browner, C and Sargent, C ed.
Reproduction, Globalisation and the State. Assisting Reproduction, Testing Genes: Global Encounters with New Biotechnologies. In Gibbon, S and Novas, C ed. Genetics, Biosociality and the Social Sciences: Making Biologies and Identities. Classification and the Experience of Genetic Haemochromatosis. In Atkinson, P and Glasner, P. New Genetics, New Identities. Routledge, lead author with Atkinson, P and Clarke, A. Risk and Uncertainty in Cancer Genetics and Haemochromatosis. Meanings, Context and Change. Infertility, Stigma and Suffering in Egypt and India. Disability in Local and Global Worlds.
University of California Press, In Inhorn, M and Vanbalen, F. Infertility Around the Globe. Encyclopedia of the Human Genome, London: Nature Publishing Group, Public Perceptions of Gamete Donation: Public Understanding of Science, , Vol. Culture, Infertility and Gender: S , Economic and Political Weekly , , February , pp. His clientele covers a wide range of international institutions such as the World Bank Group, United Nations Organizations and the OECD as well as national, sub-national and municipal governments worldwide. Blindenbacher developed a new interdisciplinary theory of governmental learning, which he published for the first time in The Black Box of Governmental Learning.
The theory sets the intellectual groundwork for the Governmental Learning Spiral - a practical concept to enhance sustainable capacity building in whole-of-government and whole-of-society settings. He has spent the last decade teaching the concept in numerous international conferences, trainings, and e-learning events with high level participants representing all societal spheres from developed and developing countries. Participants dealt with a broad range of topics including public sector reform, multilevel governance and decentralization, accountability and poverty reduction, and most recently, issues in health governance and health diplomacy.
Blindenbacher earned a doctorate in education, organizational sociology, and political science from the University of Zurich and holds a master degree from St. He also completed postgraduate fellowships and executive education programs at the Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan, and the John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University. He also holds a Visiting Professorship at St. Blindenbacher is the author and editor of numerous publications in the field and he lectures at various universities in Europe and the United States. Thesis Title Housing in India: A resource centred agent investigation into housing provision networks in urban Gujarat.
Freshwater and International Economic Law, with E. Brown Weiss and N. Thesis Title Public health, food systems and sustainable agriculture: Thesis Title Microfinance and alternative models of social protection: Claire is also active in promoting women leaders in global health. Claire conducted her PhD research in the late s on a pilot programme to prevent type-two diabetes among high-risk groups- by virtue of family history - back when diabetes was known primarily as a chronic disease of the developed world.
Returning to this early research with a gender stance, Claire is now co-investigator on a large Swiss funded six-year study addressing the double burden of disease in Mozambique, Peru and Nepal www. The multi-method study is developing simple system level innovations to meet the challenges of the epidemiological transition with the onset of non-communicable diseases NCDs in contexts also burdened with neglected tropical diseases NPT.
In this role she led a multidisciplinary team to ideate, develop and prototype communication technologies to offset the detrimental consequences of social isolation in ageing populations. High impact publications in include results from research on the fiscal determinants of health with colleagues from University of Cambridge and book chapters on digital aging with global colleagues from academic and private sector. His primary area of interest is transnational business law. This includes issues in international law mostly private international law, but also public international law to a certain extent , commercial law, and legal philosophy.
His four books deal with questions regarding the concept of transnational stateless law, international arbitration, the rule of law, and e-commerce and Internet law. Other publications span investment arbitration, the history and general theory of private international law, consumer protection, and a few other subjects.
Chargés d'enseignement et de recherche
His current focus, and his main project at the Graduate Institute, is on the use, meaning, and potential of the principle of comity as a foundational cornerstone of private international law. Michael Schiltz is associate professor of financial history at the Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia of the University of Tokyo, a position he has held since His research and teaching concentrates on the economic mostly financial history of East-Asia, in particular the complicated role British and other exchange banks played in the latter.
His publications include The Money Doctors from Japan: Apart from writing history, he is also passionate about archival preservation, including often neglected non-Western materials. Yet other interests include: She is responsible for conducting research around governance challenges for health and global health diplomacy, as well as contributing to the authorship of policy briefs, annotated bibliographies, books, and other publications. At the programmatic level, Lyndsey supports the management and implementation of specific GHP projects and activities.
She also contributes to the organisation of events and coordination of executive courses in global health diplomacy. She has been responsible for different elements of the life cycle of projects in Haiti, Ethiopia, and Zambia. Her broader research interests focus on the role and influence of non-state actors in international policy processes, and migration policy. She also has professional experience developing and executing communication and advocacy strategies for government, non-governmental and private sector organisations, and continues to advise organisations on their advocacy, monitoring and evaluation projects.
Thesis Title La migration des Q'ero. Le dernier "ayllu" Inca face au changement climatique. As a sociologist, he is mainly working on educational transformations with a special focus on skills development, internationalisation of education, social inequalities, education employment relations, educational choices and dropouts in emerging countries such as Vietnam and Indonesia.
He is currently working on family role in educational and training choices in Southeast Asia and on dropouts school returnees. Since November Ms. Power and Development in Arab Monarchies. Stefan Germann, is the Director for Global Health Partnerships, Innovation and Accountability, Sustainable Health Global Program, for World Vision International and serves as well as the Executive Director of One Goal, a new Asian initiated multi stakeholder effort to mobilize major global sports associations in support of child health and nutrition.
He has over 15 years working experience in Africa, including managing a hospital in Zimbabwe and over 5 years experience in Asia. A Swiss National, he currently is living in Malaysia. His work focuses on tri-sector collaboration for child health and nutrition and the role of none state actors in global health and global health diplomacy in particular. The policy, partnership brokering, innovation and training activities of his work programme are designed to engage none traditional actors, such as major global sports associations, in the area of global health with an increasing focus on NCD prevention for children and adolescents.
Additionally, he is actively engaged in enhancing stakeholder accountability in women's and children's health and was instrumental in engaging with the Inter Parliamentary Union IPU to enhance the role of parliaments in domestic health accountability as part of community based social accountability feedback loops for Health and Community Systems Strengthening efforts.
As a former lecturer in African urbanization and its impact of child well being, at the Nelson Mandela Metro University, South Africa, he continues to have a keen interest in urban health issues. He has extensive experience in global health diplomacy, leading the World Vision International delegation to the World Health Assembly for several years, and in that capacity was intensely involved in negotiations as a none state actor in several resolutions.
Verlag Neue Zuercher Zeitung, Zuerich He started his career in international banking, later working as a translator and interpreter. More recently, he has worked as a research editor for Reuters in London, and as a web editor for the University of Nottingham and the National College for School Leadership. He currently works as an editorial consultant and is based in the UK. Ulysses Panisset, Md, with a Ph. At the WHO, he holds the post of Scientist.
He coordinated the organization of the Ministerial Summit on Health Research and is currently the coordinator of the evidence- informed decision making programme of RPC. Integrated into all levels of his research and policy analysis are his ten years of professional practice as a primary health care physician among impoverished communities in his native country Brazil.
Phil in Economics from the Tinbergen Institute in Amsterdam. Before joining the institute, she worked for seven years at the Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis CPB , the Dutch economic think-tank, conducting research at the crossroads of academics and policymaking. During his more than year career, Rolf has been part of the global management team at both leading agencies and Fortune 50 corporations. Prior to that, Rolf was vice-President of corporate marketing, communications and public affairs for Motorola.
Before joining Motorola, he spent 13 years at Digital Equipment Corporation.

His main research interests lie in the area of labour and education economics and applied econometrics and his studies have been published in scientific journals such as the Economic Journal, the American Economic Journal: He has also authored and contributed to numerous books, intended both for the academic and the wider public. Michele is a member of the editorial board of the Italian economic policy watchdog website lavoce. Achim Wennmann is an expert in economic perspectives on violent conflict, dispute resolution, and peacebuilding. He is currently working on statebuilding in hybrid political orders, negotiated exits from shadow economies, and conflict prevention in contexts of large scale business investments.
Achim has a broad research and advisory experience including intellectual mediation support, research coordination of major projects, and advisory roles for international organizations, government, business, and private foundations. He is also a member of the Editorial Board of Global Governance. Dr Caduff works on the anthropology of medicine, science, expertise, crisis, risk, security, and the state.
His research concerns include questions of global health and disease, knowledge and expertise, science and technology, ethics and morality, safety and security. He has published a number of articles on the democratization of expertise, the pharmaceuticalization of health and the securitization of science.
Currently, Dr Caduff is completing a book manuscript about pandemic influenza, which is based on fieldwork conducted in the United States and Europe. The book explores how pandemic influenza has been transformed into a prominent object of public concern, political debate and scientific interest.
The book highlights the power of influenza to cross boundaries and create public hysteria, while exploring how concerns over the threat of infectious disease have emerged at the center of a global order of post—Cold War terrors. He wrote his Ph. In his studies, Nicolas Cuche-Curti put the main emphasis on the macro fields of monetary economics, international economics, financial macroeconomics, and foreign policy.
Jean Gorz Swanson teaches quantitative methods and statistics within the inter-disciplinary programmes at the Graduate Institute. Her background is as a lecturer of statistics in inter- disciplinary settings, primarily in London, UK. Her research interests include the evaluation of the impact of programmes in developing countries, and assessment of international undertakings such as the Millennium Development Goals.
He is also contributor to the website www. Eisenberg holds an A. Her research focuses on international organizations in an historical perspective. For the past 15 years, Dr. Patz has written over 90 peer-reviewed scientific papers, a textbook addressing the health effects of global environmental change, and most recently, a co-edited five-volume Encyclopedia of Environmental Health From to , Dr. In addition to sharing the Nobel Peace Prize, Dr. Since he undertook historical-anthropological field-work in various parts of Cameroon and elsewhere in West Africa.
He published extensively on issues of citizenship, belonging and exclusion see, for instance, his book with University of Chicago Press, Perils of Belonging: Autochthony, Citizenship and Exclusion in Africa and Europe.
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Another central topic in his work is the relation between witchcraft and politics in Africa and elsewhere see his book The Modernity of Witchcraft with University of Virginia Press, and his book on Witchcraft, Intimacy and Trust — Africa in Comparison , with University of Chicago Press.
From till he was board member and later also chair of the award jury of the Prince Claus Fund on culture and development. Dirk van der Cruysse: Books, Biography, Blogs, Audiobooks, Kindle
In his early professional career his research focused on the history of British investments in Argentina in the twentieth century. Later on he worked on the business history of modern and contemporary Argentina. In he completed a book about the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund in Argentina until the early s. Currently he is working on a book on the role of international banks in the financing of economic stabilization and development policies in Argentina that will compare this case-study with the Mexican and Brazilian experiences during the Bretton Woods era.
Her time at the institute will focus on completing her first book manuscript, provisionally entitled Unpeaceful Coexistence: He obtained his Ph. He was a Ph. Since 1 October , Dr. His general research interest lies in legal argumentation in European 18th and 19th century diplomacy. Dan Rodgers, the Henry Charles Lea Professor of History, emeritus, is an historian of American ideas and culture who taught at Princeton from to He earned his Ph.
Keywords in American Politics , and Atlantic Crossings: His most recent book, Age of Fracture , a history of social ideas and arguments in America in the last quarter of the twentieth century, was a co-winner of the Bancroft Prize. He was chair of the History Department from to and organizer of its summer workshops for public and parochial school history teachers. He is the recipient of Princeton University's Behrman Award for distinguished achivement in the humanities and is a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. He received the President's Award for Distinguished Teaching in His general field of research and teaching interests concerns urban modernity, the colonial genealogies of modernity, and problems of postcolonial thought and politics.
He advises graduate students on modern South Asian history, colonialism and postcolonial theory, urban history, global history, and history of science. Until the dissolution of the Subaltern Studies in , he was a member of its editorial collective, actively involved in the publication and other intellectual activities of this group of scholars.
Under him, the Davis Center conducted a two-year program on "Cities: Historical Conditions of Possibility. He has contributed to develop the Advance Market Commitment for Vaccines pilot project on pneumococcal disease, successfully completed with the support of international donors and partners, such as GAVI and the World Bank.
His activities still include presentations at many conferences and workshops of international relevance, as well as teaching post-graduate courses. He has contributed several articles to academic journals and authored a book published by Oxford University Press. Gor Movsisyan is a doctoral student at the Graduate Institute since September Before starting his doctorate at the Graduate Institute he obtained his LL.
In course of his studies he has obtained an experience in legal practice and research both at the national and international levels with private, governmental, international and non-governmental institutions. Under different initiatives he currently cooperates with the secretariats of the two UNECE conventions: Her research focuses on state-owned enterprises in public and private international law. She has dual legal qualifications in common law and civil law, and has been admitted as a Lawyer in Australia Supreme Court of Western Australia and Supreme Court of the Australian Capital Territory, Mihaela has completed an LL.
M in International and European Law specialization: More recently, she has acted as a consultant for several private equity funds, and various mining and exploration companies doing business in Eastern Europe and Australia. In her thesis, Anna explores to what extent the World Trade Organization should play a more constructive role in governing energy in international trade.
Training in Law and Economics. Anna is fluent in English, Dutch, Czech and Russian. Leiden Boston - Mattia has a keen interest in international trade and investment law. In addition, He has solid knowledge of information technologies IT and computer sciences. He is active in rethinking how IT tools can enhance and reshape the legal profession.
In fact, TradeLab capitalizes on the full potential of ICT and the knowledge and the professionalism of trade and investment experts directly, with the ultimate goal of making trade and investment law work for everyone. Mattia obtained an M. He was awarded with four scholarships and he has two publications to his credit.
Khalid holds a PhD in political science. Reports and Policy analysis. In this capacity, she conducts and coordinates interdisciplinary research on the multilateral trading system and other international integration issues. Her recent work focuses on regional trade agreements and their relationship to the WTO. She is also the author of several chapters and the facilitator of several edited volumes on the multilateral trading system.
In previous work, she focused on trade and multinationals. Her prior experience includes a decade of work in management consultancy. Berman's research is in the areas of law and global governance. Before embarking on an academic career, Dr. She also holds a D. B magna cum laude from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. She is a member of the Israeli bar since Informal International Lawmaking Oxford: Oxford University Press, Case Studies editor with S. In this post Bob provides the Secretariat and Member Countries with analysis and information that promotes a deeper understanding of trade and trade policy's role in economic growth and development.
Bob previously taught international trade, applied international trade, advanced international trade, and trade and economic development in the Economics Department at Georgetown University, in Washington DC. Journal of Development Economics, March Volume 52, Issue 2, pp. Public Choice , With William Liefert and Edward Cook. Agriculture," Agribusiness Journal , vol. With James Gleckler and Luther Tweeten. Yin-Wong Cheung and Frank Westermann editors. The Chinese Economy and U. Wei-Chiao Huang and Huizhong Zhou, editors.
Dixon and Maureen T. Dixon and Dale Jorgenson, editors.
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